FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

You know I am surprised that the Oxymoron company isn't on the list. That was a part of Sheep in the Big City and seemed pretty big.
Turn 4: A Christmas Without 12.19.20XX
A Christmas Without

Standing by your fireplace, mug in hand, you looked out over the dimming horizon of your snowcovered yard, protected from the chilling winds by a pane of glass. Despite your recent successes, it was hard to describe this year's holiday season as 'Jolly' in the slightest. It was only with Hank's help that you were able to get the decorations up, and it was only thanks to Tolienator's clueless pestering about a christmas party that you were able to get anysort of seasonal event together. But you had thrown something together, as small and modest as it was. Truth be told, you didn't even remember your yearly evil scheme for Christmas.

Although, that really wasn't your idea most of the time either.

Taking a long sip of your cocoa, you looked around the ballroom, covered in tinsel, furnished with what decorations you could muster. It was mostly a business sort of thing, a company christmas party. Hank, of course, wasn't there for the occasion, as he had already cleared his time off well ahead of schedule. It was mostly a few upper-management people, along with hordes of men and women wearing suits and ties, either enjoying themselves or vying for attention. More then a few yuppies had tried to come close to you, but you just weren't really in the mood to talk.

So, instead, you stood to the side of the room, near the twenty-foot-tall Christmas tree that you personally ordered to be chopped down. You had kind of hoped to find a pine tree with an old KND fort still in it, but the practicality of the situation saw that you would simply have to do with the extremely endangered species of Pinus Ilexiocosa. Plus, you didn't feel like putting in a skylight to fit an entire tree fort in. That'd be one hell of an eyesore, even if you did get to eventually BURN it afterward.

The emotion in the room was… Well, not precisely tense. Uncertain was a much more accurate word, but with a seasonal dash of relief. Afterall, the company had just finally gotten back on its feet thanks to your return, and with your supposed patriotism (you weren't even American), you had secured a lot of goodwill from the people and the government. Just yesterday, you had signed a deal to start supplying the state with a great deal of paper. So it would be wrong to say you were doing bad. But for everyone else, things were so new, so raw. It felt like everything was going so fast, for so many. Chief Intelligence Agent Izzy was talking to a few of her "network" as she called it, tracking current rumors about other competitor's holiday parties. Chief of Occult Aquisitons Hex was arguing with that weirdo Morpheus about the validity of "Christmas" Magic being a thing.

"There is no such thing as "Christmas" magic. Perhaps you are confusing it for some sort of faith based manifestation, or a conjecture of winter-orientated magics with some other enchantments, but it makes no sense."

Hex said plainly, looking at Morpheus.

"Well, there is Christmas magic! Does Santa Claus not visit your home dimension?"


"Hm. Not even on off years?"


"Do you even know who Santa Clause is?"
"No. Till this point, I was not aware Santa Clause was a person."

"Oh dear. Well, I suppose I best begin at the start. In the small town of Bethlehem…"

Tolienator, thankfully, was nowhere to be seen. You had thought up the excellent idea to tell Tolienator you needed all fifty-five of your homes forty-two restrooms properly decorated to the highest degree. Beneath the shadows, you smirked at that one. That'd keep the idiot busy for a while.

Your smile didn't last long though, as your melancholy mood returned. As you walked over to your armchair, Sir Toasty took the time to refill your cocoa, adding in a few marshmallows. This was the good stuff; the best money could buy, really. Imported straight from the Chocolate Volcano. Marshmellows harvested from the sugar clouds of the lost continent of Confecturia. Your armchair itself was made from the guts of a thousand rainbow monkey dolls, the softest material known to man, and was upholstered by a secret cabal of Ottomans.

You still didn't feel happy.

It took a bit of time for you to finally figure out precisely what was wrong. Why you were feeling this way.

You were missing something.

It was at that point you decided to focus on something else, and that something else was Sir Toasty. His pistons broiling as he approached, you wondered why he was doing that in the first place. It was only when he handed you a small brown-paper covered package that you realized he was delivering your mail.

A few christmas cards were included, but the package was what most struck your curiosity. Well, that and a invitation with a strange symbol on the front. Starting with the package, you hold it up to your ear, rattling it around.

"SIR Toasty. Who EXACTLY delivered this?"
The knight-robot steamed, fire flashing a sign representing a lack of information. Typical. You look back at the package, thinking it over. Some part of you did say that it was a trap. But another part of you was just dying to see what was in it. You hold back as much as possible, but eventually, your need to see what was inside won out. Ripping apart the paper, you quickly find a small box inside, and inside of that, a small pair of reading glasses. Picking them up, you peer through them, more than a little confused. The colors of the fire begin to blur, refracting before your eyes. Blinking, you take them off, and as you do so, your fingers feel a small slip on the side of the frame. Pulling at the slip reveals a small piece of paper, addressed to you.

Seen you've been busy. Thought you might like another perspective. Merry Christmas.


Looking back at the glasses, a flurry of thoughts hit you. This had to be Monty. You were certain. But why obscure it? And why the glasses? What was he getting at? Picking up the glasses again, you looked through them once more, the flurry of light and color filling your eyes. But after a minute or two of peering through them, the only insight you gained was that looking at weird colors spinning around gave you a headache.

"Whatcha got there boss?"

"HM? Oh hello Izzy."

The intrepid twenty something approached, curious as to what you got.

"Some kinda GIFT. Think it's from my brother."

"Huh. What's the weird letter for?"


