The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

And We Are Back!!
omg Kong Zhi I've missed you.
and you all my questers community :)
Love and Kisses for 2021!!

[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
Maybe we are an incomplete Soldier because we didn't integrate any techs that have our core anam?

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
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[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
Reflectively sounds too mopey, and frankly overbearing to someone you meet for the first time.

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Reflectively... just no. Focusing on our allies is not something our Elder wants us to do, and discussing what we learned is not something other Disciples are interested in.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
If they so choose, they can each grind an incomplete Soldier or a neophyte Farmer into dust."

Incomplete Soldier? What does he even mean by incomplete?! And- wait, neophyte Farmer?! Sun Yijun has already begun the Farmer's Step?! Your estimates of your chances against him if you are called to be the executioner in your arrangement take a drastic dip.
Incomplete?! I suppose we have to put that on the research list and ask everyone we know. I suppose that's what we get for just going by what Elder Sela hinted at and Shouxi theorized...

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
...okay. We are back, BOOOOOIIIIIIII-

Nice to have y'all here. As for the vote...

I'm honestly not sure what one to do, since all look like good options, so...

Will see. I'm gonna guess that having a complete Soldier aspect has to have 1 or 2 techniques that are of the same element that one present at you Core, or something similar. Maybe define one's self more throughly in the process. I dunno.

As for our fellow madmen here, we should probably mention Ming Hui to the one I. Chef, maybe he will be interrsted on watching his progress, or similar.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
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[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.

Take a page out of Bihai's book. GO HAM!
...Wait. If you're all 'family' here, then why do you have to worry about being killed by Sun Yijun?!
Presumably because none of the others have Time/Fate cores. That's why you two have that duty vis a vis each other.

Anyway, lights, camera...

[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
Take a page out of Bihai's book. GO HAM!

Kong Zhi should start it like this:
"" It is said that untold centuries ago, there existed a woman so impressive that the heavens themselves sat up and took notice. She was an Artist beyond compare. In her footsteps lakes were formed. From her fists were birthed earthquakes and storms. When she opened her mouth, her words created the first chords of song.

The heavens looked down upon this woman and were in awe of her power. They called for her to join them, but she said no. She still had business left unfinished upon this soil and she felt unworthy to ascend to the heavenly host while her goals were incomplete. The heavens were so moved by her purity of purpose that they fell to their knees, awed by her humility as they were.

It was then that the heavens resolved to honor this Artist's wishes. She would be untroubled by them for the rest of her days. It would be her choice and her choice alone if she would ascend to meet them amongst the stars. But they still wanted nothing more than to honor her as she had honored them. With tears of joy in their eyes they set to work crafting a monument to her, one that would endure throughout the ages and stand as a testament to her might and power.

And so they crafted the Brightmaple Mountains.

It's an awe-inspiring sight. One that has caused poets to slice their tongues from their heads and painters shatter their fingers into so many worthless nubs from the knowledge that they will never capture it's beauty. It is majestic. It is glorious. It is truly one of the great wonders of this world." [Blatant plagiarism, if you don't recognize it shame on you]

Perhaps one day I might get to see it. I didn't, because I was in a carriage with my cousin Kong De"
"Welcome to the Warren. I am Disciple Xiong Eryu of the Third Circle. It is passable to make your acquaintance."
"Good to meet you," [...] "I am called Jetei of the Fifth Circle."
"Good morning, new brothers. I am Wugui, and it is my honor to also stand in the Fifth Circle. I offer my hopes that you will become skilled and productive in your time here."
"I'm Sima Tun. Sixth Circle."
"Good day, brothers. I am Kumi of the Seventh Circle. I hope that we get along."
"I'm Sun Yijun of the Eighth."
So, Eight Circle, Seven Circle, Sixth Circle, two Fifth Circles and a Third Circle. I guess one of the Fives will soon be promoted to Four. That's our Blacklist guys! The 6 disciples we need to defeat, take their cars cores, and become the Most Wanted Disciple!