I would not call it an Aurane, it could have worked if Heremtia had chosen to play along, also he might have been influenced.
It working hinged on Hermetia dropping the ball and not thinking through the ramifications of blowing open a completely new scandal right on the heels of the first one. Which required her to do something idiotic and shortsighted.

And if he was manipulated, then this was not an Aurane, but an Aedon.
The Strength of Hidden Threads

Fourteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

It did not take Hermetia long to decide how to answer, how to lie. "I am of course interested in seeing these documents before we can move any further," she smiled in turn. Politics and schemes were not a game of cyvasse, common as the simile might be. There are some games where the winning move is to flip over the board, and others where it was walking away.

When she handed over the quite believable incriminating documents not to the Sea Guard but to the Guildmaster of the Silt Sifters and the Blues, explaining that she did not believe them to be credible, the ambassador had expected to be doing the latter. Four days later it transpired to be the former.


Eighteenth Day of the Second Month 294 AC

"Guildmaster Neios of the Glassmaker's Guild," Ser Kennos proclaimed, as he ushered the elderly merman into the room, his hair and beard braided with gold and pearls and walking upon feet by sorcery grown. The concession of coming fully into her domain rather than using the pool had to mean something surely, but Heremtia did not have long to puzzle it out since he came out and said it.

"Strange is the day I must thank someone for doing the Blues a favor, but not so strange as to forget to offer courtesy where it is due." He offered the sort of elaborate bow that would not have been out of place in the high courts of the Old City, though the details were of course different. Thankfully, he did not linger longer than necessary upon formalities but recounted the reason for his visit, the unseen wave that was near to breaking upon Vialesk.

Guildmaster Sergun had already been secretly forced into resigning, following the attempt to create a scandal in the Office of Trade in an effort to shore up his already flagging support in the wake of his nephew's scandal. "It was a desperate gambit, but not an entirely unskilled one," the old merman grumbled. "He meant for us to close ranks against the Blues, who would be cast as the villains trying to prevent construction of the Terminus and the prosperity it would bring through willful sabotage and corruption, and of course tie in the protests as part of the same strategy." He paused a moment, obviously searching for something on Hermetia's face. "He judged that your lack of experience with our politics would make you the perfect pawn and ultimately the perfect channel through which a much greater scandal could be engineered."

"Seeing as my actions lead to his downfall, I am not offended at being underestimated," the sorceress replied dryly, leaving unsaid that she had been initially inclined to take the bait. She instead moved on to a more pressing question. "You have an understanding with the Blues in such matters?"

"Back channels and a network of neutral parties interested in maintaining the city's political health. I realize our system may seem... raucous from where you are sanding, my lady, but it has stood the test of time for longer than the lives of dragons. When someone is obviously trying to create chaos for their own gain, we can set our differences aside enough to deal with them."

So the monstrous coalition was not so monstrous after all, Hermetia thought, surprised. Or perhaps it is a monster that usually lies beneath the surface. "I suppose it is too much to hope that the former Guildmaster Sergun was also behind the unrest against the Empire and the Terminus?"

"Unfortunately, yes," the elder statesman replied. "There are hints that he might have been primed to enact this little cascade of scandals by someone close to him, but we can hardly have him subjected to deep mind probes on the basis of suspicion. It would set a very unwelcome precedent. The person or persons who organized the ill will among the tritons into protests, and likely unveiled Gerlos' indiscretion, remains free to act."

"Then at the risk of repeating myself..." Hermetia began.

"We who hold to the Gold are willing to help with your investigations, but we do not have what is called the common touch." He was good, Hermetia could barely hear the disdain on the word common. "It is possible our involvement may hurt more than it helps."

What does Hermetia reply?

[] Accept aid from the Golds in the investigation

[] Refuse aid from the Golds in the investigation

[] Propose some other form of rapprochement now that she has gained some goodwill and respect
-[] Write in

OOC: This flowed really well. I have to say taking more time to flesh out backgrounds and systems may slow down writing but it makes the process much smoother. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
Just lost a solid half hour of work editing a sheet because the page suddenly decided to go to GoDaddy.com for some stupid ass reason. 🤬
Alright. Long story short, this is bad. Apparently the Illithid had managed to infiltrate the leadership of the Purples, because what just happened is some grade A bullshit. This now leaves us with the Golds firmly directing foreign policy, while the Purples have to consolidate themselves and lay low while the furor of the whole mess dies down. Thus, we need to move in multiple directions to actually get shit done here.

