The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

CanonZhi: This "other me" seems to have an intimate knowledge of the Wonders down here, and has advanced me to the Soldier's Step, but he got me roped into a duel and has subjected my body to such unending torment that others call "training". If he thinks I'll allow him to access my charmcrafting knowledge to gain a favor from the cook, then he's got another thing coming-
KongVes: Auntie Bi will kill me!
CanonZhi: ...Dang it, he's right. Here, take it.
Kong Zhi: If Auntie Bi ever finds out I let an interloper steal my body she will invent newer, even more unspeakable horrors to punish me with.
One way you can tell a great chef is that they never have anything nice to say about their own cooking.

Isn't that all artists? I recently heard the quote "Art is never finished, only abandoned". Artists are never satisfied with their work and simple have to release it into the wild after they've gotten tired of not being able to get that last 1% of perfection into just the right place.
Isn't that all artists? I recently heard the quote "Art is never finished, only abandoned". Artists are never satisfied with their work and simply have to release it into the wild after they've gotten tired of not being able to get that last 1% of perfection into just the right place.
Except for certain species of rodent spirit beasts, who have no evolutionary adaptation for neurosis past nominal Confucian fealty concerns common to all sentient subjects of the empire
I wonder if telling a cooking cultivator about molecular gastronomy, food chemistry, or similar might generate insights. Sous vide may be something one could do with a subtle temperature perception technique if one only thought to try it.
Of course he went for the Groin core. Also, having Ming as a roommate seems to be paying off well. If you get to eat food like that regularly, crafting a few charms for him in return is a bit of a small price to pay.
Stellar Chrysalis

Anam: Star, Blood, Life, Insect

Appearance: A young tree cradles a chrysalis the size of a man in it's branches although at no point does the wood quite touch the surface. The chrysalis hangs from A Love Transfixed which in turn connects to dozens of fine branches a bit below the crown.

Function: With a gentle tug the tree will twist slightly, moving the chrysalis up and over then down, almost to the ground, opening. The user then curls inside and tugs the chrysalis closed again, this action causes the tree to softly twist back. The chrysalis slowly fills with a syrupy liquid like blood or sap or honey, it matches one's body temperature precisely, it seeps through the skin and it is breathed in. The light from A Love Transfixed shines into the cocoon, illuminating it in a dark red but with the eyes closed it shines through the eyelids in the pale blue of starlight. The user sinks into a deep sleep, the mind grows in depth as the body loses definition, it molds to the will like a well used leather coat.
The user stays like this for around three days and will always come out perfectly comfortable in their own skin. It is entirely defined by intent but one often comes out different than intended, it is at it's core about comfort and love but often people decide on uncomfortable courses of change in pursuit of higher ideals. It is not that this is in any way prevented, it is simply not the facet of the mind that decides while in the cocoon. It is a thing of healing and growth but this does not mean reversion, nothing that went in is lost.
The experience is like a deep dream about one's physical form in perfect detail with it shifting with the dream, it is difficult to remember afterwards but the entirety of one's being being focused on the task and the starlight pouring from above allow a depth of understanding that leaves waking thought pale, it does lack the same deliberation, the wandering mind can go in strange directions, it will never be something unpleasant but it could not be exactly what was planned before hand, it's best to go in with general ideas and ambitions. That said nothing that comes out of the cocoon that didn't go in in one way or another, the foundations of understanding at the least are nessesary, inspiration is more important than rote detail, clever ideas about channels going in could become a network coming out although for something like that more preperation and multiple trips may be necessary.
To add more material one may pour potions onto the roots or carry the things in with you, it's best to take anything that might be useful instead of only things for a specific plan, anything unused will be absorbed for later users or left untouched. It is most useful for the lower levels as higher tiers often demand strange abstractions it cannot provide.
113. The Caretaker's Warren
A/N: A big thanks to the 32 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.

So, welcome back from the least hiatusy hiatus I've ever had. I still owe one commission, but I can work on that while you guys are chewing over the update. Speaking of... hope you enjoy!

Sometimes, you truly long for home.

