Winning vote
[X] Plan: Wandering Blademaster
- [X] Grok'mash
By authorial fiat I'm modifying the name slightly to better reflect orcish naming customs. I'll say now that I wouldn't mind if you wanted to change it as it seems somewhat abrupt (which tbh lots of Orc names are). It's very close to 'Grommash' for example which could mechanically give you diplo bonuses to Warsong interactions.
@SpaceSloth it was your idea so you have right of refusal on this.
- [X] Male
You are superior physically to most sentient races on Azeroth. All other things being equal your strength and mass will allow you to win against any lesser foe and you'll be more able to face large foes such as Vrykul with greater chances of success than if you were smaller. In general you have more significant martial obligations than if you were female, such as being expected to fight in battle if called on.
- [X] Burning Blade
Your clan is a complex one. On Draenor yours were the finest swordsmen in the world, using magic and skill to fell even the largest of foes, and using fel energy to enhance your abilities. On Azeroth your clan is split, scattered and broken by the demonic invasion of the Third War many of your clan still serve the Burning Legion, attempting to infiltrate the Horde and bathe the world in green fire once again. Others however are loyal and attempt to root out corruption and infiltrators. Which side to you fall on?
- [X] Warrior
It can be said that all Orcs are warriors really. Whether with axe or spear you can stand in a shield wall or duel many opponents and win. Similarly this class makes excellent use of your size and strength. Nevertheless, you're vulnerable to essentially everything you're not such as magic and ranged warfare, and it can be difficulty to find equipment given technological underdevelopment of the Orcs.
This class is modified by your clan and the specific martial traditions of the Burning Blade. You aren't a Blademaster yet, but you can become one and you have some idea of the basics.
- [X] For Azeroth
You've observed that regardless of who's fighting, everyone seems to lose. There are great threats to Azeroth and you plan to stand against them, regardless of who you have to fight with, whether Orcs or otherwise.
This motivation is modified by your clan and you are particularly aware of the threat of the Burning Legion, while being less aware of things like the Twilight's Hammer.
Slight changes to Character Creation System
Now we move onto the next part of the character creation. Before we proceed I'd like to change the options slightly. While ordinarily more advantageous choices would cost some sort of character points (CP), because the whole point of this quest is to explore agency, instead more advantageous choices will provide these points, while choices which give agency will cost points. For example in the last update you chose 'Burning Blade' for your clan, this will retroactively be a neutral CP cost, because while the Burning Blade clan will provide advantages, you'll also be expected to fulfil certain duties. This would likely be the same as if you'd chosen something like Shattered Hand.
As above, greater obligations = +CPs, greater agency = -CPs. I'd say to aim for CP neutrality, but if you have leftover CP credit or debt then events providing greater agency or obligations will materialise. You can also choose to spend CPs on useful items like better gear instead of greater agency. Let me know if this is unclear, I'm going to award you 1 CP to spend in the this update, and CP will be carried over and tallied up into debt or credit at the end of the character creation.
In the next update we're going to be rolling for a couple of things such as your performance in the Valley of Trials, as well as your physical, magical and spiritual potential. You can use CP (and potentially go into debt) to reroll these, or spend it on various traits.
You are Grok'mash, orc warrior of the Burning Blade Clan, and after proving yourself in the Valley of Trials you're returning to Clan and Home.
Who waits for you there? Who were your parents?
This section allows you to choose your social rank. Orcs can increase their social rank, usually though martial prowess or other displays of 'strength' which can also include magic or crafting. Due to the cultural and environmental pressures of the Orcs I'm assuming that higher status parents are likely to produce stronger and healthier offspring. You'll be able to enhance yourself in various ways though choices, which like everything will have consequences.
[ ] Peons (-1 CP)
Your parents were of the lowest rank in Orcish society, manual labourers barely better than slaves. You may have inherited your parents weakness, or whatever else had them assigned at birth to this strata of society. The life of a peon is a hard one, and any warriors who know about your birth will scorn you for it, but you hardly intend to advertise it. A notable example of a peon is Gul'dan, who was born physically weaker and exiled from his clan, but who became one of the most influential and powerful orcs in history due to his skill as a warlock. This option gives you the least obligations but also provides no benefits.
[ ] Low-ranked (-2 CP)
Your parents were low ranked warriors like grunts or hunters. The largest body of a clan is usually made up of such individuals, and with this option you'll gain minor bonuses to combat, while not having any major obligations any other member of the Clan wouldn't also have. This options provides the greatest agency and minor obligations.
[ ] Crafters (-1 CP)
Crafters are an intermediate category representing the collective craftspeople of the Clan. These range from basic trades like potters to more prestigious tradespeople like blacksmiths and alchemists. You've learned some of your parents trade through observation so have the beginnings of a marketable skill, but also may be expected to take up your parents work to serve the Clan in future.
[ ] High-ranked (+2 CP)
You originate among the higher ranks of the Clan such as higher-ranked warriors like raid leaders. You gain additional martial competency as well as minor increases to tactics and leadership. You will be expected to fight for the Clan and may be hunted down and brought back to the Clan if you decide to shirk your responsibilities.
[ ] Leadership (+3 CP)
You are directly related to the Burning Blade Clan's leadership. You receive significant advantages in skill increases and the potential to receive various boons such as equipment from your family. You have explicit responsibilities to fulfil.
Once you choose one of these the next update will make two rolls for the status and history of your family. If you chose 'Leadership' a high roll in both might result in you being the Clan heir, whereas a low roll might result in you being a cousin of the Clan Shaman.
