I think his reasoning is that the odds of getting above 95 on the roll is very low, which means that there isn't much worry about triggering the 50% fail condition. Although I am not sure why we shouldn't use the pull option on it.
We also need to pay off our loan in 3 turns. As someone pointed out, better to pay over those three turns rather then trying to pay it all off in one go.

I'm not saying do it three turns in a row if we don't get a windfall of some kind. I'd just really like to try it, who knows what's in there?

We have a pretty hefty income now, I think we can cover the loan.
Geez that's soooo slow. Can we just use DoD as a tugboat and bring them faster?
Not really, as the main issue is not transport, but restoring the Airships to functioning order without greater notice. You could still do that, but instead of Common and the rare Rare Mutant/Machine, you'd have to contest with Behemoths and Dreadnoughts.
Alright, I'll take a stab at a plan this time.

@HeroCooky, Aria's actions this turn if we don't take relax would roll with a 0, not a -10, yes?

Can ^Ä^ (Who I am nicknaming Christmas Ornament, or CO for short) help on research a la PD?

Also, what bonus exactly does our scientist provide?

[]Plan: The Vault of the Mind, Draft 1
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You!
-[][Faith] Establish A Soup-Kitchen - (Jokvi)(4 Materials)
-[][Learning] Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)- (2/15 Successes)
--[] (Forgotten Diary, Electronic Shackles, Gutted Core, SC, PD, 11 Faithful) (DC 201 for 3 successes, Bonus = 150+?+11+2d20)
--[] In The Name Of Profit (15 Materials)
--[] Grease The Wheels (15 Materials, 15 Goodwill)
-[][Learning] Primitive Radios - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics)
--[] (Dilapidated Prosthetic, Industrial Electric Foundry, Holographic Sights, Electro-Spool, Damaged Sentinel x1, Damaged Caretakerx2) (DC 176 for 3 succcesses, Bonus = 20x8 = 160)
-[][Archeology] Open The Bunker (103 Materials)
--[] Pull with the DoD (1+1+7= 9% chance of success)
-[][Martyris] Too Much to Do - Be on hand alongside the Unbroken, Tech-Scouts and the Wall in case the bunker opening goes wrong.)
-[][Martyris] Too Much to Do - Visit the Bureau of Imperial Civilian Logistics to Grease The Wheels on Illness of the Mind
-[][Aria] Too Much To Do - Visit the 4S to acquire their assistance In The Name Of Profit for Illness of the Mind
-[] Nine Tribes Council
--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
(I have no idea what we want to sell here, I just really think we should take advantage of the opportunity. Suggestions?)
--[] Aquire Artifacts - (Rare/Lost Grade (Psychology), Unknown (Any))
---[] Max Budget (??) Materials
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Psychology)(Electronics)(Cost: 14 Materials)
--[] Rare Findings
---[] Investigate the following: 1.) How can the Pilgrims best help the Nine Tribes? 2.) Are they aware of any ruins outside the Forest of Rust that are likely to be unspoiled, rich in artifacts and too dangerous for your average scavenger to attempt? 3.) In particular, do they know of any particularly non-functional Knight Frames lying around?
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup kitchens)
--[] Partially Pay Off The Loan - 30 Materials

Final Cost: (180 Materials plus whatever we budget for artifact purchasing)

My Logic:

My prime goals this turn is to take full advantage of the Rare Odds and Ends support action and getting started on opening the vault.

Faith: I want to spend our materials elsewhere this turn, and forseeably the next two turns, so we go with cheap, reliable and useful options.

Learning: So Radios is obvious - if the ICL ministry is hosting a radio competition, we need to win it. Plus, super useful especially with airships on the horizon.

Psychology is the big move, though. Given that we have two turns to purchase an average bonus of +21 via Rare Oddds and Ends, I want to apply that to the highest DC action that we're after in the near term. And that's psychology, with a DC of a whopping 201.

And if we're going for it, there's a lot we can do to boost our total. We have a fair amount of goodwill stocked up. Having the ICL Grease the Wheels adds 1d6 successes. If we achieved 3 successes, max rolled, and combined that with the 4S and PD bonus successes, we could theoretically hit 13/15 Psychology successes this turn.

Archaeology: I admit it, curiousity is killing me. I want to know what's inside this damn thing. Now that I've had the psychology idea, I'm open to doing something other than the vault to focus our resources on psych if people prefer, but I really want to get the ball rolling.