[X] Plan Screw This, Bring the A-Game
-[X] In regards to the Golds
--[X] Use the favor and goodwill to let Hermetia make connections to the Gold leadership and influential figures in their power-block. This is standard cozying up with the local rulers.
--[X] Try to figure out where the internal divisions in the block are drawn, which figures are the most influential and especially who is the leader of fringe-elements of the group.

--[X] The goal of this, which Viserys will not even tell Hermetia, is to find our how one could splinter the Golds as a faction and if there are elements in their block that can be co-opted to start a reactionary splinter-group to serve as a catspaw.
-[X] In regards to the Blues
--[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
--[X] Also hire coral-shapers to expand the sea-quarters of SD and improve harbors across the Imperium.
--[X] Cite security concerns to have people vetted by the Inquisition before hiring them.
--[X] This allows the Inquisition to get some agents into Vialesk and gives them access to the power-base of the Blues.
--[X] Carefully approach the Blue leadership before implementing this, talking about your honest desire for those workers and that you would like to help them root out spies in the wake of the recent revelations. Be open and friendly with them, citing your efforts in public healthcare and welfare as proof that you are a natural ally of the little people.

--[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
-[X] In regards to the Greens
--[X] Keep up efforts to get in contact with them and keep cordial relations, with the cited goal of being allowed to use AG-vessels within the SoI of Vialesk and to keep berthing rights there.
--[X] Also see about the Greens feelings about a potential agreement of pro-active threat management. (Which means the Imperial military murdering shit that the Greens want gone for an appropriate payment in some form.)

--[X] Secret Agenda: Look for ambitious people and potential defectors. Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
-[X] In regards to the Purples
--[X] Keep Hermetia away from them. That well is poisoned.
--[X] Instead, set up clandestine meetings directly between Viserys and potential new leaders of the power-block, using deniable ACSEC and Iron Bank assets to set them up under the guise of trade talks.
--[X] Same as with the Golds, get a deeper understanding for the Purples internal structure and divisions, and the leaders of different wings of the block.

--[X] Not So Secret Agenda: See about playing kingmaker or subverting the block to your own purposes.
-[X] In regards to the former leader of the Purples
--[X] It's extremely likely that he was subverted by the Illithid an even if not, he should have some valuable intel.
--[X] Keep a close eye on him and monitor his movements with deniable assets. Look for any trips he makes that lead him further away from Vialesk.

--[X] Secret Agenda: The observation is meant to reveal any contacts he has with outsiders, but also to see about getting a chance to abduct him and get a good look at his memories. Decide on the viability and necessity of this once you have more information about him.
-[X] In regards to other cities.
--[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
--[X] Also look into the viability of creating a mobile Terminus by constructing steel frames that will then be filled out by coral construction, using a number of AG-engines to move the base around. Also make sure you can easily re-activate the Terminus after moving it without having to start the enchanting from scratch.

This is why I didn't want to type that on my phone.
[X] Azel

Playing devils advocate a little here, it might not be the squids it could be devils, efreeti or just someone with ambition.
*looks at Azel's vote*
*looks tp the turnvote write-up he's editing rn*
*cringes in lack of understanding*

@Azel, is this fine?
[] Heart of Waters, Darker Tides (continuation): The discoveries of the turmoil in the Marid leadership of Vialesk of the last month leave much to be desired of the city's political cohesion... and the possibility of bringing it into the fold as an ally as such. Still, economic incentives are one of the things most denizens of the Plane of Water get really well. If Vialesk isn't willing to cooperate? Every other city is likely to jump on the free profit a Planar Terminus will offer.
-[] Goals: Look into all the other Marid states' willingness to host a Planar Terminus station. Do not promise anything, but make it amply clear for everyone that we are in no way bound to making it a Vialesk-exclusive thing unless they really make it worth our effort.
----[] Hermetia; Grazdan the Grim; Koron Redmane; Lothos Saan; Menel Goldtooth; Living Ship Queen Rhaella & Diana the Sea Sprite; 1x Herald; 5x Advanced Erynies;