Placing the glasses back down, you pick up the other piece of mail, ignoring three extra letters brought by Sir Toasty each labled O, S and I. It's a blue letter, an invitation obviously, made with expensive light blue paper and sealed with a genuine, honest to god, seal of wax. Stamped into it were the initials "O", "S" and "I" all at once. If memory served right, from your simple talks over the phone with the US Government, that was the Office of Sercet Intelligence. Was this some sort of important letter? Was there some sort of problem? Melting the wax away, you flip over the paper and….

Oh. It was a Christmas party invitation to the yearly OSI Christmas Ball. And… A warning? Evidently, they thought it prudent to mention that the possibility of an attack by "Santa Clausii" or Clasuses, was entirely possible, if not likely. They were not certain when, or how, but evidently there had been a multitude of Santa Clauses identified, and according to reports, old Saint Nick was not a good neighbor, nor did his giving attitude apply to other Santas.

How Delightful.


Effects: +5 to Stewardship, -5 Diplomacy. Father in his most industrious and productive state, and seeks to complete his goals.



Select one in each category.

[ ] Cut the Lawn
DC 80
With the kids on the run, your attention turns back to the monsters and ruffians, only to find them more than when you last looked. Things were getting a little bit more dicey out there, and bit by bit, some of them are crawling their way into the city and away from the fringes. It was about time you cleaned up this mess.
Reward: Giant monsters, mutants, and other weird things become pacified, reducing the chance that they try to attack again any time soon. May impress monster hunters.

[ ] Cut Down KND Treehouses
DC Variable
You've got those naughty Kids Next Door on the run. The dumb ones have already been rounded-up, but that leaves the kids that think they're oh-so-clever, hiding inside their sector treehouses. The joke's on them! They've got treehouses, but you've got chainsaws! Saw those strongholds of dissent down, and throw any KND operatives you get your hands on into permanent detention!
Reward: Sector treehouses in North America are cut down, further destabilizing the Kids Next Door remnant. Chances to capture notable KND operatives and confiscate 2x4 hardware are based on your level of success.

[ ] Train Ice-Cream Men
DC Variable
After months of being left to their devices, your ice-cream men have gotten out of shape. Well, having unlimited access to ice-cream and little supervision will do that to people. But no matter, after a run through your advanced training course, they'll be slinging scoops with the best of them.
Reward: Re-establishes professional Ice Cream Men guards, Increased security for Ice Cream Factory

[ ] Hunt Down Mother-Tie
DC 80
Your journal speaks of an ancient beast, hidden deep, deep within the forgotten mini-malls of Delaware. A monstrous creature, known only as the Mother-Tie, birther of all lesser ties. Its progeny have proven to possess a strange power to possess people, increasing their bureaucratic power, but at the rumored eating of the wearer's will to live. Hunting down the progenitor of them all could prove a boon to your business.
Reward: Capture of the Mother-Tie, Thread Decision

[ ] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 115
With the gems now on the back-foot, many are saying now would be the time to strike! It would take quite a while to get back to the front line now, and the Gems do seem to be quite well dug in. Rumors suggest that they've been pushed back to their main territory, but massive chasms filled with tunnels and strange machinery have proven difficult bastions to break.
Reward: Push the Gems back Further.

[ ] Build Partnership with VenTech
DC 90
Building relations with the up and coming VenTech would be very profitable, that much is certain. You've opened the door, now all you need to do is set up an appointment with its owner, J.J. Venture. He's an optimistic sort, but after the loss of his brother, he's been looking for someone else to help support him; even if his brother didn't do much of that in the start.
Reward: Stronger relations with J.J. Venture and VenTech.

[ ] Set up a Lobbyist Group
DC 80
Listen, between you and the world, you're not quite sure what these people are doing, nor why you would pay them. But they have nice suits, and you've heard they can be good at talking the government into doing things.
Reward: Increased Influence in Government

[ ] Seek Presidential Candidates
DC Variable
With the election coming up, some of your subordinates have been suggesting you find a presidential candidate likely to win, and work out some sort of degree. Hank, for some reason, wants you to support some weirdo named 'Bush', but you'll keep your options open.
Reward: Presidential Sponsorship, rewards if they become president.

[ ] Support I.M. Weasel
DC 60
If you're looking to join the winning side, you could do worse than Weasel. Sure, he's very nominally not evil, but he is competent and smart. Of course, that means him being the president would make the leader of the US smart and competent. You're not sure if that's a good thing.
Reward: I.M. Weasel will gain more prominence with a major player (such as yourself) backing them. He will remember your support.

[ ] Locate Mr. Fizz
DC 65
You've finally gotten a lead on where your old Root Beer Baron wound up. Evidently, he's been hunting down soda-drinkers for the longest time in the Midwest. Rumor has it that he's even gotten in good with Katz as a hunter for Soda.
Reward: Potential Hero Recruitment

[ ] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
DC 75
The economy took some funny turns as of recent. Nation-backed currencies are out, and candy is in. If Stickybeard and his candy pirate ilk could become wealthy buccaneers overnight, why can't you get a sweet cut of the action? Set yourself up a candy stock market to take advantage of the new status quo.
Reward: Info on the economics of the world, and current extent of candy piracy. Keep track of candy stocks.

[ ] Contain Gem POWs
DC 80
Effectively dealing with these Gem POW is going to be tricky. On one hand, they don't have to eat, they don't need to sleep, and so long as they are in their gems, they don't cause trouble. When they're not in their gems, they can cause a big mess for everyone involved. Figuring out some way to properly contain them, or at least get them to stop thrashing their prisons would be very beneficial.
Reward: Risk of Gem POWs breaking out of confinement goes down. Cues thread decision.

