The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Just want to point to the pretty big leap you've made there. At this point she's just trying to learn the Kong style.
Well in truth I meant that more as an off hand comment and as a bit of a joke about her development, but... I know. Saying she's learning to kong style and trying to learn Kong style is basically the same thing. She's not crafting in a traditional style, but is influenced by KZ in her approach. She's trying to let the mats lead her to a charm instead of charting out a charm beforehand and using the mats as simple components. From my understanding listening to what the mats want to do has been an aspect of KZ's charm style. The part about her doing a DD with the charm was meant as a pure joke though.
"So anyways I snuck in"

One hell of a humble brag.
Coming back to this, despite being good enough to sneak into the shrews nursery and then observe their awakening, they didn't mention the anam used. A type is suggested by calling the wonder Umbral Barrow, but it's not explicit. Which is weird since it was entirely possible for KZ to figure it out, but the specially selected disciple couldn't?

To me that suggests ass covering, or it wasn't expected to be part of the report. More clues about Kong crafting style, maybe?
In Search of Promotion (commission) (canon)
A/N: And this one makes 8! Only two commissions left for the November/December cycle!

This story takes us back to an old sidestory friend: Elder Rinyi of the Resolute March. If you aren't familiar, his previous appearances can be found in 'On the Warpath' and 'At The Pleasure of the Emperor', both located higher up in the threadmarks. I would suggest reading at least that last one before reading this one. Otherwise you might be a touch lost.

When Elder Rinyi of the Resolute March first achieved the rank of Lieutenant General, and was thus privileged enough to meet with the Lord High General in the course of his daily duties, he experienced a rare moment of kindness. Lieutenant General Iuejun took one look at him as he walked into the Lord High General's tent and had immediately guided him back out. The more experienced Lieutenant had been able to gauge Rinyi's readiness at a glance and found him wanting. But instead of chastising him for his weakness, Iuejun had sat him down and handed him a cup of tea.

Only when Rinyi was relaxed enough that his heartbeat no longer echoed in his fingers did Iuejun speak. "The Lord High General is a difficult man," he had said. "One who demands perfection of himself, and thus will accept nothing less than the same from those who serve him. And in the course of the search for that perfection, you will make errors. There will be moments where you let both him and yourself down. I have made dozens in the course of my career and you will be no different."

At Iuejun's words, Rinyi had sat up straight, a growl in his throat and a protest on his lips. But he was stopped short by Iuejun's calming gesture, the same one that Rinyi himself had used countless times to mollify a skittish horse. "I do not question your skills or your drive," he had continued. "It is a simple statement of fact. When one reaches for the heavens, one will inevitably slip and fall from the sky. And when that happens, you had best be prepared to deal with the Lord High General's displeasure."

Rinyi had been struck silent and Iuejun had taken that as a signal to continue. "Just remember one thing, young one: when you displease the Lord High General, there is no hiding it. You had best stand strong and take your blows. Meet his gaze. Acknowledge your wrongdoing and make no efforts to deflect what comes to you. If you try to pass the blame to another, his displeasure will be stronger and more potent when it returns to you."

"Just meet his eyes. Do not look away. Perhaps if you do so, some measure of the Lord High General's wrath will be blunted."

Iuejun is now long gone from the Resolute March, fallen in honorable combat against the Northern Savages, his Vestige recovered and sent to the Tortoise Palace to be turned into a weapon worthy of the man he had been in life. But still, his teaching and his words remain- and never before have they resounded so loudly in Elder Rinyi's mind as they do today.

As he has done so many times in this very tent, Elder Rinyi forces steel into his spine. He tucks his hands behind his back to stand at perfect parade rest. And when Lord High General Laozui glares at him with all the fires of hell burning behind his eyes, Elder Rinyi meets that gaze head on.

When Rinyi does not quail before his gaze, a vein in the Lord High General's sloping brow quivers in indignation. When he speaks, his words are low and dangerous, placid waters beneath which monsters lurk. "Excuse me, Lieutenant General," he practically growls, his voice low and dangerous. "But I sense that I have misunderstood you. Please, repeat yourself. Precisely what did you say to His Imperial Glory?"