Martyris: DoD would have a rough time protecting the ground crew without friendly fire if airborne enemies are attracted, so Martyris leads a military expedition to protect the archaeologists. He also greases wheels, because RP wise it makes more sense for me than fresh-faced Aria.

Aria: Aria, on the other hand, gets to go to visit the 4S and get their consultation on radios. After all, what could possibly go wrong by putting Aria, Radios, and a group of highly annoying yet scientific assholes in the same small space?

Lastly, we do our best to take advantage of the other Nine Tribes actions. I could really use suggestions on what artifacts to sell though.
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if the ICL ministry is hosting a radio competition
But the ministry is hosting a Radiology competition, as in the medical tech to take x-rays.

Dilapidated Prosthetic
I want to save this, I was going to propose a prosthetic tech

Psychology is the big move
I would rather focus on electronics. Secret of circuit is how we get out of AP hell and also money. Also research projects are locked in, and we do not have enough artefacts to make psycology move at an acceptable pace.

Are they aware of any ruins outside the Forest of Rust that are likely to be unspoiled, rich in artifacts and too dangerous for your average scavenger to attempt?
No way in hell they would tell us this. That's how the tribes themselves earn a living. Also our reclamation order only works for the forest so it's better to focus there.

Speaking of the proposal here's one @HeroCooky

Lend a hand, arm and leg
It is an unfortunate reality that many find themselves losing a limb to either accident, desease or injury. Only those with wealth and connections are able to go to the forge clans to get a replacement. We found the remains of an ancient prosthetic in the ruins, in its current state it is unusable, but we might be able to glean enough of it's design to begin crafting our own. Primitive as this first attempts may be, they will be the first step in easing the suffering of a lot of people.
Aria's actions this turn if we don't take relax would roll with a 0, not a -10, yes?
Due to her trauma, she would roll with a -5 modifier.
Can ^Ä^ (Who I am nicknaming Christmas Ornament, or CO for short) help on research a la PD?
No, as he only communicates with ASCII/Emoji art. As said, it would be difficult to help research when you answer "Boiling point of water" with " €●》~~#."
Also, what bonus exactly does our scientist provide?
In particular, do they know of any particularly non-functional Knight Frames lying around?
They'd be willing to sell you this information for 12 Materials per Frame. Though they all would be in varying stages of decay and usability. But as Amilia said:
No way in hell they would tell us this.
They will not sell you information on places they themselves rely on for trade and materials.
Speaking of the proposal here's one
Will add this now.
But the ministry is hosting a Radiology competition, as in the medical tech to take x-rays.

*facepalm* Right, nevermind.

I want to save this, I was going to propose a prosthetic tech

That's fine, easy enough to swap out for the last damaged Sentinel

I would rather focus on electronics. Secret of circuit is how we get out of AP hell and also money. Also research projects are locked in, and we do not have enough artefacts to make psycology move at an acceptable pace.

You know, I hadn't even noticed that about SotC? Research projects being locked-in is confusing me - I can't remember where we got those two Psych successes then. But I will take your word for it.

That said, your points make for a fairly easy draft 2.

[]Plan: Circuitous Vaults, Draft 1
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You!
-[][Faith] Establish A Soup-Kitchen - (Jokvi)(4 Materials)
-[][Learning] Secrets of the Circuit - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics)
--[] (Industrial Electric Foundry, Holographic Sights, Electro-Spool, Damaged Sentinelx2) (DC 101 for 3 succcesses, Bonus = 20x5 = 100)
--[] In The Name Of Profit (15 Materials)
--[] Grease The Wheels (15 Materials, 15 Goodwill)
-[][Learning] Reach Out And Stab Someone
-[][Archeology] Open The Bunker (103 Materials)
--[] Pull with the DoD (1+1+7= 9% chance of success)
-[][Martyris] Too Much to Do - Be on hand alongside the Unbroken, Tech-Scouts and the Wall in case the bunker opening goes wrong.)
-[][Martyris] Too Much to Do - Visit the Bureau of Imperial Civilian Logistics to Grease The Wheels on Secrets of the Circuit
-[][Aria] Too Much To Do - Visit the 4S to acquire their assistance In The Name Of Profit for Secrets of the Circuit
-[] Nine Tribes Council
--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
(I have no idea what we want to sell here, I just really think we should take advantage of the opportunity. Suggestions?)
--[] Aquire Artifacts - (Rare/Lost Grade (Psychology), Unknown (Any))
---[] Max Budget (??) Materials
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Psychology)(Electronics)(Cost: 14 Materials)
--[] Rare Findings
---[] Investigate the following: 1.) How can the Pilgrims best help the Nine Tribes? 2.) Are they aware of any ruins outside the Forest of Rust that are so insanely dangerous they don't even think about going there? You know, so we can avoid them. 3.) In particular, do they know of any particularly non-functional Knight Frames lying around?
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Soup kitchens)
--[] Partially Pay Off The Loan - 30 Materials

Final Cost: (180 Materials plus whatever we budget for artifact purchasing)

Went with reach out and stab someone for now because it's a useful, 1-turn, pretty much guaranteed tech.

