Piety: 83% (+35 to all rolls for Heros with the Adjudicator Trait)
Quite sure it's supposed to be +30 now. I'm glad that Maxcim is trying to make the school beautiful instead of merely functional, having to go to one of those merely functional sucks. I wonder what kind of engine the 4S brough to compete with our little monster.

[] Plan Start The Conquest of Top-03 Next Turn
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith] Build The Brothel 'Consensual' - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Make A Man Out Of You! - (The Unbroken) - (Tech-Scouts) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Crystal Shard Unlocked - (???/???/???) - (2/3 Successes)

--[] PD
-[][Learning] Learning: To Melt and Pour - (Metallurgy)
--[] Molds Of Binoculars
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TW-01)(3 turn)

--[] House Mirn support: N
-[][Tree] Black Box - (Basic)
-[X][Tree] Light It Up! - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Prepare Quarters - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Aria] Train Pilot, TRAIN! -(Aria)
-[][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Electric Lances - (Electronics/Weaponry))

--[] SC
-[][Martyris]Too Much To Do - (Ailments Of The Mind - (Psychology))
--[] SC, Self Help Booklet
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer

Undecided for second Martyris action so went with Ailments of the mind.
I'd rather go with Repair the Hammer than electric lances. I want PD to have a weapon that doesn't involve an overload risk.
Could we have him relax this turn? The story has been telling us that last year was hard on the guy so it might be good to give him a break.
(This Hero will add the Piety bonus/malus to all his rolls. Relax is not needed.) But ok, if more people want it I'll add it in. I'm considering changing that action to kick CoE some more, we still have 60% of it working, 66% if we add in FF, more if you consider the re-rolls.
Why do you want to conquer Top-03 next turn? It hardly seems a priority, i would rather work on our town.
To get the goodies there obviously, I have no doubt that it has something unique hiding there and we might even get to use all those cameras to make the exploration of the Forest easier. The town already is being worked on, we can't do much there.
I'd rather go with Repair the Hammer than electric lances. I want PD to have a weapon that doesn't involve an overload risk.
She has Grieving Echo and it doesn't have an overload risk.
@HeroCooky would using our personal action to condemn the COE do damage to the COE influence?
No. Condeming them would only draw the line between you and them, it would not be an active and visible effort against them. As was discussed, this is the option when you go to war, and truly try to oust them out of the region/your space. And when I will show you how it will look when they are trying to kill you.
[] Plan Prepare for the Return of Eden
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith] Build The Brothel 'Consensual' - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Make A Man Out Of You! - (The Unbroken) - (Tech-Scouts) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Crystal Shard Unlocked - (???/???/???) - (2/3 Successes)

--[] PD
-[][Learning] Learning: To Melt and Pour - (Metallurgy)
--[] Molds Of Binoculars, Smelting Guide, SC, SC, 6FF
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TW-01)(2 turn)
--[] House Mirn support: N
-[][Tree] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded)
-[X][Tree] Light It Up! - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Prepare Quarters - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Aria] Train Pilot, TRAIN! -(Aria)
-[][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (Church of Eden))

-[][Martyris] Relax - (Spend time with family)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer
-[] Seizing Creating The Means Of Production
--[] (Jewel Mine) - Turns all D4's into D12's, increases fixed Income by 50% rounded down.
Upkeep: 4.4 Materials

[] Plan Prepare for the Return of Eden with Smut
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith] Build The Brothel 'Consensual' - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Diplomacy] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Criminal Organisations) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Make A Man Out Of You! - (The Unbroken) - (Tech-Scouts) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Learning] Crystal Shard Unlocked - (???/???/???) - (2/3 Successes)

--[] PD
-[][Learning] Learning: To Melt and Pour - (Metallurgy)
--[] Molds Of Binoculars, Smelting Guide, SC, SC, 6FF
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TW-01)(2 turn)
--[] House Mirn support: N
-[][Tree] Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded)
-[X][Tree] Light It Up! - (3/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holding] Prepare Quarters - (2/4 Turns Complete)
-[X][Aria] Train Pilot, TRAIN! -(Aria)
-[][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (Church of Eden))

