I don't know why it is, but for some reason, I can see this in my email notification, but I can't see it in SV?
As an aside, my first thought seeing that was "why is Varian Wyrn trying to be a sugar glider?"
I do hope all my pictures are working, I put all the clan banners in at the start and stuff as well.
Also Varians pose, yea... I can imagine him having misjudged the jump and bellyflopping onto the flood and awkwardly picking himself up as all the worgen pretend not to have seen.
If you want to do a lot of things I'd advise Blademaster probably. The Burning Blade already combine martial ability, (probably) arcane magic and fel magic into their combat styles and they have the fairly broad remit of either supporting or opposing the burning legion depending on which side of the clan they are. Within this broad remit they can follow various paths, you could go down the industrialisatoin route and use cannons against demons, you could go the diplo route and get alliances, or you could support the burning legion (who for the record are objectively correct in their anti-void aims), or whatever really. It would also be one of the classes which has a lot of personal power, rather than borrowed or bestowed power.
This is however exactly what I wanted really, I want there to be meaningful choices you have to make, and I want those choices to have drawbacks. Burning Blade would mean your instantly suspicious to all non-demony people given that most of the burning blade are still legion followers.
So yea, there are hard choices, but once again you're not locked into these choices. If you wanted to go shaman, then become a dark shaman because you need the power etc, then go more into dark shamanism and do some industrialisation that would be fine. I know lots of people like the empire building stuff so you could invent the Iron Stars by, for example, binding a couple of elementals into a metal case and creating a steam engine.
Edit: Also to check when are we?
My knowledge of events in WoW is ok, but timeline not so much you said 10 years until Worgen, are we like...at the start of Vanilla?
So lets say you're 5 years after the 3rd War. You're at the start of Classic, there are some weird bugs to the south, there's rumours of dragons in Blackrock Mountain and so on, but there's no immediate crisis like Naxx floating about etc. The canon timeline is stupidly compressed, so lets say in 5 years BC will start, then in another maybe 3 after that Wrath, then Cata, MoP etc. However, keep in mind some things will speed up or slow down certain events. Deathwing launched the Cataclysm as an invasion, and he was able to do this partly because the Nexus War weakened Azeroth's metaphysical stuff, so if the Nexus War didn't happen then maybe the Cataclysm would be later on etc.
As for Worgen, Malfurion woke up because Staghelm (who as I recall was poisoning him) was deposed in the War of the Nightmare, which occurred between Wrath and Cata. Again happy to answer specific questions about the timeline and other issues as they arise.