[ ] Buy Scam Co. Products
DC 20
Advertising works, even on you. After the eleventy-billionth ad, you cave in and decide to buy a smattering of different products, items, services and more. For what it's worth, everything you decide to buy will be extremely cheap. With these prices, it's hard not to buy them!
Reward: Whatever your money gets you! Opens sub-vote for suboptimal products.

[ ] Re-Establish Coffee-rigs
DC 80
While it was true that you could "grow" certain beans, you knew that was just the weak sauce. What every adult craved was that dark-brown gold, Coffee! Capitalized for the trademark! Buried under the ocean floor, fermenting for thousands of years, this liquid motivator was the perfect choice to help boost production. The only problem was getting there; supposedly, pirates were abound these days, as were sea monsters. But the temptation of money (and coffee) was there.
Reward: Coffee Rigs, Future Sea Base Expansion, Adult Co. expansion

[ ] Develop Luxury Housing for Employees
DC 70
Well, not all your employees. That'd be silly. But it couldn't hurt to build some nicer housing for your biggest and most valuable underlings would make sense. After seeing all of your super villains run off the moment you left, it probably wouldn't hurt to keep them all anchored in one spot to ensure they don't run off. They'll probably appreciate the idea, and will (hopefully) keep them from moving into your house.
Reward: Increased Loyalty for Heroes, bonus loyalty for new recruited heroes

[ ] Investigate K.N.D. Whereabouts
DC 95
Hunting down the K.N.D., or brats as you call them, has slowly become a priority. After trouncing their little pockets of resistance, they seem to have really gone to ground, covering their tracks as much as they possibly can. But you are certain they're up to something! Even in defeat, you know their tenacity, resourcefulness and ability to annoy you can bring them back from the verge of utter collapse. You've been defeated more than once on the eve of total and complete victory, and you will not let it happen again.
Reward: Information regarding the last holdouts of the K.N.D.

[ ] Investigate the "Guild"
DC 70
So there's some other tough guys trying to edge in on your turf, eh? Well, you were the original one to set up villainy! Well, at least adult-themed villainy, and that's got to count for something. Monstroso mentioned something about these costumed villains while signing, and with a little sleuthing, you might be able to learn about them.
Reward: Discover the Guild of Calamitous Intent, and what their whole deal is.

[ ] Begin Total Drama Production Sabotage
DC 80
As a sign of good faith, and for added protection, Izzy has spilled the beans on pretty much everything she knew about Total Drama Productions. And oh boy, it's a doozy. Just from memory, she's been able to explain some of the different weak points in TDP's broadcasting, infrastructure and management. She's more than eager to get back at that idiot McLean, and this would be the first step forward.
Reward: Sabotaging of Total Drama Productions, weakening of Chris McLean

[ ] Investigate Paradigm City
DC 50
It was only a few months ago when you noticed a strange new city on the map. Paradigm City, a bustling metropolis located in a desert and right off the coast. You had never heard of such a place before, but evidently, it had been there for years. It was pretty reluctant to make contact with the wider world, but in doing so, it's grown to be quite the place of commerce. Its secured, enclosed domes have proved to be a reliable deterrent to outside threats when coupled with its mysterious robotic protectors.
Reward: Information about Paradigm city, establish contact with people within

[ ] Attend OSI Christmas Party
DC 70
After your service in the Great Canadian Offensive, and for your continued work with the Government, you've been invited to the annual OSI Christmas Party. While nominally a "good guy" sort of deal, many different organizations and superheroes will be in attendance. Though loathing the idea, you do realize that it would not only give you a chance to finally figure out the Guild is (from a biased place albeit), as well as get some info on the bigger picture of the world.
Reward: Better OSI Relations, Meet Different Secret Organizations, Scope out remaining "Heroes", Affiliation with OSI.
SPECIAL: Available for this round only.

[ ] Break Endsville Energy Solutions & Morbucks Oil Partnership
DC 90
The partnership between Morbucks Oil and Endsville Energy Solutions could potentially prove catastrophic for any future energy sector ventures of yours. Morbucks Oil owns thousands of oil reserves around the world, and is one of the biggest names in drilling. Meanwhile, Mandy has proven the viability of her Underworld Reactors. Combined, it could result in a massive power house - Quite literally in this case.
Reward: Damaging Mandy's economic power, halting merger

[ ] Locate Sector V Members
DC 80
Sector V, your arch-enemy. While there's no trace of Sector Z or Monty, there have been a few whispers here and there of what Numbuh 2, 3, 4 and 5 have gotten up to since your disappearance. You're inclined to hunt them down, and find out exactly what those little-snot-nosed children have gotten up to! The only thing you know for certain right now is that they seemed to have split up.
Reward: Leads on Sector V's locations.

[ ] Build an Even Bigger Robot
DC 75
That Mandark punk made a robot that's bigger and tougher than yours. You could be the bigger man about this and let it slide. On the other hand, you could be a bigger and better man by making a bigger and better robot that'll put that junior poindexter in his place!
Reward: Increased bonuses for your Giant Robot. This may instigate an escalating mech-building contest between you and Mandark. As the Even Bigger Robot is being made for spite first and practicality second, there will be diminishing returns and higher DCs if this keeps being taken.

[ ] Investigate 2x4 Technology
DC 80
After sending the KND remnant running home for their mamas, you came to an unpleasant realization. Those pesky Kids Next Door left without cleaning up all of their junk! Normally you would have torched a lot of it, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have the lab techs study how those kids built all their little toys out of such haphazard, el-cheapo building material.
Reward: Father learns the base principles of 2x4 technology, the equipment and vehicles utilized by the Kids Next Door. Determines if industrial or commercial applications are possible.

