Assuming the progress of time at Dum is the same as back home (which may not be the case), 185(years)*400(days to a year on Mallus)*6(inches per day)*inch = 444000 inches = 7.008 miles = 11.28 km
So the desert in the crater is roughly 400 square km?
@BoneyM Is there any area between the lip of the crater and the desert that isn't also desert? Or does it seem like maybe the crater itself is only a crater because solid ground is being eroded away into what seems like a lesser volume in sand?
Also, what happens to local rocks or pieces of dirt that get thrown into the desert?
Lastly, is there anything at all akin to left behind equipment or clothing, or anything really, left behind from previous battles? Or are there only bones and standing flags?
Mathilde likes not being a Chaos Spawn, which is what spellcasters are said to turn into if they try to do magic around Morghur.
How far is usually meant by "around Morghur"? Because if we don't see him in the desert he is 3+ miles away.
I'd personally be willing to risk that.
Not that Mathilde has heard of. Needing to be Valayan-equivalent-of-baptized to not petrify kind of leaves an impression. But there's probably been some.
There's probably some Imperial Expat Dwarves that worship Umgi gods
in addition to the Ancestors.
The update literally says that the beastmen bones indicate they were always beastmen, and not transformed.
It did not. It indicated that the Beastmen skulls in the desert were Beastmen who grew their horns in a natural lifespan. Dum might be this way for 185 years. How old do normal Beastmen get? These might be the "natural"-born children of the Dwarf-Beastmen.
@BoneyM How many Beastman skulls did Esbern and Sejia look at to come to their conclusion? Did they say that there are natural lifespan Beastmen here or that those were the only type they found?
They didn't notice anything unusual from the inside. The bones are bones, with the flesh gone there's not enough data to go off. Forensic anthropology isn't a thing yet.
I knew not having the full eight Winds represented among the Wizards would come to bite us in the ass.
If anyone tries to tell me that we can leave now and we will come back later...
Please stop.
We all know that to travel here is way too dangerous to come back, just to maybe learn something that maybe in the future could affect the Empire or Karak Ankor.
Either we do something now or never.
Saying otherwise is almost the same as lying, especially when an important part of the posters wanted to go back and not even try to learn what is going on here.
Maybe we can ride here on Cython's back.
After spending most of their time inside and only coming out with a rag across their mouth? They're in no more danger than the average Stirlandian when the wind blows from the east.
Wait, just how many people fit in to all the remaining Steam Wagons while sleeping uncomfortably?
Also, what about the mounts?
Unless they do so at the exact opposite side of Karag Dum, you can witness that from where you are.
Aren't the sides 90 degrees away from us still pretty far? Like, too far to witness stuff like preparations, effects of spells or causes of spontaneous mutations? And that's not even taking into account potential battles beyond the treeline.
Cor-Dum turns people that use magic nearby defined as "On the same battlefield" into chaos spawns.
How large is "on the same battlefield"? Warhammer Tabletop battlefields are tiny. Real battlefields are also usually less than 20 km across.
The forest rings the mountain. Deathfang dropping Mathilde on the mountain just means she has to make her way through the forest from the top rather than the bottom, and puts the Beastmen on edge because dragon.
Can't he drop us directly at the gate? Or at least as close as the maps of Karak Dum that we have can indicate said entrance?