Well, it looks like we are going to dive in a glorious era of architecture and stewardship, we need more megaprojects after the ones we already can make
Well, it looks like we are going to dive in a glorious era of architecture and stewardship, we need more megaprojects after the ones we already can make
Then the temple. Or the temple and then the forest. Then whatever mega project we get by then. If we don't have any I'm pretty sure the Province Action will just default to the Balanced policy, or something like it, maybe actions that are more likely to lead to gaining a new project, until we get a new one.
Then the temple. Or the temple and then the forest. Then whatever mega project we get by then. If we don't have any I'm pretty sure the Province Action will just default to the Balanced policy, or something like it, maybe actions that are more likely to lead to gaining a new project, until we get a new one.
[X] [Cadlon] Blodwyn the Explorer is elected as Cadlon. (-1 Legitimacy & -1 Stability)
[X] [War] Reach out to the Forluc and try to launch a joint invasion with them.
[X] [Passive] Trade = Free Trade Expedition each turn.
[X] [Passive] Agriculture = +4 Temp Econ per turn.
[X] [Province] Megaproject = Focuses on building megaprojects.
It was Blodwyn who was ultimately chosen to be Cadlon despite the objections of the northerners. The Merntir don't like it and while it causes some upset and unhappiness, the Arthwyd are still Arthwyd at the end of the day and they would stand united under the guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Yet there was still tension and uncertainty amongst the Arthwyd. Cadlon Blodwyn the Explorer hadn't done anything wrong, but her election took a blow to the myth of infallibility around the position of Cadlon since it was first created. The Cadlon was still obeyed and highly respected, but she was no longer seen as some kind of semi-divine figure.
With a crisis at hand, Cadlon Blodwyn quickly got to work. Deciding that the Forluc would make for useful allies, Blodwyn personally reached out to the barbarians. As expected, the Forluc were responding to the Caradysh attack on them like the Arthwyd were and with her position so insecure, Farke Galdae was rather pleased to have the aid of the Arthwyd.
Yet the cultural differences and sheer distance made things harder to truly coordinate with each other. In the end, it came down to the Forluc telling the Arthwyd to deal with the Raradysh while they invaded the Cursed Forest. It wasn't ideal, but it is useful to have a two-pronged attack on the undead monsters, forcing them to divide their forces to avoid defeat.
Over several seasons, the Raradysh were slaughtered. Their revenant rulers and wight defenders might have been enough to protect the Raradysh from neighbouring barbarians, but the abominations were steadily hunted down by the Catclaws and Cateyes of the Arthwyd. It was slow at first, but by the time that the second winter of the campaign had come, the Arthwyd had figured out how to best kill the undead defenders and by the time the third winter came about, the Raradysh have been burnt to the ground for all intents and purposes.
The Arthwyd were ready to continue their campaign and march into the Cursed Forest when news of the Forluc campaign reached them. Just as the Arthwyd had attacked the Raradysh, the Forluc had invaded the Cursed Forest with all of their warriors. Hundreds of men from the Forluc, Forden and Fornn entered the Cursed Forest.
Nobody knew what happened in the evil forest of the Caradysh, but less than half of the Forluc expedition returned home. The Forluc army had halved by most accounts whilst no noteworthy number of warriors returned to the Forden. The Fornn had fared best with only one in three failing to return to the Cursed Forest. Worst of all, Farke Galdae was not amongst the survivors.
Having suffered such heavy losses, the Forluc were out of the war for all intentions and purposes. Things were bad for the Forluc beyond the sorry state of their military as their new Farkas was an idiot by all accounts. Farkas Kadden was the cousin of Farke Galdae and had an even worse reputation amongst the Forluc than Galdae did. Kadden is an insecure fool who flipflops between being certain of his superiority and being envious of others being better than him.
While her warriors were still eager to invade the Cursed Forest, Cadlon Blodwyn was far less keen on that idea without her allies, especially after the Forluc got so thoroughly thrashed. Instead, she preferred to bide her time and build up the Arthwydish forces before invading the Caradysh on her own.
This strategy proved highly unpopular amongst the Arthwyd with most viewing it as a cowardice and a failure on her part to properly deal with the Caradysh. As the years went by, more and more people began to see Blodwyn's preparations as her being a coward and it became increasingly popular sentiment to denounce her election to Cadlon as a mistake.
Things hadn't quite gotten to the point of rebellion or a refusal to obey the Cadlon's commands, but they were close to it. There was a tension amongst the Arthwyd and the chosen people of Arthryn and her Daughters were heading towards an unprecedented crisis.
Yet success can forgive a multitude of mistakes and can be the difference between committing a sin and carrying out your sacred duty. For all the ill will sent her way, successful defeating the Caradysh and making them pay for their misdeeds would vindicate Cadlon Blodwyn and restore matters to a degree.
Of course, that was just the matter of the war with the Caradysh. As important as it is, life did not revolve around it and the Arthwyd and their subjects continue to improve. Some of the Arthrynite villages in the northern parts of the Maradysh decided to copy their brethren in the Arthwyd by connecting their villages with trails.
