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Sartosa probably has one of the most ridiculous histories in the Warhammer World. It was taken over and controlled by almost every faction at one point or another. If I remember right, it was taken over by High Elves first, then the Dwarves ran them out, then the Dwarves had to abandon the place and it was occupied by Tileans. The Tilean city of Sartosa was then sacked and destroyed by Dark Elves and Settra's fleet with a bunch of them shipped off as slaves, and then the Norscans came and occupied the place from which they raided Tilea through Cappo Cinno (I'm not lying that's the name of the Cape).

The Norscans were eventually defeated by Luccini and then hired as mercenaries to guard the island, but then they were overwhelmed by Arabyan Corsairs who took over the island in 1240 IC. The Arabyans held the island for about 250 years from which they engaged in many naval battle with the Tilean nations, until they were defeated and deposed by Luciano Catena of Luccini. It is here that the infamous "Emir Abd Al Wazaq holed up in his mansion and was so desperate he trained his harem to fight" piece of lore came from, and when the Arabyans were defeated that harem became mercenaries for Tilea. Many Arabyans survived and integrated into Sartosa in the aftermath.

Sartosa was as such a vassal of Luccini up until the mercenary companies in the island mutinied against the Prince and rebelled, effectively declaring independence and becoming pirates, turning Sartosa into what it is today.

And so Sartosa is a former Elven turned Dwarven turned Tilean colony turned ruins by Druchii and Nehekharans turned Norscan turned Tilean turned Arabyan turned Luccinan colony that eventually became independent.
And so Sartosa is a former Elven turned Dwarven turned Tilean colony turned ruins by Druchii and Nehekharans turned Norscan turned Tilean turned Arabyan turned Luccinan colony that eventually became independent.

Sounds like a Warhammer version of Malta, which has been colonised by so many different cultures—Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, Hospitallers/Crusaders, Napoleonic France, the British Empire and then they became independent in the 1960's.
And so Sartosa is a former Elven turned Dwarven turned Tilean colony turned ruins by Druchii and Nehekharans turned Norscan turned Tilean turned Arabyan turned Luccinan colony that eventually became independent.
Malta was phoenician, turned cartaginian, turned roman, turned arabic, turned norman, then to the aragonese, then the Knights hospitaller, then the french, then the English and finally independence (in 1964).

They were pretty decent at sinking pirates in the 14-17 th century.

They're also 90km from sicily...

Now you know where GW ripped Sartosa off from :V

Edit: rats, Ninja'd due to phone posting
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I'm guessing most of those were New World Age of Discovery stuff and the main reason it was so wanted was because it's in the middle of the sea?

Edit: No it is not, my sense of the time period doesn't add up.
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@Boney Is Halétha also worshipped in the Shirokij, since that's still an extension of the Forest of Shadows, or is she only really on the Empire side of the border?
[x] Plan Middle Ground
- [x] [SCOPE] The Empire (+2)
- [x] [REP] Heir (-1)
- [x] [FORM] Discreet (-1)
[x] [HOUSE] Yes
[x] [HEDGEWISE] Openly
[x] [HEDGEWISE] Discreetly
[x] Plan All in, but discreet
- [x] [SCOPE] The Old World (+4)
- [x] [REP] Head (-3)
- [x] [FORM] Discreet (-1)
[x] Plan Middle Ground
-[x] [SCOPE] The Empire (+2)
-[x] [REP] Heir (-1)
-[x] [FORM] Discreet (-1)

[X] [HEDGEWISE] Discreetly

[X][HOUSE] Yes

[X] Plan: Just the Heir
-[X] [SCOPE] Laurelorn (0)
-[x] [REP] Heir (-1)
-[X] [FORM] Shrines (+1)

[X] Plan If We Win We've Already Won: Influence/Investigation
-[X] [SCOPE] Empire, Bretonnia, and Kislev (+3)
-[x] [REP] Magical Theorist (-2)
-[x] [REP] Heir (-1)
-[x] [FORM] Dedication (0)
What do you mean by « their concept »? « Old empire stubbornly holding to the old ways »?

I suspect it's more that they are a constantly in decline race who's power has faded to a mere shadow, and yet they are still superior to everyone and always win because they are the designated saviours of the setting and can do no wrong ever, but they are also tragic and cursed but the effects of the curse only make them arrogant and hostile but never actually seems to impact them in a meaningful way at all.

