All that investment and then get rid of a rising star? Honestly seems more like thanks to the raid, Danrothan gets to clear the old guard more so more radical heirarchies can be established.
Saiden Dathrohan is canonically pretty racist, he's one of the reasons the Crusade was so exclusionary. In this quest though for some reason Dathrohan doesn't seem to care as much about race. Weird that. It's it nice of
Balnazzar Dathrohan to do that?
Does the horde under Thrall have claims on the Eastern kingdoms?
Claims are very complicated. There's an argument to be made that they have no claims whatsoever, because they're mostly invading genociders. However, the Horde do have some claim to teh Forsaken and Troll claims. The Alliance would acknoledge that certain parts of EK are 'Amani lands' etc.
But the orcs, no, no way lol.
Of course, that's legally, there's something else to be said for reality
If Grok doesn't take the offer then @FractiousDay will Danrothan find someone else to be the hatchetman in Alterac? Someone less friendly to the horde?
Maybe, but Grok is convenient and effective. A human force wouldn't be as much. While it's inconvenient for Dathrohan to have to guard his supply lines as much, he might prefer to do that rather than send an ineffective captain. Ideally he wants everyone working together to
summon the legion fight the scourge, rather than having to destroy potentially useful
tools allies
Also is Lordaeron and Undercity under crusade control?
Most of Lordaeron is, save for a few scourge holdouts which are difficult to dislodge. Those are seiged and picketted though and will fall eventually. The Undercity is a flooded ruin, so there's not much to control really there, the Forsaken are all gone, so I suppose in the absence of anyone else, sure the Crusade are in control
Seriously where was this fuck the Alliance energy a while back when we had a choice in our adventure of exile?
I mean people did choose the most alliance heavy option. But I also do want to enable people to choose different things. Grok isn't really personally involved in any of this so he can decide to go when he likes
At the same time if we run around Alterac looking for clues about the death night we will probably run into the syndicate anyway, so I don't know ...
Indeed this may be so. Circumstances may force a confrontation anyway ,which may be disadvantageous etc.
involving ourselves in political and teritorial disputes doesn't help protect the world
Dathrohan would argue that it is indeed helpful, as you secure your supplies to go on continent spanning expeditions etc. But yes, that's rhetoric you can disagree with