Looks like someone did an Aurane there. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
I would not call it an Aurane, it could have worked if Heremtia had chosen to play along, also he might have been influenced.
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Looks like someone did an Aurane there. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
It working hinged on Hermetia dropping the ball and not thinking through the ramifications of blowing open a completely new scandal right on the heels of the first one. Which required her to do something idiotic and shortsighted.I would not call it an Aurane, it could have worked if Heremtia had chosen to play along, also he might have been influenced.
It working hinged on Hermetia dropping the ball and not thinking through the ramifications of blowing open a completely new scandal right on the heels of the first one. Which required her to do something idiotic and shortsighted.
And if he was manipulated, then this was not an Aurane, but an Aedon.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.The Strength of Hidden Threads
Fourteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC
It did not take Hermetia long to decide how to answer, how to lie. "I am of course interested in seeing these documents before we can move any further," she smiled in turn. Politics and schemes were not a game of cyvasse, common as the simile might be. There are some games where the winning move is to flip over the board, and others where it was walking away.
When she handed over the quite believable incriminating documents not to the Sea Guard but to the Guildmaster of the Silt Sifters and the Blues, explaining that she did not believe them to be credible, the ambassador had expected to be doing the latter. Four days later it transpired to be the former.
Eighteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC
"Guildmaster Neios of the Glassmaker's Guild," Ser Kennos proclaimed, as he ushered the elderly merman into the room, his hair and beard braided with gold and pearls and walking upon feet by sorcery grown. The concession of coming fully into her domain rather than using the pool had to mean something surely, but Heremtia did not have long to puzzle it out since he came out and said it.
"Strange is the day I must thank someone for doing the Blues a favor, but not so strange as to forget to offer courtesy where it is due." He offered the sort of elaborate bow that would not have been out of place in the high courts of the Old City, though the details were of course different. Thankfully, he did not linger longer than necessary upon formalities but recounted the reason for his visit, the unseen wave that was near to breaking upon Vialesk.
Guildmaster Sergun had already been secretly forced into resigning, following the attempt to create a scandal in the Office of Trade in an effort to shore up his already flagging support in the wake of his nephew's scandal. "It was a desperate gambit, but not an entirely unskilled one," the old merman grumbled. "He meant for us to close ranks against the Blues, who would be cast as the villains trying to prevent construction of the Terminus and the prosperity it would bring through willful sabotage and corruption, and of course tie in the protests as part of the same strategy." He paused a moment, obviously searching for something on Hermetia's face. "He judged that your lack of experience with our politics would make you the perfect pawn and ultimately the perfect channel through which a much greater scandal could be engineered."
"Seeing as my actions lead to his downfall, I am not offended at being underestimated," the sorceress replied dryly, leaving unsaid that she had been initially inclined to take the bait. She instead moved on to a more pressing question. "You have an understanding with the Blues in such matters?"
"Back channels and a network of neutral parties interested in maintaining the city's political health. I realize our system may seem... raucous from where you are sanding, my lady, but it has stood the test of time for longer than the lives of dragons. When someone is obviously trying to create chaos for their own gain, we can set our differences aside enough to deal with them."
So the monstrous coalition was not so monstrous after all, Hermetia thought, surprised. Or perhaps it is a monster that usually lies beneath the surface. "I suppose it is too much to hope that the former Guildmaster Sergun was also behind the unrest against the Empire and the Terminus?"
"Unfortunately, yes," the elder statesman replied. "There are hints that he might have been primed to enact this little cascade of scandals by someone close to him, but we can hardly have him subjected to deep mind probes on the basis of suspicion. It would set a very unwelcome precedent. The person or persons who organized the ill will among the tritons into protests, and likely unveiled Gerlos' indiscretion, remains free to act."
"Then at the risk of repeating myself..." Hermetia began.
"We who hold to the Gold are willing to help with your investigations, but we do not have what is called the common touch." He was good, Hermetia could barely hear the disdain on the word common. "It is possible our involvement may hurt more than it helps."
What does Hermetia reply?
[] Accept aid from the Golds in the investigation
[] Refuse aid from the Golds in the investigation
[] Propose some other form of rapprochement now that she has gained some goodwill and respect
-[] Write in
OOC: This flowed really well. I have to say taking more time to flesh out backgrounds and systems may slow down writing but it makes the process much smoother. Not yet edited.
#NotSureIfPornJust lost a solid half hour of work editing a sheet because the page suddenly decided to go to GoDaddy.com for some stupid ass reason. 🤬
Seriously though, you'd think a domain registrar would be better at picking a name.
[] Heart of Waters, Darker Tides (continuation): The discoveries of the turmoil in the Marid leadership of Vialesk of the last month leave much to be desired of the city's political cohesion... and the possibility of bringing it into the fold as an ally as such. Still, economic incentives are one of the things most denizens of the Plane of Water get really well. If Vialesk isn't willing to cooperate? Every other city is likely to jump on the free profit a Planar Terminus will offer.
-[] Goals: Look into all the other Marid states' willingness to host a Planar Terminus station. Do not promise anything, but make it amply clear for everyone that we are in no way bound to making it a Vialesk-exclusive thing unless they really make it worth our effort.
