and whit what pattern?
-Unionists (Rivals (-2)/20% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
Wow they got a major drop without us doing anything.
Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A report in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 2 Actions)
This should be 1 action unless you give us one for free.
[ ] Raid The Workshop
We did it last turn, is it supposed to be here again this turn?
[ ][Faith] Calm Tensions
[ ][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church of Eden)
-[X][Martial] Construct A Hangar
- (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[X][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
[ ][Learning] Lock and Key - (Use:Mechanical Lock)
[ ][Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Use: Rusted Motherboard) (0/4 Successes)
-[X][Tree] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)

I think Honored Dead question should be left outside plans.
Faith is an obvious pick, we gotta keep the people calm, diplomacy allows us to hopefully find something nasty about the CoE to slander or blackmail with, lock and key is something we need to do eventually and I think now is a good time to do so. Still undecided on personal actions.
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[X] A Journeys End
No one should have to die alone and unwanted, never being able to take solace in another soul willing to hear their woes and the story of their life.

And if the Pilgrims have anything to say about it, no one will.
-Dead: 1 (Suzuki - Combat)
Our first dead Pilgrim. I'm not sure if dead by combat is correct though, given the description of how she died.

Piety: 90% (+40 to personal rolls)
No more extra actions for us. On the other hand, we have several actions to get more Piety.

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance Medicine
-Unionists (Rivals (-2)/20% Control/Mali to Costs for Actions)
-Base (Friendly (1)/39% Control/Cheaper Actions)
-Healers (Ally (3)/41% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
And the Unionists keep losing people. I wonder what happens if the Healers get over 50%?

High-Grade Alloys - 0.73
Paper About Leverage - 1.32 - +5 to Mechanical
Glass-Violin - 0.87
Torture Instruments - 1.65 - +5 to Psychology
Assorted Plastics - 0.11
Some interesting stuff. I'm not sure if the Glass-Violin is an instrument or an art piece. It also... interesting that we found Torture Instruments in the ruins of a city. We might be able to research some of this?

??? - Knight of the Pilgrims - Cored
Gutted Core - 17.04 - +50 to Physics/Engineering/Psychology
Tablet - 15.87 - +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics
Plasma torch - 18.40- +50 to Advanced Physics
Forgotten Diary - 19.24 - +50 to Advanced Psychology
Discarded Medicine - 19.16 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Advanced Biology
Basic Engine - 19.16 - +50 to Advanced Mechanics/Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Chemicals/Advanced Hydraulic
Water Purifier - 17.10 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Advanced Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery
Jakerian Armor - 1612 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Guard Mace - 19.07 - +50 to Advanced Weapon
Guard Helmet- 17.22 - +50 to Advanced Armor
Guard Shield - 18.49 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Hololithic Cube- 20.00 - +50 to All Physics/All Machinery/All Hydraulic/All Engineering/All Programming/All Metallurgy/All Electronics
And of course, the big find. It's probably going to take some time until we can research any of this.

-Grieving Echo
A Zweihänder sized for a Knight. On every surface, names are engraved, along with how they died. The phrase: "One Wielder, One Name, One Duty, One Death," is engraved in the middle of the blade. You have no idea what it does, as you need a Knight to activate the sword.
A unique weapon for our knight. Has some interesting synergy with one of the Honor the Dead options.

Jewel's primary use was in the construction of Cores and the Muscles of Knights. When treated with blunt force, Jewel shattered. Still, it became malleable when cooled to temperatures below the freezing point, allowing it to be worked into any shape desired, able to soak in electricity in vast amounts, retaining their charge for years with almost no loss. When rapidly heated to about 2000 Celsius, it hardened, yet could become flexible once more when treated with electricity. Extremely useful for machines that had to deliver controlled bursts of strength, yet she wondered how it could be utilized in more esoteric fashions.
This sounds absolutely weird. I guess the best use in the short term could be as batteries?

For the Church Of Eden, the death of all Mutated is not something that can be negotiated. It is a requirement for the salvation of Humanity, and until the last one is killed, we all shall suffer the wrath of God for their Sins.
Yeah, no diplomatic solution here.

I'm somewhat surprised the Church doesn't have trouble with fanatics starting purges at random and angering the Emperor/Nobles. If they preach stuff like this there have to be people that go too far and I don't believe any noble would be happy with having his/her subjects killed without their allowance.