[ ] Look for New Energy Sources
DC 65
After a thoroughly informative and well-put together slideshow from Hank, you've decided to pursue a new energy source. He has suggested that since Endsville Energy Solutions has begun to devour the current energy market, the purchase of propane and other natural gas at dirt cheap prices might help make you energy independent, as well as provide profits from shipping it over sea.
Reward: Increased presence in Energy Sector, new power plant, future overseas connections.

[ ] Continue Gem-Tech Development
DC 95
With Hank's breakthrough on retrofitting the Gem Warship with internal combustion technology, you have begun to learn how to reactivate Gem technology or integrate gem technology into Earth technology. While the ability to actually reverse engineer or reproduce the technology remains out of your current understanding or means, Hank believes with further research, Adult Co. might better refine its current methods, or even begin making a 'refined' version of some of their machinery.
Reward: Better understanding of Gem Tech principles

[ ] Research Shen Gong Wu
DC 85
Whatever that buffoon with the spiky red hair was on about sounded interesting. These 'Shen Gong-Wu' as Hex put it, are evidently mystical items capable of giving their wielders amazing powers. While your helmet was mostly just good at letting you look around, Hex says he has heard of more powerful artifacts; but first and foremost, you need a way to find them.
Reward: Find a way to locate Shen Gong Wu.

[ ] Research the Book of K.N.D.
DC 80
Looking over to the shelf, you spot the book. A chill runs down your spine, as just the sight of it brings back some bitter, hurting memories. That was the thing your brother had held so dearly, had caused your own fathers defeat twice, and eventually… his death. Gingerly picking it up, you dust off the cover. You supposed you were out to read it. Cracking open the book, you are met with singed paper, slight bits of ash, and something entirely incomprehensible. Page after page of gibberish, the words squirming and wriggling under your sight, never quite making sense. Oh wait, your glasses were off. Putting them on, and nope, it didn't help. Something strange was at work here, and you'd need to take some more time to figure it out.
Reward: Better understanding of the Book of K.N.D.

[ ] Establish Magical Protection
DC 75
With the recruitment of Hex, he has raised your attention to the lack of mystical wardings afforded to your home and its city. With time and resources put to the project, Hex can perform a basic abjuration ritual around your city, which should key lesser monsters and spellslingers to the idea that they should tread lightly. While it probably won't stop the big boys, it should at least tell you when they do something.
Reward: Magical Protection for Mansion


Father receives 4 Personal Actions per round. Heroes have 1 Personal Action in addition to being assigned to a National Action.

[ ] Go On Talk Show
Time to light the lights! Moltar has invited you up to the moonbase for a live interview! Boy howdy, you've only ever been up there to wreck and or destroy it! And to be broadcast on live television? The last time you did that was the VCA's! This oughta be a hoot and a holler!

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
If you were gonna get people back to your side, you knew the key to a lot of people's hearts. A good, old fashioned, personally cooked, Barbeque! And you were the best cook you knew. Not that'd you say it in front of Gramma Stuffum.

[ ] Visit Providence
This Providence group is strange - Haven't heard of them before, but they seem like a big deal. They hunt pretty much anything that moves, and aren't afraid to get a little dirty doing so. Maybe you could talk them into hunting down the KND? Classify them as terrorists or something.

[ ] Work on Sir Toasty (Again)
Well, now that Sir Toasty is up and running again, you're thinking about possibly adding some different bells and whistles to him. Maybe make him a bit smarter? Slight RAGE decreases.

[ ] Eat Ice Cream
Indulge yourself. RAGE decreases.

[ ] Visit Spankulot in Prison
Last you heard, Spankulot was in the hoosegow. You're not sure when that happened, but you can understand why. Sure, he was a villain, but even you admit, the whole "hunt down naughty kids and spank them" thing was a little too weird. It seems he was "canceled", both online and in real life. Better go visit and see how bad things have gotten.

[ ] Hang Out in the Alleyway
Well, it's not really the alleyway, but the CEO's office corridor would be a good way to boost morale and meet people. He could even invite Mr. Father!

[ ] Look into What All This "Super Villainy" Is
Becoming a CEO of a big corporation is stressful. It can be even more disconcerting when he finds out that it also produces supervillain weapons and tools. Hank will try to come to an understanding with what he does.

[ ] Mow the Yard
Literally this time, not metaphorically. A healthy lawn leaves a healthy state of mind, doing some lawn work on Father's property is good exercise.

[ ] Hold a Barbeque
Have a barbeque! It won't be as good as Father's, but it will be certifiably Texan. Hank will host a barbeque and see who shows up!

[ ] Go to Texas for Christmas
Hank has requested the holidays off, to be with his friends and family. While he would very much like to go, it is up to you, however.

[ ] Build an homage to Father
Tolienator did kinda mess up his fountain. Let's make a new one! Although, it will primarily be made of plumbing pipes and urinals. He'll probably like it?

[ ] Look for Friends!
Well, since all the villains left, Tolienator has mostly been left without a social circle. Time to fix that! Tolienator will try and find some friends to talk to. Keyword try.

[ ] Defend Toilets!
It is the Tolienator's duty to hunt down all those who would dare mock or desecrate those sacred potty places! He will be the ceramic avenger!

