Totally Not Creating Problems Where None Existed
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I never knew how much I needed something until this moment.
I never knew how much I needed something until this moment.
Tywin needs to be checked very thoroughly for magic, especially Contingency effects and hidden items. We learned long ago that after a brush with something trying to mind control him that he had a PfE effect carved (or was it tattooed?) into his skin, so there might be more of them.[X] The Lion is dead
-[X] The quickest way (Brain Spider or Scribe's Binding) to learn from Tywin Lannister's head is to answer the following questions:
--[X] Whether he has plans in place for the event of his capture, such as suicidal orders to mind-controlled lords and mages.
--[X] What they are based on and how to remove mind control from the lords.
--[X] What is the basis and how to remove the magic oath of mages so that they can surrender.
-[X] Further actions of the troops:
--[X] 100 Praetori, the Warstriders and all flesh forged creatures will reinforce the undead currently holding the Gates
--[X] 100 Praetori will stay in Casterly Rock
--[X] 200 Praetori will move to Lannisport and take over its defenses once relevant intel on Geasa has been extracted from Tywin.
-[X] Afterwards, Tywin, Gerion and Lanna will be transferred through the Gate to SD and given into Bloodravens care for mindreading.
We should call Qyburn up to check for implanted items or other things carved into his body. No reason not to get the expert when we have him nearby anyway.Tywin needs to be checked very thoroughly for magic, especially Contingency effects and hidden items. We learned long ago that after a brush with something trying to mind control him that he had a PfE effect carved (or was it tattooed?) into his skin, so there might be more of them.
Actual fosterage. The places in question being up for debate. But I was thinking Runestone, Braavos and Volantis. Wildly different upbringing would at least guarantee no singular shared point of contention. Yohn, because he wouldn't raise whichever child we send him for political reasons, but to ensure they don't waste their life getting entangled in that politics.
Braavos and Volantis because it's so disconnected from anyone with a vested interest in those kids.
If not Runestone, for the aforementioned reasoning, then we could always make one of them our wards (which incidentally implicitly places one of them in our direct control if for whatever reason that becomes relevant).
Uhhh I'm open to the idea that's its possible to recruit Lanna and Gerion but uh no. Diplomats are the first and most important point of contact between the nation and a foreign entity. Ours in specific are meant to act as Imperium salespeople. It is 100% not a position for anyone potentially ambivalent. An infinitely more likely thing I'd see is having yet another craft monkey. Maybe.I am absolutely against it. We don't have to make her a companion or bring her closer to the throne. There are a lot of responsibilities for which it would be nice to have a high-level character, and our personal interaction with him will be reduced to a minimum. For example, I would like to send ambassadors to Nefer, K'Dath, or even Carcosa. And I fully understand that such ambassadors can be cooked alive (in real history, this happened), so we can not send someone expensive, but it is impossible to send a weak person to such places, they simply will not get there. Quite a good position for Lanna and Geryon.
I think his trial would be like Lanna's. Mostly decided and plotted ahead of time. So wed want someone respectable enough to make it look good yet high enough to work him behind the scenes. Flauxagon works surprisingly well. Maybe a higher up Bravosi solicitor? But I don't think it'd necessarily be a career death sentence. After all, look at John Adam's fervant American revolutionary who still vigourously defended the British soldiers accused of being part of the "Boston Massacre" out of principle and duty.Regarding the trials, is Malarys going to be the one prosecuting Tywin at the behest of the Imperium? Will Viserys allow Tywin to have his own legal representation? Would any lawyer even want that job? Imagine being immortilzed on MirrorVision as the lawyer who had to defend Tywin Lannister...
Yeah, but we've been doing precisely that for the last 10 minutes, so Garin arriving just as he wants to sign is still plot convenience of the highest order. And it sticks out because this is a regular occurrence.
Bronn Bigcastle, Attorney at Law?You know, being the defense for a high profile case like Tywin's actually might land you other work, especially if you appear to conduct the defense competently despite the overwhelming evidence. It's basically the equivalent of getting your name out there, with the stakes being that you will defend your client to the best of your abilities no matter who they are!
Though finding one bold enough to do so would be difficult.
Bronn can't read.
Tywin: *Confused External Screaming*We should call Qyburn up to check for implanted items or other things carved into his body. No reason not to get the expert when we have him nearby anyway.
"Oh, right. Your nerve endings are the primitive monkey ones. Nevermind. This is going to hurt excruciatingly so."Tywin: *Confused External Screaming*
Qyburn: Oh shut up you great big crybaby, this is only going to hurt a little bit.
Bronn can't read.
Actually, is that still the case?
Seems like a useful skill to have in spy work. I know Maelor can, these days. @DragonParadox?
*dum DUM*Just because he can't read...
Bronn: *comes in with a binder full of papers and sits down next to Tywin*
Malarys: "Your Majesty. The persecution will show that the accused, one Tywin Lannister, is guilty of..."
Bronn: "Yeah. A bunch of stuff. Lot's of it. Doesn't matter though."
Malarys: ...
Bronn: *ruffles through the binder, acting as if he would be reading something, but it's obvious that he can't*
Viserys: "Would the defense like to elaborate or is the esteemed defense attorney disrespecting the court for no reason?"
Bronn: "I have it on good authority that I'm very good at disrespecting things, so maybe?"
Malarys: ...
Viserys: ...
Malarys: "As I was saying..."
Bronn: "Oh, yeah! That." *pauses to blatantly look at a dirty drawing he fished out of the binder* "Eh... My client. Not guilty."
Viserys: "We are not yet at the part where you plead."
Bronn: "Why not? It's clear that my client pleads insanity." *points to Tywin*
Tywin: *tries to chew through his gag and strains against his chains in an attempt to strangle Bronn*
Bronn: "Clear as day. Totally insane. Not even appreciating my sterling defense work."
Crowd: *agreeing murmurs*
Malarys telepathically to Viserys: He is better at this than expected.
On the other hand, Urak wasn't a devotee and had no real grudges against us. At best we're a return to pre-Doom distant rule by Valyrian nobility, but with a different set of restrictions and some new Lore thrown in. The Spider Queen made him an offer, we made a far better one, and he was bought fair and square. Now of course the Forge is full of (our) guards 24/7, making treason not only unappealing but also potentially personally dangerous.That is, a mother who wants a better future for her children, we can not trust (I was told that I would not be precise enough in my wording, so I clarify that I do not propose to steal her children, I suggest pointing out that orphans and children of the archmage in the service of the crown have different perspectives in life). But we can trust that Urak snake that soral us from the ancient smiths of the flesh Yss, exactly the snake that had already almost put our Forge of the Flesh in the service of the Spider Queen.
I wonder if Ned Stark would like to foster one? Maybe Tommen? He wouldn't be a replacement Robb by any means, but it's a good solid place for a kid to grow up while staying well grounded.
Yohn Royce for Myrcella maybe? He did good by that Sansa in the short time she was there.
Riz'Neth for Joffrey?
[X] Sapphon
It might work better than we give it credit for, since if a cat event were to happen here their inhuman point of view might help explain Joffrey actions in a more rational way that Joff can understand.
We can always have Elaheh give him The Talk.It might work better than we give it credit for, since if a cat event were to happen here their inhuman point of view might help explain Joffrey actions in a more rational way that Joff can understand.
That could go well, or it could be a life-defining, mind-scarring nightmare...
Why "or"?That could go well, or it could be a life-defining, mind-scarring nightmare...
Better Elaheh than Qyburn, I'll guess.