The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Reflecting is not usually done before strangers, and for good reason.

One's reflection is burdensome towards those other people.

Now, if it's one family or friends, they will welcome such a burden due to affection.

Others? They will be annoyed by the imposition.
Reflecting is not usually done before strangers, and for good reason.

One's reflection is burdensome towards those other people.

Now, if it's one family or friends, they will welcome such a burden due to affection.

Others? They will be annoyed by the imposition.

This is flatly not true. There are entire genres of writing, of public speaking, devoted to people reflecting on their experiences. I have, for my classes both examined and written personal narratives, designed to reflect the experiences of the author. Have you ever read a This I Believe essay or heard one of the numerous This I Believe radio series? There are entire websites full of people, not necessarily famous or extraordinary in any way, reflecting on their lives, often their most vulnerable moments, and these writings are shared and read and appreciated by strangers all around the world, not as some form of mutual therapy but instead as an enriching form of entertainment.

The truth of the matter is that a well told reflective narrative is interesting. Because, fundamentally, we are all humans and so we relate to the stories of others. We connect with their emotions, and we use their experiences to better understand not only their lives, but our own.

Furthermore, we're not even doing that. No one has proposed that we spill our most vulnerable moments to strangers. All that has been suggested is that we add some of our thoughts and emotions into this story that we are already going to tell.

Personally, I think being reflective would be the most interesting thing for Kong Zhi's character right now. You may disagree. But claiming that people cannot or should not talk about their emotions to strangers, or that those strangers will not care at all about the insights of the one speaking is just not true.
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This is flatly not true. There are entire genres of writing, of public speaking, devoted to people reflecting on their experiences. I have, for my classes both examined and written personal narratives, designed to reflect the experiences of the author. Have you ever read a This I Believe essay or heard one of the numerous This I Believe radio series? There are entire websites full of people, not necessarily famous or extraordinary in any way, reflecting on their lives, often their most vulnerable moments, and these writings are shared and read and appreciated by strangers all around the world, not as some form of mutual therapy but instead as an enriching form of entertainment.

That is not true.
Or rather your "flatly not true" is not true. SOME people enjoy reading/hearing about other people's "inner experiences". Other do not. Moreover that someone likes to read reflections on other people does not mean they would enjoy some random newly met guy to give his reflections. So your argument is missed.
But tbh, maybe it's a cultural thing and where you live people like to hear reflections of strangers. Where I live, it would be super awkward.
That is not true.
Or rather your "flatly not true" is not true. SOME people enjoy reading/hearing about other people's "inner experiences". Other do not. Moreover that someone likes to read reflections on other people does not mean they would enjoy some random newly met guy to give his reflections. So your argument is missed.
But tbh, maybe it's a cultural thing and where you live people like to hear reflections of strangers. Where I live, it would be super awkward.

There is some cultural variation here. I know that in some places it's standard for people who are asked how their day is going to answer with "okay" regardless of how it's actually going — I'll often respond with "I feel awful" and sometimes even give reasons.

I feel like you've said it yourself. Preferences vary. Some people enjoy one thing, others enjoy another. The thing I disagree with is trying to describe reflecting to strangers as if it's a terrible sin that will make everyone feel you're weird. Some people in the audience may prefer a more dramatic reading, others may want to hear more about how we feel. To toss all of that out and say "nope, it's weird to talk about feelings to strangers" seems to me very silly. This is a choice about how we want Kong Zhi to act, and I don't think Ves is going to write it so that KZ goes into some much gory emotional that everyone thinks he's weird (unless that were something we were expressly requesting, which it isn't), especially given the cultural variation on the issue. If you claim that being a bit reflective is going to weird out the audience, I fervently believe you're wrong. That being said, vote on your conscience.

Edit: Also, I personally think arguments about why your position is good are more convincing than arguments about what your opponents want to do is bad. IMO there's nothing wrong with either of these solutions, the question is which one has more virtues (and I obviously think it's the reflection one, for reasons I have articulated at length in my other posts).
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Though you may want to consider your words. Sima Tun looks like he'd rather be anywhere else while Jetei seems to be tiring of standing in one place. Meanwhile, Xiong Eryu and Wugui look to be perfectly content to listen to whatever you have to say. As for Kumi, you've no idea what she's thinking; she seems to be staring into space

It's pretty clear that Sima Tun and Jetei would prefer to leave and so the short version would appeal to them.
I'd guess that Xiong Eryu and Wugui wouldn't mind the great detail one, while the others would be bored. Kumi would probably like the dramatic one, or rather it'd be so loud that she'd stop staring into space and pay attention.