[ ] Go Big Game Hunting
Taking a small excursion, Izzy will go out looking for something (or someone) big and scary. All this talk of monsters has made her more than happy to go out and take care of them herself.

[ ] Send Audition Tapes
Izzy will create audition tapes, mostly for movie studios not owned by Chris. While technically black listed, that hasn't stopped her before.

[ ] Spread Gossip
Nothing creates chaos like a good bit of drama, and Izzy can't help but push some dominoes over. She'll create some gossip and carefully put it into places outside of Adult Co.

[ ] Perform a stunt
Gotta give the people what they want, and what they want is Izzy! Izzy will go out and perform a death defying insane stunt - Or at least, that's what it will look like. In truth, it will just be an illusion, designed to trick the public.

[ ] Study new forms of magic
Despite his great deal of traveling, Hex claims that there are a great deal more magics in the world than he realized. Hex will take some time to study all this strange sorcery and make heads or tails out of it.

[ ] Set up a new Library
Every good magician needs a library. Where else would he study, store his studies, and think about more studies? Not to mention it would act as a place to store Hex's mystical tomes, artifacts and more. But he calls it a Sanctum. Whatever that is.

[ ] Inspect Father's Magic
Only having recently come under Father's employ, Hex has yet to understand the exact method by which Father draws his power. Hex will conduct a small personal study to see if he can bring out a deeper understanding of it.

[ ] Recruit a Hero
Hire a hero of the hero units currently available for acquisition. This costs two Personal Actions from Father to perform, and can only be taken once per round.

[ ] Knightbrace
The Plaque Crusader, the shining knight of shiny teeth, and the retainered foe of all things unhygienic. It seems that he has lagged behind the other soopervillains in their rampages, as he has personally taken his time to hunt down each and every cavity in the area before moving on. This has made his progress rather slow, and easy to find: Just follow the dental floss and you'll find your man.

[ ] Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb
The ominous, chair-bound Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb are masters of engineering and are technical wizzes, making incredibly sophisticated robotic-chairs to do their dirty work. After seeing you make your return with a giant robot, they've approached you and are looking to join up once more.

[ ] Mr. Black and Mr. White
These two government agents are the picturesque men-in-black. Black suits, black glasses, crew cuts, and earpieces 24/7, they hit every checkmark one possibly could. Heck, the two look almost near identical. But personality-wise, they seem a bit more lax, and willing to help brush things under the rug, so long as it serves the Government's agenda overall.

[ ] Professor XXXL
This weirdo walked in with a turtle shell on his back, a lobster claw for an arm, a janky hair-cut and a hankering for Snow Cones. But he might just be turtle-lobster-jank-snowcone-maker mad scientist for you. Just don't call him that, it's never been proven in court.

[X] Skips
This burly, skipping, and gruff shirtless-Yeti was running a garage when you found him, but he knows a lot more than he's letting on. Just from your chance meeting, he's shown a great deal of insight and competency. It's clear he's seen all this before.
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Quick get knightbrace so we can do our EVIL action known to kids as healthy teeth which somehow makes the public love us more (what's wrong with you guys I'm not a sooperhero)
Im thinking we need to get XXXL, since we don't actually have a learning hero yet. Also he's fun and a great guy, while wink and fibb are kinda awful in a not interesting way, just petty villainy due to a girl one of them liking not returning their feelings. Thats a lame villain origin, we need standards for those
@HellaCooltricks Does the fact that Skips is auto recruited for free mean that we can also choose another hero and won't take any of Father's actions?