-[][Martyris] Too Much To Do - Printing Money - Smut With Penny Dreadfuls
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action)
--[] Commission The Sandcrete Mixer
-[] Seizing Creating The Means Of Production
--[] (Jewel Mine) - Turns all D4's into D12's, increases fixed Income by 50% rounded down.
Upkeep: 4.4 Materials

My plan for the upcoming turn is based around setting up the tools we need to speed through constructing Norqod, and preparing for Eden to start acting instead of reacting. For the latter point, having Martyris step up our infiltration level in the Church of Eden while they are still distracted will hopefully give us warning to anything they have planned. (With our CoE diplo bonus, and his piety bonus, its actually an autosuccess, but I threw a Faithful on there just to be safe. Maybe they're the spies' handler?:thonk:)

For the first point, commissioning the sandcrete mixer is both cheaper and faster then doing it ourselves, and the faster it's up and running the faster we can use sandcrete to reduce building times for Norqod. At the same time, expanding our metalsmithing capabilities and figuring out how to use molds to effectively should mean that setting up our Engine assembly industry will be faster and cheaper, as we'll be able to produce a good amount of the tools and parts ourselves, instead of having to buy them from the merchants. (With both of our scientists, the mold of the binoculars, and the smithing guide, we'll automatically pass the second threshold, and the extra 6 Faithful should give us a good chance to hit the third.)

For Archeology, we only need to spend 2 turns preparing for TW-01, as it's 5 turn yield can be finished off with sending out scavengers once the expedition is over.

For Martyris's final action, I'm conflicted. On one hand, Selene did say he's getting pretty stressed, and considering his past year I don't blame him. So it could definitely be argued he deserves a break to spend more time with his family. On the other hand, Printing smutty penny dreadfuls will make the brothel always turn a profit each turn (2d4-1 instead of 2d4-3), as well as make it's own income, and I think that there will be synergistic effects from opening the brothel and starting to produce smut in the same turn. And while taking it does mean we spend more than we have, its under half of the minimum income we make next turn, meaning we won't be in the red. So I put both variations of the plan up. (I'm fine with either, it's really up to whether people think setting up the printing presses will be stressful for Martyris or not. Or if people think it's not worth it anyway and Martyris should just relax for a turn.)
Last edited:
i say we let martyrys rest,we aint playing a paperclip maximizer,we are playing compasive and easygoing cult

so lets roleplay as caring individuals and give our MC some breathing room for the next year
Why do you put the smelting guide in melt and pour? We already have a fairly good chance of completing it in one turn with our current bonuses. No need to use an aretfact for that.
Because artifacts affect the end result, like we saw with the Steam Engine and our smoke grenades. The smelting guide will further increase either the quality or the efficiency of our molds, by giving the researchers a greater understanding of the smelting process they will be used in. Such as knowledge about the temperature and viscosity of the metal when it's time to pour, or the design and capacity of a singular smelter, etc. (Which would be important for finding a material with a high enough melting point, designing the width of the funnel, height of the mold, and the volume of the cast respectively.)

And since the molds will have knock on effects for all of our metalsmithing, I want it to be as good as possible. But our other two metallurgy artifacts are alloys, which I feel would be better used with the things we'll use the Steam Engines with, such as primitive trains/tractors, rather than here.
[X] Plan Prepare for the Return of Eden with Smut

I want to do smut though. I specifically want to see Martyris being dragged into the writing of smut as part of his personal action. I want his wife to be involved in the dragging. Think of their reputation! They are insparation!
Ugh, I have finally some time to comment on stuff.

Ok, first we have a new organization to contact.
The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Steam Engine Contest (Conclusion: Turn 36)(Prize: 150 Materials.)
Rather important if we want to sell our steam engines to them, even more so if we develop trains.

At first, people could scavenge and modify existing machines to their needs and use factories to produce the food, clothes, tools, weapons, and luxury goods they deemed necessary.
That must have been directly after the Collapse. One needs a fair bit of knowledge to modify a machine to do something it wasn't designed for without breaking it.