Reflective would probably appeal to another set of disciples.
Reflecting is not usually done before strangers, and for good reason.

One's reflection is burdensome towards those other people.

Now, if it's one family or friends, they will welcome such a burden due to affection.

Others? They will be annoyed by the imposition.

You're not necessarily wrong, but I'd like to point out one thing. We're not just randomly coming up with a dry thousand word reflection essay about our lives unprompted. We're not about to go on a long, meandering rant that goes nowhere about all the things we ponder in our spare time. We're telling a story with genuine narrative potential. We're telling them about a journey, and I don't see how telling the story our way, personally, is "burdening" other people. I don't see how adding in what we saw, what we felt, and what we learned is imposing on them when it's a genuine, intrinsic part of the narrative. If we don't add in these things, if we don't put in emotional investment, there's nothing that makes it different from a news report, as I talked about earlier. There would be nothing that makes this story, or any story, particularly moving.

In short, there's a difference between "let me tell you in great detail everything I ruminate about in my spare time" and "let me tell you how I experienced this journey, what it felt like to undertake this grand adventure, how I bonded with the companions I had along with me, and the things I know now that I didn't know then."

They might not be interested in hearing about that journey, or as you said "be annoyed with the imposition" on their time, which is fair—but I'd say this also applies to the dramatic write-in. If I don't care about your life or your experiences or your journey, at all, if I am not interested in who you are as a person, I won't care how much you ham it up, I'd just want you to stop talking. You'd just look like a clown to me if you try to be dramatic and I don't care, and it might be actively grating to me if I think your experiences aren't all that novel or impressive, but you're drawing it out and boasting about it like it's this big thing.

(I don't actually think that'll happen, though, because again, I do think this is a genuinely interesting story that people will want to hear. And I do think the dramatic write-in would work fine, really. But I just want to point out that it goes both ways, and that I don't think the reflective route is what you're making it out to be. I dare you to think of an experience that someone told you that you were invested in that didn't contain feelings and thoughts.)

It's pretty clear that Sima Tun and Jetei would prefer to leave and so the short version would appeal to them.
I'd guess that Xiong Eryu and Wugui wouldn't mind the great detail one, while the others would be bored. Kumi would probably like the dramatic one, or rather it'd be so loud that she'd stop staring into space and pay attention.

Reflective would probably appeal to another set of disciples.

I did keep this in mind when I first voted for reflective, but as I just said, if people aren't interested in hearing about the journey, I'm not sure how much more telling it dramatically would appeal to them. It might—after all, I don't know these characters well enough to say one way or another. But it also might not. If we knew the reactions of the characters, we wouldn't be voting for dramatic vs reflective, we'd already know. But in the end, we don't know, we don't have enough information, so I just went to the option I'd like to read, and the option that I believe would be more meaningful to Kong Zhi. And the option that I figured Xiong Eryu and Kumi (because again we don't know Kumi's reaction either, though I'm not sure being "so loud that she'd… pay attention" is nice vs aggravating if it actually happened like that. So if dramatic wins I hope she genuinely finds it interesting instead of hating us being a dramatic ham) might like more? They just seemed like the thoughtful types to me. But again, I don't know.

Either way, though, I don't think the goal is to please Sima Tun and Jetei. If you did, you'd probably want something short, but neither dramatic nor reflective is the short route. Since very few voted for that, I'm going to assume that's not the goal here.
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Aaaand convinced again.

[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
Hm. Incomplete soldier... perhaps because Zhi didn't integrate his core anam types yet?
Yeah, that makes sense.

IIRC The reason it was called the Soldier's Step was that it was popularized by soldiers going to war, where it's obvious that having to cycle at a Wonder for your techniques is very inefficient.
So if it's about efficiency in utilizing anam, Kong Zhi is incomplete since he can't take advantage of the cost reduction. It might not necessarily be about technique integration, but just access to those techniques. Though in that interlude Siani complained that KZ hadn't integrated any techniques yet
Well, here's another charm idea!

Frozen Meadow (Neckless)
Scholar Charm (??) (Ice 8/Life 6/Blood 3) [Vestige Ice, Everbloom, Ifeagrass]

A delicate neckless formed from a piece of eternally frozen ice. The center gem is a larger portion of the ice which seems to have an Everbloom nestled amongst a bed of Ifeagrass. If anam is cycled through the neckless, it can emit a cooling aura which blunts aggression, soothes passions, and calms anger of those nearby.

