So I'll first begin by saying I'm sorry this is frustrating you. I'm trying to implement some of the stuff you gave feedback on before, for example offering options rather than just saying 'write your plan in' like in the battle previously. I'm trying to give this arc a satisfying conclusion, though not necessarily a universally liked one perhaps. Nor am I intending to throw out any 'hoho you picked x in previous chapters therefore I'm forcing this particular thing to happen', which again is why I'm giving you these options, as well as the write in.
Also I really don't want this to turn into an adversarial thing where players are constantly suspicious that I'm going to throw something out there
Further, if there are particular things I can do to make it easier I'm happy to give thoughts, I've held back so far so as to not overly interfere in the discussions, but I can certainly offer specific comment on the write ins so far. I'll discuss them in terms of theme and practicality
[] Ask around the Crossroads for help. There are people from across the Alliance and the Horde, there must be someone willing to help during this time of need. A Tauren or Night Elf Druid able to turn into a bird to reach Orgrimmar, a wizard who might know how to teleport, an expert rider who can out run the elemental. Maybe even a group of such people working together can better formulate a plan.
Entirely sensible under objective conditions, probably distasteful to Grok in character given he dislikes relying on others, and likely to therefore deepen the feelings of self-loathing that have generally characterised him. Generally quite practical, though the quality and motivation of the messenger will vary depending on who you find. Night Elves might not really care if Orgrimmar gets squashed, Tauren... probably aren't as good at turning into birds but could still manage it, mages probably could but it would likely be Forsaken given they're the ones with the portal knowledge, which again is iffy because why would they care etc. So yes, possible but less effective, and also meaning you wouldn't be able to communicate the nuance of whatever you send. Likely to lead to some sitting around depressed, then an ominous summons from the capital.
[] Bait: The Kolkar wanted the death of the horde, but you are the root cause of the Kolkar's demise. Furthermore, you are responsible for the death of Proudpeek. As you are you have as much chance of defeating the elemental lord as a pebble does of stopping an avalanche, but perhaps you can bargain. Your life for those of your people or some other penance as it sees fit. And should it refuse...then at least you can buy some by dodging.
Very much in Grok's character, very much 'go confront things openly and honourably', continues with those themes of self sacrifice, self reliance etc, you'd take personal responsibility for Forneus wandering about and want to 'solve' the issue, however you could. Would likely lead to your flying a wyvern around Forneus shouting at him that you're sorry and stuff, which isn't likely to 'work' given he's got a specific mission. There's a nice theme of you trying to make everyone work together and stuff but being stymied for various reasons which I think fits well. Would not result in death, and depending on how distracting you were would likely reduce damage to Orgrimmar.
[] Proto-Plan Contingencies
-Ask around the crossroads for anyone who can potentially take a message to Orgrimmar faster than you can (AKA someone capable of flight, someone who is a skilled rider, with teleportation abilities, has the capacity to increase movement etc.)
I foresee three potential outcomes.
1. We're super lucky we find someone who we're confident can do it and doesn't need to worry about being intercepted by Quill boars like a druid with flight or a mage who can teleport.*
2. We find someone, but there are risks of them being intercepted, i.e. a skilled rider. Or we think they're untrustworthy.**
3. We find no one.***
*If so then we can remain at the crossroads to help defend it against attack, we heal up, arm up cross our fingers and hope.
**We grab what medical supplies we can, hop on some wolves and stay with them for as long as we can, protecting them from harm. If we're separated or we reach Thunder Ridge ahead of Forneus we split off to distract it, sending Scorn and Karga to continue on to Orgrimmar.
***We head straight for Forneus, Scorn and Karaga go straight for Orgimmar to warn them.
For 1, see the first write in's comments, as it's essentially the same. For 2, would involve yourself more, but would have Grok continuing to reach the uncomfortable realisation that he can't do anything alone etc, reducing general feelings of shame as you are indeed doing something productive. Practically yes it's certainly possible, wolves can swim so perhaps swimming across any rivers etc, but would certainty be slower than flying, meaning you might arrive too late. On 3, it's similar to the other two, you'd be more proactive, it would represent Grok again taking charge, but threading the middle way between trying to please both Mankrik because he's in command etc, but also trying to get your own stuff done. I'd query on this whether you'd be flying because if you find no one that would be the next logical step if you think you really do need to warn the city. High potential to persuade the flight master though given its a toss up between
possible quillboar attack to minor settlement and
certain elemental attack to capital of horde.