The Delving Heart has been a wonder at times. It is truly everything your parents told you that it would be when they set the location for your testing. It is full of wonder and secrets, keys to power and beauty the likes of which you had never before dreamed of. You have met people that would have shocked you with their existence a mere year ago, and now some of them are your greatest companions. And your Path… it is not what you dreamt of, but the gently rolling core of Smoke, Steel, and Time feels like it completes you in a way that nothing else could.

But still, part of you still wishes for home. You wish for your familiar bed three doors down from Father's loom. You miss the way that Uncle Chao prepares breakfast, all smokey flavors and exotic seasonings. Most of all though, you miss your family. You miss Mother's hugs and the way she smiles when you have pleased her. You miss Kong Cui's ability to smuggle sweets in her pockets and the way she splits her haul so that you won't spill her secrets. You even miss Auntie Bi's exuberant nature at times- it may be dangerous to be around her, but at least you're never bored. And of course, you miss Father. He may be restrained, but he is always there when you need him for anything. Be it pointers in your latest project or simply a word of advice, you can always count on Father just so happening to be nearby whenever you need him.

That longing is so intense that it manages to hollow you out right now because you could truly, honestly do with some of that advice.

Because… how exactly is one supposed to respond when told that they may be serving as either an executioner or a victim to someone they have just met?

Father might know. But you? You have no idea. Should you threaten Sun Yijun that you will be keeping an eye on him? Should you plead for mercy? Should you ask Elder Siani for more clarification? Should you curl up into a little ball and attempt to bury yourself in the dirt, biding your time as the cicada does in the winter? All of these sound like great and terrible ideas at the same time.

If there is any consolation to be had, it's that Sun Yijun looks almost as baffled as you do. You keep glancing at him out of the corner of your good eye as you walk, following Elder Siani to who knows where, and more than once your eye catches his as he does the same thing. Each time you glimpse his weathered face, it looks nearly as confused as you feel.

At the sight of Sun Yijun studying you with open confusion, you feel the knot of tension in your chest loosen the slightest amount. At least you're not alone in your bewilderment.

But that doesn't stop either of you from keeping an eye on each other as you walk. It's easier for Sun Yijun- he still has two eyes, after all, and he seems to keep one on you at all times. You do your best to match him though, eye darting from him to Elder Siani and then back as you fight not to trip.

However, as you walk, you find your attention slipping from your new brother cum foe and focusing more on the path Elder Siani is leading you down. You cannot say where your new Master is taking you, but the logical place to be heading would be his own personal fiefdom. Elder Siani's own Archives, his own Creator's Garden, his own hospital. Every elder seems to have some area in the Heart that answers to them above anyone else, and you suspect Elder Siani is no exception.

If that's the case though, Elder Siani is taking a very strange route. When you picture an area under the jurisdiction of your Master, you picture… honestly, you are not entirely certain what to picture. Perhaps a wide open cavern with a single pillar in the center of it upon which Elder Siani sits while throwing rocks at disciples who have displeased him. Or a dark, underground barrow with confines so tight that you can barely crawl through them without your belly scraping on the floor. Maybe a wild jungle home to hundreds of hungry beasts that he is keeping for his own amusement.

For any of those things, you would need to head away from the central cavern and into the side tunnels. But Elder Siani is taking you through the exact opposite route. You are heading deeper into the central cavern, towards the burning power of the Heart itself. The buildings around you grow thicker and more plentiful until they are fighting for space. Small square structures are crowded next to towering spires built within enormous stalagmites which loom over ramshackle contraptions made entirely of wood and prayer. The further you walk into the center of the Heart the more you feel like you are walking into the stomach of a primal, slumbering spirit just waiting to wake and impose its will on the world.

Elder Siani does not lead you towards one of the spires, and much to your relief he does not head towards a wooden structure either. Instead, he turns off the beaten path several stones throws away from the central pillar and makes his way towards what seems to be a pile of buildings haphazardly stacked atop each other and connected by stone ramps and scaffolds. Elder Siani ignores the door at the front of the collection in favor of one of those ramps, which he takes at a quick pace that force you and Sun Yijun to jog along behind him.

