Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Really not feeling loremaster at all. I want to move onto something else already.
Considering we pulled a Hold from the warp, Chaos should know we are poking the waystones, no?
Not really interested in fighting an enemy that can't lose, working on a project that might never end..
Thing with Chaos is Chaos Gods are not monolith sapient entities just like humans able of, eh, unrestricted decision-making and fully utilizing all their available knowledge to achieve their goals (what exactly they are, though, would be part of deepmost metaphysical workings of setting that Mathilde could or could not be able to ever find out). In a certain sense one could say that Chaos already knows everything that happened, but that doesn't help it achieve... whatever, since notion of Chaos Gods having any goals is too debatable. Probably on the level of individual daemons and especially daemon princes concept of decision-making based on knowledge is more applicable, but, well, we hadn't seen any signs of a Slaaneshi daemon grudging us for ruining its toy yet.
And "fighting an enemy that can't lose" part is like asking "what's the point of medicine, we're all die anyway". Both phrase are so wonderfully Nurglite by the way:p
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland

Unless a lot more votes come in I don't see Markgraf coming out of third, and while I'm not particularly happy with Loremaster I'll take it over Waystone.
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Count of Sylvania
[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
[X] Nagarythe
[X] Research Sabbatical

Changed my mind on the Mandred bodyguard thing. Once I realized that it would involve a lot of "Imperial troubleshooter! Going heroically to where there are problems in the Empire and solving them!" stuff in the same vein as Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks, I was a lot more hyped for it.

We could help out at Wissenland and Sylvania. We could look into Ubersreik or into how the Middenland-Nordland thing is going, or look into the Karnos thing, or the Marienburg or the Kislev thing or anything. (Okay, probably not the Kislev thing, but.) You know what we could do, also? We could look into the... I think it was Ostermark that had trouble with Karak Kadrin? "Trying to avoid a Grudge with Karak Kadrin" it was? (Or maybe it was Talabecland. Whatever.) We could go right into that! (We could do that as Ambassador-at-Large too of course.) We have the Dwarf cred. Hell, we also have the canal cred too, for being somewhat involved in its existence and creation. So, the Dwarfs and Imperials would be more willing to listen to us.

We'll also have to do bodyguarding, and tutoring. But meanwhile, we're going to be the Imperial troublesolver.

And that sounds fun. That sounds adventurous. That sounds... free, honestly. We are free to pick which mystery, challenge, or task, we want most to tackle today; and then tackle it.

Also, a really cool thing is:

The Protector Facet would get so. much. work. in this scenario. As, we'd be jetting around the Empire stabbing troubles, and then heroically riding off into the sunset.

Protector. As. Heck.

Of course, another place I'm looking forward to using the Protector Facet?

Sylvania. Or "Eastern Stirland" as they call it.

Becoming known as the Dammerlichtreiter for good. Hehehe. Across the Empire, or even more-so in Stirland. 's cool.

As for Waystones though... I realized that I, er... didn't want to do that. I mean. I didn't want to disappear into a super sensitive "Manhattan Project"-esque research/diplomacy/organization hole.

I wanted more conventional adventuring. And I wanted to be doing stuff for people we know. Whether that be Roswita, Ranald, Heidi, or Belegar. (Waystone research would of course still interact with Belegar if that's where we went of course. Buuut... You kind of get what I mean right? I don't... want to start doing this major not-research-but-getting-everybody-working-together Manhattan Project-esque project. I'd rather... do more of what we've done before. And then maybe come back and do the Waystone Project later. I just want to put the Waystone Project off, basically. Who knows how long for. But I want to put it off.)
I really don't want to to do Waystones :/

Bodyguard was playing with my feelings for a time, popping in and out of first place. At this point I'll even take Loremaster if not Edgelord.

Waystones is basically diplomacy and learning. We need to build up our diplomacy score first and prove to people that we're experienced with finagling large-scale research projects. Because right now our academic resume is nothing more impressive than any other Lord Magister (likely less), except in certain cases (like Skaven) which aren't relevant to an inter-species research effort into Waystones.