[X] Azel
[X] Azel

@egoo, you don't have to vote for something you don't understand... Wait for the explanation before voting for it!
It's less that I don't get what he's voting here, and more that I don't get what's our game-plan for the next month is with that.
Ergo me writing what I got told yesterday and asking if it is still okay.
3rd Month Turnvote proposal (0.3)
Hero Character and Strategic Assets proposal
[] Stars, Eclipsed: It is clear now, that the Court of Stars will not bow down before you with the Reconquest you are posed to wage in but a few months. As you cannot afford to fight such a polity simultaneously with the rest of enemy factions in Westeros, the only solution is ending them before your forces move upon Westeros in full.
-[] Before you can bring down all the power of Companions on the Court in truth within their own realm, it stands to reason to destroy all the assets they command outside of it, first.
-[] Goals: Eliminate the presence of Court of Stars in Westeros, with extreme prejudice. Bonus Goals: Capture all high-ranking members and leaders possible for sacrifice to fuel OG-backed intervention into the Feywild.
----[] Viserys (Free Action post-Qohor to visit and burn shit), Dany, Richard, Lya (1st​ Body); Vee; Zherys; Waymar; Riz'Neth; Xor, Velen, Glyra + Feytroupe; Soft Strider; Liomond Lashare; Ser Dregaire - Advanced Bipedal Savant Fey Creature Onyx Deer/Duskblade 6 (CR 15); Alyssa Crowl; Danar Crowl; Dirriz the Faerie Dragon; Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade; Ser Aubert Flowers;
1x Orphne Fey Lord; 4x Wild Hunt Archers (Mounted) [CR 14]; 2x Wild Hunt Scouts (Houndmaster Hounds x3) [CR 16]
15x Heralds
30x Veteran Erynies; 1x Asura Upasunda (CR 9); 4x Asura Vayphaks (CR 5)
3x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15); 1x
Osryx, Very Old Myrkdreki Dragon, CR 15

----[Inquisition Forces]----
25x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD)
1x Falxugon / Harvester Devil -- a patsy for intrigue work
1x Azata, Gancanagh (CR 4) - Garantos
22x Legion Devils - combat reserve
4x Salikotal / Vengeance Devil -- Assigned as killers for the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

[] Hells' Spears, Blunted: The hold of the Devils cannot be allowed to close fully upon the Slavers' Bay. A full armed intervention isn't possible... for now. So for months on it shall remain, that your best agents shall scheme and kill in these foreign lands in order to but slow down the might of the First closing in on his prise... Whatever his true plans might be, unknown to you just yet.
-[] Goals: Counter-scheming, assassination, sabotage. Morals boundaries are all off, stop the Devils and Lady of Spears at any cost.
(All PCs supplied with Mindblanks)
----[] Malarys, Tyene; Teana; Wyla; Shadow!Tor; Morwyn and Tuin - the Drow assassins; Quburn; Chung Ting Lo; Ser Criston Storm; Ceria "Storm"; Ser Denys Trainer; Aradia the Huntress; Mereth; Kira Windgraced; 1x Orphne Fey Lord
2x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragons, (CR 15) (twins); 6x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15);
6x Umbral Spies;
3x Umbral Stalkers;
13x Black Champions (clad in Lead)
8x Heralds (put in lead-lined bags until appropriate)

----[Inquisition Forces]----
Anya the Inquisitor; Mia the Inquisitor; Shara Rogare; Alysande Redsail; Azema;

43x Glass Golems

20x Blood Clot Molds
20x Black Brutes
4x Greater Blood Clot Molds
4x Black Champions

100x Vigilant Briars (CR 4)
10x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10)
10x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4)
20x Watchmoles (CR 6)

[] To Extinguish the FeyFire: The battle between R'hlor and Ymeri is beyond even you and your closest Companions to help directly... yet, as shown by the forces he gathers to break into Ymeri's domain, much can still be done to smoothen that out.
-[] Goal: Support R'hlor's forces in killing Ymeri.
----[] 1x Moonchaser; 4x Manticores, 4x Type-A Wyverns, 4x Type-B Wyverns; Yrael; Moonsong; Amrealth; the Hadhayosh (CR 20); Bloom the Brijidine; The Harbringer (CR 17); 15x Heralds
----[Using Free Action to help]: 2x Moonchasers; 1x Dauntless; 8x Type-B Wyverns, 12x Type-A Wyverns, 6x Manticores,