So this idea came about when I saw someone mention doing a commission for Mo. I'm not positive if we are doing one, but even if we are not, this idea seems like it would be very useful for the more socially inclined friends or clients.

The purpose, as stated above, is to calm the passions and tempers of those you are interacting with, either foe or ally. Ideally, it would allow one to have a little more time to talk your way out of a situation before things come to blows. Given that words seem to be the most potent weapon for some of our friends, giving them time to talk would be very beneficial.

For the connections that I am drawing in regards to the anam used, ice is the heavy lifter here imparting a chilling effect on the target. The Life and Blood anam I am using to shade the type of chilling that the ice is doing. Blood for drawing a connection between temper and passion (popping a blood vessel, get your blood boiling, etc.) and life to further that connection to drives and emotions (less the physical aspects of life and more the mental aspects).
Shared Snack (MeiZhi)

I was commissioned to draw this by an enthusiastic reader (with a strong Waifu preference) It was amazingly fun to do and I love it!
Tremendous. I love the progression going on here. I can almost hear Zhi getting hit by the clue by four and realizing that this after-lesson meal has somehow become a date without his input.

If the person who commissioned this wants me to reward them, just let me know. Post here or hit me up on the discord and I'll assign bonuses.

EDIT: The Unconquered Sun has stepped forward, taking credit for this glory. Take a +5 to Sense Motive!

Also, with no further movement in quite some time on the vote front, time to close it up! No update tonight (I have other writing to do), but hopefully tomorrow if I'm not too dead to the world.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jan 14, 2021 at 5:46 PM, finished with 121 posts and 76 votes.
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[x] Reflectively. There is much you have learned in your time here, much you never would have expected to experience, which has made your life richer. Focus on your fear, your excitement, your wonder, and your appreciation for your friends and allies who helped bring you here.
[X] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
-[X] Break into song.

Wonderous weapon-warehouse, woven as weapon, where wending ways were writ
Leading to leftovers, left laying in lairs, lairs of lonesome and loathesome lyches.
Powerful, potent, portentous, but partial. Perhaps a person who procures pieces
from the map might make more mighty the magics of that magnificent miracle?

First foe to fight: fallen, failed, fellow farer. Foul and fearsome, famished frame
upon a crawling, creeping critter, cluttered with clacking chitinous columns
Battled bravely, but not bereft of braver brotherhood: the beast is broken and buried.
Arrive at armory, assay armament, acquire anam, attain artifact that alludes to another.

Orienting obstacle, the obscurement of objects. Old occult observer is out of order
but the claimant coming from crafting-clan carefully corrects corroded courses
and the talisman traces the tour through turning tunnels and terror-trials
projecting the positions of the pieces and producing the possible path to power.

Second stage of story: squeeze through series of shafts, searching and seeking
Cavern with crater, filled with cracking crystal, created by cursed cryonic crab.
Defiantly draw the dastard, deny defenses, damage, destroy, dismantle, dispose.
Hoist out heavy hammer, haul to house, heave to hopeful home, hark!

Next nexus, near to nature, no necrotic nemesis, neither nefarious nor numerous;
Merely a maze, many movement-multiplicity, master-made mystery made
a thaumaturgic torment by turning to threshold after too much time. Testing
indicated illusion, inducing incorrectness. Ignore image, improve inventory.

Season shortens and sigil speculative, but solitary suffering-striker stands silent.
Down in the Deeps, must dive and delve. Disaster! Discovered a destroyer, which did
before flight was feasible, give fearsome flux to flesh, forcing a forsaking of form
and weakening ways in which will might be won. Walk with wisdom, wayfarer!

Collecting companions close, commit to commence campaign into caverns.
Sweltering sludge, sapient shrews, sundry scorpion sorcerer-shades.
Break the bugbear, bear the blade as booty, bring to berth in barracks, a brilliance!
An artificial abomination, altered amenable, the adventure adjourned.
114. Duty Calls
A/N: A big thanks to the 32 people who have pledged to me on Patreon! If you'd like to join them, you can do so here. If you'd like to check out the Royal Road crosspost, head on over and check it out! Leave a rating while you're there. It really does help me out.
[] Dramatically, with great gusto. You worked hard to earn your Sigil and you will make sure that all know your tale. Besides, you have been standing here for long enough. You may as well provide some entertainment.
So Elder Siani wants you to prove yourself a better storyteller than Sun Yijun. You are fairly confident you can do that, for no other reason than the fact that Sun Yijun clearly has no interest in telling a tale. But being better than Sun Yijun and being good are two very, very different things. You can spin a tale that leaves your fellow Eighth Circle Disciple staring at the floor in shame, but it may still only be good enough for Elder Siani to declare you a slightly more mild disappointment- and you have no desire to start off your life in the Eighth Circle with your Master and Seniors thinking less of you than he already does.