[X] Plan: Connections and Preparations
-[X] Hunt Down Mother-Tie
--[X] Izzy
DC 80
Your journal speaks of an ancient beast, hidden deep, deep within the forgotten mini-malls of Delaware. A monstrous creature, known only as the Mother-Tie, birther of all lesser ties. Its progeny have proven to possess a strange power to possess people, increasing their bureaucratic power, but at the rumored eating of the wearer's will to live. Hunting down the progenitor of them all could prove a boon to your business.
Reward: Capture of the Mother-Tie, Thread Decision
-[X] Support I.M. Weasel
--[X] Hank
DC 60
If you're looking to join the winning side, you could do worse than Weasel. Sure, he's very nominally not evil, but he is competent and smart. Of course, that means him being the president would make the leader of the US smart and competent. You're not sure if that's a good thing.
Reward: I.M. Weasel will gain more prominence with a major player (such as yourself) backing them. He will remember your support.
-[X] Contain Gem POWs
--[X] Stickybeard
DC 80
Effectively dealing with these Gem POW is going to be tricky. On one hand, they don't have to eat, they don't need to sleep, and so long as they are in their gems, they don't cause trouble. When they're not in their gems, they can cause a big mess for everyone involved. Figuring out some way to properly contain them, or at least get them to stop thrashing their prisons would be very beneficial.
Reward: Risk of Gem POWs breaking out of confinement goes down. Cues thread decision.
-[X] Attend OSI Christmas Party
--[X] Toiletnator
DC 70
After your service in the Great Canadian Offensive, and for your continued work with the Government, you've been invited to the annual OSI Christmas Party. While nominally a "good guy" sort of deal, many different organizations and superheroes will be in attendance. Though loathing the idea, you do realize that it would not only give you a chance to finally figure out the Guild is (from a biased place albeit), as well as get some info on the bigger picture of the world.
Reward: Better OSI Relations, Meet Different Secret Organizations, Scope out remaining "Heroes", Affiliation with OSI.
SPECIAL: Available for this round only.
-[X] Investigate 2x4 Technology
DC 80
After sending the KND remnant running home for their mamas, you came to an unpleasant realization. Those pesky Kids Next Door left without cleaning up all of their junk! Normally you would have torched a lot of it, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have the lab techs study how those kids built all their little toys out of such haphazard, el-cheapo building material.
Reward: Father learns the base principles of 2x4 technology, the equipment and vehicles utilized by the Kids Next Door. Determines if industrial or commercial applications are possible.
-[X] Research the Book of K.N.D.
--[X] Hex
DC 80
Looking over to the shelf, you spot the book. A chill runs down your spine, as just the sight of it brings back some bitter, hurting memories. That was the thing your brother had held so dearly, had caused your own fathers defeat twice, and eventually… his death. Gingerly picking it up, you dust off the cover. You supposed you were out to read it. Cracking open the book, you are met with singed paper, slight bits of ash, and something entirely incomprehensible. Page after page of gibberish, the words squirming and wriggling under your sight, never quite making sense. Oh wait, your glasses were off. Putting them on, and nope, it didn't help. Something strange was at work here, and you'd need to take some more time to figure it out.
Reward: Better understanding of the Book of K.N.D.
-[X] Go On Talk Show
Time to light the lights! Moltar has invited you up to the moonbase for a live interview! Boy howdy, you've only ever been up there to wreck and or destroy it! And to be broadcast on live television? The last time you did that was the VCA's! This oughta be a hoot and a holler!
-[X] Visit Providence
This Providence group is strange - Haven't heard of them before, but they seem like a big deal. They hunt pretty much anything that moves, and aren't afraid to get a little dirty doing so. Maybe you could talk them into hunting down the KND? Classify them as terrorists or something.
-[X] Go to Texas for Christmas
Hank has requested the holidays off, to be with his friends and family. While he would very much like to go, it is up to you, however.
-[X] Look for Friends!
Well, since all the villains left, Tolienator has mostly been left without a social circle. Time to fix that! Tolienator will try and find some friends to talk to. Keyword try.
-[X] Go Big Game Hunting
Taking a small excursion, Izzy will go out looking for something (or someone) big and scary. All this talk of monsters has made her more than happy to go out and take care of them herself.
-[X] Set up a new Library
Every good magician needs a library. Where else would he study, store his studies, and think about more studies? Not to mention it would act as a place to store Hex's mystical tomes, artifacts and more. But he calls it a Sanctum. Whatever that is.
-[X] Recruit a Hero
Hire a hero of the hero units currently available for acquisition. This costs two Personal Actions from Father to perform, and can only be taken once per round.
--[X] Professor XXXL
This weirdo walked in with a turtle shell on his back, a lobster claw for an arm, a janky hair-cut and a hankering for Snow Cones. But he might just be turtle-lobster-jank-snowcone-maker mad scientist for you. Just don't call him that, it's never been proven in court.
--[X] Skips
This burly, skipping, and gruff shirtless-Yeti was running a garage when you found him, but he knows a lot more than he's letting on. Just from your chance meeting, he's shown a great deal of insight and competency. It's clear he's seen all this before.
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Is there a Moratorium?

[X] OPERATION: D.E.S.P.O.T. (Diabolical Endevour Supporting Patriotic Occasions & Treaties)
-[X] Cut the Law
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Support I.M. Weasle
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
--[X] Stickybeard
-[X] Attend OSI Christmas Party
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Look for New Energy Sources
-[X] Research Book of KND
--[X] Hex
-[X] Go on Talk Show
-[X] Visit Providence
-[X] Recruit Mr. Black and Mr. White
-[X] Recruit Skips
-[X] Go to Texas for Christmas
-[X] Look for Friends
-[X] Go Big Game Hunting
-[X] Inspect Father's Magics
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I'm gonna wait until we have an official moratium verdict, and missing actions are included.

Note that we don't have any new Gem Tech actions, nor do we have anything involving our new News Network (but that comes next turn according to WOG). Which I think is an oversight.
Figure I might as well explain my plan as we wait for the Moratorium.

The Basic Idea is we go hard on our great PR and government relations. Send Hank to support I M Weasle, Deal with the Monster Problem, set up something to help fix the Economy, fraternize with both Providence and ODI, go on Moltars show, and make a NEW. BETTER. ROBOT! (Actually because I want Hank to do Alternative Energies and don't care if we fail this action). Hank gets off for the Holidays, Izzy helps with the Hunt, Toiletnator hopefully spreads the good word bout Father, and Hex tries to learn as much about Father and the Book as possible.
[ ] Cut the Lawn
DC 80
We need to get this out of the way as it continues to rise. Assign Toiletnator to get him doing something and help us reach a DC that isn't all that hard to hit anyway and call it a day.
[ ] Support I.M. Weasel
Is he evil? No. But gods is Weasel competent and actually good. The country needs him. And if we can get in good I'm sure he'll see the wisdom in having a walking inferno on call. Maybe have Hank help us here or Stewardship.
This proves to be contentious. Some wanted Candy Stock Exchange, I wanted Coffee Rigs. But now the new player of Gem containment is on the field. And frankly I think we need to do that. Santa threat might be around the corner, our ice cream men are not up to par yet, and Father needs to mow the lawn. Making sure they can't escape in the chaos is essential.
[ ] Begin Total Drama Production Sabotage
DC 80
Izzy is perfect for this. And hell, she'd love doing it which is all the incentive I really need since it may bump her loyalty. So really this was the one I was gonna back with all I got...but...
[ ] Attend OSI Christmas Party
This popped around. Seasonal thing to get us an in with OSI seems valuable. Let's go for it and bring Izzy as our Plus One.
[ ] Look for New Energy Sources
Some don't seem excited for it. But it lessens Mandy's potential grip on Father and his resources in the future and is a very easy DC for us to reach. I'm saying go for it. Prrrrobably don't need to assign anyone but I'm sure Hank would be amused if needs be.
This is less important to me and any of them are nice. Defenses kinda seem important imo but the book is tempting as always. Hex is of course our go to man.