At least, that's my issue with the High Elves.
Formerly Colonial Empire of blonde, blue eyed white people that consider themselves superior to all others (and consistently shown to be so in many areas) living in a magical paradise believing that they know better than everyone else is already enough to start the dislike. It helps that I think they are genuinely lacking in many aspects in the worldbuilding side in comparison to humans and Dwarves, who are, in my opinion, more fleshed out.
Formerly Colonial Empire of blonde, blue eyed white people that consider themselves superior to all others (and consistently shown to be so in many areas) living in a magical paradise believing that they know better than everyone else is already enough to start the dislike. It helps that I think they are genuinely lacking in many aspects in the worldbuilding side in comparison to humans and Dwarves, who are, in my opinion, more fleshed out.
Are dwarves more fleshed out? I've always had that impression but I chalked it up to reading quests and fanfics mostly focused on the Empire and dwarves.
Formerly Colonial Empire of blonde, blue eyed white people that consider themselves superior to all others (and consistently shown to be so in many areas) living in a magical paradise believing that they know better than everyone else is already enough to start the dislike. It helps that I think they are genuinely lacking in many aspects in the worldbuilding side in comparison to humans and Dwarves, who are, in my opinion, more fleshed out.

I think it is another case of the satire mixing with the Rule of Cool in ways that are unfortunate. It does not help that they as @Alratan once put it cannot decide what stage of colonial decay they are in. Either they are a world power with all the colonies and oppression noted therein or they are a dying empire that has decolonized still clinging on to the dregs of imperial power. There is no box marked 'other'.
Are dwarves more fleshed out? I've always had that impression but I chalked it up to reading quests and fanfics mostly focused on the Empire and dwarves.
Most Warhammer fiction in general is focused on the Empire, is the main thing. So Dwarfs benefit from proximity.

But they've also gotten some attention from the RP books over the years, and Ulthuan/the High Elves have gotten none.
Are dwarves more fleshed out? I've always had that impression but I chalked it up to reading quests and fanfics mostly focused on the Empire and dwarves.
They definitely are, primarily because they exist in the Old World. Ulthuan is off in its own little world, and is incredibly underdeveloped in comparison to the Empire or the Karaz Ankor. I can name every capital of every province in the Empire and tell you a few things about each of them. I can do the same for Major Dwarf Holds. I cannot do the same for most Ulthuan Kingdoms.
I think it is another case of the satire mixing with the Rule of Cool in ways that are unfortunate. It does not help that they as @Alratan once put it cannot decide what stage of colonial decay they are in. Either they are a world power with all the colonies and oppression noted therein or they are a dying empire that has decolonized still clinging on to the dregs of imperial power. There is no box marked 'other'.
You could make an argument that they are the British empire just before ww1, very much in decline, but very much still the biggest boy around.

With the dragons 'falling asleep' referencing the slow decay and decommissioning of the dreadnoughts and navel ships.

But that's a bit to subtle for what I'm willing to give GW.
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Adhoc vote count started by mathymancer on May 3, 2022 at 6:24 AM, finished with 1046 posts and 152 votes.

A little over 24 hours have passed with little change. The two top plans have each gained 4 votes, which mean plan 'Just The Heir' remains a mere 6 votes behind plan 'how many people can actually read elf anyways'. If you're voting for a plan that isn't the top two consider approval voting for the one you like best out of those two, as no other plan stands a realistic chance of winning at this point (except maybe 'Discretion Is The Watchword', though it would be a pretty huge upset this late in the vote).
To those voting 'No' on the Tindomiel's recruitment, you might want to consider which of the two leading plans is least bad and vote accordingly. Remember that you can vote for a plan while still voting No, and it makes the 'Yes' option no more likely to win.

Meanwhile, the rest of the vote is pretty one sided. 'Yes' on recruiting House Tindomiel has a little over twice as many votes as 'No', making their recruitment pretty much a done deal. On the Hedgewise side of the vote 'Discreetly' enjoys a similar lead on 'Secretly', which means my girl Halétha is really getting some respect. I guess this gives Mathilde a convenient excuse to express more interest in Halétha, and with the Father active Aksel is likely to believe that Mathilde is honestly doing this out of a desire to help out Halétha and the Hedgefolk. Which is true, I don't think I've read a single post outlining a selfish motivation for Discreetly.
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