So you consider your words carefully. A breath turns into two as you mull over your options. Should you report to them as if you were a soldier and they your commanding officers? Or perhaps it would be more wise to seek brevity. You have been standing in the Warren's entrance for quite some time as your seniors made their own introductions after all. It may be that the best way to take a step forward is to finish quickly so that everyone may move on.

But if that's the case, you should not spend so much time trying to choose your words. Each moment you delay is another moment spent in expectant silence. You should answer Elder Siani right away- unless you shouldn't. Attempting to use everyone's expectations to pressure you into hasty speech seems like something that Elder Siani would take great pride in doing. By truly thinking through your words, you may avoid a trap you are not even certain is real. But no, the true trap could be thinking you have the time to think instead of act. Each moment you remain silent is a small failure. Or is-

"Kong Zhi," Elder Siani barks, voice interrupting the spiral you found yourself trapped in. "Overthinking things may indeed be part of your wondrous charm, but it is not needed in this case. Just… just say something." He spreads his arms widely, encompassing the room with one gesture. "Anything. I assure you, whatever you say, I shall find some flaw within it and find it eminently amusing." aren't certain if that thought is as reassuring as Elder Siani clearly thinks it is. Still though, his words do give you something to focus on.

Amusing? Elder Siani wishes to be entertained by your tale? Very well. You are no Xu Yun, but you will give it a strong attempt.

"My apologies," you answer, bowing slightly to your Master. "You have my thanks for your patience. The wait was necessary though, as it took me a moment to organize my thoughts. My own trial ended bare hours ago and some contemplation was necessary."

You keep your eyes on Elder Siani while doing your best not to look at your new seniors. Still, every fiber of your being is focused on them, gauging their reactions- and you find nothing except mild interest. Your words have piqued some of their curiosity, but only mildly. You will have to change that.

Perform (Storytelling) Check: 3d10s10(1.1) (Includes Bonus Dice). Dice Rolled: 7, 4, 8. 0 Successes!

"I suppose my task truly began when I returned home one night and found that Elder Siani had infiltrated my bedroom," you begin. Much to your lack of surprise, your words are met with nodding all around. This does not seem to be uncommon behavior from your Master. "While he was there, in his usual clear and ambivalent manner, he instructed me to look further into a charm that a friend and I had recovered from a Natural Wonder…"

And so you tell your tale. You speak at length about the wonders of the Lost Armory, about the Vestige that had nested within and the spectral shapes that made themselves known once it roused itself from it's deep slumber. You wax eloquently about the various trials you underwent, the weapons you recovered, the vestiges you slew and the mazes you conquered.

You're not ashamed to admit that you find yourself getting more than a little into your own retelling. Images of the Winter Crab and the Ghost City dance before you, painted in your mind by your every word. You can feel the cold of the Crab's den, you can feel the sweat dripping down your neck at the sight of the shrew frozen atop the spore-laden mushroom. You can feel the hot breath of the War Kukuni looming over you as the Armory sputters and fades. You hope some of what you feel is coming across in your words.

Practically panting, you conclude your tale. The visions fade from your eyes and you blink, clearing away the fog that crept into your mind as you spoke- to find that you have been very enthusiastically, very entertainingly, giving a long speech to very few people.

Sun Yijun still stands next to you, a passive look on his face. Elder Siani is sitting in his chair; he's even applauding you politely. But the rest of the disciples…

Wugui is still standing there, hands clasped behind his shell-strewn back and a polite smile upon his face. Xiong Eryu is next to him, but she is not even pretending to be entertained. Her gaze is a thousand miles away and her mouth moves as she silently recites something to herself. Slightly behind her, Kumi is the only one actually looking at you. Upon seeing your questioning look, she offers you a slight shrug. "I enjoyed it," is all she says.

Of Jetei and Sima Tun, there is no sign.

You glance towards your Master. "Did… did they have urgent business that called them away?" you ask.

Elder Siani meets your gaze with a level one of his own before shrugging. "Perhaps," he answers. "Either way, let us assume that it is true."

"But regardless of the feelings of some of my less cultured disciples, I found your rendition of your trials a sight to behold. You have my gratitude for your erstwhile performance- though it did drag slightly in the middle. I am certain that you could have consolidated your trips to the maze into one part of your story; visiting it again felt cumbersome."