As for Personals
Father: Talkshow, Barbecue, Skips, Mr. Black and Mr. White.
Tolitenator: Defend Toilets. Keeps him busy and out of the way and if something does happen Santa wise then maybe he can...'help out' there.
Hank: Family Christmas time. Come on seriously? You're gonna make him miss that? That's not evil, that's just rude and mean.
Izzy: Monster Hunt. Might help with mowing the lawn and Santa Defense if she's out hunting too. Sounds good to me.
Hex: Study Father's Magic. Come on, we're all curious.
Is there a Moratorium?

[X] OPERATION: D.E.S.P.O.T. (Diabolical Endevour Supporting Patriotic Occasions & Treaties)
-[X] Cut the Law
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Support I.M. Weasle
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
--[X] Stickybeard
-[X] Attend OSI Christmas Party
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Build an Even BIGGER Robot
-[X] Research Book of KND
--[X] Hex
-[X] Go on Talk Show
-[X] Visit Providence
-[X] Recruit Mr. Black and Mr. White
-[X] Recruit Skips
-[X] Go to Texas for Christmas
-[X] Look for Friends
-[X] Go Big Game Hunting
-[X] Inspect Father's Magics
I like this except I would prefer to research gem tech or Look for New Energy Sources rather than fall for Mandark's bait.
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I like this except I would prefer to research gem tech rather than fall for Mandark's bait.
I did Mandark's bait entirely because its the one action I feel like "If we fail this nothing to bad is gonna happen".

Looking at the Gem Tech Action, we have a 25% chance of success, an 8% Crit Fail, and a 35% chance to at least get a bare failure. We wait a turn for Hex to become avaliable and put Skips on Occult we improve the odds of Bare Failure or better to 67%. But I'll change it to Energy since Robot likely will cause competing plans

Im thinking we need to get XXXL, since we don't actually have a learning hero yet. Also he's fun and a great guy, while wink and fibb are kinda awful in a not interesting way, just petty villainy due to a girl one of them liking not returning their feelings. Thats a lame villain origin, we need standards for those
We do his Name is Hex. 28 Learning makes it tied with occult statwise; and once we get Skips he can do some occult actions in the meantime.
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[X] OPERATION: D.E.S.P.O.T. (Diabolical Endevour Supporting Patriotic Occasions & Treaties)

Energy sources is much better than taking Mandark's bait, plus can lead to more gem tech advances later.
Looks like Father isn't finding much satisfaction in what we've been accomplishing so far. Could be that he's just at a point in his life where nothing would satisfy him, but it's also worth considering that we might be putting the cart before the character developmenty horse with the pragmatic, enlightened self-interested, villainous-in-name-only actions we've been taking.

Judging by the new KND Intrigue actions, they've been rebuilding their strength. Concerning. I'd prefer to investigate them at the earliest opportunity, but I'd also like some intel on the Guild so we can build decent relations with them.

The OSI Christmas Party has a substantial list of benefits, but eeurgh. Heroes. Our evil rep has taken enough of a beating.