Elder Rinyi has no option but to square his shoulders and repeat himself. "At His Imperial Glory's direct prompting, I informed him of the irregularities in our testing patterns, sir. When questioned, I further elaborated on our tendencies to focus more on the imperial heartland than it's outer reaches."

The Lord High General's fingers begin to move as they drum a steady beat onto the steel desk before him. The metal dents and bends under the unconscious motion, the metal no match for the tension within the Resolute March's strongest. His low voice is barely audible over the gentle thunder coming from his absent movements. "Ah. That is what I thought you said. I assumed that my ears were deceiving me. Do you know why that is?"

General Laozui's finger presses down on the desk and it answers with the screech of tearing metal. Papers fly wildly around the tent as the desk snaps in two. Jagged shards shoot through the air like vicious hornets, slicing through the canvas of the tent and bouncing off the anam-blessed skin of the Warlords.

"I assumed as such because I thought you beyond such foolish behavior," the Lord High General hisses. "I thought you wise enough to represent the March before His Imperial Glory and bring honor to our Sect. You do recall what glory and honor is, Rinyi? It is the respect one gains from a job well done- something you clearly care nothing about!"

Rinyi's jaw clenches at the barb. "Lord High General, I apologize, but there is nothing in this life that I care more for than the honor of the Resolute March. It was for that honor that I spoke-"

"Oh, it was?" Laozui responds. His voice is friendly now, and his posture that of an old friend. He reaches out and clasps Rinyi on the shoulder. "I see, I see! I must be misunderstanding. It was for the honor of the March that you choose to tar us all with the brush of the incompetent and the foolish! How silly of me to think otherwise."

His grip tightens until Rinyi begins to feel the pressure even in his altered bones. Still, the Elder stands motionless and keeps his face impassive. "Yes, Lord High General- it was either that or speak a falsehood that would be easily discovered. Would you have me lie to His Imperial Glory and claim that we have not been acting as such?"

The friendly act is gone as suddenly as it appeared. Laozui's face twists and purples with anger. But that too vanishes quickly, as does the pressure on Rinyi's shoulder. The Lord High General turns away from the Elder and faces the wall of the tent, as if the mere sight of Rinyi would drive him further into rage. "Your meeting with His Imperial Glory was hardly the place to bring up your thoughts-"

"I beg your pardon, Lord High General," Rinyi interrupts. "But I had no choice but to speak honestly with the Emperor. Had I not, Theli would have- and the last thing we want is for the Jackal to stand even taller in His eyes."

Laozui's shoulders still as he ponders Rinyi's words. But the Envoy to the Emperor is not done yet. "Besides," he continues, respect a thin veneer coating the annoyance in his words. "My words were true. We have been lackluster in our duties."

If the Lord High General had been angry before, it is nothing compared to the expression on his face when he turns to Rinyi once again. Still, the Elder keeps a calm mask upon his face even as he stews. "We are the Resolute March," Rinyi continues as if he cannot see his leader's fury. "We are the greatest of the Seven Sects of the Radiant Empire. It was our glorious army that stood against the Coldbloods on the Night of Pale Water. The March ended the threat of the Laughingstar Raiders. We are the Radiant Empire's strong shield and burning sword- and we have been sitting in the heartland for nearly a decade in pursuit of political backing."

"I did not tell Him anything that he did not already know, for He has already seen that we have been derelict in our duties. We have now been charged with fixing our mistakes." Rinyi bows his head at a slight angle, the nod of a junior officer to their commander. "I await your instructions on how to make His will reality."

Rinyi's words lay heavily in the air, smothering the room in new tension. Laozui stares at his junior for a long, painful heartbeat that stretches for eternity. But finally, the silence is broken by the very last thing Rinyi expected.

"Very well," Laozui answers. "If His Imperial Glory concurs with you, then it must be so. Let us waste no further time."

The Lieutenant General nearly falls over. "I- thank you, Sir. Let-"

"Oh, no, no thanks are necessary, Lieutenant," Laozui continues. "I was being foolish. You have had the wisdom to bring a problem to His attention, and now we have the opportunity to fix it."