You can only blink at that criticism. "But… but that is what happened," comes your weak response.

Elder Siani only shakes his head. "You have much to learn about the art of storytelling, Kong Zhi. So much to learn…"

Skill Up! Perform (Storytelling) +1!
Relationships Established: Xiong Eryu (0: Neutral), Jetei (0: Neutral), Wugui (0: Neutral), Sima Tun (0: Neutral), Kumi (1: Acquaintance), Elder Siani (1: Acquaintance).

It seems like Elder Siani wants to say more, but his words freeze in his throat. He sits up in his chair and glances towards the curtain separating the Warren from the rest of the Heart. "We shall have to continue your instruction later, however. Ery, give them the tour please."

Then he's gone, vanished into empty air. He does not even seem to go in the blink of an eye, for you certainly were not blinking when he left. One moment, he was sitting in his chair beside the hearth. The next, Elder Siani may as well have never been within the Warren at all.

Xiong Eryu stares at the empty seat. Her absent expression vanishes beneath a mask of tired annoyance. She seems to allow herself the freedom of feeling that annoyance for a heartbeat, but then that expression vanishes as well. She shakes her head and turns to you and Sun Yijun. A quick hand-gesture sends Kumi and Wugui towards the stairs, leaving you alone with your most senior Senior.

"Our illustrious Master is a busy man," Xiong Eryu explains, sounding like she only truly believes half the words she is saying. "And can be called to perform his duties at any moment. You will quickly become accustomed to his sudden absences. Rest assured though that should you be in the middle of business with him, he will return to you at his earliest convenience to resume whatever it was you were working on." Elder Siani will randomly disappear and then reappear, likely doing the latter at the least opportune moments possible. That seems entirely within character.

Xiong Eryu shakes her head once more. "Should Elder Siani not be available, see me for any issues you would ordinarily bring up to him. I will resolve them to the best of my ability- or, if I find myself incapable of doing so, direct you to one who can."

The last is spoken with a complete lack of emotion or inflection. Xiong Eryu is saying such because she believes she has to. She has complete confidence that if you bring her an issue, she will be able to resolve it. As well she should- she stands in the Third Circle after all. If she cannot handle whatever paltry problems face you then there would be a larger problem.

"But for now," Xiong Eryu continues. "Master has asked that I give you a tour of the Warren. We shall begin at the bottom and work our way upwards. Follow me, disciples- and do not stray. Some portions of the Warren can be unpleasant if you wander into them unprepared." Without any further words, she turns, heading down the spiral staircase. You are left to scramble after her, your ribs throbbing in protest.

Xiong Eryu is as good as her word. She leads you all the way down the staircase; it's a task that takes longer than you thought it would. The staircase descends far below where you expected it to end. By your estimation, by the time you reach it's end, you are standing somewhere beneath the path you walked on to approach the Warren. Are the other buildings Siani's home rests atop mere camouflage? You had sworn that you heard noises and sounds of life coming from then when you passed them.

Your new Senior does not waste any time. As soon as Sun Yijun strides from the stairs, she begins to speak once more. "This is the storehouse," she explains, gesturing at walls stuffed full with cabinets and cupboards. "Here, you may find anything that you will require for your tasks. If one of your missions requires something above and beyond what is offered here, send word to one of Elder Tantoi's flock. They will find what you need and add it to our lists for future tasks."

As Xiong Eryu speaks, you wander towards one of the cabinets. After sending her a questioning glance which is met with blank indifference, you pull it open. Inside sits stacks of neatly folded clothing. A quick glance reveals the tunics and pants here to be made of poor homespun the likes of which make your own sect robes look like a decadent luxury. The row beneath those is full of monk's robes. Below that are rows of silk finery, each item of clothing more insubstantial than the last.

You stare at the clothing, confusion clouding your brain. What sect missions could possibly require such a variety of attire?

But your Senior does not allow you to linger over the stores. Once she has finished explaining the storehouses's purpose, she is off, marching back up the stairs. You jog after her and catch up just in time for her to begin explaining the layout of the Warren's own small hospice.

The pattern repeats itself with each new floor. Every time you step off the stairs, Xiong Eryu explains yet another strange room in the Warrens and informs you of how it will help in your 'duties'. Then she's off again, explaining the room above just as quickly.