They will not sell you information on places they themselves rely on for trade and materials.

Right. I have rephrased the request to be more in line with what I meant.

No, as he only communicates with ASCII/Emoji art. As said, it would be difficult to help research when you answer "Boiling point of water" with " €●》~~#."

And if Aria were to translate?

Also, another proposal:

Sticks and Stones:

Until very recently, all the knowledge we have about the interior of the human body eventually traces back to horrific sources of one sort or another. But discovered in an ancient Bone-Mending Kit was an enigmatic box, and images - images that seem to see inside a person. There's no overstating how much such an ability could change medicine - if only we can unlock the secret.
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I can't remember where we got those two Psych successes then.
They were overflow from the last psycology tech.

--[] In The Name Of Profit (15 Materials)
--[] Grease The Wheels (15 Materials, 15 Goodwill)
We don't need to spend so many materials to blitz this. You can also assign the scientist and faithfull for bonuses. Also you can PD for a guaranteed success

-[][Learning] Reach Out And Stab Someone
If you're looking for a quick tech it would be better to do fashion revival.

-[][Martyris] Too Much to Do - Visit the Bureau of Imperial Civilian Logistics to Grease The Wheels on Secrets of the Circuit
-[][Aria] Too Much To Do - Visit the 4S to acquire their assistance In The Name Of Profit for Secrets of the Circuit
We don't need to do this. Support actions are free. It would be better for Aria to rest and reset her bonus and for Martyris I want to build a steam engine for the silver mines, turn temporary money into permanent income.

--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
(I have no idea what we want to sell here, I just really think we should take advantage of the opportunity. Suggestions?)
We have some common artefact that have no use other than selling. Remember not to sell the clothes or the torah since we will have use for those later.
Why do you think Aria can translate the emoji's of a Core when nobody else can, other than PD, who, herself, is already working overtime to restore the Daughter' mind?

But...surely Aria knows she can understand CO, and that others can't. Isn't that enough, IC knowledge wise? I can't see Aria failing to volunteer her help allowing the new Pilgrim to communicate with the others.

We don't need to spend so many materials to blitz this. You can also assign the scientist and faithfull for bonuses. Also you can PD for a guaranteed success

We don't need to, no, but why not? 30 materials to potentially buy us two more actions in a turn or two?

The rest is just overlooked details, will fix if I feel like taking another stab at it.

We don't need to do this. Support actions are free. It would be better for Aria to rest and reset her bonus and for Martyris I want to build a steam engine for the silver mines, turn temporary money into permanent income.

In that case, the Support Action section listing those categories as (1 action) is a bit ambiguous.

Silver mines do seem like a good idea.
But...surely Aria knows she can understand CO, and that others can't. Isn't that enough, IC knowledge wise?
She does think that it is odd that so few people talk to ^Ä^ without PD around or using a tablet. But, hey, maybe he's just shy, who knows?
Once you get SotC done, you will be able to better communicate, unlocking an action to persuade ^Ä^ to get you a guaranteed success in research.
^Ä^ is not fully there in the mental department. His speech is due to damage to his Core, which has left him unable to access higher functions of his brain. Research is much more straining than it is for PD, who, if you remember, achieves every success by making all calculations manually. One. By. One.
He also has a 04% chance to recieve permanent damage when used as a researcher because of the aformentioned damage.
In that case, the Support Action section listing those categories as (1 action) is a bit ambiguous.
Each organization has a specific number of actions they will do for you. You do not have to put in any effort on your part.
We should do the secret of the circuit. Computers is how we unlock extra actions.
That would need 13 Successes, which means we probably have to focus PD and other boosts on it for 2-3 Turns.

Hmm, we could do some small project or more theory work with the second action. Many projects would get boni from Electronics/Machinery/Biology theories.
Or maybe that Rare grad untranslated book... But that wouldn't profit from Rare Odds And Ends.