Having so many hands ready and eager to help, able to follow orders at a moment's notice had been a boon in restoring the machines to life. They were able to complete the tasks of weeks in mere days, moving junk out of the way, and she had been able to focus on her job wholly, yet problems arose. When not supervised by one of her kin, they would wander about and search for things they could take, ripping out machines and pocketing items, not theirs. They even dared to remove an entire Hololith from its resting place and smuggled it out of the Workshop before she had any idea they had even worked on it! To say nothing of when they had found an ancient military convoy resting at the end of the hall, taking weapons and armor, among them even a Knight weapon for themselves! And the worst part was that even she had to admit that they were allowed to some compensation. Even if they took it beyond all that she would ever give them, why could they not be satisfied with mere money? Why had they to take these machines?
And the Forge-Clan is going to try to claim this place as their own, including any tech. We probably should do an introduction action with them.

But all that would soon be behind her, maybe in another six months, all of her works would pay off, and her Clan could take official custody of the Workshop, securing its secrets and treasures against those scavengers.
They can try but the Revival Initiative couldn't secure the Forest of Rust. Even they were limited to a safe zone, despite having the resources of a city-state and better tech.

I'm honestly curious if the Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer will actually attempt this or realize that they can only loot as much as possible before they have to leave or risk getting killed.

Everything had gone to shit. Su and her team had been assigned to the town of Argilla, along with a thousand others, and told to hold the fortress as long as possible. The narrow corridors and twisting alleys had been seen as a boon in defending, as the much higher numbers of the Flood would count for nothing in tight, cramped spaces.
Yeah, the fortress was designed against human foes. They would have been better of holding as long as possible while preparing the whole place to be lighted on fire during/after they evacuate.

[ ] A Journeys End
It is a terrible thing to lose someone and see their Journey cut short by age or force. To remember where they sat, sharing stories, laughter, love, food, and safety. To remember how they laughed, how they joked, and see their memory slowly fade with each passing day. To wake up one day and feel guilt over not grieving their passing.

I tell you: this is not how death should be seen. Their Journey had been one of countless experiences, of hundreds of chance encounters, a life lived changing the world, others, and themselves each passing day. And what we see as an end is not truly one, for their actions live on in our own. Those they helped are still out there, remembering them, acting in ways that they would never have been able to, had the dead not decided to share what they had, to offer a hand in aid. Their Journey may be at an end, but their actions live on, in our own.
This focus on the actions of the dead and their effect on the living. I like this because it's about what you do and what you leave behind, not how you're remembered.

[ ] Remember Their Names
Her Name had been Suzuki. In her life, she touched that of thousands, changing the world, as she did the people. She had no last name, for she was not born from a noble family, nor a Forge-Clan or a had married the person she loved. She only had one thing that could never be taken from her, her Name. And despite all that Suzuki had done, all that she accomplished, all that she changed in her time among us, she will one day be forgotten. Her Name erased from the minds of Man by time itself, as she dies a final time when the last that remembers her is laid to rest.

It is a tragedy to be forgotten by a world that you shaped, helped to bring into existence, and never recognized as one who lived in it. To have your Name, the only thing that one truly is, be as ash and dust in the eons of time. It should not be, and it will not be. They shall not be forgotten, their deeds recorded, and their memory carried over for generations.

Their Names will be remembered. It is the least we can do, for what they gave.
This focuses more on the person instead of what they did. Has also some synergy with A Mythos Called Names and Grieving Echo. I like this less because it focuses on how you're remembered, which could create some bad incentives. People being more focused on how they are viewed than on how they can help.
Could cause everyone to start writing diaries though.:V

[ ] Write-In
What do you say to those grieving the death of Su? How do you ease their grief? What do you emphasize, and what do you focus on? In which way do the Pilgrims remember the dead, and what rites do they perform?
We should probably focus on the good she did and how she kept the others safe.

Anyway, now to some of the new actions.
[ ] Build A School - (Small/Medium/Big) - (Choose City)
A place of learning, of growing, and of change. All are welcome to learn in these halls, whether beggar or lord, none are turned away or asked to pay. Knowledge is a gift that should ever be shared, for it does not diminish when given to others.
(Turns: 3/5/6
Cost: 15/27/39 Materials, 1/2/3 Faithful, Upkeep: 5/9/13 Materials
Chance: 50%
Reward: 0.1/0.3/0.5 Goodwill, -1/3/5 to Piety Rolls)
Expensive but this reduces how much Piety we lose and can probably be specialized to get us our own Scientists/Doctors. Could also cause trouble with the Scholars and Forge-Clans. People always hate losing their monopoly.