[] Into the Lion's Jaws: The information shared by Archmaester Marwyn may just be the key to uncover what exactly are Lannisters planning for the long-expected conquest of yours.
-[] Goals: Infiltrate Lannisters' secure facilities, get information on exact countermeasures, plans, allies, and if possible numbers of weapons under their command, prepared in order to fight the Empire.
----[] Garin; Nuri

[] Heart of Waters, Darker Tides (continuation): Fucked if I know what to write here, ask Azel plz.
-[] Goals: See above.
----[] Hermetia; Grazdan the Grim; Koron Redmane; Lothos Saan; Menel Goldtooth; Living Ship Queen Rhaella & Diana the Sea Sprite; 1x Herald; 5x Advanced Erynies;

[] Raiding the Efreeti on Plane of Fire:
Siduri, Yurten & the crew; 2x Heralds;
----[] 1x Gelugon / Ice Devil, 2x Steel Devil, 3x Lead Devil, 6x Salikotal (previously established group)

[] Infiltration into the City of Brass:
-[] Goals:
Slowly slow down the activities, unless that makes the shop suspect. It is possible Maelor will be absent in the coming months, with no one replacing him. Make reasonable and believable excuses, that will also allow for high-grade Intrigue specialists possibly coming in into the City of Brass from our side without blowing the shop's cover.
----[] Maelor (continued), 1x Mind Dragon (continued), Bronn (continued), Sarell (continued).

[] Bones, to Earth Returned: The fate of Sarnor was a dark one indeed, yet now, a hopeful light shows itself, with the remaining polities being friendly, and disposed towards an eventual alliance with the Empire. However, but one in hundred are the Undead that kept their sanity, and far too many of their mindless brethren toil the countryside for it to be safe for... any activities at all, to be attempted within these lands, not least because the Undead poison the soil so.
-[] Goal: Undead-hunting competition between Erynies, Lenjths, and Wild hunt; focus on ending any un-aligned Sentient Undead or stragglers of the destroyed armies. In absence of Sentient Undead, hunt down Mindless Undead as far as possible to.
----[] Mercy of the Soul; Kennos of Kayce; Jeyne Weaver; Roger Reyne; Nettles and the Sheepstealer; 10x Veteran Erynies; 11x Lenjths; 4x Wild Hunt Archers (Mounted) [CR 14]; 2x Wild Hunt Scouts (Houndmaster Hounds x3) [CR 16].

[] Aerial patrols
----[] 4x Type-B Wyverns; 12x Type-C Wyverns

[] Three Points, Three Kindred, One People, Part 4
----[] Blight's Bane; Also any of the following "Free Forces - Aquatic Forces" see A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover)
Research Actions
[] The Mysteries of East: With them now open to you, have the libraries of Vahar accessed, and scoured through for lore of illusion, divination, and other low-energy magics.
(Progress: 0/12)
----[] Rhaella (2d6 Progress); Naath Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress); Tolos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress); The Seeker (CR 15), 1x Black Knight, 1x Greater Blood Clot Mold, 1x Erynies

[] Dreamscaping Having created a beacon in the dreamlands now you must consider how one might build a road that will endure the ever-shifting paths of that realm (21/25 Progress)
----[] Aenie Caleris (4d6 Progress +1d6 Progress per Specialization);

[] Tying the rituals of Administration into Imperial Deity base
(Progress: 0/30 Progress – TIERED RESEARCH; Tier 1)
----[] Naria the Loreseeker (4d6 Progress); Svitran the Dreamer (4d6 Progress); Volantis Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress); Mantarys Schoalrum Branch (2d6 Progress); Sorcerer's Deep Scolarum Branch (2d6 Progress);

[] Secure the Flesh Forge, and fleshsmiths, against memetic attacks
-[] Heavy defenses
(Progress 0/45; Cost 600,000 IM)
----[] Lady Saenena (4d6 Progress); Elaheh Marita (4d6 Progress); Tyrosh Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);

[] Trade for Fey Lore applicable to Imperial Deity project (without spreading the information on the exact nature of the project too freely) with the Fey of:
-[] Sea Courts
-[] Golden Grove Court
-[] Spread-out Westerosi Old Gods-aligned Courts
-[] Wild Hunt
-[] Lys' Goblin Market Court
(0/12 Progress)
----[] Rina (4d6 Progress); Tolos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress);