@HeroCooky Can Assemble The Theorists! get a bonus from Artefacts assigned to it? It's one of the few actions where getting more Successes literally can't get wasted.

Oh, and the Mechanical Pencil should be removed from the Common Artefact folder. I think the Learning Action last turn used it up.

Note that the contest calls for Radiological improvements. The medicinal discipline, not radios themselves.
Huh, I wonder why the Imperial Civilian Logistics bureau deals with that. Sounds more like something for the Herbalists or healer in general.

As inventive as that is, no. Any bureaucrats high enough to affect an action would be high enough to be able to buy one of the pens you produce themselves, if they haven't already bought one of those produced by Forge-Clans or independent Manufactories.
Understandable. I only thought of that because of the fluff of the introduction action this Turn. Aria could have saved a lot of time if she talked with the clerk at the start for a few minutes and made it clear she wanted a meeting, not an appointment.

The upkeep is seriously expensive. It would eat almost all our remaining income when we are already building stuff and have debt to pay.
Upkeep only kicks in after 8 Turns and the 4d100 Influence damage to the COE would be nice. We do get another income source this Turn from the Electronics Workshop, which isn't enough to cover the upkeep(16 Materials) but does put a dent into it(4d8 Materials Income). The workshop can also be upgraded by researching radios, and probably many other techs.

The poorhouse is not worth it from an upkeep perspective, it's better to build new ones for now. Same somewhat for the hospices, we only have the one and we could build more.
Nope, we have two Expanded Hospices.

We have a pretty hefty income now, I think we can cover the loan.
Ehhh, most of the income is from the 100 Materials loan and selling Artefacts to the Nine Tribes Council. That's not really sustainable.

So, guess I'm going to post a plan too.

[] Plan Electronics, Research Preperations, and Fooooood
-[][Faith] Feed The Masses - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-55 Materials)
-[][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
--[] +6 FF
-[][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
--[] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 3 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
--[] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
-[][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))

-[] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
---[][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
---[][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
---[][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 55 Materials +3 Materials+12.5 Materials +1 Material +6 Materials +7 Materials +35 Materials +2.32 Materials +15 Materials +15 Materials= 151.82 Materials
Income: 2.08 Materials +18.97 Materials +32.41 Materials= 53.46 Materials + ??? Materials from Sell Artifact/s dice
Overall costs: 151.82 Materials-53.46 Materials= 98.36 Materials

Ok, that should be everything. Faithful, Scientist, Doctor, and Artefacts are assigned. Now some explanations:

Faith: Feed The Masses is expensive, but it would damage the COE massively, reduce out Piety loss each Turn and the Upkeep doesn't kick in until 8 Turns later. By then we should have more income from the workshop, especially with Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2. It should also ensure we keep high Faith, thanks to the -6 to rolls while we should be close to 100% Faith.
Shift Your Buearacrazy so we can get maximum use out of Rare Odds And Ends during the next, and last, Turn.

Diplomacy and Martial are locked.

Learning: Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 to boost the workshop and to get more Actions. The second Action depends on if we can use Artefacts for theory research. Getting better theories makes all research into that field easier and they should even stack if several fields are applicable. If we can't use Artefacts I would have to use guaranteed Successes(PD, DoD, etc.), so I would switch to Suger, Spice, And Everything Nice for the upkeep reduction.

Archeology: Currently the bonus to Recover Personal Cutters is higher if it is a Personal Action(+25) than if we use Lead By Example(+20), so I do that and send the scavengers to clear out a ruin. I could switch to the Bunker action if people want but I'm not sure if we can do that while our Forge Clan action is locked. We need to get the chains for the attempt from somewhere after all.

Tree of Knowledge and Holdings are locked; so the Hero Actions. Well, not much to say. Aria relaxes to get the +10 back for the next Turn. Martyris helps with recovering the cutters and shifting Actions so we get another Learning Action next Turn.