Rinyi does not move. He does not even breathe as he waits for the other shoe to fall. Laozui suddenly agreeing with him and becoming reasonable? Rinyi would sooner expect the stars to fall from the sky and anoint him the next Emperor. "Of course, sir. How would you suggest we-"

Laozui shakes his head. His face is the picture of dignified disappointment. "Rinyi, I could not dare to suggest how to deal with such an overwhelming problem as a few peasants falling on their own sword. No, this is clearly an issue that only your skilled hands can tackle. You are so close with His Imperial Glory after all! I am sure that you can handle such an important duty without me holding you back."

The Lord High General turns and deposits himself back into his seat. A flick of his wrist draws the paperwork previously scattered together, and another effort of will causes it to spring back to his hands. "You have my full blessing to deal with this problem. Direct the March as you see fit! Every resource of the Sect is at your disposal. Please, solve this crisis in His name."

...and there it is.

Rinyi does not linger in the tent. He waits to see if Laozui is going to say anything else, but when no further words come he spins and marches from the Lord High General's side fast enough that the air practically crackles beneath his footsteps.

He has barely gone ten feet before he is no longer alone. Rinyi does not need to glance to his side to know that Commander Liao Yong now walks in his shadow. "How did it go?" she mutters.

"It could have gone better," Rinyi replies. "The Lord High General was… less than pleased in the news from the court. But he has acknowledged the severity of the situation. I have complete control over the March in pursuit of these duties- he has removed himself from the chain of command entirely."

Liao Yong flinches. "He attempts to leave you out in the storm," she whispers.

All Rinyi can do is nod. "Of course he did. Laozui would never actually do something when he can achieve his goals by doing nothing at all. So now he will wait and interpret every action of mine as a failure- and then he will determine that I am unworthy of my posting."

What will happen to Rinyi after that is not something worth thinking of.

Liao Yong agrees. Her mouth twists into a grimace and her eyes gleam with rage. "That slug," she hisses. "How could he- I will-"

Rinyi raises a hand. "No, Liao Yong. You will not. I will not have you throw yourself away when I have a better use for you."

His disciple freezes at his words. But then her grimace vanishes, replaced by a fierce smile. "You have a plan," she mutters.

Rinyi gives a smile that does not reach his eyes.

"Of course I have a plan," Rinyi states. He sighs and shakes his head. "When all is said and done, the Imperial assessors will balance our failures against each other. The Lord High General thinks that his failings will measure less than mine. It is truly a shame that one as long lived as the old wolf is so blind."

Liao Yong blinks in confusion, parting the flaps to Rinyi's tent. The Elder does not break his stride nor his speech as he walks through and takes his own seat. "Every day, he parcels out more and more of his duties. Leaves the sect's management to his subordinates. Abandons us."

Rinyi grabs a piece of paper from his desk and begins scribing orders as quickly as his hands allow. "Fetch Wen Dalong from the Treasure Repository and Anlian from Administration," he instructs, handing sheafs of paper to Liao Yong. "The Lord High General has instructed us to commit every resource to this task- up to and including our Treasures. They will fetch a noble price on the open market, and the returns should be more than enough to give the Refiners an edge. It will hurt in the future, but enhancing the infantry in the short term is all we need to do right now."

"Selling our treasures so recklessly…" Liao Yong said, shock making her voice shake. "Elder, I will do as you bid, but I do not see how-"

"Ah," Rinyi interrupts, holding up one finger as he writes. "I am doing no such thing. The Lord High General has decreed that such extraordinary action be taken."

Lian Yong pauses. "I… he has?"

"Of course he has! Or at least, he will as long as you speak with Anlian quickly enough. Backdated orders are a marvelous thing, are they not?"

The younger Artist may as well be a statue as her Master's words wash over her. And RInyi is not done. "And once you have finished with them, summon the Huo siblings. I require information on the infantry. All of the pills that the General will have us acquire must go to worthy sources- we cannot dispense them without care. If we are to give up our Treasures- even temporarily- we must be certain that the troops we forge with the gains stand head and shoulders above those of the other sects."

Another sheet of paper joins the stack in Liao Yong's hand. But this time, Rinyi does not release it until his disciple meets his gaze.

"When all is said and done, the Emperor wil see only one thing: Laozui's abject failure in selling our Treasures, and my noble effort in turning his short-sighted behavior into a boon. The rope he has given me was intended to be a noose of my own making- but a noose fits one neck as well as another. And with your aid, Liao Yong, we shall force this noose around the old wolf's neck and lead the March in the direction it was always meant to stride."
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Niceee. Really like how you played this off. Nifty reminder of how most of the sects are currently experiencing great changes due to orders from above.