[] Lya watching Zathir work his hammer.
(Progress: None, it is 'just watching' ;))
----[] Lya (2nd​ body)

[] I Like Trains Steam's Motion Given Form: [Get us steam trains]
(Progress 35; Cost 65.000)
----[] Beryl the Strategist (4d6 Progress); Anu of Sallosh (4d6 Progress); SD engineering university (2d6 Progress)

[] Tireless Steel by Sorcery Moved: The art of golem-making is ancient indeed... but one has to wonder if it is possible to wring an armor in the same qualities, to create personal defense truly unsurpassable. (Requires the "Layering the Defenses"-Research Action)
-[] Develop the basic chassis of the Imperial Powered Armor systems - and create the Warden Pattern armor.
(12/18 Progress)
----[] Valeria the Wondersmith (4d6 Progress);
[] Have the Inquisition throughout Westeros scour for information on Lucan, his motivation and character (Viserys needs IC knowledge)

[] Post-Qohor, post- month's summoning, sacrifice captured enemies to R'hlor, in order to power anti-Ymeri action.
-[] Keep in mind we have anti-CoS action to take with OGs in 4th​ month, and we'll need a lot of sacrifices to have them back us up and stop any time-manipulation attempts.

[] Eyes in the Sky: Have the training/patrol flights experiment with mounting Serpent Stone recorders on their Wyverns to later review the footage for intelligence purposes. Try mounting it on different spots of the hull, in the cockpit and so on.

[] Visit Hellven.
-[] Have a meeting with local Devil commander in guise used during the auction in order to keep the trading permit working.
-[] Attempt more trade for souls-related lore with the owner of the lore sold during the previous auction.
-[] Visit the information broken Undead illithid, bargain for True Names for Mammon's Devils, or those who'd know said names.
Major Action (taken as a Free Action by most of the characters):
To Cut Out the Goat's Heart: The time for waiting is at an end. The travesties of Qohor cannot wait longer in light of looming Reconquest, and the sister-state of Norvos is sure to act against you if left alone, surrounded by all sides. It is time to bring the fire to both cities… and hope the Bearded priests will see the reason sooner than the eldritch spawns of Black Goat might.
----[Companions] Viserys (main action), Dany, Garin, Lya (1st​ body); Sir Richard; Malarys; Tyene; Vee; Waymar; Velen; Rina; Xor; Maelor
----[Minions – High Grade] Riz'Neth; Zherys; Wyla; Lady Saenena; Benerro; (?)Teana(?)
----[Minions – Mid/Low grade] Yrael; Liomond Lashare; Morwyn and Tuin - the Drow assassins; Chung Ting Lo; Ser Criston Storm; Ceria "Storm"; Ser Denys Trainer; Sandor Clegane; Soft Strider; Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade; Alyssa Crowl; Danar Crowl; Rhango & Bonebreaker; Shadow!Tor; Ser Gerold 'Darkstar' Dayne; Dirriz the Faerie Dragon; Ser Bonifer Hasty;
----[Air Force] 2x Moonchasers, 10x Manticores, 31x Type-A Wyverns, 20x Type-B Wyverns.
----[Dragons and Dragonriders] Relath; Balerion; Nettles & the Sheepstealer; Valaena Velaryon;
9x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15);
2x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragons, (CR 15);
8x Fiery Dragonbeasts (CR15);
2006x Giant Fungal Darkenbeasts (CR 6, 5 HD;
----[Arcanums] Aradia the Huntress, Nuri, Kira Windgraced; Mercy of the Soul;
----[Outsiders] Azema, 40x Veteran Erinyes; 11x Lejnths; 1x Asura Upasunda (CR 9)
4x Asura Vayphaks (CR 5)
----[Fey] Glyra + Feytroupe; Ser Dregaire - Advanced Bipedal Savant Fey Creature Onyx Deer/Duskblade 6 (CR 15);
2x Orphne Fey Lords;
8x Wild Hunt Archers (Mounted) [CR 14]; 4x Wild Hunt Scouts (Houndmaster Hounds x3) [CR 16]
----[Constructs] Adamantine Golem (Monk 1); 33x Heralds (CR 10);
6x Umbral Spies;
3x Umbral Stalkers;
----[Soulforged Undead] 13x Black Champions
----[Assorted] Nirah, the Champion of Yss (CR 20); Aife, the Herald of the Ferryman (CR 22);
10x Verdant Phoenixes (CR 15);
20x Guardian Nagas (CR 10);

