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Egrimm's Betrayal (A Small Favor)
Egrimm's Betrayal (A small favor)

Magister Egrimm van Horstmann found himself in a somewhat smoky backroom, wondering at the speed that his offer had been taken up. He'd indicated that he would be interested in more chances to adventure to the Lady Magister, but he had not truly believed anything would come of it. Now he sat here waiting to here what this was that the Lady Magister had in mind. An adventure unlike any other she'd insinuated, yet one that many went through, though it was rare for Wizards to do so. He wondered what it could be?


Some time later, a somewhat drunk Egrimm made his way back to the Light Colledge. It was mad. It was insane. He had not been aware the Lady Magister had taken up a Countship in Sylvania. Or maybe he should call her Mathilde, if they were to go through with this. No matter. Anything, anything to get away from that damn Patriarch and the suffocating grasp he had over Egrimm's life.

So it was that Magister Egrimm van Horstmann delivered his papers for leave and found himself yet again subject to his Masters whims. But this time, THIS TIME!!! Egrimm had ironclad precedent on his side and enough weight of favor and support behind him to roll right over the old bastard! He would not be denied! He would be free!

Sure, he was trading one master for a different kind of obligation. One that would send a Grey Lady Magister after him if he failed, but he was just about desperate for any way to step out of his master's shadow.

So it was, that Magister Egrimm van Horstmann left the Light Colledge over the wishes of the Light Patriarch. After all, when the Emperor commanded that the Lady Magister of the Grey Order, Countess of Tempelhof and favorite of the dwarves was to be done this small favor, it was done. For who would deny a Hero of the Empire, the company of her new Husband?

Egrimm did not imagine that his freedom would come with an attached courtesy noble title, nor the job of house-husband and stay at home dad while Mathilde went gallivanting around the world on her adventures, but at this point, he'd fucking take it. At least Panoramia would be around to help with the brats.

Company, nobility, and the freedom to pursue his own research. Hells, as nobility, no one would be surprised if he took up a lover of his own. The necessity of this whole rigamarole was somewhat irking, but finally things were looking up.
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I have mixed feelings about the Waystone project. It might be the most important possibility on a grand scale, but I'm not sure it would be the most fun to play out. I guess the initial investigation will give a better idea what the day to day of doing the job would look like, and what we might see in terms of near-term and mid-term objectives.
Interacting with an isolationist Elven culture and mysteries humanity has no idea about sounds pretty damn interesting to me.
[X] Border Princess of the Howling River

Going with this and i'll list my reasons why
In recent years, piracy, sabotage, and border skirmishes in the Border Princes region has shown that Dwarven dominance over the area is required to guarantee the safe flow of trade. King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk of Barak Varr wishes to make you aware that support would be available should an Umgi of proven trustworthiness seek dominion over the territories of the western end of Mad Dog Pass, near the banks of the Howling River. He also extends the observation that the Lady Magister is of proven trustworthiness.
Looking at this optit's bassicly to attempt to seek and wrest control over the western end of Mad Dogs Pass near the howling river which is this part on the cannon map Boney Provided us.

I know my edited map pointing out where we is a bit small so quoting Boney Map as it is larger, just look at the circled blue spots on my edited map and look to Boney bigger map to see the area were wresting western end control of.
Mainly however something i would like to note however about this option which you may see as highlighted and circled in blue is the closenes of K8P to the area were supposed to manage.

This means it should be relatively much easier to reach the DC requirements of to get a teleporting tower range from K8P to the border princes since they are so near comapred to Slyvania, Middenhiem, nuln, etc.

I bring this up because this job offer might not be offered again but it puts Malthitide for at least a decade near K8P as she tries to wrangle up the local border princes and set up new magical wonders to secure her position within the border princes as top car while still having acces to all her resources and characters back at K8P.

This means that even if we do go with research institute we can pheasibly have other mages their practice and look into other ways to use magic and make superweapons or minor magical weapons and destroy enemies dead and red like orcs or the local border princes as defenses.

I bring this up as a positive because one of the major problems of the border princes which we'll be attempting to solve via fortifications and magical weapons might is the local orcs, Waghhs, raiders, and banditry that occurs throughout the border prince every once in a while.