Seeds the idea of civil war without actually commiting on the level of turmoil about to come.
You don't want shit, then don't start shit. Laozui can't be upset if Rinyi plays dirty politics if he intended to screw Rinyi over in the first place.
Yeah, blaming your subordinates for your own policy failures and trying to set them up to fail is never a good way to deal with things. It doesn't exactly engender loyalty.
Funny how Iuejun's advice was "He doesn't like it when people blame their sub-ordinates".

So basically Rinyi will buy pills to push most, if not all, the Servant's to Soldier? That's surely a boon in the short term, he better hope that they manage to buy back or retrieve the Treasures though or else the next batch of Servant's in the Resolute March will surely suffer.
...So... purely out of interest, might the Delving Heart be about to pick up some lovely barely-used treasures, do you think? Slightly... militarily oriented ones?
Funny how Iuejun's advice was "He doesn't like it when people blame their sub-ordinates".

So basically Rinyi will buy pills to push most, if not all, the Servant's to Soldier? That's surely a boon in the short term, he better hope that they manage to buy back or retrieve the Treasures though or else the next batch of Servant's in the Resolute March will surely suffer.

Well, there's two ways to look at things.

The High General is probably pissed because Rinyi aired what he considered an internal and known grievance to the Emperor directly, not keeping the whole thing "in-house" so to speak, and thus harming the Sect's standing.

I have been in some collectives where Rinyi would be considered in the wrong.

Though, ultimately, I don't think Rinyi is in the wrong.

After all, the ultimate loyalty of the sect artists is to the Emperor, and his reasoning is legitimate if not necessarily correct.

He doesn't deserve to be thrown under the bus, and his decision to sorta escalate in response is understandable.

That being said, I am not sure if selling the
Treasures (noted in text to be a big deal) can be spent merely on upgrading the Servants to Soldiers.

There must be something more. Like, upgrading some of the Soldiers close to the threshold into Farmers?
Based on the "All of the pills gained must go to worthy sources" I think that Rinyi is actually hitting multiple birds with one stone - selling the treasures for short term gains and blaming it on his political rival but also divvying up the proceeds of that to people who would be his political base/support, who would likely be from commoner background.

So in a short while much of the upcoming talent will be appreciative/loyal to Rinyi, but also from a commoner background, while those of noble background will either languish or be pulling in extra resources from outside of the Sect - which in and of itself would lend weight to Rinyi's argument that the Resolute March is over-focusing on nobles because the latest crop of commoners would be significantly outshining the latest crop of nobles (or the Sect's overall finances would be being propped up by noble families giving extra to support their scions).
I admit I got a far more favourable impression of the high generals actions, to me rather than setting the guy up to fail he is actuall testing and preparing him to be his successor.
I admit I got a far more favourable impression of the high generals actions, to me rather than setting the guy up to fail he is actuall testing and preparing him to be his successor.

That's almost certainly not the case. The thing to take away here is that this isn't the first time that the High General has acted like this, otherwise Renyi wouldn't likely be so willing to be planning this coup, much less his subordinate going along with it. Especially since the implication is that by framing the High General for selling the Treasures it will end up with the Emperor removing him... which would probably be by killing him.
That's almost certainly not the case. The thing to take away here is that this isn't the first time that the High General has acted like this, otherwise Renyi wouldn't likely be so willing to be planning this coup, much less his subordinate going along with it. Especially since the implication is that by framing the High General for selling the Treasures it will end up with the Emperor removing him... which would probably be by killing him.