----[] Hermetia; Grazdan the Grim; Koron Redmane; Lothos Saan; Menel Goldtooth; Living Ship Queen Rhaella & Diana the Sea Sprite; 1x Herald; 5x Advanced Erynies;
It's less that I don't get what he's voting here, and more that I don't get what's our game-plan for the next month is with that.[X] Azel
@egoo, you don't have to vote for something you don't understand... Wait for the explanation before voting for it!
I'd use this vote right here as the game-plan from now on and allocate resources as necessary.It's less that I don't get what he's voting here, and more that I don't get what's our game-plan for the next month is with that.
Ergo me writing what I got told yesterday and asking if it is still okay.
About that, any preference in city?[] Hells' Spears, Blunted: The hold of the Devils cannot be allowed to close fully upon the Slavers' Bay. A full armed intervention isn't possible... for now. So for months on it shall remain, that your best agents shall scheme and kill in these foreign lands in order to but slow down the might of the First closing in on his prise... Whatever his true plans might be, unknown to you just yet.
-[] Goals: Counter-scheming, assassination, sabotage. Morals boundaries are all off, stop the Devils and Lady of Spears at any cost.
This feel like something that'll annoy our current Triton citizens. Isn't that already their niche? Or are they too nomadic for that to be part of their normal skillset and jobs, @DragonParadox?--[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
If all we want is information and not goodwill, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to divine all this and send a few people to drink with the locals? No need to hire them all!--[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
Legally, right?Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
This sounds like it should be an action per city, or at least an interlude per city. And maybe name the target cities in the vote?--[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
This feel like something that'll annoy our current Triton citizens. Isn't that already their niche? Or are they too nomadic for that to be part of their normal skillset and jobs, @DragonParadox?
Gotcha, will edit in a few minutes.I'd use this vote right here as the game-plan from now on and allocate resources as necessary.
-[X] In regards to other cities.
--[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
--[X] Also look into the viability of creating a mobile Terminus by constructing steel frames that will then be filled out by coral construction, using a number of AG-engines to move the base around. Also make sure you can easily re-activate the Terminus after moving it without having to start the enchanting from scratch.
--[X] Use the favor and goodwill to let Hermetia make connections to the Gold leadership and influential figures in their power-block. This is standard cozying up with the local rulers.
--[X] Try to figure out where the internal divisions in the block are drawn, which figures are the most influential and especially who is the leader of fringe-elements of the group.
-[X] In regards to the Blues
--[X] Carefully approach the Blue leadership before implementing this, talking about your honest desire for those workers and that you would like to help them root out spies in the wake of the recent revelations. Be open and friendly with them, citing your efforts in public healthcare and welfare as proof that you are a natural ally of the little people.
--[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
And this being Viserys-specific MAs?[X] In regards to the Greens
--[X] Keep up efforts to get in contact with them and keep cordial relations, with the cited goal of being allowed to use AG-vessels within the SoI of Vialesk and to keep berthing rights there.
--[X] Also see about the Greens feelings about a potential agreement of pro-active threat management. (Which means the Imperial military murdering shit that the Greens want gone for an appropriate payment in some form.)
--[X] Secret Agenda: Look for ambitious people and potential defectors. Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
And these being an Inquisition-and-below level abstracted MA?-[X] In regards to the Purples
--[X] Keep Hermetia away from them. That well is poisoned.
--[X] Instead, set up clandestine meetings directly between Viserys and potential new leaders of the power-block, using deniable ACSEC and Iron Bank assets to set them up under the guise of trade talks.
--[X] Same as with the Golds, get a deeper understanding for the Purples internal structure and divisions, and the leaders of different wings of the block.
--[X] Not So Secret Agenda: See about playing kingmaker or subverting the block to your own purposes.
-[X] In regards to the former leader of the Purples
--[X] It's extremely likely that he was subverted by the Illithid an even if not, he should have some valuable intel.
--[X] Keep a close eye on him and monitor his movements with deniable assets. Look for any trips he makes that lead him further away from Vialesk.
--[X] Secret Agenda: The observation is meant to reveal any contacts he has with outsiders, but also to see about getting a chance to abduct him and get a good look at his memories. Decide on the viability and necessity of this once you have more information about him.
Just trying to sort what will go being an MA (DP needs reminder of this sort of stuff, lest it is forgotten forever) and what goes to Hermatia herself.--[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
--[X] Also hire coral-shapers to expand the sea-quarters of SD and improve harbors across the Imperium.
--[X] Cite security concerns to have people vetted by the Inquisition before hiring them.
--[X] This allows the Inquisition to get some agents into Vialesk and gives them access to the power-base of the Blues.
I kinda skipped most of the ark, I have no idea what city are we best to target now.About that, any preference in city?
We could try to stop the tainted Graces in Astapor, but weve had our most activity there last month, so maybe more assets in Mereen or Yunkai would be better?
Also I'm not fully certain that a small army of golems and undead is already the best option, particularly not if we can use them against Qohor or the CoS.
We have how many Tritons? About 2,000 or so? Who all were nomads until recently?This feel like something that'll annoy our current Triton citizens. Isn't that already their niche? Or are they too nomadic for that to be part of
Divination doesn't get us contacts though and I don't want to throw up too many awkward questions by magically knowing things we shouldn't. It also keeps their attention more on our obvious moves then on the secret ones we want to cover up.If all we want is information and not goodwill, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to divine all this and send a few people to drink with the locals? No need to hire them all!
... of course ...
Do you have the post for me with the description of the other cities?This sounds like it should be an action per city, or at least an interlude per city. And maybe name the target cities in the vote?