Part MMMDCCLXXXI: The Soul of the Matter
The Soul of the Matter

Twenty-Second Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

"Souls are magic, souls are minds, above all other things souls are power imperishable," you reply, speaking slowly, though more for effect than because you cannot find the words. In truth you have long since practiced them, before you had even heard of Heaven's Shore, before the Sundering was more than a ominous line in an ancient text found in the library of the Red Priests. It is the kind of lecture you had imagined yourself giving to initiates before the Scholarum was more than a gleam in Lya's eye. Even when the wheels of the world ran true they could still grind exceedingly cruel.

Evil souls go down into the Pit to be devoured, or the forges of Baator to be consumed and forged anew, or the bleak fields of Abaddon to be hunted until they change to the likeness of their hunters... Such a neat little phrase for all the suffering it contains. How many of the men and women now sitting in this hall would be willing to agree that their kith and kin deserved to be rendered down to energy for the thirsting founts of the Lower Planes because of 'arcane resonance' if that should be what the divinations they shall no doubt seek should show? Few indeed you would judge, and to be entirely fair you do not blame them.

This day, this hour and all the days and all the hours that follow, the revelations of how the ordering of the world is set shall you realize raise an unseen wall between the folk of this chamber and those outside it, lords and generals, judges and governors, all will be bound together by the shared secret that is more than fear.

But for now fear is foremost, and many are the eyes that look on in desperate hope, that you could somehow give reassurance, some simple answer that would make the world fair again... as it had never been. "Souls are used in the forging of new spirits bright and dark. Most do not recall what they had been and serve only the ordering of their making. As to where the souls in the keeping of dead gods pass, to that, my lord Alexi, is a matter for the god in question and the deals they might have made in the days of their might..."

"And us all unknowin' that we are meat to the slaughter, woe to the children of man," Hern Lampmaker curses long and hard as you had not known the gentle man could do as he reaches out to try to pat Veda's hand. It does not seem to be doing much. For the first time since you had seen the man inquisitor Valens looks a touch uncomfortable, second guessing himself if he aught to have tried to prepare his fellow ministers you suspect. At least the new Minister of Magic seems to be taking matters well enough, one might almost think she is one of those who had been informed beforehand were if not for the white-knuckled grip she has on the railing in front of her.

As for Tarly... well, for the life of you you could not guess what he might wish to say, but you count it a good sign that he asks to be recognized instead of blurting out whatever is on his mind as so many have done.

"Can these hosts be fought on their own ground?" he asks "I know a fiend will die true if you kill them in the place of their making, but that does not tell me how many of the sons of..."

The Minister of War glances towards his fellow, the Minister of Taxation, only for Iziku to give him what one might almost count a droll look. "I take no offense at whatever word choice you are about to invoke. No matter the manner of my forging, now my kinship is closer to you than to the thralls of the Nine."

"Right," Tarly clears his throat while you are still amazed not only at the tact, but that he actually knows a fiend slain in their own realm shall remain dead. Did he actually listen to some of his son's arcane lore? He turns back to a point about halfway between you and Bloom. "What's the ground look like? Can they die, the Hollows, the Freaks and the Burning Bastards? Can we drive them back with steel and fire and the likes of the Dauntless like that burning bitch... Ymeri her name was, right?"

You are left without an answer for a moment, as you try to process that Randyll Tarly had, in the fine tradition of soldiers since the dawn of time, had given new names to your principal foes, the Void, the Dominion of the Mind and you assume fiends taken broadly.

What do you do?

[] Ask Yrael to present the military situation on the Planeshe is a celestial, though one who has Fallen. Grim is likely to be his answer much as he might try to lighten it.

[] Ask Mereth to present the military situation on the Planes, taking advantage of the unexpected moment of tact to drive home the notion that your baatezu are in the same boat as the rest of the Realm

[] Write in

OOC: Here we go, a nice dual choice, this should hopefully get more engagement.
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[X] "If it were easy, the Gods would already have done so. The Empire of the Dawn would have done so. The devils themselves would slay all the demons, if they could!"
- [X] "It is best to shield the souls of the living and ensure they are safeguarded by kindly Gods. That is an immense task, but it can be accomplished."
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Tarly's greatest achievement. Naming our enemies.
[X] Ask Mereth to present the military situation on the Planes, taking advantage of the unexpected moment to tact to drive home the notion that your baatezu are in the same boat as the rest of the Realm
Tarly, you're getting a raise.