And to me that is exactly how such a character, who clearly doesn't go for direct training of his subordinates and has a distant if not to say hostile relationship with them, would test, train and measure his replacement(s). Afterall how to better prove your suitability for the leadership in a organization with an ideology like the March seems to have than to plan and execute a successful takeover? If you succeed you are the right choice and if you fail you are clearly not deserving of the post. Admittedly from most PoV's the strategm doesn't really differ from a real hostile takeover but this is exactly how I would imagine the transition of leadership in a group like the March (which combines a strong "power rules" focus with loyalty to another cause) occurs if the existing leader feels unable to continue to serve.
And to me that is exactly how such a character, who clearly doesn't go for direct training of his subordinates and has a distant if not to say hostile relationship with them, would test, train and measure his replacement(s). Afterall how to better prove your suitability for the leadership in a organization with an ideology like the March seems to have than to plan and execute a successful takeover? If you succeed you are the right choice and if you fail you are clearly not deserving of the post. Admittedly from most PoV's the strategm doesn't really differ from a real hostile takeover but this is exactly how I would imagine the transition of leadership in a group like the March (which combines a strong "power rules" focus with loyalty to another cause) occurs if the existing leader feels unable to continue to serve.

Yeah, I just reread the update and I'm just not seeing this. An army functions best when its membership is loyal to one another, not when the guy at the top is fucking over his commanders and making them disloyal. Further, Renyi has been working together with the High General for what must be decades at least, as well as the reverse. At this point both of them should be well beyond testing one another's worth. If the High General wished to retire and pass the baton to Renyi, he should simply be able to do so.

No, this seems more like the Seven Great Sects getting into an extended political dispute as they tried to reach for as many noble children as they could, only for it to backfire on the lot of them since all of them were not testing in the outer reaches of the Empire as much as they should. The Resolute March in particular has the least excuse, as they should be nomadic and not simply parking themselves in the Imperial Center. And now the High General is pissed because his Envoy to the Emperor made him look bad because the man dared to tell the Emperor the truth, and has hung Renyi out to dry by making him responsible for cleaning up the mess, confident that he'll just end up getting rid of Renyi instead of the other way around. He seems more complacent in his position of power than wishing to give it up, not knowing Renyi has already figured out a way to turn the tables.
Kong Ves in: Pain Over Easy (commission)
A/N: Commission Number Nine, and we're back to the wonderous world of Kong Ves! As always, if you are unfamilliar, just go read the rest of the 'Kong Ves In' stories. Otherwise, you're going to be confused as fuck.

The first Kong Ves chapter can be found here. The previous one is here.

Imagine stubbing your toe. Sucks, right? But then imagine stubbing it again- and again and again and again. Imagine stubbing your toe so many times that you're in a perpetual state of stubbing. Then imagine it's not one toe, it's all of them. At once. It's your entire foot. No, it's both feet. No, it's both feet and your hands. Every single finger and toe you possess is just in a constant state of jamming. And then imagine that it's not your fingers and toes at all. It's your lungs and your heart and even your balls a little bit. It's the same sensation as everything getting jammed, but it's inside you.

Oh, and also, those same things are being hit repeatedly by planes out on a carpet bombing run.

If you can picture all of that, you have the barest idea of just how much it fucking sucks to take the Soldier's Step.

But take it I do. It takes everything I have, and a whole bunch of shit that I don't but somehow managed to fake, but by the end of the process I've got a burning ball of energy buried deep inside my groin. And when I stand up, shaking two days worth of sweat and no small amount of blood from my body as I do, all of the pain is worth it.

I'm faster. I'm stronger. I even feel a tiny bit smarter, hard as that might be to imagine. It feels like a fucking power line has been connected right to my spine, supercharging everything about me. My mind feels more alert, my reflexes more crisp, my body more in control. All the aches and pains I've built up since my vacation in Kong Zhi's body start to fade away. It won't be long until it's like they never existed.

Suck it, soda. Kiss my ass, coffee. Energy drinks can go get fucked. If you really want to be more awake, Anam is the only way to go.

Of course, my teammates take my new pain-free state as a challenge. They barely wait until we leave Gladiator's Rest before they're dragging me into an empty chamber for actual training. And once we're there…

Well, it was nice being pain free, but it doesn't last for long.

Nokai and Mei Daiyu seem to enjoy my power as a Soldier even more than I do. But while I like it because it makes me feel like a fucking god, they seem to enjoy it because it means they can kick my ass six times as hard. Literally ten fucking minutes after getting out of the wonder, I'm flat on my back in a brand new crater with the front of my robes in tatters. And that's just the start.