He finally stops when you have reached the third layer of this building pancake stack in front of a curtain hung in place of an actual door. "Ah," he breathes out as the two of you catch up with him. "It has been too long!"

The mustachioed Elder smiles and breathes in deeply through his nose as if trying to memorize the scent. "Ducklings," he finally breathes out. "I present to you the most important place within all of the Delving Heart: my Warren!"

Elder Siani pauses and strokes his chin. "Though I suppose it predates me by quite some time. So it would be more 'The Heart's Warren', or rather, the Warren. Yes, that would be the most accurate. Ducklings, welcome to the Warren! May your stay be enlightening and disaster free."

That… sounds like what you expected from Elder Siani. You wait for him to go on, but he seems to think that that says it all. A glance at Sun Yijun shows a small measure of confusion and also a certain peace with that. He's certainly not going to ask any questions of Elder Siani right now.

If you want more information, it's up to you. "The Warren, Elder Siani? What makes it so important?"

"An excellent question, Kong Zhi!" Siani intones. "An excellent question indeed. You see, the Warren is vital to the sect's functions. It performs a service that no other place within the Delving Heart can possibly match."

He breathes out another satisfied sigh. "It houses me." wonder if this pain behind your temples is going to become a regular feature in your life. It certainly seems like that could be the case. If so, you had best talk to Jai Shouxi about something for your head. It would not do to be distracted at a crucial moment by pressure behind your eyes whenever your Master speaks.

"But also," Elder Siani adds as an afterthought, rolling his eyes as he does so. "It serves as the hub, training grounds, and communal area for my disciples. Though that can hardly compare with being the space in which I occasionally rest my head!"

At that, Sun Yijun finally speaks. "About how often would you say that is?" he drawls. "Sleepin' does not seem like a skill you practice much."

"Indeed, slumber does not call for me often," Elder Siani responds. "But every now and then, the moon is right, the air is perfect, and the correct mood strikes me. When that happens, even I must rest for the occasional hour."

"However, this is not the time for sleep or the discussion thereof. We have lingered on my doorstep for too long as it is without discussing the ins and outs of my schedule. But still, before we enter, there is a warning I must give you."

Elder Siani fixes the two of you with a look, his normal irreverent attitude vanishing like a weak autumn's breeze. "Within the Warren right now are a handful of my other disciples. They can be your greatest allies here in the Heart- or they can be wondrous stones upon which you will hone your edge. But keep one thing in mind: every single one of them has left you far behind. If they so choose, they can each grind an incomplete Soldier or a neophyte Farmer into dust."

Incomplete Soldier? What does he even mean by incomplete?! And- wait, neophyte Farmer?! Sun Yijun has already begun the Farmer's Step?! Your estimates of your chances against him if you are called to be the executioner in your arrangement take a drastic dip.

Elder Siani does not notice or care though. He just continues with his thought. "Each and every one of them are under instructions not to kill either of you- instructions which now extend to the pair of you, should they become necessary. And when I task you with a duty that requires you to work together, all previous events are forgotten and pushed aside."

The dark-skinned Elder smiles slightly, an almost gentle look upon his face. "We are all family here now, ducklings. You will fight with your family. You may at times hate them. But at the end of the day, all will be forgiven and we shall continue on. Am I understood?"

You nod, trying to dismiss the whirling thoughts that storm through your mind. "Yes, Master," you mumble, a sentiment echoed by Sun Yijun a moment later.

...Wait. If you're all 'family' here, then why do you have to worry about being killed by Sun Yijun?!

Again, Elder Siani cares not for your turmoil. "Excellent," he states, clapping his hands together. "Now, not everyone is home, but those that are are very excited to meet you! We've lingered on the doorstep long enough. Come, come, and make certain not to hit your head!" He puts actions to words a moment later, turning and striding through the curtain-covered doorframe. And sure enough, both of you have to duck to follow him.

The inside of the Warren looks much like you would expect from its exterior. It resembles a warm sitting room you would expect to find in the home of any baker, all soft rugs and a burning hearth. Cabinets and ice boxes dominate one side, stacked on top of each other so tightly that it's a wonder that any of them can open. The rest of the room is far more spacious almost to a fault. Aside from the storage spaces, the rugs, and one lone chair set before the fire, it is entirely barren of furniture.