And do you want a personal murderbot? We can make one.
[X] "If it were easy, the Gods would already have done so. The Empire of the Dawn would have done so. The devils themselves would slay all the demons, if they could!"
While true, this is a good place for hope that these forces can be resisted rather than undercutting the potential with brutal reality.
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The Soul of the Matter

Twenty-First Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

"Souls are magic, souls are minds. Above all other things, souls are power imperishable," you reply, speaking slowly, though more for effect than because you cannot find the words. In truth, you have long since practiced them, before you had even heard of Heaven's Shore, before the Sundering was more than an ominous line in an ancient text found in the library of the Red Priests. It is the kind of lecture you had imagined yourself giving to initiates before the Scholarum was more than a gleam in Lya's eye. Even when the wheels of the world ran true, they could still grind exceedingly cruel.

Evil souls go down into the Pit to be devoured, or the forges of Baator to be consumed and forged anew, or the bleak fields of Abaddon to be hunted until they change to the likeness of their hunters... Such a neat little phrase for all the suffering it contains. How many of the men and women now sitting in this hall would be willing to agree that their kith and kin deserved to be rendered down to energy for the thirsting founts of the Lower Planes because of 'arcane resonance', if that should be what the divinations they shall no doubt seek should show? Few indeed, you would judge, and to be entirely fair you do not blame them.

This day, this hour, and all the days and all the hours that follow, the revelations of how the ordering of the world is set shall, you realize, raise an unseen wall between the folk of this chamber and those outside it. Lords and generals, judges and governors, all will be bound together by the shared secret that is more than fear.

But for now fear is foremost, and many are the eyes that look on in desperate hope, that you could somehow give reassurance, some simple answer that would make the world fair again... as it had never been. "Souls are used in the forging of new spirits, bright and dark. Most do not recall what they had been and serve only the ordering of their making. As to where the souls in the keeping of dead gods pass, to that, my lord Alexi, is a matter for the god in question and the deals they might have made in the days of their might..."

"And us all unknowin' that we are meat to the slaughter, woe to the children of man," Hern Lampmaker curses long and hard, as you had not known the gentle man could do as he reaches out to try to pat Veda's hand. It does not seem to be doing much. For the first time since you had seen the man, inquisitor Valens looks a touch uncomfortable. Second guessing himself if he aught to have tried to prepare his fellow ministers, you suspect. At least the new Minister of Magic seems to be taking matters well enough, one might almost think she is one of those who had been informed beforehand, were if not for the white-knuckled grip she has on the railing in front of her.

As for Tarly... well, for the life of you, you could not guess what he might wish to say, but you count it a good sign that he asks to be recognized instead of blurting out whatever is on his mind as so many have done.

"Can these hosts be fought on their own ground?" he asks "I know a fiend will die true if you kill them in the place of their making, but that does not tell me how many of the sons of..."

The Minister of War glances towards his fellow, the Minister of Taxation, only for Iziku to give him what one might almost count a droll look. "I take no offense at whatever word choice you are about to invoke. No matter the manner of my forging, now my kinship is closer to you than to the thralls of the Nine."

"Right," Tarly clears his throat while you are still amazed not only at the tact, but that he actually knows a fiend slain in their own realm shall remain dead. Did he actually listen to some of his son's arcane lore? He turns back to a point about halfway between you and Bloom. "What's the ground look like? Can they die, the Hollows, the Freaks and the Burning Bastards? Can we drive them back with steel and fire and the likes of the Dauntless like that burning bitch... Ymeri her name was, right?"

You are left without an answer for a moment, as you try to process that Randyll Tarly had, in the fine tradition of soldiers since the dawn of time, given new names to your principal foes, the Void, the Dominion of the Mind, and you assume fiends taken broadly.

What do you do?

[] Ask Yrael to present the military situation on the Planeshe is a celestial, though one who has Fallen. Grim is likely to be his answer much as he might try to lighten it.

[] Ask Mereth to present the military situation on the Planes, taking advantage of the unexpected moment to tact to drive home the notion that your baatezu are in the same boat as the rest of the Realm

[] Write in

OOC: Here we go, a nice dual choice, this should hopefully get more engagement.
Made some additional edits to the chapter, DP.
I'm sure Mereth could do this as well, and do a good job of it, but Yrael has better optics as both a Celestial himself, a leader of Celestials, and the Imperial Governor of Mantarys. Hearing this from him will just work better than coming from Mereth.