[ ] Build An Orphanage - (Small/Medium/Big) - (Choose City)
Many will question you building this, who will push against you doing so. Screw them! These children deserve a future where they can choose the path they walk, not one determined by their supposed caretakers' greed and callousness! They deserve happiness, safety, and love!
(Turns: 3/5/7
Cost: 25/47/68 Materials, 2/4/5 Faithful, Upkeep: 10/17/25 Materials
Chance: 20%
Reward: 0.2/0.5/0.8 Goodwill, -2/4/7 to Piety rolls)
Another way to help with Piety loss. I'm surprised this doesn't get us more long-term recruitment. Will probably cause trouble with the other churches/cults.

[ ] Calm Tensions
Tensions are slowly going up due to the refugees moving into the city. See that no one gets any dumb ideas and help provide what aid you can to those unfortunate enough to have no family.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Illwill against the Refugees is lessened.)
Could be useful and make us more liked by the Common People.

[ ] Screw You; Eden!
Well, it seems like those fuckers think that choosing not to respond to petty insults is the same as being unable to respond at all. Let's see how they will react when you start fighting back! They think that help is earned and that the poor deserve their lot in life for their sins. Let's see how they like it when you start doing blasphemy in front of their temples by handing out alms.
(Cost: 2 Materials
Reward: Weaponized kindness, helped people, gave the COE a (sometimes literal) middle finger, lessened mali from malicious COE actions, +0.1 Goodwill.)
Yeah, we should do this. We might even get a violent reaction out of them if we combine this with the wedding.

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A report in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)
Nothing new but we could do a High-End Introduction - (Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer) to get ahead of the Workshop trouble or Illuminate - (Church Of Eden) to cause them problems.

Martial: To live, you need power, for which you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (1 Action Locked)
Now the question is should we do "Retrace The Steps, Part 3, [Insert Witty Title]!"? It's only a +10 on her action and it would take one of our Personal actions. Which means we can't do the wedding.

[ ] Raid The Workshop
Towering cranes, ancient walkways, and dead computers litter these halls, in which survivors once sought shelter, but found naught but death. But where they had fallen, their bodies turned to dust; the machines live on, ready to perform their duty. See what you can find, amidst the ashes of a dead nation.
(Chance to discover something special: 5%
Yield: 1 Turn
Reward: 3d5 Artifacts)
Could get us more very useful Artefacts but the Forge-Clan is going to hate it. Requires also a Personal action.

[ ] Black Box - (Basic)
Building a Black Box (which is neither black nor a box) into the Tree of Knowledge will allow you to handle Artifacts with the care they deserve. Sterile and stocked with the best tools for the disassembly of Artifacts, putting them back together into working fashion should allow you to re-use them and learn their secrets in ways that you had not considered at the time of disassembly.
(Cost: 20 Materials, 1 Scientist, Upkeep: 4.00 Materials
Turns: 3
Reward: 5% not to use up an Artifact.)
Very useful, but it's going to take a few turns until we have the action to build this.

[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] A Small Loan

(10 Materials loaned for four turns at 17% interest)
@HeroCooky Is this still correct? I thought the interests got raised because we took two loans at the same time, some time ago. Shouldn't this be lowered again, now that we have no outstanding loan?

Personal: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide on what to focus. (Choose 2 Actions)
Now, what to do? Marry Selene or two Too Much To Do actions to get more done?

Meh, I will probably post two different versions of a plan.
1. Our first dead Pilgrim. I'm not sure if dead by combat is correct though, given the description of how she died.

2. I'm somewhat surprised the Church doesn't have trouble with fanatics starting purges at random and angering the Emperor/Nobles. If they preach stuff like this there have to be people that go too far and I don't believe any noble would be happy with having his/her subjects killed without their allowance.

3. @HeroCooky Is this still correct? I thought the interests got raised because we took two loans at the same time, some time ago. Shouldn't this be lowered again, now that we have no outstanding loan?
1. It happened through combat-related reasons. Though I may change it to Combat: Infection later.