While yes we'll have to deal with the local border princes through threats of violence, slight of tongue, and deals to keep them pacified or our allies this option means that we can still play wizard Malthtide as she works her way in the border princes with new magical wonders to destroy enemies encroaching upon mad dogs pass and area's near Howling river and perhaps permanently if we discover a way to eliminate raiders and Waghhs from the orcs every now and again via a super weapon.

essentially we'll still be able to play Wizard Malthitide with this option as we try to come up with magical weapons to keep our area's secure and perhaps one day make a super weapon to destroy incoming raiders or a Waghh from the bad lands while still having access to research institutde idea of K8P, resources from K8P, and the fabled way stone research at K8P if we have the time and interest while experiencing a new adventure ark in this rugged land.

Might have repeated my self a little bit but bassicly my reasons for to vote for this option is to still have Malthitide be a wizard and still have acces to resources at K8P and her mage writer boi and Johon and Paranormia and the rest of the gang at K8P, research centre at K8P via teleport tower, While having the backing of Barack Varr as money doesn't grow on tree's, and the fabled Waystone research at K8P if we have the time and interest.

Vote for a Wizards Job Today!!!

We might never be offered an option to have Malthtide still have her job focus partly be a wizard with acces to K8P resources and the gold mage boi's and Paranormia.

Of course i understand some people may want to vote to focus on K8P waystone research but we should still be able to acces it if we vote for this arc but understand if some want it to be our MAIN job.

I prefer a little cool adventure inbetween and intrigue and this option provides that while still having cool wizard Malthitide with all her unique resources and mages at K8P when she gets her teleporting tower up.
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[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev

These are to me the most a combination of interesting and insufficiently defined. Probably can enjoy any of the options but this is what I want to know right now.
[x] The Waystone Project
[x] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[x] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[x] Nagarythe
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
Edit: I was thinking about the Markgraf and nobility titles, but we've barely touched our own little fief.
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if we get the Smoke and Mirrors tower working that would be a massive advantage in the border lands. The ability to spread word of threats to prepare defences cquickly and even potentially move said forces depending on how well the towers work would be invaluable.

Borderlands isn't my first choice but if any one can hold them its Mathilde.

I've seen people describe the land as lacking in resources which isn't exactly true its not all that bad, just not exceptional, and probably has a decent ammount of mineral wealth since people haven't been able to truly exploit it.

Not to mention its ability to help defend the empire from Waaaghs and protect trade.
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Establishing that Mathilde is the kind of workaholic that torpedoes relationships to progress her career: bad.
Establishing that Divided Loyalties isn't the kind of quest where your first relationship is your 100% perfect soulmate for life: good.

Not sure how I'd feel about that...

I always found it weird how a lot of the stories that treat workaholism as bad also have the work the character is workaholic about be the thing that saves lives, if not the world. (And most of the remaining ones make the work in question being the work that puts food on the table for the family, with the work itself being demanding , but that is a relevant to the trope irrelevant to the quest aside. )

Like, there are a few good takes out there (e.g. overworking yourself makes you less effective so no matter what you are doing it is better to have balance, saving the world may need some less obvious sacrifices from you including your personal relaationships, the occassional story where the work neither puts food on the table nor saves others etc etc), but most of the time the anti overwork moral is handled terribly, and the implications of the moral for someone looking beyond the surface run from "look after yourself and your family first, even if the world is ending" to "pray to whatever that the circumstances will allow you to stop working so hard, so you can tell yourself you overcame a bad habit, rather than that you were lucky enough to be allowed to stop having to work hard" .

Mathilde, in any option, is saving lives, assuming we continue to play her as we have been playing her and the rolls do not suck. She is part of a very small and very sought after group of people than can do a lot of good in a world that sucks. It is not merely about progressing her career.
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[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
Mathilde can fairly easily still visit Karak eight peaks and Panoramia regularly.

Unless people are planning on taking the Lustria job I'm not sure why this would suddenly result in a break up .
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
[X] The Waystone Project
[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town

I like both what we were currently doing and lizardmen
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[X] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[X] Count of Sylvania
A place to spend all our accumulated DF in infrastructure :)

[X] Spymaster of Wissenland
I want to know how dire the rat-situation is.

[X] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
That sounds fun.
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then gyrocopter-hopping to get back home
This about sums up how I'm feeling right now. I don't want to stray far from K8P unless it's Swamp Town. I quite like that Mathilde has stepped away from the Empire and Imperial politics, and I'd like to keep it that way. K8P feels like home in a way that Wurtbad never did.

[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
It's more of the same and there's no shortage of interesting ancient mysteries in the Karaz Ankor, and a serious dearth of mystery pokers.

