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The enemy of my enemy... is also my enemy.In that situation the plotters are more likely to kill each other. Those to not play well with others (or Others).
The enemy of my enemy... is also my enemy.In that situation the plotters are more likely to kill each other. Those to not play well with others (or Others).
Now watch as Balerion flies off to burn a Devil-cult in Lys that our agents have not yet noticed...In that situation the plotters are more likely to kill each other. Those to not play well with others (or Others).
Luck and recklessness.
Even without any Abjuration effects, Balerion should have Will save bonus of +24. The bonus he gets from his Wisdom booster is not an Abjuration effect.Still, the DC was a minimum of 27. Probably higher.
It's a big bad possession effect. Thus a big bad gribbly.
...we don't know the DC, though?Even without any Abjuration effects, Balerion should have Will save bonus of +24. The bonus he gets from his Wisdom booster is not an Abjuration effect.
Rolling a 4 should have been enough for Balerion to resist the effect.
Even without any Abjuration effects, Balerion should have Will save bonus of +24. The bonus he gets from his Wisdom booster is not an Abjuration effect.
Rolling a 4 should have been enough for Balerion to resist the effect.
If a creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category smaller than the swallowing creature. Being swallowed has various consequences, depending on the creature doing the swallowing. A swallowed creature is considered to be grappled, while the creature that did the swallowing is not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon (the amount of cutting damage required to get free is noted in the creature description), or it can just try to escape the grapple. The Armor Class of the interior of a creature that swallows whole is normally 10 + 1/2 its natural armor bonus, with no modifiers for size or Dexterity. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker's mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.
What if the possessor were ethereal and his current "mount" the seagull dying did not cost him any actions?Does it have the action economy to cast a dispel and then use an item and then possess a dragon while trapped inside of a dragon's gullet? Doesn't that require actual mechanical actions to take action resisting against being swallowed whole?
DnD grappling.@DragonParadox A swallowed creature is considered to be Grappled. So I was right.
Making a looot of assumptions. But it's not like we have a lot to go on.What if the possessor were ethereal and his current "mount" the seagull dying did not cost him any actions?
What's ridiculous is all of the rules that you have to dig out to justify a crazy plan like "ride a seagull into a dragon's throat and try to possess it".
@DragonParadox A swallowed creature is considered to be Grappled. So I was right.
Better than nothing, and we should do it on top of anything else we intend. if he can get away despite being targeted by 21 Dimensional Anchors, well,There are 16 Vigilant Briars and 5 Watchmoles outside the Snare on guard duty. They're all Telepathic and capable of Greater Teleportation, and can use 20th caster level Quickened Dimensional Anchor as a SLA.
Balerion's Touch AC is only 8, and that's with Abjuration bonuses. It's 5 or less without.
Why don't we have 10 or 12 of them all Teleport into range of Balerion and hit him with a Quickened Dimensional Anchor? That will keep the Demon from Teleporting him away, then we can worry about subduing him.
I would write a plan up, but I've got serious IRL shit going on right now. Can one of y'all handle it, pleaae?Better than nothing, and we should do it on top of anything else we intend. if he can get away despite being targeted by 21 Dimensional Anchors, well,