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Yep, I'd like to flip a Major House to our side. My main candidate at the moment is Miriel, who serve Vaul. Their main reason for voting isolationist is because they have a monopoly on magic items within Laurelorn that's only challenged by the Grey Lords (and there's only 12 Grey Lords total). If they open up to the wider world, magic items from Ulthuan could flood the market via trade from Marienburg.

If we can find a way to protect their monopoly, they'll happily side with us.

I think this best illustrates the difference between our positions. I do not think there is an 'our side' as in the side of Mathilde Weber, there is a side for engagement with the outside world that is lead by the queen. As far as the elves are concerned Mathilde is a mildly interesting curiosity that might have access to lost elf and dwarf lore (likely leaving them at least a little bemused at all the other mayflies we have gathered here). Without some kind of results no one is going to take Mathilde seriously enough to make alliances with her
I think this best illustrates the difference between our positions. I do not think there is an 'our side' as in the side of Mathilde Weber, there is a side for engagement with the outside world that is lead by the queen. As far as the elves are concerned Mathilde is a mildly interesting curiosity that might have access to lost elf and dwarf lore (likely leaving them at least a little bemused at all the other mayflies we have gathered here). Without some kind of results no one is going to take Mathilde seriously enough to make alliances with her

Tindomiel are willing to make an alliance with Mathilde on the assumption that she will get results, and we haven't done anything yet. I think they are treating us pretty seriously.

I think you are massively overstating just how haughty and arrogant the Eonir are. Each one we've spoken to so far has treated us with respect, not as an amusement.
As Mopman said, if a single house decided to flip their vote and vote against us, then we're 12-12 when Delynna is Vicarius and 11-13 on every other occasion, which means we tie only once out of every four years. The balance is certainly precarious.
I do however think that letting people in is very much something that takes bit more effort to walk back. Maybe they could posit the vote, but there goes considerably more thought into if its worth it potentially pissing off the people involved in the project. Which includes people such as King Belegar and Thorek, the second most esteemed Runelord. The representatives from Kislev and Empire are bit less politically stunning but surely also relevant, unless, of course, you count the Ar-Ulric and Count of Middenland, which you should, in such decision.

Not letting people into Laurelorn was easy, when they were still in isolation, but now that those ties exist and that political capital has been invested in it? That means making enemies by breaking those same ties.

Thats like, entirely different problem, with entirely different context of issues, and i sincerely think that considering the original vote to be valid representation of what happens in case balance of the voters shift back is wrong, because its quite simply nowhere near the same thing to have an opinion about.
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I think you are massively overstating just how haughty and arrogant the Eonir are. Each one we've spoken to so far has treated us with respect, not as an amusement.
Didn't Boney mention something along the lines of if we get involved with elves, then just as the dwarves were modified to be less extreme so would be the elves?
This could be a partial reflection of that.

Clarification: I still believe that the Eonir are less proud than the Asur, but if the Elves as a whole are made more reasonable, then that stands as ground for the Eonir to be even more 'down-to-earth'.
Tindomiel are willing to make an alliance with Mathilde on the assumption that she will get results, and we haven't done anything yet. I think they are treating us pretty seriously.

I think you are massively overstating just how haughty and arrogant the Eonir are. Each one we've spoken to so far has treated us with respect, not as an amusement.

This is not an alliance, this is them agreeing to work for the project in exchange for benefits as part of the project. If we were truly allies than we would have been brought in confidence as to the positions of the House and how we might contribute to them.
@Boney it's been almost two years since we've come to Laurelorn, and Kadoh told us that the Festival of Games occurs every four years:

Do we know when the next Festival of Games is going to be held? Seems like the kind of thing we'd need to keep an eye on since it changes the local politics.

There was one last year in 2487, Kadoh crushed it.

Speaking of which, doesn't the Warden change every year as well? Who's the current warden in that case?

Storm > Sun > Rain > Frost. Currently the Warden of the Rain, Lord Galenstra of House Fanpatar.

This is the list of Major Houses and Wards and their position. These are the members of the High Council, barring Elwyn, which is now dead. That's 21 Major Houses and 4 Wards, which would normally be 25 seats. However, at any given point in time, one of those 4 Wards sit on the Triumvirate, which means their vote doesn't count, instead they act as a tiebreaker alongside the Queen and her Champion, the Queen determined by matrilineal descent and the Champion through the Festival of Games every four years. This Warden seat on the Triumvirate is known as the "Vicarius Triumvir". The Vicarius Triumvir cycles between the Wards yearly.

In total, we have ten Major Houses that support contact with the outside world and eleven Major Houses that vote against. Normally that would mean we lose, but we have three Wards on our side and the opposing side only has one. This means that at any given moment where the Warden of Sun, Lady Delynna, acts as Vicarius Triumvir, then the vote is 13-11 in our favor. This happens one year out of every four. In any other case, when another Warden is Vicarius, the vote is 12-12, which is a tie. The Triumvirate then act as tiebreaker. Marrisith is on our side and so are the three Wards who would act as Vicarius when the Ward of the Sun is voting against us. The Champion is currently Kadoh, and he's also on Marrisith's side.

