There's some interesting implications here, for this world, under the surface.
- Cultivation is fundamental to the human experience. A norseman (or norsewoman) literally
cannot usefully pursue self-improvement without orthstirr. If you have zero orthstirr, then any attempt to learn any skill is meaningless. It doesn't matter how long you train in a weapon. It will avail you not. You can exercise physically, and grow muscles, but without orthstirr to fill that Hugr, it will not actually make you stronger in any meaningful way.
- By extension, if your cultivation technique does not support something, then you cannot become capable at that thing. If your cultivation technique does not support the skill of deception (for example) then you
cannot get better at lying.
- By extension,
everyone cultivates. Now, the Norse take this to an extreme, as they have just about every male and some of the females going heavy into warrior cultivation, but cultivation in this world is both easy to do at a basic level and straight-up
mandatory if you want to ever be competent at anything. Jerasmus has a cultivation technique of some sort. How do we know? Because he's not
utterly inept at everything.
- This makes thralls weird, since I seem to recall that Thralls were unable to possess orthstirr... and yet having all of your thralls be functionally incompetent seems bad.
@Imperial Fister?
- Your cultivation technique
is your culture. It grows directly from your culture and beliefs, and it directly shapes your culture and beliefs. A knight cares about Sin because Sin is a Meaningful Thing for their cultivation technique... and it's a Meaningful Thing because part of exercising this cultivation technique is internalizing a worldview where Sin is significant and matters. Certainly it is possible to refine the technique a bit, but any significant adjustments are going to come with adjustments in culture as well. Further, when you get things like the Christians coming to convert you, they're looking to change the cultivation technique that you use as well as the manner of your worship. The two are inextricable intertwined.
- This is why you cannot practice two cultivation techniques at the same time. You'd have to fully buy into the cultural values of two different cultures, and they'd clash. At the same time... well, syncretism is a thing. I'm quite certain that it's a thing in this world as well, and one that probably has some
really interesting implications. Like, I'd bet that you
could adapt some fo the techniques of other cultures... if you could find a way to re-frame them so that it would make sense in your own context and fit neatly into your own worldview. They'd probably be altered in the process, but the results might well be useful.
In general, we've seen two different cultivation techniques at this point, and they seem to have some pretty significant parallels. Each has an idea of how one is supposed to behave and how one is supposed to live, and what it looks like when You're Doing It Right. Those things make you stronger. Each has a certain kind of faith, and when that faith is broken your cultivation collapses. Effectively, when you no longer hold the principles of your cultivation technique in your heart, it stops aiding you. Each has a sort of short-term violation (Sin vs Nid) that can damage your cultivation, and a means of repairing that violation. I don't know for sure, but it seems at least plausible that those kinds of ingredients are true for all forms of cultivation - just differing between cultures and cultivations what stands in for each thing.
Huh. If syncretism actually works as a useful way to adapt and improve cultivation techniques, then wizard-owl could wind up being super-useful over the (very) long run. Like, in order to improve what you've got, the first step is seeing what everyone else is doing, and if there's anything useful there for you to steal. Basically, if we want to keep Norway from converting to Christianity, the first step is going to be making sure that the Viking cultivation technique is better than what the Christians are peddling... or at least competitive. Otherwise, people will convert just for the upgrade.