I'm pretty firmly against recruiting Mr. Black and Mr. White. From the little I can find about them online, they're rather bumbling. Plus, they're probably an Intrigue/Martial heroball, which is a niche Izzy already fills very well. We need a Learning hero far more. Besides, recruiting them would put us pretty firmly on the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, and even if I was interested in that character arc Father is nowhere near ready for a heel-face turn.
[ ] Cut the Lawn
DC 80
With the kids on the run, your attention turns back to the monsters and ruffians, only to find them more than when you last looked. Things were getting a little bit more dicey out there, and bit by bit, some of them are crawling their way into the city and away from the fringes. It was about time you cleaned up this mess.
Reward: Giant monsters, mutants, and other weird things become pacified, reducing the chance that they try to attack again any time soon. May impress monster hunters.
Given the rising DC and the imminent assault of the Santas, we should no doubt deal with this action immediately for the turn and--
[ ] Continue to Fight Gems
DC 115
With the gems now on the back-foot, many are saying now would be the time to strike! It would take quite a while to get back to the front line now, and the Gems do seem to be quite well dug in. Rumors suggest that they've been pushed back to their main territory, but massive chasms filled with tunnels and strange machinery have proven difficult bastions to break.
Reward: Push the Gems back Further.
--JUST KIDDING, hahahaha! Down with Gems! I want more prisoners and tech ;)
[ ] Support I.M. Weasel
DC 60
If you're looking to join the winning side, you could do worse than Weasel. Sure, he's very nominally not evil, but he is competent and smart. Of course, that means him being the president would make the leader of the US smart and competent. You're not sure if that's a good thing.
Reward: I.M. Weasel will gain more prominence with a major player (such as yourself) backing them. He will remember your support.
Was there any doubt? I.M Weasel is going to be a godsend of an ally, even if he is more moral. Best of all, he would never agree to work for Mandy.
[ ] Contain Gem POWs
DC 80
Effectively dealing with these Gem POW is going to be tricky. On one hand, they don't have to eat, they don't need to sleep, and so long as they are in their gems, they don't cause trouble. When they're not in their gems, they can cause a big mess for everyone involved. Figuring out some way to properly contain them, or at least get them to stop thrashing their prisons would be very beneficial.
Reward: Risk of Gem POWs breaking out of confinement goes down. Cues thread decision.
I really, really wanna see how we can put our Gem POWs to work.
[ ] Attend OSI Christmas Party
DC 70
After your service in the Great Canadian Offensive, and for your continued work with the Government, you've been invited to the annual OSI Christmas Party. While nominally a "good guy" sort of deal, many different organizations and superheroes will be in attendance. Though loathing the idea, you do realize that it would not only give you a chance to finally figure out the Guild is (from a biased place albeit), as well as get some info on the bigger picture of the world.
Reward: Better OSI Relations, Meet Different Secret Organizations, Scope out remaining "Heroes", Affiliation with OSI.
SPECIAL: Available for this round only.
"Available for this round only." And given the list of benefits we get from this, we should probably fucking do this. Bring Izzy along for kicks.
[ ] Look for New Energy Sources
DC 65
After a thoroughly informative and well-put together slideshow from Hank, you've decided to pursue a new energy source. He has suggested that since Endsville Energy Solutions has begun to devour the current energy market, the purchase of propane and other natural gas at dirt cheap prices might help make you energy independent, as well as provide profits from shipping it over sea.
Reward: Increased presence in Energy Sector, new power plant, future overseas connections.
As much as I wanna do Gem Tech stuff, that's a pretty high DC and we don't have a certified Learning hero. Unless you wanna pull Hex off Occult for this turn, that is.
[ ] Go On Talk Show
Time to light the lights! Moltar has invited you up to the moonbase for a live interview! Boy howdy, you've only ever been up there to wreck and or destroy it! And to be broadcast on live television? The last time you did that was the VCA's! This oughta be a hoot and a holler!
Duuuuuuuuuuuh. We lose rep if we don't do this by the way.
[ ] Visit Providence
This Providence group is strange - Haven't heard of them before, but they seem like a big deal. They hunt pretty much anything that moves, and aren't afraid to get a little dirty doing so. Maybe you could talk them into hunting down the KND? Classify them as terrorists or something.
Eh, why not? Got nothing better to do, and while I doubt we'd be able to convince them to name kids as terrorists, making friendly relations always helps against the alien menace.
For a quick rundown of the D.E.S.P.O.T.'s success chances

Martial is an 80% Success chance
Diplomacy is an 84% success (89 if hanks first contact bonus applies)
Stewardship is a 75%
Intrigue is a 91% (94% if they underestimate Izzy)
Learning is a 55%
Occult is a 64% chance.
[X] OPERATION: D.E.S.P.O.T. (Diabolical Endevour Supporting Patriotic Occasions & Treaties)

I'm fine with the majority of this plan, especially taking Cut the Lawn for our Martial action. If I could suggest one thing, it'd be to swap out studying the Book of KND for Establish Magical Protection, given we're a bit worried about imminent Santa and/or monster attacks.
Whatever we do we should almost definitely cut our lawn first, I could be tempted to train ice cream men first but I'm getting nervous about that rising DC.

Also let Hank go home for Christmas, it'd be just rude not to you know?
[X] Plan: Election Time
-[X] Cut the Lawn
-[X] Support I.M. Weasel
--[X] Hank Hill
-[X] Contain Gem POWs
--[X] Sticky Beard
-[X] Attend OSI Christmas Party
--[X] Lizzy
-[X] Look for New Energy Sources
-[X] Establish Magical Protection
--[X] Hex
-[X] Go On Talk Show
-[X] Work on Sir Toasty (Again)
-[X] Go to Texas for Christmas
-[X] Build an homage to Father
-[X] Go Big Game Hunting
-[X] Set up a new Library
-[X] Recruit a Hero
--[X] Mr. Black and Mr. White
--[X] Skips
From what you could recall from your dealings with him, he had never been a liar, nor had he ever blinked.

If he's not a liar though, why is his company spreading lies about our baking!?

Katz is more brutal (BRUTAL) then I was expecting.

Father's got daddy and rage issues.
Mandark's got need to prove he's the best in all things.
Mandy is the distilled essence of every no nonsense business and politician woman in a young girl's body.

Katz? Katz is fucking insane. Not in a funny way either. There is just something deeply wrong with him.


Neat, Christmas present from our brother.

Which seems to be meant to aid in reading the book of KND I'm guessing.

Maybe reading it would help Father get more of a purpose going. Something to spark his fire other than misguided rage.
It Networking though, and Networking is evil no matter who you do it with so it should be fine.
I want to network with their enemies, though, and I'm pretty sure we've been gradually closing that door. I'm not keen on shutting it further without even checking on it.

[X] Plan: Look Out For Number One. No, Not "Numbuh One", It's A Figure Of Speech, Toiletnator.
-[X] National Actions:
--[X] Cut the Lawn
---[X] Toiletnator
--[X] Set up a Lobbyist Group
---[X] Hank Hill
--[X] Implement Candy Stock Exchange
---[X] Stickybeard
--[X] Investigate K.N.D. Whereabouts
---[X] Izzy
--[X] Look for New Energy Sources
--[X] Establish Magical Protection
---[X] Hex
-[X] Personals:
--[X] Go On Talk Show
--[X] Visit Providence
--[X] Go to Texas for Christmas
--[X] Look for Friends!
--[X] Go Big Game Hunting
--[X] Set up a new Library
-[X] Recruit a Hero
--[X] Professor XXXL
--[X] Skips
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