Edit: Added a Hospice as the second Faith Action.
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Can Assemble The Theorists! get a bonus from Artefacts assigned to it?
Only mechanical. You won't get any qualitive improvements from them as with other projects.
Huh, I wonder why the Imperial Civilian Logistics bureau deals with that. Sounds more like something for the Herbalists or healer in general.
The ICLB is the agency devoted to ensuring that every i has a dot and every t is crossed. If there is a need, they are the ones shoring up the ressources and money needed to fill the need.
We do get another income source this Turn from the Electronics Workshop, which isn't enough to cover the upkeep(16 Materials) but does put a dent into it(4d8 Materials Income).
Or we could get the income in two turns by building a steam engine for the silver mines. It would more than cover the upkeep for the kitchen.
[] Plan Fulfilling Our Obligations
-[ ][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Ularn)
-[ ][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Zulmni)
-[X][Martial] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
-[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[ ][Learning] Pneumatic Automatic Generatic - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Mechanics)
--[] SC, PD, DoD, "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains
-[ ][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
-[ ][Archeology] Open The Bunker
--[ ] Use DoD
-[X][Tree] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete)
-[][Aria] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[ ][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Upgrade The Crystal-Path (Sandcrete)
-[ ][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken, PD)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Pneumatic Automatic Generatic) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

For faith the poor-houses should continue slowly strangling CoE, on learning I think it's worth rushing the building tools to cut build time, and the book translation should leave us free to start circuit research next turn. We shouldn't grab anything else that increases our piety since we are about to go to 100%. There is only 6% of DoD blowing up the Bunker so we should use it for our first shot at the Bunker.

The Wall should be available to be used again now right?
Will add tribe actions later.
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Only mechanical. You won't get any qualitive improvements from them as with other projects.
Great! We can throw two Lost grad Artefacts at it every Turn to guaranty two Successes. If we put PD, DoD, and In The Name Of Profit on it too we could get five to six Successes every Turn. So around five Turns to get Pioneer level theories for something that then could be applied to many Learning Actions.

Or we could get the income in two turns by building a steam engine for the silver mines. It would more than cover the upkeep for the kitchen.
That would require a Personal Action because all Tree Actions are locked. Expensive too. And I still want to get as much out of the Tribes to boost Learning as possible. Maybe if...

[] Plan Electronics, Switched Actions and Engines
-[][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
-[][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
--[] +6 FF
-[][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
--[] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 3 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
--[] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
-[][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble An Engine - (Silver Mine) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-85 Materials)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))

-[] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
---[][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
---[][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
---[][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 7 Materials +3 Materials+12.5 Materials +1 Material+85 Materials +6 Materials +7 Materials +35 Materials +2.32 Materials +15 Materials +15 Materials= 188.82 Materials
Income: 2.08 Materials +18.97 Materials +32.41 Materials= 53.46 Materials + ??? Materials from Sell Artifact/s dice
Overall costs: 188.82 Materials-53.46 Materials= 135.36 Materials

Ok, that would get us the steam engine. Aria doesn't relax this Turn but she also doesn't have to roll the dice. The only other big change is the Artefacts for the theory Action, but this way we get a bonus to all electronic research and we didn't want the extra effect from something like Electric Collars anyway.

Edit: Added a Hospice as the second Faith Action.
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Ok, that would get us the steam engine. Aria doesn't relax this Turn but she also doesn't have to roll the dice. The only other big change is the Artefacts for the theory Action, but this way we get a bonus to all electronic research and we didn't want the extra effect from something like Electric Collars anyway.
I like this plan. And while I had hopes of getting some sort of implant tech down the line, given that it had probably been used for slave implants it's for the best that we burn it for theory.
I like this plan. And while I had hopes of getting some sort of implant tech down the line, given that it had probably been used for slave implants it's for the best that we burn it for theory.
I suspect they are what was meant with the "training" comment during the DAWN Interlude.

Doing a 180° turn and a quick power-walk towards the cage, he lifted a second prepared meal of low-quality food from the countertop. "Heh, almost forgot about you, Daisy," he said, pacing the plate into the cage before shutting it once more and walking out for good. "And behave, or well have to intensify your training again!" He called out before the door shut closed with a soft click.

Seconds passed, which turned to minutes, as the auto-chef finished its cleaning and went into standby. "My name is Myn," a weak voice said, tears evident within.
The collars/shackles/implants could have also been used for the military "volunteers" but the risk of them being hacked was probably too high.:sour:

Anyway, I still have to do something about one Faith Action and I have a few questions for @HeroCooky .