[X]Ask the Blademasters here if they think they can get to Orgrimmar before you can ride there. Mention that if the Shamen here cannot reach the Elements, the same will apply to the Shamans of Orgrimmar, and you fear the worst ."As they said, you are the boy who wishes to be Blademaster, and time is of the essense. You would request that the fastest traveller Mankirk can spare go on to Orgrimmar, to warn them of the calamity. In exchange, you will take their place, but if you are faster, you will go." For that matter...You may be heir to the Burning blade, but Forneus is your fault. If you stay, you will submit to Mankirk's authority.
The Blademasters have some mobility spells but they're tactical, this would be a strategic spell like a mage's teleport rather than Akinos' wushu stuff, so unlikely to be practical. The other parts are similar to the other plans so see them for details etc.
] Write-in: Demand that Mankirk sends 2 messengers with wolf or horse, found among the garrison or the inhabitants, possibly with a spare mount each. Orgrimmar must be warned. A leader of Orcs has responsibilities.
If he doesn't agree to this plan, we do what must be done. We steal a Wyvern and fly to the Capital. Talking to Forneus, taking the risk to go and distract him, is a valid course of action. [edited, vote removed as the discussion is still ongoing]
Generally best elements of previous plans, good to send redundant messengers etc, good to have the option to say 'no that's not enough I'll go' as well, see other explanations for issues with sending others by land etc, and there's also a question of whether Mankrik would be willing to send off 2 messengers and 4 wolves while he's worried about attack. Appeals to duty not as likely to work on him given he (supposedly) abandoned his duty to the clan etc to go off and start a family elsewhere
[X] Plan Distraction Redemption: Get a bit of healing, see if any of the refugees in the camp have any useful skills, requisition some wolves, send your companions on to Orgrimmar with a warning of the danger, go and intercept Forneaus. Try and distract it, first by talk, then by being the cockroach that refuses to be crushed. (Essentially an elaborate suicide mission, but the sort of thing a guilt ridden honourable warrior might do.)
Only minor amends from previous write ins so most points apply. Same thematic elements from previous ones about heroically trying to distract it, but also notable that land travel will always be slower than air.
[X] Plan warn at all costs
-Try to persuade the Windrider master of the immediate need to send a Wind Rider to warn Orgrimmar of the imminent attack, should that fail obtain a wolf and ride to Orgrimmar yourself as fast as you can.
Similar to previous plans, see them for thematic and practical considerations.
[X] Try to distract, delay or calm down Forneaus the elemental duke of earth, while sending on the other two to act as messengers.
It does this
continue trying to do everything yourself, having deep personal responsibility for stuff you're involved with etc rather than passing it off to others, like trying to 'solve' the blademaster issue on your own.
While also being so unimaginably stupid that it probably satisfies this
Lets Fractiousday get in the climactic battle he wants, lets Mankrik keep all his wyverns and gets us going on trying to fix up that shamanism stuff.
Also lets us see what happens when an orc gets turned into a pancake.
On a subjective level this is the most interesting one to me, on a narrative level it feels like its the most satisfying and on a personal one for our character its probably the best option for him, what are we loosing?
Lets do this then, have a cool david vs goliath battle where we have a 1% chance of talking him down Golaith is delayed long enough for the cavalry to come in we loose some limbs, and who knows maybe Thrall's disappointment in our existence will equal that of fel dad's.
I'm assuming this plan requires Grok to get in front of Forneus somehow, presumably with a wolf. Land travel through areas of natural disasters is obviously more difficult, but would be doable. Takes elements from previous plans regarding themes, like Grok being self-sacrificing but also honourable and therefore not wanting to disobey a superior. Does indeed include you in the upcoming battle rather than having Grok stewing my himself. Talking Forneus down unlikely to work, but delaying likely to be effective.