2. Thats actually one of the problems the COE faces, as many nobles tend to breathe down their necks for actions of their followers. They have somewhat solved that issue by focusing their rhetoric on basically everything else. There are still incidents of zealots killing Mutated, though the COE tends to ignore those that do and look the other way when they are executed. The higher-ups tend to curtail their more "active" members by telling them that there are still many who would be swayed by the Mutated and lose their souls by fighting for them. They may not be able to bring about Gods justice now, but they can work on saving the "misguided" until they are able to.

3. Yes, your original interests were 25%, reduced by your relationship with the Merchant Guilds.
[X] A Journeys End

For the turn plan I'm thinking something like this:
-[ ] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[ ] Screw You; Eden!
-[ ] Exfiltrate - Church of Eden
-[ ] Construct A Hangar
- (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[ ] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1 - (Electronics)
--[ ] Drained Battery, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Assorted Lightbulbs, Rusted Motherboard
-[ ] Lock and Key - (Mechanics)
-[ ] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
--[ ] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
--[ ] Expedition - (WO-02) - (House Mirn support: Y) - 3 Turns remaining
-[ ] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[ ] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[ ] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[ ] Investigate Church of Eden
-[ ] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)

--[ ] Study Sessions - (5/8 Turns)
-[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
--[ ] Because of SCIENCE! - Secret Of The Circuit Pt.1
-[ ] Criminal Organisations - (1 Free Action)

--[ ] Sabotage - Church of Eden
-[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)

--[ ] Calm Tensions
-[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
--[ ] Raid The Workshop
Basically, hinder the Church of Eden both publicly and behind closed doors. Work on understanding circuitry in preparation for fixing the Knight and see if we can grab mechanical locks too. And perform our final raid on the workshop, or maybe switch the action out for helping shut down the butcher?
@HeroCooky is that Unique Knight Sword made for the Knight we have?

Also are things Like the Holocube consumed? I ask as it doesn't seem like we should be able to logically use something that gives a bonus to everything and just lose that for a bonus to one thing.

Its like saying that something that is Omni usable is suddenly only good for one thing when you start poking it, when it should provide its function to everything else.

If you want to make it limited I feel it would be better to make it a constant minor bonus to a field rather than a large one time bonus, as it would seem more logically coherent to me.
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@HeroCooky is that Unique Knight Sword made for the Knight we have?

Also are things Like the Holocube consumed? I ask as it doesn't seem like we should be able to logically use something that gives a bonus to everything and just lose that for a bonus to one thing.

Its like saying that something that is Omni usable is suddenly only good for one thing when you start poking it, when it should provide its function to everything else.

If you want to make it limited I feel it would be better to make it a constant minor bonus to a field rather than a large one time bonus, as it would seem more logically coherent to me.
The Sword was clearly made for Walkers, yet no connections or cables could be seen, leading to the theory that it has internal power or does something that does not require it in the first place. As far as you know, the sword can be wielded by Knights.

The Black Box was supposed to say : Can slot 1(one) Artifact to provide 10% (rounded down) of the Artifacts bonus continously.

Guess that sentence got eaten somewhere along the way, or I merely thought I wrote it in.
How about a museum for a future building? For effects it could have a minor income increase and increased interest in the old world.

Do we lose the benefits of the scientist if we build it?
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1. How about a museum for a future building? For effects it could have a minor income increase and increased interest in the old world.

2. Do we lose the benefits of the scientist if we build it?
1. That can be a future building that could be built, once you feel secure enough to store Artifacts outside the 'Tree. Since there are more people in a city, and most aren't willing to venture outside its walls.

2. As with the Faithful, you lose the bonus since the scientist is busy performing a specific function, rather than help out in general.
I know it may not entirely relevant, but I want to say that a few turns ago, I changed how various factions interact with each other and within themselves, along with various individuals you have met/have not met. The reason for that was that for a nation that had so much cloak and dagger action that it became something positive, where the nobles had so many contingencies that they were prepared for everything and anything, there was a surprising lack of backstabbing. After changing the interactions, it turned into utter mayhem.

My favorites are:

The Unionists suffering a political breakdown twice in a row.

Lady Maranica managing to couple ??? to ??? and having to run interference on a few of her own schemes, which succeeded too much.

The Followers Of Light doing absolutely nothing. I am serious here, they did nothing.

And ??? Completing ???.

And I know that I havent written much (or anything now that I have checked) about Martyris and Selene after you choose not to marry her immediatly, so decided to tell you that I decide what they are doing by rolling two d12's with different activities on each. One has given them dancing, restaurants, picknicks, poetry, stargazing, and some other things.

