About the whole RHUNRIKKI STROLLAR crossover thing, I really don't like how the worldbuilding of that quest reflects on this quest's Kragg the Grim.
Over here in Divided Loyalties, our first introduction to Kragg was him forging the Belt of the Unshackled Mountain, which does something completely absurd in having each of its three runes being themselves combinations of two normal runes. The Belt is something outside normal lore/tabletop rules, and Kragg forged it in, like, a month. DL's Kragg
breaks the normal canon limits of runecrafting, and that's why he's the best.
But in Rhunrikki Strollar, that's tuesday. The entire premise of the quest is to go far beyond canon's runecrafting limits. Snorri is constantly learning new runes and new rune variations, sometimes entirely by himself. And even the things he churns out with his Productivity trait are more powerful and/or more advanced than what's seen in modern-day runed items.
So when it comes to a comparisson between the two? Well, in DL canon (and similar to some warhammer canon) the Master Rune of Kragg the Grimm is a revolutionary innovation and the master work of a 1,500 year old Living Ancestor. In RS canon, (and similar to other warhammer canon) it's a rediscovery of the Master Rune of Conduction, and an inferior version to boot. Snorri invented his own master rune, the Master Rune of Purification, in only 160 years of research while juggling multiple other projects simultaneously. Snorri wouldn't just break the setting, he's from a setting where the Dwarf's Golden Age runecrafting was fundamentally more advanced than DL's Golden Age runecrafting. Compared to that, this quest's Kragg isn't just massively less knowledgeable, he's also massively
less skilled than someone 600 years his junior.
The comparison between the two characters is always going to be unfair because they both come from essentially different settings. And I really like Gandpa Kragg and his grudgingly friendly relationship with Meowthilde.