So, about Shift Your Buearacrazy.
1. It only reduced and boosts one Category the Turn after we did the Action, right? We could do Shift Your Buearacrazy this Turn to give up one Faith Action and gain one Learning Action next Turn but still use two Faith Actions this Turn?
2. How long would an Action be shifted? Until the project we do with it is finished or until one natural Action in that Category is open again?
3. Can we attempt Open The Bunker with the DoD this Turn? I vaguely remember that something was mentioned about us needing special chains from the Forge Clans for that and with our Forge Clan Action being locked I'm unsure.
The collars/shackles/implants could have also been used for the military "volunteers" but the risk of them being hacked was probably too high.:sour:
Conditional training would have taken care of that way before they would have been sent into the grinder.
1. It only reduced and boosts one Category the Turn after we did the Action, right? We could do Shift Your Buearacrazy this Turn to give up one Faith Action and gain one Learning Action next Turn but still use two Faith Actions this Turn?
If you shift an Action from category A to B, one Action from A will be added to B the turn after. You can still use the Action this turn, but only if a Hero performs the shift.
2. How long would an Action be shifted? Until the project we do with it is finished or until one natural Action in that Category is open again?
The shift is permanent, until you shift the Action back. A category cannot have less than 1(one) Action.
3. Can we attempt Open The Bunker with the DoD this Turn? I vaguely remember that something was mentioned about us needing special chains from the Forge Clans for that and with our Forge Clan Action being locked I'm unsure.
Yes. You do not use the Forge-Clans support, you come to them as customers at large.
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[] Plan Electronics, Research Preperations, and Fooooood
-[][Faith] Feed The Masses - (0/8 Turns Complete) - (-55 Materials)
-[][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
--[] +6 FF
-[][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
--[] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
--[] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
-[][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Relax - (Anoying PD with ^Ä^!) - (Aria) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))

-[] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
--[] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
---[][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
---[][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
---[][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 55 Materials +3 Materials+12.5 Materials +1 Material +6 Materials +7 Materials +35 Materials +2.32 Materials +15 Materials +15 Materials= 151.82 Materials
Income: 2.08 Materials +18.97 Materials +32.41 Materials= 53.46 Materials + ??? Materials from Sell Artifact/s dice
Overall costs: 151.82 Materials-53.46 Materials= 98.36 Materials

[X] Plan Electronics, Switched Actions and Engines
-[X][Faith] Healing For All! - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-7 Materials)
-[X][Faith] Establish A Small Hospice - (Tessen) - (0/1 Turn Complete) - (-3 Materials)
-[X][Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Elite) - (2/4 Turns Completed)
--[X] +6 FF
-[X][Martial] Create A Dedicated Range - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2 - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics) - (0/13 Successes)
--[X] +5 FF, [PD], [DoD],[In The Name Of Profit],[Rare Odds And Ends], [SC], Industrial Electric Foundry +20 to Advanced Electronics, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
-[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Electronics)
--[X] Tablet +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics, Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
-[X][Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers (TB-02) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Anchorage For Airships - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Workshop - (6/7 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Build Service-Buildings - (2/4 Turns complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[X][Aria action] Shift Your Buearacrazy From (Faith) To (Learning) - (-1 Material)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Assemble An Engine - (Silver Mine) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-85 Materials)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech-Scouts, The Wall, The Unbroken) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -5 Small Suspendium Shards))

-[X] Nine Tribes Council - (All Are Free Actions) - (2Turns remaining)
--[X] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
---[X][Common] (Farsight Lense - 0.73, Silk Seat Paddings - 0.30, Gilded Artworks - 0.49, Unusable Robot - 0.56,)= 2.08 Materials
---[X][Rare] (Layered Plates - 5.25, Scale-Plate - 6.62, Enviromentaly Sealing Door - 7.10,)= 18.97 Materials
---[X][Lost Tech] (Scaled Armor - 17.00, Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41,)= 32.41 Materials
--[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Learning) - (-7 Materials)
-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Brothel 'Consensual')
--[X] Repay loan - (-35 Materials)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Study Sessions - (6/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.32 Materials)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Engineers Galore- (3/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 7 Materials +3 Materials+12.5 Materials +1 Material+85 Materials +6 Materials +7 Materials +35 Materials +2.32 Materials +15 Materials +15 Materials= 188.82 Materials
Income: 2.08 Materials +18.97 Materials +32.41 Materials= 53.46 Materials + ??? Materials from Sell Artifact/s dice
Overall costs: 188.82 Materials-53.46 Materials= 135.36 Materials

Ok, posting both plans so people can see them again. I might edit something into this post about the Switch Action, once I looked into how ridiculous things could get, with the new information.

Aaand now that I see everything again, @HeroCooky
In the Artefact folder, the Caretaker Remains are listed as 3 Damaged Caretaker Remains. Does that mean the +20 is for all three Artefacts or does it simply mean we have 3 of those?
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