Minor nitpick: the Lord in charge of each Ward holds two titles: the military title of Warden and the political title of Vicarius. The one that is Triumvir that year could be referred to as 'Vicarius Triumvir', while the other three would be singular 'Vicarius Councillor' or plural 'Vicarii Councillors'.

By the way, does it mean that there will be 25 seats in High Council from now on, or there will be someone to claim empty seat in due time?

The title and benefits of being a Great House was granted to certain families to encourage them to immigrate to Laurelorn back when Tor Lithanel and Kor Immarmor were founded, and each Great House was granted a seat on the High Council when it was formed to handle decision-making during the Sundering, when they were cut off from Ulthuan. There's no process for naming a new Great House or adding anyone new to the High Council except for by creating a new Ward, which hasn't happened since Kor Immarmor was destroyed during the War of Vengeance and its lands were made the Ward of Frost. There was some discussion about making what was once the province of Drakwald into a new Ward when they won the war against its Elector Count, but in the end they decided against it and withdrew their forces, and eventually Middenland absorbed it instead.

I think House Miriel are extremely misinformed about the sort of stuff Ulthuan trades in and the quantity that they trade in as a result of their ignorance. Remember that the majority of these people have never seen humans before, and they don't even have books on the Empire as an entity, only the ones that they've interacted with. They are extremely sheltered. I think they really overestimate the products Ulthuan ships to the Old World.

The lingering cultural cringe of a former colony is a powerful and insidious force. House Miriel measures themselves against an idealized memory of Ulthuan at its height, and find themselves wanting.
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There was one last year in 2487, Kadoh crushed it.
...Huh. Either I underestimated Kadoh or overestimated the competition, because I expected him to find a challenge. Seems our boy's got some serious skill. Good for him, and for us.
Storm > Sun > Rain > Frost. Currently the Warden of the Rain, Lord Galenstra of House Fanpatar.
I don't know why this came up in my brain, but if you draw a line from the geographic position of the Ward of Storms to the Ward of Sun, then down to Rain, then diagonally up towards the Ward of Frost, you end up with a reversed Master Rune of Spite.
Minor nitpick: the Lord in charge of each Ward holds two titles: the military title of Warden and the political title of Vicarius. The one that is Triumvir that year could be referred to as 'Vicarius Triumvir', while the other three would be singular 'Vicarius Councillor' or plural 'Vicarii Councillors'.
This is informative, but I was wondering if I slipped up in my phrasing? I thought I was clear that the Warden became Vicarius Triumvir and that it switched every year. That each one of them is called Vicarius regardless of if they're Triumvir or not is new information to me though.

EDIT: Oh I caught it. Apparently I used "Vicarius Triumvir" and "Vicarius" interchangably, which is confusing with the information that they're Vicarius regardless of whether they're Triumvir or not.
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This is informative, but I was wondering if I slipped up in my phrasing? I thought I was clear that the Warden became Vicarius Triumvir and that it switched every year. That each one of them is called Vicarius regardless of if they're Triumvir or not is new information to me though.

That they're always a Vicarius makes the second paragraph potentially misleading: "when another Warden is Vicarius", "the three Wards who would act as Vicarius".
I think you are massively overstating just how haughty and arrogant the Eonir are. Each one we've spoken to so far has treated us with respect, not as an amusement.
To be fair, we've biased that sample by deliberately seeking out the ones that we feel we can interact with well. We have mostly not interact with the isolationist houses, because time is precious and our expectations of gain there are low, and we don't know how many of them are isolationists out of economic/internal political stances (like Miriel seem to be) and how many of them mix in racial prejudice against humans (like Echtelion does).

Apropos of nothing: Boney, I noticed when I went to go double-check House names from Codex's rundown that the Player-Created Informational Posts threadmark now contains a link to @Parabola's spreadsheet summary of our library's contents (which I approve of wholeheartedly, it is a wonderful resource of which they should be proud), but the post in which it's presented is not itself Media threadmarked the way other infoposts generally are.
This is not an alliance, this is them agreeing to work for the project in exchange for benefits as part of the project. If we were truly allies than we would have been brought in confidence as to the positions of the House and how we might contribute to them.

Partnership then, or whatever. I don't know what you're supposed to call it when two groups are cooperating together for mutual benefit, but whatever the term is, they are still treating us with respect and as an equal to be negotiated with, not as a child that's learned an amusing trick, and your attempt to detract from the point by quibbling over my word choice is tiresome.
Partnership then, or whatever. I don't know what you're supposed to call it when two groups are cooperating together for mutual benefit, but whatever the term is, they are still treating us with respect and as an equal to be negotiated with, not as a child that's learned an amusing trick, and your attempt to detract from the point by quibbling over my word choice is tiresome.