On the opposite side of the room is a spiraling staircase with well worn steps that stretches both up and down, leading into the buildings above and below the Warren's entrance. You will have to explore where they lead later. For now, your focus is grabbed by the disciples sitting on the stairs, eyes on the curtain you've just walked through. They see you at the same time you see them. As you step through the door, they spring to their feet, a mix of expressions on their faces.

As they move towards you, your eyes dart from face to face. There are five of them in total, each as different from each other as you are from Elder Siani if not more so, and all of them have what sounds like greeting or questions upon their lips.

Whatever they are about to say is cut off when Elder Siani claps his fingers together so quickly that they cause an audible sound. "No, no," he chastises. "No overwhelming the new ducklings! Come, everyone, we have practiced this! Manners! Introduce yourselves one at a time!"

The five disciples trade looks that very clearly tell you that they have not practiced this at all, no matter what Elder Siani says. Eventually, four sets of eyes turn to the fifth figure in their midst, who sighs and steps forward.

She is an older woman who could be any age from her twentieth summer to her hundredth, with hair of sterling silver so bright it seems to be intentional. She is dressed in a gown of black and white that seems to be tailored for function without sacrificing elegance. She nods to you and Sun Yijun in turn with the air of one who is considering bowing but has decided against it. "Newcomers," she greets, voice low and rich. "Welcome to the Warren. I am Disciple Xiong Eryu of the Third Circle. It is passable to make your acquaintance."

Knowledge (History) Check: 3d10s7(1.1) (Includes Bonus Dice). Dice Rolled: 4, 6, 7. 1.1, rounded down to 1 Success!

Xiong… Xiong… Xiong. That name rings a distant bell for you. Where have you heard that before? You are almost certain that you have. Were they one of the noble clans that Mother tried to drill into your head while you were learning the proper method of shaping clay? That seems likely.

Xiong Eryu certainly has the bearing of a noble. When she finishes, she turns and levels the others with a look as if to ask why that was so hard. Her gestures are taken in the spirit they're given; two of the disciples sigh while the others flush a ruddy red.

One of the former two is the next to step forward. He could not look more different than Xiong Eryu. Where her skin is light and delicate, his is tan enough to be near leather and decorated with dark lines of ink swirling through it in a pattern that is alien and familiar all at once. He has also tossed aside any form of decorum in his dress or presentation; both his pants and vest look like they were woven from hide and tree bark, and his hair is shaved into a long stripe. "Good to meet you," he rumbles out, voice like two rocks rubbing against each other. "I am called Jetei of the Fifth Circle."

Jetei of the Fifth Circle seems to be a man of few words. He has no sooner said his name than he steps back, allowing one of the others to go. It's an invitation that another disciple wastes no time in taking advantage of. The next disciple to step forward is actually one that is slightly familiar to you- that is, unless there is more than one disciple with leathery green skin and dark shell growing from his body. But you are fairly certain you have seen him before on your way to the Assignment Hall.

He certainly seems to recognize you. He bows slightly towards Elder Siani and grins a small, but genuine grin in your direction. "Good morning, new brothers. I am Wugui, and it is my honor to also stand in the Fifth Circle. I offer my hopes that you will become skilled and productive in your time here."

Wugui has barely finished his greeting when he is elbowed to the side by the next disciple in line. This one is hefty enough to give Ming Hui a run for his money, though his enormous red beard and mop of hair would make your clean shaven friend squeal in disgust. "Heyo, fresh meat!" he bellows out in a voice loud enough to push the curtain behind you back. "Either of you Immortal Chefs?"

It's all you can do to shake your head, Sun Yijun mirroring you at your side. At your refusal, the disciple's shoulders slump. He turns to Elder Siani and lets out a gusty groan. "Damn?" he sighs. "Why do you never recruit- oh, never mind." He turns back to you. "I'm Sima Tun. Sixth Circle." He doesn't even look at you as he turns and stomps back to his fellows.

