You have three of those, each worth +20.
Ok, I changed it to use only one of the three. A bonus of over 100 (3 Caretakers+ Foundry+Scientist+Scientific Method) feels like a bit too much.:p

The shift is permanent, until you shift the Action back. A category cannot have less than 1(one) Action.
So; I thought about it and looked over how the Actions could be used. And, well things could get strange if we shift enough Actions around.

It doesn't matter too much as long as the Category that gets extra Actions is limited by something else, like Material cost(Faith and Tree Actions), Goodwill cost(Military), or simply time because every project takes 2-3 Turns(Diplomacy). But the Categories that aren't limited like that(Archeology and Learning)...

We could shift things around until we have 4 Actions in one Category. For Learning, that means we could do 1 big project that gets 3 Auto-Success, 2 Actions could be used on theory work to reduce DCs, and 1 Action to do "easy" projects. What counts as "easy" would change rapidly because we could get most of the basic theories over 2 or 3 Turns. The Cargo Transporters project for example could get 6 different theories applied to it.

And then there is Archeology. Dear god, Archeology. We could use 3 Actions to organize Expeditions and use the last Action to explore new areas for even more Expedition targets. We could easily end up with a dozen Expeditions simultaneously. That would flood Mirn with Artefacts.
[X] Plan Fulfilling Our Obligations
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Ularn)
-[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Zulmni)
-[X][Martial] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
-[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Pneumatic Automatic Generatic - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Mechanics)
--[X] SC, PD, DoD, "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains
-[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
-[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker
--[X] Use DoD
-[X][Tree] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete)
-[X][Aria] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Upgrade The Crystal-Path (Sandcrete)
-[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken, PD)
-[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
--[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Pneumatic Automatic Generatic) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
Last edited:
@karmaoa, is your theory research a Common, Advanced, or Pioneer one? There are differences in successes needed, so I need to know which one is pursued.
5/20/75 (edit: reductions applicable only downwards, a common theory won't affect pioneer-only research), but it also has secondary (secret) mechanical and story-wise effects.
Hm. Yeah, that's gonna be a bit of a struggle to get investment in regularly, because it's got to compete against investing extremely-limited actions into stuff that provides immediate, known, concrete effects. Then again, there's a reason why the world is in this state, and that's a good part of it.
Yup! Why bother with learning that 1+1 equals 2, when you can build a machine to do that for you, or find an artifact that does it faster?
And the steady erosion in capabilities from attrition and entropy continue apace, yeah. Blegh. And getting more actions won't help, because the pressures to spend them toward something with immediate results will be there.

Then again, a good argument could be made that we should at least finish building up the facilities for performing research quicker and cheaper. Artisanal Quarters, Laboratories, Library, and Black Box -- if we can reliably finish a theory each turn, it'd be an easier sell.
@karmaoa, is your theory research a Common, Advanced, or Pioneer one? There are differences in successes needed, so I need to know which one is pursued.
Ah, I assumed we unlock each rank by getting the necessary number of Successes, with us just voting if we want to keep it going or not. Basically; we reach 3 Successes= Common, we reach 9 Successes= Advanced, etc.

Hmm, every project that uses Advanced Electronics also gets the Common bonus, except for Power Armor - Primitive but that will take a long while anyway. The Common version could get finished this Turn if we roll 15 or higher. But a bonus of 5 isn't that much, and Secret Of The Circuit probably unlocks many new projects that could use a bonus of +20 on top of the +15 from Scientific Theory.

If we do Common Theories this Turn and start Advanced later would we start with 3 Success, meaning we only need 6 to finish, or would we need to start from 0 again?
Ah, I assumed we unlock each rank by getting the necessary number of Successes, with us just voting if we want to keep it going or not. Basically; we reach 3 Successes= Common, we reach 9 Successes= Advanced, etc.

Hmm, every project that uses Advanced Electronics also gets the Common bonus, except for Power Armor - Primitive but that will take a long while anyway. The Common version could get finished this Turn if we roll 15 or higher. But a bonus of 5 isn't that much, and Secret Of The Circuit probably unlocks many new projects that could use a bonus of +20 on top of the +15 from Scientific Theory.

If we do Common Theories this Turn and start Advanced later would we start with 3 Success, meaning we only need 6 to finish, or would we need to start from 0 again?
They're different projects, so I'm almost certain it'd be starting from 0 again.
As Godwinson said, you would start at 0.
Then I would go with Advanced.

We are very likely to get 3 Successes this Turn, but +5 now isn't as important as having +20 on the projects unlocked by Secret Of The Circuit. Secret Of The Circuit will take 3 Turns anyway, which should be enough time to finish Advanced Electronic theories.

Thanks to Shifting we should have 1 open Learning Action anyway.
Then I would go with Advanced.