---Aerial Forces---
220x Verdant Kingfishers (CR 2, 2 HD);
526x Verdant Ravens [Advanced Plant-Imbued Giant Raven (w/+4 Racial HD)] (CR 6, 6 HD); 500x Advanced Flame Drakes (CR 6, 6 HD);

---Ground Forces---
9 Vigilant Hunters (CR 10), 5,280 IM each
100x Watchmoles (CR 6, 6 HD)
100x Vigilant Briars (CR 4, 6 HD)
29x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy
22x Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD)
526x Plant-Imbued Shadow Creature Cat (w/+4 Racial HD) (CR 6, 6 HD)
20x Guardian Nagas (CR 10, 12 HD)

----[Inquisition Forces]
22x Legion Devils - combat reserve
4x Salikotal / Vengeance Devil -- Otherwise assigned as killers for the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers

Osryx, Very Old Myrkdreki Dragon, CR 15
10x Wyrmling Myrkdreki Dragons, CR 3

20x Blood Clot Molds
20x Black Brutes
4x Greater Blood Clot Molds
4x Black Champions
50x Black Wardens, CR 8
10x Black Wardens, mobility Upgrade, CR 8
50x Necrotic Molds
20x Paralyzing Snatchers
5x Snatching Terrors
50x Black Knights

43x Glass Golems
542x Lesser Three-Eyed Ravens
88x Greater Three-Eyed Ravens

100x Vigilant Briars (CR 4)
10x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10)
10x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4)
20x Watchmoles (CR 6)
Last edited:
[] "Fluff" and "goals" added to all Major Actions lacking them before.
-[] Maybe re-read them in case y'all disagree with my phrasing or the basic ideas of the actions?

[] Slight RA-assignment readjustment, in order to finish the Powered Armor with Valeria. She was really dedicated to finishing it in her interlude.

[] Maelor preparing the shop to not draw suspicion or "legal" trouble in case he leaves and we have no replacement for him hor months.
-[] Frankly, I'm not seeing Maelor managing much more than what he already did establishing a way in, and keeping him there keeps him as irrelevant as humanly possible.
Which is annoying.
It's less that I don't get what he's voting here, and more that I don't get what's our game-plan for the next month is with that.
Ergo me writing what I got told yesterday and asking if it is still okay.
I'd use this vote right here as the game-plan from now on and allocate resources as necessary.
[] Hells' Spears, Blunted: The hold of the Devils cannot be allowed to close fully upon the Slavers' Bay. A full armed intervention isn't possible... for now. So for months on it shall remain, that your best agents shall scheme and kill in these foreign lands in order to but slow down the might of the First closing in on his prise... Whatever his true plans might be, unknown to you just yet.
-[] Goals: Counter-scheming, assassination, sabotage. Morals boundaries are all off, stop the Devils and Lady of Spears at any cost.
About that, any preference in city?
We could try to stop the tainted Graces in Astapor, but weve had our most activity there last month, so maybe more assets in Mereen or Yunkai would be better?

Also I'm not fully certain that a small army of golems and undead is already the best option, particularly not if we can use them against Qohor or the CoS.
--[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
This feel like something that'll annoy our current Triton citizens. Isn't that already their niche? Or are they too nomadic for that to be part of their normal skillset and jobs, @DragonParadox?
--[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
If all we want is information and not goodwill, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to divine all this and send a few people to drink with the locals? No need to hire them all!
Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
Legally, right?
--[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
This sounds like it should be an action per city, or at least an interlude per city. And maybe name the target cities in the vote?
I'd use this vote right here as the game-plan from now on and allocate resources as necessary.
Gotcha, will edit in a few minutes.

