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Wasn't the racist Hoeth House in favor of opening? I assume they see us as easily exploitable markets or are in some other way not worried about measly Humans doing any damage. Racism played straight instead of the fascist "these people are lesser than us in every way but also the greatest threat to our way of life".
Both Hoethian houses are isolationist:
ThyriolanSapheryHoethIsolationistMagic HouseConsider Waystones important. Against human involvement.
EchtelionSapheryHoethIsolationistMagic HouseLook down upon humanity
House Echtelion is less isolationist, but still isolationist.

It would be good once we get more Info to figure out the degrees of Pro - anti 'interact with the world' teach house is.
Boney said that Halfling Gods is a full subject, it's not each of the individual gods is its own subject.
Fixed! On that note, is the Kislevian pantheon similar, since it's also 'only' four deities?

Actually, in general if people happen to remember things Boney has said about it, or things they think they'd like to add to the library at some point, feel free to tell me to put in the "Future Ideas/missing" tab.
Fixed! On that note, is the Kislevian pantheon similar, since it's also 'only' four deities?

Actually, in general if people happen to remember things Boney has said about it, or things they think they'd like to add to the library at some point, feel free to tell me to put in the "Future Ideas/missing" tab.
Boris has not yet started reviving the Kislevian pantheon, so there probably isn't a lot of books that are easy to get for them yet.
[X] Plan I will pay you by letting you do more work for us

[X] Plan Politicoreligious Aid on Credit
-[x] [SCOPE] The Old World (+4)
-[x] [REP] Head (-3)
-[x] [REP] Priest (-1)
-[x] [FORM] Dedication (0)

Updating my vote to include a new plan. I'm going to emphasize again that the "cost" here only comes into effect if we learn how to create entirely new Waystones, which as of right up until people started freaking out over this request was something we regarded as an unlikely stretch goal. Meaning there is every chance that we get full support from them in exchange for literally nothing.

Even if we do manage to unlock that, again, highly ambitious and unlikely stretch goal, the "cost" is in scare quotes because what they're asking for is... giving an open-ended commitment to devote as many of their resources as necessary or possible to fulfilling a vital need for actually getting new Waystones erected. Do you really think that anyone who understands how and why Waystones are important well enough to want new Waystones in the first place is going to start quibbling over exactly how or by who new Waystones get erected on their lands?

The Tsarevich could literally not give less of a shit how the Za gets pushed back, only that it does. The Empire is the major human polity most suspicious of magic, and having the elves directly involved would probably be reassuring if anything. Reminder that the cultural perception of human wizards in the Empire is "those weirdos with unnatural chiselhands who explode in the middle of battles sometimes," and the historical cultural standard for elven wizards helping the Empire is "literally Teclis." The Karaz Ankor is wary of magic and elves, but the Eonir weren't implicated in the War of Vengeance and having the good word of one Mathilde Weber should make up the balance. Bretonnia and Estalia? Historically, good allies of elves.

I'm also gonna copy/paste my argument for including a priestess of Hekarti in the project:

Also, I definitely really want to get a priestess of Hekarti in here. The Waystone Project is distinctly long on secular contributors relative to divine contributors. And an Elven goddess of magic/spells is practically the platonic ideal of an ideal divine contributor. I mean, Hekarti was around and getting prayed to by the original creators of the first Waystones. If anyone would have direct first-hand knowledge of exactly how the Waystones were created, it's Hekarti. Obviously, a priestess isn't going to know everything the goddess herself knows, but it gives an excellent and convenient vector for the goddess to put a thumb on the scales in our favor if we start looking like we're getting somewhere. And hey - if succeeding means a whole shit-ton of new dedications get put up to her all over the Old World by a House that claims her as their patroness, that gives her a very direct personal vested interest in seeing us succeed.

Bribe. The. Goddess. Gods love bribery. And she definitely has the ability to make it worth our while.
It's been mentioned multiple times that the House in charge of the Cult of Asuryan determines the tests, and that lets them rig things to the competition to get their preferred candidate to win. It seems that the Champion is usually the puppet of whatever house dominates Asuryan worship as a result. Kadoh is in a unique circumstance in that he was a puppet of Elwynn, not Malforric, and Marrisith got her hooks into him instead of Malforric when Elwynn died. I doubt he's invincible, especially if Malforric are plotting to replace him.
Eh, they've had a decade. If they're planning to replace him, it doesn't look like it'll be soon.
Might also be that he's just too much of a Chad and they've been trying to replace him for a long time.
Maybe, but then you run into the "probably not a concern for a good while" thing again, and it just doesn't matter for now. It'll only matter if they succeed in actually replacing him (which, as I've said, I don't see happening for a good long while) and no single other house has been convnced that Laurelorn should stay open.
There's even four of them who are particularly good at answering to the right… kind, of sacrifices. I'm sure Egrimm would love to introduce us :p
Mathilde has historically bribed a god twice to great results. So has Heidi, with Shallaya granting her longer life for it. There is honestly a good track record for already favoured people getting great rewards for further bribes frankly. But the context and value of what is offered mattered a great deal.
[x] [HOUSE] Yes
[x] [HEDGEWISE] Discreetly
[x] Plan how many people can actually read elf anyways?
[x] Plan Subtlety is for losers, but only at home

[x] Plan All in, but discreet

[X] Plan I will pay you by letting you do more work for us

[X] Plan Politicoreligious Aid on Credit
Mathilde has historically bribed a god twice to great results. So has Heidi, with Shallaya granting her longer life for it. There is honestly a good track record for already favoured people getting great rewards for further bribes frankly. But the context and value of what is offered mattered a great deal.
I would say Mathilde hasn't bribed any gods. Her relationship with Ranald isn't quid pro quo. She got a divine artifact for the Mork heist, but that wasn't Mathilde making a sacrifice or a deal. It was Mathilde in a shitty situation, Ranald helping her at risk to himself, and then giving Mathilde a cut of the laundered power in appreciation. The crystal was kind of a sacrifice, but by the tone of the thread, it wasn't really a bribe. It was Mathilde telling Ranald about a secret of hers, forgoing its benefits, and Ranald told her a secret in return.

Also, Ranald getting into a fist-fight with Khorne should count as a major intervention, and Mathilde didn't offer any bribes for that.

Now, Heidi is a good point. I'm not sure how much we should trust her story about it, there might be more to it than bribery. But I think you're mostly correct that Mathilde is in good standing with the gods, and could gain their favor for relevant matters, especially if she offered a bribe.
Her relationship with Ranald isn't quid pro quo
It is not, no, they are very much friends in cahoots.

All the same, i actually disagree with you on the Gork and Mork vote tbh. That Ranald was at risk is valid, but the circumstances of it are still "Mathilde had like six options and she offered Ranald the opportunity to steal a godly amount of power" and she got a fancy bling out of that.

Same with Fathers face on the coin.

Ultimately its about a mortal performing act of devotion to a god and being rewarded. The terminus technicus discussion of that being a sacrifice, bribe, gift or any other category of transaction are semantics that don't really meaningfully impact what i was saying.
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