We are very likely to get 3 Successes this Turn, but +5 now isn't as important as having +20 on the projects unlocked by Secret Of The Circuit. Secret Of The Circuit will take 3 Turns anyway, which should be enough time to finish Advanced Electronic theories.

Thanks to Shifting we should have 1 open Learning Action anyway.
Might I suggest going for Common, instead? There are other mechanical benefits from it (and narrative ones), and having those available when we start Secret of the Circuit 2 and also having an Advanced Electronic theory when it finishes, can potentially give much better results than having a single Advanced Electronic theory finish partway through.
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on May 20, 2021 at 11:02 AM, finished with 20 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Electronics, Switched Actions and Engines
    -[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    --[X] +6 FF
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
    --[X] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
    -[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
    --[X] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
    -[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
    -[X][Aria action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble An Engine - (Silver Mine) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-85 Materials)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    --[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [X] Plan Fulfilling Our Obligations
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Ularn)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Zulmni)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Pneumatic Automatic Generatic - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Mechanics)
    --[X] SC, PD, DoD, "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains
    -[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
    -[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker
    --[X] Use DoD
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holding] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete)
    -[X][Aria] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Upgrade The Crystal-Path (Sandcrete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken, PD)
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Pneumatic Automatic Generatic) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [x] Plan Electronics, Research Preperations, and Fooooood
Huh, second tie ever. Extending vote for 1(one) hour, and then 1(one) day if the tie hasn't been broken.
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on May 20, 2021 at 12:04 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fulfilling Our Obligations
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Ularn)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Zulmni)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Pneumatic Automatic Generatic - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Mechanics)
    --[X] SC, PD, DoD, "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains
    -[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
    -[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker
    --[X] Use DoD
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holding] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete)
    -[X][Aria] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Upgrade The Crystal-Path (Sandcrete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken, PD)
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Pneumatic Automatic Generatic) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [X] Plan Electronics, Switched Actions and Engines
    -[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    --[X] +6 FF
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
    --[X] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
    -[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
    --[X] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
    -[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
    -[X][Aria action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble An Engine - (Silver Mine) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-85 Materials)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    --[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [x] Plan Electronics, Research Preperations, and Fooooood
I need 9 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
40, rolled with +21
65/89/134 rolled with +87
40/45/50 rolled with +15
45, rolled with +25
45, rolled with +25
52, rolled with +25

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:


2d4 Lost Tech+
3d2-1 Common++/Rare+


4d1000, 3d3500, 2d7500

The first rolls are taken as official.
I will roll on the 21.05.21 at 17:00 CET if there are no other rolls present.
oh boy,next turn is incoming
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: first DC 15 Total: 26
26 26
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: second DC 15 Total: 65
65 65
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC40, rolled with +21 Total: 22
22 22
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 65/89/134 rolled with +87 Total: 60
60 60
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 40/45/50 rolled with +15 Total: 23
23 23
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 99 Total: 58
58 58
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: first DC45, rolled with +25 Total: 31
31 31
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: second DC45, rolled with +25 Total: 49
49 49
armentho threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC52, rolled with +25 Total: 74
74 74
armentho threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: free re-roll DC40/45/50 Total: 3
3 3
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on May 20, 2021 at 12:04 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fulfilling Our Obligations
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Ularn)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Zulmni)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Pneumatic Automatic Generatic - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Mechanics)
    --[X] SC, PD, DoD, "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains
    -[X][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
    -[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker
    --[X] Use DoD
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holding] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete)
    -[X][Aria] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Upgrade The Crystal-Path (Sandcrete)
    -[X][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken, PD)
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Pneumatic Automatic Generatic) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [X] Plan Electronics, Switched Actions and Engines
    -[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
    -[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
    --[X] +6 FF
    -[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
    --[X] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
    -[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
    --[X] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
    -[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
    -[X][Aria action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble An Engine - (Silver Mine) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-85 Materials)
    -[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))
    -[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
    --[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
    ---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
    ---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
    ---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
    --[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
    -[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
    --[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
    --[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
    -[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
    -[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
    --[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
    -[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
    --[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
    [x] Plan Electronics, Research Preperations, and Fooooood
I need 9 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
40, rolled with +21
65/89/134 rolled with +87
40/45/50 rolled with +15
45, rolled with +25
45, rolled with +25
52, rolled with +25

The first failure is re-rolled
All others have a DC of 50 for Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:


2d4 Lost Tech+
3d2-1 Common++/Rare+


4d1000, 3d3500, 2d7500

The first rolls are taken as official.
I will roll on the 21.05.21 at 17:00 CET if there are no other rolls present.

hey QM,are you sure that DC99 is rigth?

it seems unlikely that any of us would vote for a dice so high without some sort of DC bonus