Hermetia-appropriate actions will be these, then?
-[X] In regards to other cities.
--[X] Make some inquiries with other places about construction ordinances, trade rights and so on to prepare for potentially building a Terminus there instead of in Vialesk.
--[X] Also look into the viability of creating a mobile Terminus by constructing steel frames that will then be filled out by coral construction, using a number of AG-engines to move the base around. Also make sure you can easily re-activate the Terminus after moving it without having to start the enchanting from scratch.
--[X] Use the favor and goodwill to let Hermetia make connections to the Gold leadership and influential figures in their power-block. This is standard cozying up with the local rulers.
--[X] Try to figure out where the internal divisions in the block are drawn, which figures are the most influential and especially who is the leader of fringe-elements of the group.
-[X] In regards to the Blues
--[X] Carefully approach the Blue leadership before implementing this, talking about your honest desire for those workers and that you would like to help them root out spies in the wake of the recent revelations. Be open and friendly with them, citing your efforts in public healthcare and welfare as proof that you are a natural ally of the little people.
--[X] Secret Agenda: Exploit this to get a feeling of what their base wants, what their problems are und how you could shift the populist movement to your advantage.
[X] In regards to the Greens
--[X] Keep up efforts to get in contact with them and keep cordial relations, with the cited goal of being allowed to use AG-vessels within the SoI of Vialesk and to keep berthing rights there.
--[X] Also see about the Greens feelings about a potential agreement of pro-active threat management. (Which means the Imperial military murdering shit that the Greens want gone for an appropriate payment in some form.)
--[X] Secret Agenda: Look for ambitious people and potential defectors. Also look into acquiring military technology to improve AG-vessel performance underwater.
And this being Viserys-specific MAs?
-[X] In regards to the Purples
--[X] Keep Hermetia away from them. That well is poisoned.
--[X] Instead, set up clandestine meetings directly between Viserys and potential new leaders of the power-block, using deniable ACSEC and Iron Bank assets to set them up under the guise of trade talks.
--[X] Same as with the Golds, get a deeper understanding for the Purples internal structure and divisions, and the leaders of different wings of the block.
--[X] Not So Secret Agenda: See about playing kingmaker or subverting the block to your own purposes.
And these being an Inquisition-and-below level abstracted MA?
-[X] In regards to the former leader of the Purples
--[X] It's extremely likely that he was subverted by the Illithid an even if not, he should have some valuable intel.
--[X] Keep a close eye on him and monitor his movements with deniable assets. Look for any trips he makes that lead him further away from Vialesk.
--[X] Secret Agenda: The observation is meant to reveal any contacts he has with outsiders, but also to see about getting a chance to abduct him and get a good look at his memories. Decide on the viability and necessity of this once you have more information about him.
--[X] Start hiring low-skilled workers for construction projects in Sorcerers Deep to reshape the seafloor for stability, kelp farming, fish farming, oyster farming, snail farming and other ressource gathering efforts.
--[X] Also hire coral-shapers to expand the sea-quarters of SD and improve harbors across the Imperium.
--[X] Cite security concerns to have people vetted by the Inquisition before hiring them.
--[X] This allows the Inquisition to get some agents into Vialesk and gives them access to the power-base of the Blues.
Just trying to sort what will go being an MA (DP needs reminder of this sort of stuff, lest it is forgotten forever) and what goes to Hermatia herself.

About that, any preference in city?
We could try to stop the tainted Graces in Astapor, but weve had our most activity there last month, so maybe more assets in Mereen or Yunkai would be better?

Also I'm not fully certain that a small army of golems and undead is already the best option, particularly not if we can use them against Qohor or the CoS.
I kinda skipped most of the ark, I have no idea what city are we best to target now.
I assume we'll vote on that as we go? :/

The golems and the undead are "you can put this in a bag and throw them at an enemy if needed"-sort of asset-allocation.
The Soulforged Undead wearing Lead armor with a Blood Clor in them are supposedly invisible to Divination, so they are mostly fine as well, if not the sneakiest around.
This feel like something that'll annoy our current Triton citizens. Isn't that already their niche? Or are they too nomadic for that to be part of
We have how many Tritons? About 2,000 or so? Who all were nomads until recently?

It's a non-issue. It's not their niche, unless you think their niche is "everything maritime".

If all we want is information and not goodwill, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to divine all this and send a few people to drink with the locals? No need to hire them all!
Divination doesn't get us contacts though and I don't want to throw up too many awkward questions by magically knowing things we shouldn't. It also keeps their attention more on our obvious moves then on the secret ones we want to cover up.

... of course ...

This sounds like it should be an action per city, or at least an interlude per city. And maybe name the target cities in the vote?
Do you have the post for me with the description of the other cities?

And a general report would be fine.