Class abilities
You've chosen 'Burning Blade' and 'Warrior' as parts of your origin. These combine due to the martial traditions of your people and you have begun the path of the Blademaster, legendary orc warriors of the Burning Blade clan well known for their mastery of weaponry. The harsh world of Draenor produced many martial traditions, from the shadow-war of the Bleeding Hollow to the alchemically-induced fanaticism of the Bonechewer Clan. Unlike Warsong raiders or ironclad Blackrocks your people favour a combination of agility and power, using swords and polearms rather than the usual axes of the Orcs. This has given Blademasters a significant measure of prestige due to their unusual and effective fighting style, combining martial skill with magical enhancement.
Blademasters use a combination of elements in a similar manner to Shaman, but in a far more limited way. With the Spirit of Air Blademasters can make themselves almost invisible, passing through solid objects or swinging their blades faster than the eye can see, while the Spirit of Fire gives your Clan their famous name. Some Blademasters on Draenor have adopted the Ogre magic, combining different elements in the same way Arcanists do, while more recently many Blademasters have turned to the Fel after drinking demonblood and being abandoned by the elements.
While in the Old Horde the Burning Blade were mainly known as a warrior clan, in Thrall's Horde your clan is sundered. More than half the clan still serves the Burning Legion, plotting the Horde's downfall, while the remaining Blademasters who've stayed loyal have sworn oaths to free their people from demonic corruption, some working from the shadows to achieve this.
Because of your choice you're effectively multi-classing between the melee, magic and stealth related arts. As such, at this point you have no option to choose a more advanced skill because you're already splitting your focus over several areas.
Choose 2 Class Skills and 1 Miscellaneous Skill.
Alternatively, you may choose to multi-class further by exchanging 1 Class Skill for a randomly chosen Miscellaneous Skill from another Class. To make this clear, either you choose:
Burning Blade Warrior Skills
2 Class Skills
1 Misc Skill
Burning Blade Warrior Skills
1 Class Skill
1 Misc Skill
Other Class Skill
1 Misc Skill
As an example, you're lacking in non-combat utility and ranged combat. If you choose a multiclass skill which is closer to your regular class you'll get a better 'random' skill.
If you want, you can take up to 1 additional Class and 1 additional Misc skill at a cost of 2CP each.
Skill Choices
In general you'll advanced far faster with proper trainers. You've been sent to the Valley of Trials for basic training, meaning mainly how to swing your weapon as well as some basic survival skills. Because you've picked Warrior as a class this basic weapon training has been upgraded.
You're free to ask about any of the specifics of these before you choose them. Whenever the skill mentions randomly assigning an ability a roll will be involved.
I don't want to concentrate massively on the skills as I find they tend to be forgotten over time. However you may find it necessary to quantify them. I'm going to make a basic system for this, but given its my first quest I might change it later, suggestions welcome.
Due to your origins you gain:
Weapon Competency, Basic Tactics, Basic Survivalist, Basic Physical Conditioning, Basic Demonslaying.
Class Skills available
[ ] Advanced Weapon Competency
Your Clan were always known for their skill with weapons and you're no exception.
[ ] Physical Conditioning
You're no longer a recruit, at least not in body and you can run, march and fight as long as other professional soldiers.
[ ] Battlesight
Farseers see far, you can see near. Sometimes in battle you'll get vague premonitions, flashes of what's about to happen.
[ ] Tactics
You are a reasonable tactician and can analyse and plan most tactical situations.
[ ] Basic Leadership
You comprehend the basics of leadership, including a loud voice and confident manner in command.
[ ] Elemental Connection
You already have a connection with one of the elements and are able to bargain for minor things. You'll be able to strengthen this connection as you go on. AT LEAST 1 ELEMENTAL ABILITY WILL BE ASSIGNED, AFFINITY RANDOMLY ASSIGNED NEXT UPDATE IF CHOSEN.
[ ] Battle Fury
While many Orcs embrace the primal instincts of your forebears, you've learned to control this instinct better than most and are able to harness it in battle.
[ ] Precision
Your strikes are more precise than most, enabling you to target the weaker points of foes with your blade.
[ ] Stealth
You comprehend the basics of stealthy action including movement and attack, particularly important given your size and weight as an Orc.
[ ] Basic Demonic Magic
You know some of the basics of Fel magic, such as layering Fel over you as armour or using the shadows to harm your enemies. AT LEAST 1 RANDOM ABILITY WILL BE ASSIGNED, VERY MINOR RISK OF CORRUPTION DEPENDING ON USAGE.
Miscellaneous Skills available
[ ] Basic Riding
You are a reasonably good rider, specifically of the worgs Orcs use in Durotar, and are able to fight from the saddle too, thought not well. Mount not included.
[ ] Survivalist
While you already knew how to handle yourself, including the very basics of survival in the lands of Durotar you've now become a more competent survivalist and could keep yourself alive in most environments.
[ ] Basic Scholarship
While the Orcs aren't a scholarly people, you've picked up some basics of the histories and social life of many peoples.
[ ] Crafting: Basic (Write in)
You've picked up some of the basics of this trade.
[ ] Basic Persuasion
There are many ways to persuade others to assist you and you at least know about most of them. As an Orc you can always try and intimidate anyone smaller than you, but you've also learned to understand the other person's perspective and target your persuasion better.
[ ] Basic Arcane Magic
You've developed an affinity for Arcane Magic. Currently this isn't anything you could use in combat, but with more learning perhaps it could be? For the moment you're able to make minor enchantments, or use certain cantrips.
2 Hour moratorium on voting for discussion!