The other has only rolled for one thing. The only thing which has a 5% chance of something happening. The only thing in which there are (minor) consequences, which you avoided since meeting her, for every. Single. Turn.

You can guess what I am referring to. I'll wait.
And I know that I havent written much (or anything now that I have checked) about Martyris and Selene after you choose not to marry her immediatly, so decided to tell you that I decide what they are doing by rolling two d12's with different activities on each. One has given them dancing, restaurants, picknicks, poetry, stargazing, and some other things.

The other has only rolled for one thing. The only thing which has a 5% chance of something happening. The only thing in which there are (minor) consequences, which you avoided since meeting her, for every. Single. Turn.

I bet this is pregnancy chance due to the healthy relationship they share, also do you want us to roll the 1d12s?
Thats actually one of the problems the COE faces, as many nobles tend to breathe down their necks for actions of their followers. They have somewhat solved that issue by focusing their rhetoric on basically everything else.
Yeaaaaah, we kind of ruin that, especially if we do the wedding.

Anyway, some plan drafts.

[] Plan Heart Attack
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Faith] Screw You; Eden! - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church Of Eden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Construct A Hangar - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals) - (0/1 Successes)
--[] 3FF
-[][Learning] The Feather Is Mightier Than The Sword, At Least Against Paperwork - (Advanced Mechanics/Biology) - (0/2 Successes)
--[] 6FF
-[][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Personal action] Marry Selene
-[][Personal action] Marry Selene
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Hygenic Living - Expanded)
--[]Selling Artifacts - (Decorative Glass, Decorative Urn, Toy Weapon, Embroidered Tapestry, Ninja Doll, Silverware, High-Grade Alloys, Glass-Violin, Assorted Plastics)(+ 5.05 Materials)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Free Action)
--[] Guardians For Hire - (In front of COE temples) - (-1.5 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (5/8 Turns Complete)

Leftover Materials: 22.82Materials - 5.84Materials(2.34 Materials+2Materials+1.5Materials) + 5.05Materials= 22.03 Materials

[] Plan Do Everything
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Faith] Screw You; Eden! - (-2 Materials) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Diplomacy] Exfiltrate - (Church Of Eden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Construct A Hangar - (2/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Learning] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals ) - (0/1 Successes)
-[][Learning] The Feather Is Mightier Than The Sword, At Least Against Paperwork - (Advanced Mechanics/Biology) - (0/2 Successes)
-[][Archeology] Prepare An Expedition - (TOP-02) - (1/2 turns) - (House Mirn support: N)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Blacksmiths Abode - (Basic) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] A Farm For Starters - (Fertile Farmland) - (Black Root) - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (High-End Introduction - (Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer)) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[] 3FF
-[][Personal action] Too Much To Do - (Raid The Workshop) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
--[] 6FF
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Buying Goods In Bulk - (Hygenic Living - Expanded)
--[]Selling Artifacts - (Decorative Glass, Decorative Urn, Toy Weapon, Embroidered Tapestry, Ninja Doll, Silverware, High-Grade Alloys, Glass-Violin, Assorted Plastics)(+ 5.05 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Free Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (-2.34 Materials) - (5/8 Turns Complete)

Leftover Materials: 22.82Materials - 4.34Materials(2.34 Materials+2Materials) + 5.05Materials= 23.53 Materials

Ok, both plans finish the started actions, screw with the Church of Eden, and have one Learning action that finishes in one turn. I would like to start researching electronics but the Blacksmiths Abode only finishes next turn and it will make researching stuff easier. So until then, we translate the last untranslated book we have and do something to get more Materials. I am willing to change that to other Learning actions if people prefer locks or something.

Now, the differences in the plans.

Plan Heart Attack focuses on the Church of Eden and tries to kill at least a few of them by causing heart attacks, thus the marriage to Selene, "Fashion Revival", and the "Screw You; Eden!" action. I even added the Adventurer guild because I fully expect the COE to react violently.

@HeroCooky Is the way this plan uses Guardians For Hire valid?
Also, how does In The Name Of Profit interact with success thresholds for learning actions? Can it push us past 3 successes?

Plan Do Everything, on the other hand, is less focussed. We have an action against the COE, a Diplomacy action with Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer to talk about the Workshop, and another "Raid The Workshop" action.
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