I am using the word alliance to mean a political pledge of mutual support which we cannot give them as we have no political capital. I am also not sure if they have any respect for Mathidle as a person as opposed to the simple willingness to deal with her as a proxy for the project which might be very important.... or it might be a dud. I do not think we are going to get any more than formal courtesy unless and until we can actually deliver something.
To be fair, we've biased that sample by deliberately seeking out the ones that we feel we can interact with well. We have mostly not interact with the isolationist houses, because time is precious and our expectations of gain there are low, and we don't know how many of them are isolationists out of economic/internal political stances (like Miriel seem to be) and how many of them mix in racial prejudice against humans (like Echtelion does).
This is a general note, and should not be taken as a suggestion for something we should be doing immediately. However, if we want to maximise the efficiency of interactions with Isolationist Houses, then we've got two major options.

These are the major Gods of Laurelorn:
Patron Gods of Laurelorn: Asuryan, Isha, Vaul, Hoeth, Hekarti. The most prominent Gods of Laurelorn. In terms of the Mandela, Isha is in the middle, Asuryan, Vaul, Hoeth, Hekarti, Atharti, Morai-Heg and Mathlann are in the inner ring. All the remaining gods are in the outer, and both Ereth Khial and Nethu are being considered for removal.
The Queen, House Filuan (Isha), Houses Maeglin (Atharti), Nienna (Morai-Heg), Tindomiel (Hekarti), Quendalmanliye, Mardil and Teleri (all Mathlann) are on our side, and they represent some of the most major gods of the pantheon. However, we lack Asuryan, Vaul and Hoethian support, and three of the Isha Houses are against us.

To acquire the most power as soon as possible, the best choices are House Malforric and House Miriel.

Malforric is self explanatory. They have two votes in the High Council or a vote and a tiebreaker, they control the military defences of the Ward of the Sun, which contains the capital of the Eonir. They dominate Asuryan worship and determine the state of the Festival of Games, giving them influence over the Champion, one of the Triumvir. They hold some of the greatest amounts of influence and power in the Laurelorn, second only to Marrisith.

Miriel, on the other hand, is an efficient choice simply because they have a complete monopoly over Vaul. Their control over the Vaul Priest-Smiths means that one of Laurelorn's most major gods is under the control of one house. The fact that their concerns are largely practical in nature is also an advantage.

There are other options for working through the Isolationist houses, but imo these two are probably the most bang for our buck. I'm pretty sure Malforric is going to be very, very, very hard to crack though.
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I am using the word alliance to mean a political pledge of mutual support which we cannot give them as we have no political capital. I am also not sure if they have any respect for Mathidle as a person as opposed to the simple willingness to deal with her as a proxy for the project which might be very important.... or it might be a dud. I do not think we are going to get any more than formal courtesy unless and until we can actually deliver something.

They are giving us one of their most powerful mages on credit. We have achieved nothing and they are willing to work for free until we achieve something—and their reward is the right to provide more mages to the project.

We have delivered nothing but vague promises about future deals and they are giving us everything right now. That goes far beyond "formal courtesy".

And what does "no political capital" even mean? We have the ear of the Empress, of two Dwarf Kings, of the Tsarvich and the Ice Court, and whilst we've never met him, we're politically aligned with and have the approval of the Elector Count of Middenheim as well, who is the most important human ally the Eonir have. We are drowning in political capital, and any house that wants connections to the outside world will be foolish to dismiss us.
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They are giving us one of their most powerful mages on credit. We have achieved nothing and they are willing to work for free until we achieve something—and their reward is the right to provide more mages to the project.
Not just achieving something. They aren't willing to fight for a reward if we only managed to learn how to fix Waystones. They're only willing to get paid if we have overwhelming success in the form of entirely new Waystones, which we considered to be a huge stretch goal.
A single Major House deciding differently means the project ends.
It means the project moves, not the project ends. And if Lord Halatath doesn't come along because of it then we have to come up with a way to make them regret it.

As for Miriel being worried about Ulthuan goods, it might go beyond magic items and just refer to magically crafted items.
I think this best illustrates the difference between our positions. I do not think there is an 'our side' as in the side of Mathilde Weber, there is a side for engagement with the outside world that is lead by the queen. As far as the elves are concerned Mathilde is a mildly interesting curiosity that might have access to lost elf and dwarf lore (likely leaving them at least a little bemused at all the other mayflies we have gathered here). Without some kind of results no one is going to take Mathilde seriously enough to make alliances with her
Mathilde is a Human that has brazenly set up shop in an ancient and prestigious House that would have voted against her coming here if they hadn't gone extinct while valiantly fighting in defense of this glorious and shining city they all live in. She brought three more Humans after a couple of days and has in rapid time (for an Elf) more than doubled that number. With Humans from, at this point, two different polities The hardcore isolationist base definitely see her as a symbol of the change they want to prevent. Her failure would prove them right.

Mayflies might die off fast, but they multiply fast as well. Look away and the next time you pay attention there is a gods damned swarm. And everyone knows that Humans are less like mayflies and more like locusts. Just look at the poor forest.
However, we lack Asuryan, Vaul and Hoethian support, and three of the Isha Houses are against us.
Wasn't the racist Hoeth House in favor of opening? I assume they see us as easily exploitable markets or are in some other way not worried about measly Humans doing any damage. Racism played straight instead of the fascist "these people are lesser than us in every way but also the greatest threat to our way of life".
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