@Magoose Last of the Lads, basically solid snake who can cuss like a sailor, also I made him Dragonseed because fuck yeah.
Name: Gregor Dwarfson
Alias: Halfman
Languages known: Westerosi Common
Religion: The Gods of Valyria: An ancient and powerful pantheon that once dominated the world. Now they are weak and cling to the glories of the Past. They are told that the Storm Singers can predict the weather and can read the skies, even on the back of Dragonriders. They have many peculiar traditions, from polygamy to sister/brother marriage, to even blood sacrifice. While a minority in Westeros, they are mostly left alone by faith.
Captain of the Ruby cloaks: You are a captain of the Ruby Cloaks, with all the authority that entails, and you bear its responsibility with pride. (+10 to command rolls)
Veteran of the Riot: You have seen firsthand what real street violence is like, and how much better men on horses are at it. (+5 to mounted combat rolls)
Dwarf: you are a dwarf, and a son of a dwarf and when people don't laugh they scowl. (_20 to diplomacy rolls)
Small: the benefits of being smaller than average, people tend not to notice you. (+10 to stealth rolls)
Battle Axe (Skilled): Swords and spears are well and good, but a real Ruby Cloaks loves the axe, a weapon of regal bearing and barbarian strength (+20 to combat rolls when using an axe or battle ax)
Horseback riding (Trained): even if you have to use a harness, the Ruby Cloaks still taught you to ride a horse. (+10 to all rolls regarding horseback actions)
Street intrigue (Master): People know who to come to, people know who to seek, and when people talk its all yours to hear. (+30 to intrigue rolls in the cities)
Court intrigue (Trained): These noble fools don't think you're all too bright, being a dwarf and a street rat and all, but they don't seem to keep their mouths shut either (+10 to intrigue rolls at court)
Stealth (skilled): You're small, you're quiet, and you're pretty damn good at staying unseen. (+20 to stealth rolls)
Captain of the Ruby Cloaks: being in such a position means that what you say goes, if only where the Ruby Cloaks show.
Second to The Silent: Lucien might be your lord commander, but he's also your friend and you'd do anything for a friend like him. (+5 to actions taken with Lucien
Dwarf unrepentant: Some people think that because your small they can walk all over you, well screw them too! (-5 to certain social rolls, some find you belligerent)
(Thanks to
@mrsean22 and
@Ghost in the sun for throwing stealth to Gregor and getting me to make the sheet)