Bodyguard would be the best option to build up diplomacy with Loremaster in second place. And Edgelord would prove we can administer stuff well enough while keeping a bunch of people with differing interests and loyalties in line. We should do one of those jobs, and then do Waystones.
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Sorry for posting so out of date, but let me address this point a bit:
The "Heidi is too slimy to work for" argument will probably get more traction.
Heidi's controversial character is going to be the main argument/barrier/reasoning against voting for Mandred's Tutor/Bodyguard, I suspect.
As far as votes: I don't think I want to go near Heidi's offer with a ten-foot pole, to be honest, for many of the same reasons other people don't.
The implication being that we'd NEED to be outside of the Grey Order rules to do what she wants, and that we wouldn't do favours for the wrong people.
And she'd be the one to decide what counts as right and wrong people.
I find the tension between what seems like the "right" thing and the thing our (unofficial?) employer orders/implies they want us to do to be absolutely rife with opportunity for dramatic tension. I don't consider Heidi Mathilde's friend. Both are friends of Ranald, but in very different ways. I consider the two of the mutual friends of someone else who also nominally work together on the big project that is the Empire.

Mathilde is no longer Journeywoman Weber who is expected to blindly follow her boss's orders. She has agency and power, and using her unofficial position to work towards what she thinks is the right thing seems like something that might be mightily interesting. I don't expect her to outright defy official orders, but as a respected Lady Magister and personal friend of her employer she has enough leeway to give everything a certain slant. Also, she will still have some free time, which I'm sure questers will vote to also use for personal goals outside of research.
Speak for yourself. We are literally her son's godmother. And if she won't ever be a 100% our trusted friend, well, her son definitely could become that.
Also this, though he is still a bit young for that. Ideally, I'd want us to spend 10-15 turns on getting another situation under enough control to hand it off to someone else first. (I.e. Train Skaven experts or outright defeat them in Wissenland. Stabilize the Border Princessdom and find a worthy successor. Somehow pacify enough of Sylvania to be willing to leave it without constant supervision. Get the research project far enough underway that those working on it don't need Mathilde as a cultural go-between anymore.)
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev

Now, if we had ranked voting, it'd be Bodyguard then Waystone then High Priest.

I've seen enough "let's not make our friend our boss" sentiment to not push too hard on that, since I agree.

but it'd be really interesting :V

still. Waystones are a thing only we're in a position to talk about and organize around, and there's reason to suspect we'd be one member of a collegiate rainbow of magisters on the case. Egrimm and the Tilean trio being requested, of course.

Bodyguard though.

Bodyguard is the one that allows us to have all the fun of being Warhammer Mary Poppins while also general do-gooding around the empire while also having a set end-date many years from now when Mandred can take care of himself. At which point we'll be able to disappear off to do the Waystone project and return at a fortuitous moment like a certain Gelt with his young charge Karl.

I think it'd be possible to also request Egrimm for the tutor+guard job since I think being able to know the structured ordered way and learning the obtuse or roundabout Ulgu way would be helpful for a young prince. Know how to do things by the book, but with the ability to work outside the book when it's useful.

the Hysh public face should also help hide the shadows. We're not particularly enamored of Sigmar, but we do think his empire is pretty good and Magnus sure was a champ eh? Being able to be accepted by multiple gods and all. Sure would be a neat trick to be able to be both a Sigmarite Emperor and a Faithful of Ranald hmm? The best of two worlds working together for great purpose. I think that'd make a good narrative

Sigmar's light casts long shadows, and surprise! The empire also controls those lol
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I find the tension between what seems like the "right" thing and the thing our (unofficial?) employer orders/implies they want us to do to be absolutely rife with opportunity for dramatic tension. I don't consider Heidi Mathilde's friend. Both are friends of Ranald, but in very different ways. I consider the two of the mutual friends of someone else who also nominally work together on the big project that is the Empire.

Mathilde is no longer Journeywoman Weber who is expected to blindly follow her boss's orders. She has agency and power, and using her unofficial position to work towards what she thinks is the right thing seems like something that might be mightily interesting. I don't expect her to outright defy official orders, but as a respected Lady Magister and personal friend of her employer she has enough leeway to give everything a certain slant. Also, she will still have some free time, which I'm sure questers will vote to also use for personal goals outside of research.
This interesting relationship dynamic has been pointed out before by @Briefvoice, but so far it has had the opposite effect by turning people away instead. I suspect a major reason is that it comes across as implying/exaggerating distasteful politics & plotting and so players default to a preference for traditional headpats and straightforward interactions where they can 100% unquestionably trust their boss.
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Count doesn't get a runefang either, in this situation. Elector Count gets a runefang.
If we do well enough I would wager we could ask the Emperor for an upgrade to our title. I mean it is quite the propaganda win for any Emperor to say that a long lost province has not only been reclaimed but restored. So that is why.
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