When the last echoes of Sima Tun's words fade from the Warren, the last disciple steps forward. She is small, even smaller than Elder Siani, with skin just as dark as his and long hair in tight braids that reach to the small of her back. She bows at each of you in the largest sign of respect you have gotten since you stepped foot in this room. "Good day, brothers. I am Kumi of the Seventh Circle. I hope that we get along."

"I am certain you will!" Elder Siani responds. "What wonderful greetings from my illustrious students! But still, I wait! I have not yet heard introductions from all of my disciples!"

You suppose that is your cue. You step forward, drawing the eyes of everyone, and clear your throat. "It is nice to meet you all," you manage to get out after a moment. "I am Kong Zhi of the Nin- Eighth Circle. Thank you for your greetings."

"What he said," Sun Yijun continues. "I'm Sun Yijun of the Eighth."

Whatever the assembled group was expecting, it seems they have not found it if the expressions on their faces are any indication. They stare at the two of you, Xiong Eryu arching a single graceful eyebrow that makes you feel about six inches tall.

Elder Siani strides forward and takes the only seat near the fire. Once he's seated, he shakes his head. "Come now. The pair of you can do better. None of my disciples would ever make such a… bland first impression on their seniors. Try again, and make an effort this time."

Sun Yijun cocks his head to the side, confusion writ large on his face. "How?"

"Tell a story! Give us something to stick in our hearts and minds! Tell us something about… tell us how you came to gain the good fortune of being my disciple? What task did you undertake to earn your Sigil?"

"Oh," the sleepy-sounding disciple replies. "Got it."

He turns back to the other five, all of whom are waiting with varying degrees of anticipation. "My task had me take out an annoyin' snake that wouldn't leave anyone alone. It never showed up unless it thought I was sleepin', but I got it anyways."

Sun Yijun lapses into silence, much to Elder Siani's annoyance. Your Master shakes his head and turns to face his pupils. "What Sun Yijun is trying to say is that he acquired his sigil after slaying a Corner-Dwelling Serpent that was making a feast of several of the Ninth Circle."

A murmur of appreciation emerges from the knot of disciples. Apparently, whatever a Corner-Dwelling Serpent is, it's slaying is worthy of respect.

As they finish absorbing Elder Siani's words, he turns to you. "Kong Zhi? Why don't we see if you are better at storytelling that Sun Yijun. How did you earn your Sigil?"

Oh. Well, if he wants you to tell a story, that is certainly one worth telling. Though you may want to consider your words. Sima Tun looks like he'd rather be anywhere else while Jetei seems to be tiring of standing in one place. Meanwhile, Xiong Eryu and Wugui look to be perfectly content to listen to whatever you have to say. As for Kumi, you've no idea what she's thinking; she seems to be staring into space.

Yes, some consideration is certainly warranted.

You have been asked to regale your new brothers with the story of the Lost Armory. How do you do so?
[] Quickly and humbly. You all have things you would rather be doing; there is no sense in taking up too much time.
[] In great detail. You spent months solving the mysteries of the Armory and learned a great deal. Perhaps there is some detail in your experiences that could help even these experienced Artists.
[] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[] Write-In
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Humbly seems likely to not impress them, and is not what Siani is looking for. Too much detail will bore everyone. A dramatic telling is best for holding engagement while still showing off our accomplishments, which were substantial.

Edit: I no longer think this is the best option, and have switched to the reflectively option. I'd encourage you to consider doing so as well. My arguments for that option are in this post.
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[J] Break into song.

[J] Now it's finally time for the hand-puppets.

The middle option seems safest, but eh, a write-in seems more interesting.

Agreed that a write in could work well here. I think that a dramatic telling is the best of these options, but it is not really the most in line with KZ's character. A write-in could provide a solution that is in line with his character, will show off his accomplishments, and won't bore everyone to death.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Lights! Camera! Actionnnn!!!
They want entertainment?

We can give them entertainment! Even if it's probably playing right into Siani's hands! I say DRAMA!

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
I'm imagining Kong Zhi starting to feel himself and lean into the ham, only to wince as he tweaks his ribs.

[X] In great detail. You spent months solving the mysteries of the Armory and learned a great deal. Perhaps there is some detail in your experiences that could help even these experienced Artists.
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[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.