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-[X]Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP x5 250 BP
-[X]Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP x33 990 BP
-[X]IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP x66 990 BP
-[X]Catapult and Crews: 50 BP x10 500 BP
-[X]Men At Arms: 3 BP x250 750 BP
-[X]Skilled Knights: 10 BP x50 500BP
-[X]Northman Pikes: 10 BP x51 510BP
-[X]Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP x37 740
-[X]Train Skill: Sword and Shield
-[X]Train Skill: Dragon Command
-[X]Learn Skill: Singing
-[X]Learn Skill: Lyre
-[X]Learn Skill: Self Control
-[X]Learn Skill: Qaathi (language)
-[X]Father's Old Friends (Can only be taken 5 times): 50 BP x5 250 BP
-[X]Sea Snake Ship: 30 BP x33 990 BP
-[X]IronBorn Squadron (Ten ships): 15 BP x66 990 BP
-[X]Catapult and Crews: 50 BP x10 500 BP
-[X]Men At Arms: 3 BP x250 750 BP
-[X]Skilled Knights: 10 BP x50 500BP
-[X]Northman Pikes: 10 BP x51 510BP
-[X]Stormlander Heavy Infantry: 20 BP x37 740
-[X]Train Skill: Sword and Shield
-[X]Train Skill: Dragon Command
-[X]Learn Skill: Singing
-[X]Learn Skill: Lyre
-[X]Learn Skill: Self Control
-[X]Learn Skill: Qaathi (language)