It wasn't like they genuinely thought that they weren't the last generation upon these blighted lands as if others would come after them. Except, they weren't. They died, buried by those after them, as their descendants would do the same, and theirs and so forth.
And that explains why we can still find high-tech Artefacts inside of ruins like the Forest of Rust. If they didn't maintain their tech because they didn't expect to survive, then they probably didn't spend many resources on educating their kids. That means those kids lose the knowledge needed to create or maintain what's needed to safely scavenge the more dangerous ruins; forcing them to go after less defended places.

They lost more and more until it became impossible for them to loot certain areas, allowing Artefacts to survive until today.

Like locusts, survivors went from place to place, taking all it had to offer and moving on when nothing was left.
Except for places that killed them all.:V

And as nations arose from the ending spasms of the Collapse two centuries after, they still remembered the might of ancient weapons, of the wonders, worked by mortal hands, of rivers cut within minutes and mountains moved.
800 years between the first nations and today. That's a long time for Forge-Clans to develop stuff.

And yet, they went at it wrong! They searched for salvation in the ruins of the past, thinking that there would be something that would solve all their problems at once.
Admittedly, there could be some form of archive somewhere with all the pre-Collapse knowledge. But finding that...

In the year 938 AC, Empress Mfalme Slatnan had completed her Crusade of the Hidden Valley Region, as was tradition.
I wonder if crusading in that area is the tradition or if going on a crusade, in general, is traditional for a new Emperor/Empress. If it's the second, then I'm surprised the Empire hasn't overextended itself yet.

They returned with news of the Bio-Forge Heresy. Information about the Forge-Clan practicing the blackest of heresies, the darkest of crimes, of breaking and overstepping lines no mortal should ever cross. Something so profoundly unsettling to the Forge-Clans that they unanimously decided that this Clan had to be purged, men, women, children, Cores, Machines, Machine-Minds, everything needed to be destroyed. A crime causing the Empress of one of the three greatest nations on Calynth to throw up in public.
It sounds like that Forge-Clan didn't even try to hide their technology, or at least didn't try to stop the delegation from leaving. Maybe their isolation caused them to think using human brains is normal?

They had intimate knowledge about how the human brain worked and had the machines they needed to sustain those brains they either stole from unwilling victims or created in their Bio-Tanks. The Clan would then erase any semblance of free-will and personality of caught brains while preventing their grown minds from ever waking. Linking them together, they were able to create vast and powerful biological computers, which had aided them extensively in their research efforts.
I wonder how that got started. If it was some pre-Collapse tech I would expect them to use specialized brain matter with built-in safeguards and restrains, similar to what the Cores had. That they used normal human brains means it's probably a post-Collapse development. But then why did they start using human brains instead of animal brains?

Even if we ignore the moral problems, breeding animals to harvest brains from is much easier and quicker than harvesting human brains.:confused:

And for 36 days the Clan held, dealing death in unimaginably disproportionate numbers, lances of light scything through metal and flesh alike, torrents of plasma burning the unfortunate, their screams unheard as the air burned within their lungs and bodies, drones ambushed tunnelers, tearing them apart, all while horrific abominations of flesh defended their masters' abodes.
Huh, it doesn't sound like they used bio-weapons. That's surprising for a Forge-Clan specialized in biological manipulations.

A design that nearly caused the judges to declare it the winner right there and then.

Until the engine of the 4S arrived, of course.
Hmm, I think the engine of the 4S is going to be more specialized than our engine. If only because the 4S probably overlooked some things a steam engine could be used for. They have way more theoretical knowledge than us but there is a big difference between theory and praxis.

Building within a city was not an easy task, from the multitude of licenses required, to the labor and materials, all the way to the fact that the walls of a city severely restricted the space available, leading to taller buildings.
I would expect buildings to be designed to be deeper rather than taller. This planet is a death world, so there is always a chance that some flying monstrosity shows up. I guess building up is still easier than down but the extra risks...