[X] The Waystone Project
The compromise option. It has literally everything from wizards, to elves, to dwarfs, humans, politics of all kinds, exotic locales, research, and travel! It's not my favorite, but that's the beauty; it has something for everyone.

[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
This sounds fun, and like the sort of politics I'm actually interested in.

[X] Governor-General of Swamp Town
I don't think it will win, and I'm not wholly convinced I would want it to win, but I do want to know more! If anything could get me to drop everything we've built up and move half a world away, it's the chance to interact with Lizardmen (or a scholarship to the Mortuary Cult).

[X] Border Princess of the Howling River
Usually I'm lukewarm on Empire building, but this has a very manageable objective with a fairly concrete end point. 'Secure the pass, smash the local orcs and bandits.' It would even tie nicely into laying the groundwork for some future hypothetical run at Drazh.
[X] Bodyguard and Tutor to Prince Mandred
[X] Ambassador-at-Large to the Karaz Ankor
[X] Loremaster-at-Large of Karak Eight Peaks
You know, it could have been fun to have a goodbye scene with Arsanil and not just with Snorri and Egrimm. He'd probably have sassed us in elvish for the hell of it. Maybe something related to our attempted Greater Demon decapitation?
Arsanil's mockery of us is fun and I hope we meet him again at some point.

@BoneyM, I got the sense that we got goodbyes from our actual friends (or at least people we got a good connection with). In that case Arsanil's absence makes perfect sense, seeing as we aren't so much a friend as an ex-colleague he had a few interesting conversations with. It's probably harder than that to befriend a centuries-old elf, and much like Deathfang his social actions often felt like one-offs.
Or were these simply the interactions you thought would be fun to read/write, and calling Snorri a friend would be too much?
I don't have a very good feel for Mathilde's relationship to him. Colleagues who get along? Sort of friends? Colleagues who shared some trying circumstances but will now never speak again?

I always found it weird how a lot of the stories that treat workaholism bad also have the work the character is workaholic about be the thing that saves lives, if not the world. (And most of the remaining ones make the work in question being the work that puts food on the table for the family, with the work itself being demanding , but that is a relevant to the trope irrelevant to the quest aside. )

Like, there are a few good takes out there (e.g. overworking yourself makes you less effective, saving the world may need some less obvious sacrifices from you including your personal relaationships, the occassional story where the work neither puts food on the table nor saves others etc etc), but most of the time the anti overwork moral is handled terribly, and the implications of the moral for someone looking beyond the surface run from "look after yourself and your family first, even if the world is ending" to "pray to whatever that the circumstances will allow you to stop working so hard, so you can tell yourself you overcame a bad habit, rather than that you were lucky enough to be allowed to stop having to work hard" .

Mathilde, in any option, is saving lives, assuming we continue to play her as we have been playing her and the rolls do not suck. She is part of a very small nd very sought after roup of people than can do a lot of good in a world that sucks. It is not merely about progressing her career.
This is a fair point. But it's also not quite true: several of the possibe options here absolutely won't be saving lives, except in the general "contributes to society and thus saves people indirectly" sense. See Waystone Research, being a tutor and bodyguard to a well-defended Emperor's heir...
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You know, it could have been fun to have a goodbye scene with Arsanil and not just with Snorri and Egrimm. He'd probably have sassed us in elvish for the hell of it. Maybe something related to our attempted Greater Demon decapitation?

@BoneyM, I got the sense that we got goodbyes from our actual friends (or at least people we got a good connection with). In that case Arsanil's absence makes perfect sense, seeing as we aren't so much a friend as an ex-colleague he had a few interesting conversations with. It's probably harder than that to befriend a centuries-old elf, and much like Deathfang his social actions often felt like one-offs.
Or were these simply the interactions you thought would be fun to read/write, and calling Snorri a friend would be too much?
I don't have a very good feel for Mathilde's relationship to him. Colleagues who get along? Sort of friends? Colleagues who shared some trying circumstances but will now never speak again?
Boney addressed this earlier:
Because there were two ways that scene would go: the scene that a lot of people really really want where he cries a single tear and says how much he'll miss Mathilde, or the really boring scene that would actually happen where he barely looks up from what he's doing and a bunch of people get upset at me.
[ ] Markgraf of Eastern Stirland
[ ] Count of Sylvania
A place to spend all our accumulated DF in infrastructure :)

[ ] Spymaster of Wissenland
I want to know how dire the rat-situation is.

[ ] Ranaldian High Priest of Kislev
That sounds fun.
Did you mean to not put Xs in these?
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