It isn't until you reach the sixth level- which Xiong Eryu claims is a menagerie for all that it stands empty- that your curiosity finally overwhelms you. "Excuse me, Elder Sister?" you ask, interrupting Xiong Eryu before she can walk up the next flight of stairs. "But you keep mentioning how all of this will help us with our duties. What... what exactly are our duties from this point on?"

The regal disciple stops mid-step. Then slowly, ever so slowly, she turns back to you. Xiong Eryu studies your face carefully, searching for signs of deceit or humor. Finding none, she sighs. One hand creeps up to her forehead. She does not rub at her temples- such a gesture would seem unseemly on her- but she does permit her fingers to rest there for the space of a long breath.

"Of course he didn't-" she mumbles, almost to herself. But she stops midword and looks back at you. "Tell me, Kong Zhi, Sun Yijun. How much do you know about the workings of the Delving Heart?"

You consider her question carefully. "Not a great deal," you admit. At your side, Sun Yijun just shakes his head, agreeing with you in silence.

Xiong Eryu looks like she has had something very unpleasant smelling waved beneath her nose. But then that expression vanishes as readily as all her others seem to. "Very well," she says. "Then please, allow your Elder Sister to educate you some small amount." A flick of her wrist conjures stools from nowhere. She perches atop one while kicking the other two with just enough force that they slide beneath you. As you sit, she begins to speak once again.

"The Delving Heart is, as I am sure you are aware, organized into Circles," she begins. "Nine of them to be precise. The first circle stands above all, made up of our Elders. At the bottom, however, sit the Ninth Circle."

Xiong Eryu meets your gaze steadily. "The Ninth Circle are visitors at most. They are here to learn how to not kill themselves and nothing more. If they prove themselves incapable of fulfilling that task, they do so here, in an environment where they cause minimal harm to others. If they prove themselves capable though, they are tested. And if they pass those tests, they- you- are inducted into the Eighth Circle."

"As members of the Eighth Circle, you will find that your carefree life of living off the Heart's largesse is at an end. You have proven that you are capable of more than simply not dying and so more will be asked of you. You will be tasked with duties to better the sect at the behest of the Elder that sponsored you into the Circle. For you, that would be Elder Siani, and his duties are no simple tasks."

Xiong Eryu pauses, seeming to consider her words carefully. "The disciples of other Elders are given far more straightforward duties. If something within the Brightmaples threatens the sect, we call on Elder Lei and the Court of Preservation. Should the Steadfast Court have a special request, it will go to Elder Hotei and his Imperial Hand. If a charm is required, Elder Tian and the Creator's Garden can prove adequate. However..."

The stately disciple pauses, and a slow smile creeps across her face. "However, not all tasks are so easily assigned. Should there be something different, something beyond the purview of the other seven branches, then the problem is brought to Elder Siani."

"By bringing it to Master, it is brought to the Caretakers. It is brought to us."

"It could be a dispute too sensitive for the Hand to intervene in. It could be that secrets need ferreting out or that an enemy needs to vanish quietly. It matters not what the problem actually is- we are trusted to handle it."

"Each and every one of us contributes in some way. Some of us go out and complete the tasks themselves. Others prefer to stay behind and act in support. Still others specialize in gathering information to make our tasks easier. You will not be asked to do any of that yet- but our numbers are not large. Eventually, you will be called upon to do all of that at different points in your time here."

"And when you are called upon to perform your duties," Xiong Eryu states, "you will be prepared to fulfil them."

She seems to consider something. Then she stands, her stool vanishing as quickly as it appeared. "Truly, this is something far better experienced than told about. The others are hard at work now on their own tasks. Let us find them; that should tell you more about what we do than any number of words possibly could."

Then she's gone once again, walking up the stairs without a second glance.

Xiong Eryu leads you and Sun Yijun to the other disciples before leaving you with them for a time. Which disciple do you choose to stay with?
[] Jetei of the Fifth Circle, who is preparing to leave the Warren to complete a mission.
[] Sima Tun of the Sixth Circle, who is reviewing information on a future target.
[] Kumi of Seventh Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.
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Oh, that was a little painful. Not a great first impression.

I still think it was worth trying. You never learn if you don't try things.
[] Kumi of Fifth Circle, who is operating some form of construct that is surveying the Heart.

We are a charmcrafter after all. Watching a senior operate a construct may give us inspiration.
[X] Jetei of the Fifth Circle, who is preparing to leave the Warren to complete a mission.
[x] Sima Tun of the Sixth Circle, who is reviewing information on a future target.
I dunno, the idea of spying on the sect itself doesn't interest me much. Nor does druidboy.