Arc 5 Post 3: The Sound of Things Unspoken
The Sound of Things Unspoken
28th of August 2006 A.D.
Part of you wants to sigh in exasperation, another part wants to laugh at how often you hear it, it's the first question you had asked yourself and if it had not been for an actual archangel saying it's your own to do with as you will... well odds are you would still be worrying about it. You swallow the joke unspoken, but keep the smile that came with it: " How's that proverb go? 'Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble'."
Lost 1 Essence -> now at 8/12
"Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive," von Trier answers, you are not sure if it is confirmation or correction, at least not until she adds: "I think you are quite perceptive already are you not Miss Carpenter, silent or speaking?"
What the...? Without the by now familiar whisper of your eternal companion in your ear you would have missed a beat or blinked too quick, something to give away your surprise, but you do not.
"She's setting down a hook," the demon says, with all the hard won insight of realms darker than midnight.
And so your tone is light still when you say: "I'd say so at least, but then that is what I would say if I were as blind as a bat." Though you do direct the smile more at Hyde than his partner, he had gotten on your nerves a lot less. "I'd like be able to extend some trust, but I'm not sure I can yet, so let's take this one step at a time."
"Understandable," Hyde nods, though you do note he had taken out a notepad to jot down whatever you were inclined to tell him. Odd that he would do it in the spot instead of waiting until the meeting was done. Maybe he is just a stickler for some rule.
"What I will share is that my power is mine alone and I answer to no one for it" These words you say as sure as you are that the earth goes 'round the sun today as it had yesterday and it will tomorrow. "It came to me by strange ways, and takes frightening forms at times, but that at least I have confirmation from trusted servants of the Lord and mortal practitioners alike."
"When you say servants of the Lord do you mean..." Von Trier glances towards Father Forthil.
"Rather above my pay grade." An almost impish smile lights up the often grave face of the old priest. "So far above one would be better advised to count in orders instead."
"What order. The Society of..." Hyde starts, but his partner raises a hand for him to be quiet.
"Not all that walks in darkness is garbed in it to the eyes of men," she says quietly concerned perhaps for you, perhaps for herself to speak of such things even inside a church. Not that you blame her knowing what you do about the Denarians.
It's not often you get to trot out this line innocently, you can't not take it: "Do you know who my father is?"
Hearing this the elder librarian tips her head back and casts her eyes ever so briefly heavenwards and for a moment you think she is trying to hide the mention of angels from her partner, but then you realize his breathing had just gotten just a fraction less regular in that ever present almost-melody you can now hear from the buzz of the light overhead to the faint tick of a wristwatch slicing away time into seconds. She wants you to think of Hyde as someone less in the loop. Why? Do see if you will brag? To make you less weary around him? Really there are too many potential reasons.
Regardless you nod and play along filling the silence before it can grow uneasy: "So if a question for a question is OK with you, what does someone have to do to get the fun kind of library card?"
"That is as you said a measure of trust and of how much a scholar is known to us." Von Trier pauses more for effect than any hesitation you would guess, before adding. "The best way to be known is by one's scholarship. Tis not false modesty to say that we have taken the first step to wisdom, understanding how much we do not know."
Is that enough you wonder, do you trust these people enough to mention Katrina, especially given how you ended the rogue valkyrie. They are not going to try to press gang you like Daedalus tried to do to Harry that is for sure. On the other hand being smarter also means they would be a lot more dangerous if they were inclined to act against you. Is it just Von Trier creeping me out? you wonder. That would be rather hypocritical of you given the nature of your own power.
Do you reveal more of what you know about the Red Room Murders?
[] Yes
-[] Write in
[] No. you hardly know these people, exchange emails and leave
[] Write in
OOC: Still holding out well in social combat.