- Location
- Europa, Jupiter Orbit
I don't know about others, but my racist bias in this situation is not against Elves. It's against Cytharai. I couldn't care less about the arrogance, perceived or otherwise. If Tindomiel had asked for a Human developed battle magic spell from each College so "their kids have something new to play with" and also expected a fair amount of ass kissing from Mathilde I would still think it would me worth to try and make it work. Meanwhile I would also have less compunctions with making all the Waystones outright and unsubtle shrines to Hoeth.Wow. The thread really doesn't like elves, huh. Or perhaps better to say that it is so primed to see arrogance to be pushed back on that it lashes out at least provocation.
The elves basically offered to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of construction in exchange for just putting a maker's mark on it and a large minority of the thread is "how dare you!?!"
On top of that is my natural suspicion of their offer. If someone says "I'll only do you this favor if you also allow me to do you this other specific favor. What's in it for me? Oh, you don't need to worry about that." then my alarm bells go off. I'd rather be confronted by a steep but above board price.
Sure, maybe I am prejudiced. But right now our knowledge on Cytharai is based on mostly negative stuff. "The world as it is" is just not pretty, especially in the magic department. So I am working with what I've got.
Taal has a track record of being more good than bad overall and if he is an Elven God then he is Kurnous, a Cadai. We don't know Hekarti enough to trust her like that.From what we've observed in quest, every single Taalite holy place we've visited is built on top of a waystone. If King Taal the Hunter, Lord of the Forest, isn't abusing the waystones through His sites of worship, then I don't see why Hekarti would do the same.
It's fanart and fanart is often more... thirsty than it needs to be, especially if its Dark Elf related, but this is the first image that pops up if I google Hekarti.I'm also a bit surprised that Hekarti has such an... inviting form.

Of note are the six items she holds, which are canon afaik.