So. The College. It'd be good to warn them of potential threats, which is why I'm firmly against telling them we're a candidate. Just say no, the Four cannot legally take your soul without your consent. Even aside from not wanting the scrutiny, they'd be wasting effort if they prepared against something that isn't going to happen.
The college is very used to dealing with anonymized information... but I do feel the source is very relevant. Or sources, in this case. If the Lady Magister says anonymous untrustworthy source says Everchosen approaches, that still seems to me to put too much credibility on the claim. Sharing that it's a demon means they know it's
untrustworthy untrustworthy.
And now I've half convinced myself not to tell the college anything. When is an Everchosen not coming, really? But, despite many Boney posts along the lines of "No really guys Mathilde is the Grey College here-" she's not actually met a demon she couldn't at least try to immediately murder, I think.
So I looked back to our demon education, and it was light on what to do after you've failed to avoid attention, heh. But I also looked for the closest comparable situations I could recall.
Regimand says this, regarding the last miscast-induced warp-being encounter, which swung me to telltelltell-
"Why didn't you say something," he asks, aghast.
But also this, which doused my enthusiasm quite a bit.
There's a school of thought that such manifestations should be left to run their course, to cull the wizards that result in them. But miscasts happen to the best of us, I say.
And Algard's demon check, which helpfully also mentions sources.
"If any of your underlings drop three different flavours of extremely convenient and extremely unlikely insight on you in a row, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't do the same." The orb subsides, the energy tendril retracting back into its depths. "What are your sources with this one? Sudden flashes of inspiration in your dreams? Whispers on the wind? A conveniently insightful underling that appeared out of nowhere?"
Which gets me thinking... where the hell would Mathilde learn about the next hypothetical everchosen, which is a matter of Chaos's internal politics, if her source
wasn't primary? From the devious Ranald, theoretically? But that would put waaaay more credibility (lol) on the claim, like I already said.