[X] Ask Yrael to present the military situation on the Planeshe is a celestial, though one who has Fallen. Grim is likely to be his answer much as he might try to lighten it.
We can resist them, as fiends seem to have logistical difficulties getting on this plane en masse.

Which is propably somewhere in the metaphysics of the setting, as usually enough powerful fiends could cast Gate to avoid any need for mortal summoners.
Just for curiosity, why is that so in your setting?
In most D&D I would assume it is because Ao says so, but that's out here.

Regardless, we can resist them here, but conquering the Lower Planes is far beyond our means.
Meanwhile the Far Realm and the Void are actually totally safe from any counter-invasion and can at best be shut out from all reality.
We can resist them, as fiends seem to have logistical difficulties getting on this plane en masse.

Which is propably somewhere in the metaphysics of the setting, as usually enough powerful fiends could cast Gate to avoid any need for mortal summoners.
Just for curiosity, why is that so in your setting?
In most D&D I would assume it is because Ao says so, but that's out here.

Regardless, we can resist them here, but conquering the Lower Planes is far beyond our means.
Meanwhile the Far Realm and the Void are actually totally safe from any counter-invasion and can at best be shut out from all reality.

The very substance of the Planar boundaries resists that sort of mass transposition of armies or powerful fiends without allies on the other side. You are swimming against the currents of the world and are likely to suffer arcane mishaps commensurate to the power you are trying to move across
Fuck yeah Tarly! Ask the truly important questions, like "How do we kill these bastards so that they stay dead?"
Also: Don't you dare go Hollow!
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@Duesal, how about this?

[X] "Gods have saved our souls for millenia, and they will continue to do so. The Imperium has helped old Gods such as Yss and Zathir better understand and shelter mortals. It has fought alongside R'hllor's own armies, and as our strength grows we will not only shield the souls of the living and ensure they are safeguarded by kindly Gods : we will continue to oppose the foes of all life in whatever realms they hide."
-[X] "I once fought an Archduke of Hell who challenged me over a soul. His skin was made into this cloak, and the souls were freed from his clutches. Victory can be ours, when the time is right and we have the strength to claim it."
-[X] "This is a war older than any of us. Your Gods fight for your souls already, and the Blood War between devils and demons has kept them both busy fighting each other for millennia. The horrors out there are many, but they are not united and they strike each other as often as they strike us. We will win this not by fighting them all at once, but by protecting ourselves and making sure each of our assaults brings us one well-timed step closer to victory for all."
-[X] Ask Yrael to present the military situation on the Planes—he is a celestial, though one who has Fallen. Grim is likely to be his answer much as he might try to lighten it.

"If destroying Hell were easy enough to do today, the Gods would already have done so. The Empire of the Dawn would have done so. The devils themselves would slay all the demons, if they could!"
I liked this line, but you're right that it isn't a great fit in this situation.
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"Madness, madness and blasphemy!" Mace Tyrell shouted suddenly, and then he laughed with an edge of hysteria that was to Bloom as the scrape of glass against raw flesh. He looked right at the Minister of Education and asked. "So do you still think education should be done by the state and not the gods when without gods we will all be food for fiends?"
Honestly this guy is such an incredible dipshit. Does it take more than two seconds to realize that if you're trying to keep a maximum number of people able to follow and practice their religion, maybe picking one religion to run the education system might not be great?
A "let them all do their thing but forbid outright violence" seems best, IMO.
Honestly this guy is such an incredible dipshit. Does it take more than two seconds to realize that if you're trying to keep a maximum number of people able to follow and practice their religion, maybe picking one religion to run the education system might not be great?
A "let them all do their thing but forbid outright violence" seems best, IMO.
He really, really is. I hope he gives us a good reason to forcefully retire him from government. He's got a son who can take his place.
-[X] "I once fought an Archduke of Hell who challenged me over a soul. His skin was made into this cloak, and the souls were freed from his clutches. Victory can be ours, when the time is right and we have the strength to claim it."
I'd very pointedly gesture to Mereth as the soul in question here. Other than that looks good.

[X] TalonofAnathrax