I don't know how long the pain that these sadistic fucks call training goes on. It feels like every time I even twitch, one of the two of them is there ready to throw me back down and/or tear a new chunk out of me. I don't get a break. There is no reprieve. All I get is pain from Mei Daiyu, pain from Nokai, or pain from both at the same time if they're feeling extra sadistic.

No 'training' can go on forever though. Eventually, my friends need to call it a day. Everyone needs to sleep, and besides, they have other shit to do besides beating the absolute fuck out of me. The three of us make our way back to the central cavern and split, all of us heading our own way with plans to meet back up tomorrow for Fensui's class.

Both Nokai and Mei Daiyu are completely fucking gassed. They trudge back to their homes looking like they're dragging rocks behind them. My money is on them passing out about five seconds after their heads hit the pillow. Apparently kicking the fuck out of me is good exercise.

As for me? I'm in fucking pain, but I feel surprisingly perky. Still! Apparently meditating and forcing energy into your groin for a day followed by having the everloving shit kicked out of you for at least eight hours ain't shit on the Core of the Sunkissed Vanguard. Sure, I'm a little tired, but the kind of tired that you get when it's time to go back to work after your lunch break. All I need is a little grub and I'll be ready for more.

Thankfully, I know right where to go for a good meal. All I have to do is head home.

While a number of homes in the Ninth Circle Courtyard are dark and quiet, mine is glowing with light and full of sweet smells. The scent of baking bread washes over me as I open the front door, washing away half my aches and pains on it's own. The baking smells are only the beginning, a blanket that lays atop the mouthwatering scent of roasting meat and heavy spices.

Ming Hui himself is a near typhoon in the midst of all his creations. As I walk through the door, I see him deglazing a pan, pulling two loaves of bread out of the oven, and tossing the greens all in one quick, smooth motion. He spins in place and kicks the oven door closed as he pivots, bending low to scoop fresh eggs out of a bowl on the counter. He cracks them with sure gestures, dropping them down in the pan right next to the sizzling meat. I glance over his shoulder to take in his dish as I walk. that fucking Steak and Eggs? Fuck yeah! I can go for Steak and Eggs!

"Have a seat, Kong Zhi!" Ming Hui declares, not even bothering to ask if I actually want to eat- because of course I do. "It will be ready in three shakes of the spice grinder!"

That was not a figure of speech. As I drop down in my seet, Ming Hui produces a grinder loaded with something fragrant and wonderful and dusts the entire pan with it three times. Another quick, too-perfect motion drops the meal onto a plate and sends it sliding down the table until it stops right in front of me with perfect accuracy.

I stare down at my still-sizzling meal and then look back up at Ming Hui. "What?" I deadpan. "No drink?"

In answer, an earthenware mug practically appears in front of me, sides beading with condensation. A quick glance reveals it full to the brim with dark juice that I suspect pairs perfectly with the plate before me. "Okay, now you're just showing off."

"A touch," Ming Hui answers. He finishes his labors in record time and joins me, sitting down across from me at the table. "But mostly, I need to practice my form. There are countless rare ingredients to be had within the Heart and I will not lose my chance at them."

I stare at him as I eat, luxuriating in the glorious taste before me even as I try to follow his words. "I beg your pardon, but I find myself confused," I say in between bites of sumptuous prepared beef. "How precisely will your cooking skills assist you in gaining ingredients?"

Ming Hui stares at me as if he's re-evaluating my intelligence. "Because others are going to have them," he tells me as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Just as I have my own warchest. Sooner or later, I am going to have something that someone wants or someone else is going to have what I need. A challenge is inevitable- and when I cross knives with someone, I want to be ready."

Oh. Right. Cooking duels. In all the pain and drama, I'd nearly forgotten how fucking weird my world is now. "Of course," I answer. "Where is my mind. But yes, my thanks for the food. It is my good fortune to have you as my roommate."

Ming Hui waves aside my praise. "Oh, no. For eating such a subpar effort, truly I should be thanking you! Honestly, what was I thinking? Frying the steak fresh out of the icebox? I should have allowed it to reach room temperature before I even cracked the eggs. And the plating is atrocious. Not to mention the eggs are basically burned. I did all I could to salvage the breakfast, but there is a limit to my skills."