All while being mute. Whoever thought he was the best person for the job should be shot, at least in Maxcim's personal opinion. He couldn't talk, and almost none could identify that his handwavings were him communicating and not having a spasm.
He doesn't have a translator or some helpers that can do the talking for him? Huh, with a project of that size, I would expect him to have at least a dozen helpers to organize everything.

Furthermore, he was an artist; the thought of building a drab building with maximum efficiency in mind, and not aesthetics, ran counter to his very soul!
I wonder if we could do a psychological research project into building designs? Post-apocalyptic feng shui...

With a slight smile, Selene replied, "Well, he knows how to put an hour's work into ten minutes. But try not to overwork him like that again, would you? He's been pretty exhausted the last few weeks, and I don't want to hear about him collapsing atop everything else."
That's a pretty big narrative hint that we should do a relax action. We might not need it to avoid negative traits but there could be other consequences. Kind of like how Artefacts can influence research projects, even if we don't get a mechanical description of what they do.

"OH SHI-" Selene cried out, rushing over and looked down with panic, only to see the single most bizarre thing in her life. Instead of a dead Turi splattered across the hard ground, Selene saw her dentangle herself from the nets she had landed in while laughing as multiple people helped her out of them.

Seeing Selene standing at the railing, Turi shouted up, "Cool, huh?!"
Interesting, but I'm not sure for what we could use that. Maybe a safety system in elevators? Or maybe as parachutes if we ever get airplanes? Oh, that's an idea, zeppelins.

"She is right. While the possibility of surviving anything that penetrates a Knights armor is slim to none, being incapacitated is more common than you think! If you can, change immediately into a light armor, you can wear for a few hours comfortably. We can get one fitted to your measurements later. Be back in five." The armory should have one for you. Go.
We might have to spend a research action on light armor. Maybe two, so we can get some armored everyday clothes too.

I always thought that was some mumbo-jumbo religious bullshit from the Clans, like the Eyeless Moon being hollow or horses.
I'm not surprised that horses don't exist on this planet, the lizards are better than horses for most things. But what is the Eyeless Moon? One of the local moons?

[ ] MORE STEAM! - (Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Metallurgy)
You have a steam engine now, yes, but why stop at what you have? There is always room for improvements, even incremental ones! See what you can do with your Vuur-Engine.
(Cost: 25 Materials
Chance: -67/-122/-277 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 26
Reward: Improved Steam Engine resulting in D20's instead of D12's.)
Yeah, that's going to take a long time.

[ ] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy)
The Vuur-Engine uses steam to power various applications via mechanical means. Said plainly: it turns a wheel. Sure, you have found some novel ways to use that, but there must be more, shouldn't there? Like driving a cart, or something similar?
(Cost: 16 Materials
Chance: 16/-37/-81 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 7
Reward: Primitive Prototype for a train and tractor.)
This is much more likely and the empire would love trains.

[ ] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common/Advanced/Pioneer/Specific Quester Requested Theory)
Stagnation. Complacency. Fear. Those are the three things that have hampered the progress of science the most, bar none. No longer, you say! You will see to it that you will examine, nail down, and figure out the right way in which the universe works, allowing you to not only reverse engineer the wonders of past glories but build your very own! Make it so.
(Information: Either choose an example below or add a previously discussed theory with the QM's approval.
We should probably always spend one action on getting more theories. Electronics, Machinery, Metallurgy, and Hydraulic theories could make things much easier.

[ ] Assemble An Engine - (Location)
Now that you have developed a Steam Engine, you should see building them for your mines or farms. Whatever you think is more pressing or profitable. But the costs.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 85 Materials Upkeep: 4.4 Materials
Reward: Turns all D4's into D12's, increases static Income by 50% rounded down.)
Ouch, expensive. The specialized assembly plant could make that much cheaper. Getting a steel/iron foundry might help too.

[X] Plan Prepare for the Return of Eden

I like this plan and it fits inside of the budget with its 52 Materials cost. Taking the smut option pushes us to something like 72 Materials, which means we need another loan from the Merchants.