Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
Accuracy is on such a limited number of spell lists, Wujen and Warmage, that I don't think we have reasonable access to it.Distance:
Wind Tunnel
Long Shot
Guided Shot
Mereth's 150 ft range increment bow
Other effects:
Aspect of the Falcon
Sniper's Shot
Gravity Bow
Each of the distance spells has a slightly different way of influencing range, so I can see them stacking, but I'm not sure how they should fit together. The most optimistic case is (base increment + 10) * 12, but that's kind of a lot. Assuming they all apply a (Base * 7.5 ) + 10 range increment would be fun as well. Durations are a bit mixed though, so you'd only get the maximum range for a round or so.
Long Distance probably stacks with other effects.
Hawkeye should work in conjunction with other range increasing effects. Guided Shot should work, too, since it works by removing penalties rather than further increasing range.
I'm not sure if the Wind Tunnel effect would stack with the Distance enchantment. They're both technically untyped effects, but they do the same thing, so it's questionable.