He shakes his head mournfully. "I will have to remake this dish at a future time when I have acquired ingredients worthy of it. On that day, I hope that I can count on you to serve as my taster."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's full of shit, because the steak is a perfect pink in the center, and the eggs have a yolk so orange and unctuous that breaking it produces viscous flow that would probably show up in an influencer's feed. You know...if influencers or the internet existed here. What would the equivalent be? Food paintings? Yeah, it'd light the fuck out of a scroll.

He knows this is fucking great and is just fishing for praise. Still, it is great, and he deserves the praise. "I find it hard to believe that you will be able to improve upon such perfection, but when that day comes you will find me your most eager test subject. Simply let me know when and where. I will be certain to be there."

Ming Hui absorbs my words and beams with pride. I take the opportunity to finish off the meal, using the last bites of steak to mop up the eggs and shove them in my cramhole. "And if you require aid to reach your vision, please do not hesitate in calling upon me," I finish through a mouthful. "I will be pleased to do whatever I can to assist you."

Seriously, I need to see one of these cooking duels. I will soux chef the fuck out of one if I can- fuck, I'll pay for the priviledge. What's a fair exchange to be in the kitchen when someone's going full Shokugeki? All of my money? Or will I have to earn more? I'll probably have to earn more.

But Ming Hui cannot see inside of my head. "No, no, you need not worry over payment! The simple joy of cooking and the experience I gain through the process is more than enough for me."

Now it's my turn to brush aside his words. "It very well may be," I answer. "But still, I would feel churlish if I were not given the opportunity to assist you as you have assisted me. Please, on my honor, allow me to render what little aid I am capable of."

I have no idea the fuck I'm saying, but it's enough to send Ming Hui back on his heels. The rotund chef ponders my words before reluctantly nodding. "Of course," he answers. "If you insist, there is one thing that I would welcome assistance in- as long as it is not too much trouble, of course."

"Please, name it."

Ming Hui turns an eye towards the kitchen. "This is a marvelous kitchen, but it is…"

He trails off as he struggles for the words. "Small?" I throw out, trying to help him find whatever he's searching for. "Understocked?"


I have to stop and blink at that one. "Stationary?"

"Yes, exactly!" he continues. "I can make most any dish I can think of here, but only here. To allow my skills even the smallest bit of space outside of the kitchen, I must carry the kitchen on my back at all times- and no matter how many things I can hold, I will still be missing something. So there is no way as of right now for me to utilize my full abilities outside this room."

"But I have heard tales of charms specially made for chefs in my predicament- charms that are capable of carrying an entire kitchen within them and simply need to be activated to bring it out. Is there any way you can assist me in the procurement of such a charm- if it is not too much trouble, of course."

Oh. Right. Of course.


In all the hubbub of today- the last few days really- I'd fucking forgot all about Charmcrafting. Everything else had just seemed so much more important, what with Huo Shi and Nokai and Mei Daiyu and all. Charmcrafting had fallen right out of my mind!

Can I even make a charm? That's some real hardcore shit there. Kong Zhi studied his entire life to be able to do what he can do, and while I've got some parts of Kong Zhi in me, I don't know if his decade plus of training is part of it. Fuck.

I rack my brain, searching desperately for the knowledge. Nothing. Shit fuck damn. Auntie Bi is going to murder my soul! And all because I have no idea how to carve an impression marking three millimeters from the important storage glyph to avoid anam contamination or how to use a slightly broken effect array to grant a charm multiple states of use! That's knowledge that can't be taught in the Heart- I can only get it from…

Wait. How the fuck did I know what any of that even was?

Oh. Oh here it is. Nope. Never mind. Knowledge is here!

"Ming Hui, it would be my honor to assist you in the creation of a kitchen charm. Simply bring me the things you wish to have stored and I shall bring your idea to life."
Enjoying Kong Ves? The next one can be found here!
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CanonZhi: This "other me" seems to have an intimate knowledge of the Wonders down here, and has advanced me to the Soldier's Step, but he got me roped into a duel and has subjected my body to such unending torment that others call "training". If he thinks I'll allow him to access my charmcrafting knowledge to gain a favor from the cook, then he's got another thing coming-
KongVes: Auntie Bi will kill me!
CanonZhi: ...Dang it, he's right. Here, take it.
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One way you can tell a great chef is that they never have anything nice to say about their own cooking.