Meanwhile the Caermyr pulled in the real prizes of this generation. Whilst the military benefits failed to materialised in the matter that they were hoped, diplomatic relations with the Forluc did have some other benefits. While the Arthwyd had tamed lesser animals to leave amongst them, the Forluc had done the same with larger beasts. The barbarians weren't happy to part with their animals, but copper tools proved useful enough that the Forlucans found trading tamed animals for copper goods to a worthwhile deal.
These animals were quickly sent north along the Green River to be with the Arthwyd. They came into two types, the larger cows with impressive horns and the smaller sheep with their thick coats of hair.
Whilst both animals could be used for meat and hide like wild beasts, the cows and sheep each had a unique ability which made them stand out. The female cow could produce milk like a mother did for their child, something which local communities would find useful when it came to raising babies. Meanwhile the hair of the sheep could be collected and woven into cloth, useful for clothing and other things.
The cows and sheep weren't the only things that Caermyr provided to the Arthwyd during Blodwyn's reign. Within the lowlands there was a very useful plant called redstar, named for the five red petals of the flower looking somewhat like a star in the night sky. While named for the petals, it was the stem of the redstar that made it useful. The stem could be eaten for dulling pain somewhat if one was willingly to endure illness in the stomach. The lowlanders had further refined this process to create herbal medicine that would dull pain and sooth aches.
Whilst not as needed due to the holy magics of the Goddesses, the priesthood of the Arthwyd were still very interested in adding such a potent plant to their arsenal of herbal medicine. The redstar wouldn't replace the healing magic that the priesthood uses but using the flower to create herbal medicine could reduce the duties of the priesthood, freeing up more priests and priestesses for other tasks.
The last noteworthy thing that the came north from the Caermyr was a boating innovation as the traders in Caermyr made a new discovery whilst trying to find the best way to transport goods up and down the Green River.
By attaching supports on either side of a canoe in the right positions, it increases the stability of the boat. This allows for quicker and safer journeys as the canoe can both go faster and whilst being less likely to suffer an accident.
Yet things did not remain all good news as the Caradysh struck once again. The undead monsters marched out of the Cursed Forest into Forlucan lands a few winters after the Forluc invasion failed. The Forluc put up a good defence and would hold off the Caradysh for the first couple of winters, but as the seasons went by, the lowlanders slowly racked up casualties amongst their already diminished forces while the Caradysh were seemingly able to replace all of their losses.
Ultimately, the Forluc ended up having a mixture of too much land to defend and too few warriors to defend it either. The Caradysh breached the defensive lines and like a rock starting a landslide, the undead abominations would overrun the Forlucan warriors before they could re-establish their defence. With a handful of seasons, what was left of the Forluc military was destroyed and the Caradysh had claimed a vast swarth of Forluc land.
More disturbing was the reports of Urth's return so soon after he had last been vanquished, apparently leading the Caradysh armies to victory over the Forluc defenders. Most disturbingly of all was the reports of Cadlon Carys being the one leading the Caradysh, especially when the tales of Carys and Urth overlapped.
In response to Cadlon Carys seemingly leading the Caradysh invasion, Farkas Kadden denounced the Arthwyd, claiming that they were liars who tricked the Forluc into getting their armies killed so they could ally with the Caradysh. Ignoring a good chuck of his people's territory had been conquered, Kadden called for the Forluc to invade the Arthwyd and wanted to organise an attack on Caermyr.
Like almost all of Kadden's commands, the Forluc chiefs ignored this even through some decided to back him on this matter. After the destruction of the Raradysh, no one with common sense believed that the Arthwyd were aligned with the Caradysh and even those supporting Farkas Kadden were just using his beliefs as an excuse to act on pre-existing grudges against the Arthwyd.
Yet none of that mattered to the Arthwyd as the Forluc were crippled and they had their own internal and external issues to worry about before they worried about the delusions of some barbarian chieftain.
Priests (5) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Seek retribution against the Caradysh within 1 Turn, Success/Failure: +1 Stability/-1 Legitimacy
Elders (2) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Invade the Cursed Forest within 1 Turn, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-1 Centralisation
Warriors (5 (6)) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Seek retribution against the Caradysh within 1 Turn, Success/Failure: +1 Palisade/-1 Stability
Farmers (1) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Invade the Cursed Forest within 1 Turn, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-2 Temp Econ
Crafters (1) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Invade the Cursed Forest within 1 Turn, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-2 Temp Econ
You have three Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].
[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -5 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Settlement Progress (+1 Mystic per 3 Progress in a province), +1 Econ,
M: -10 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Settlement Progress (+1 Mystic per 3 Progress in a province), +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (7/15), Rockbay (6/15), Eastern Rock River (0/15), Western Rock River (0/15), Sunrise Bay (3.5/15), Northern Sunset Plains (0/15), North-West Sunrise Plains (0/15),
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Nature.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Caermyr, Merntir, Maradysh,
[] [SEC] Switch Province Policy = (Select Policy)
S: Change your Province
-Balanced = Does whatever seems reasonable.
-Defensive = Takes defensive martial actions.
-Diplomacy = Focuses on engaging in diplomacy.
-Economy = Takes actions to increase stats.
-Expansion = Focuses on settling new lands.
-Exploration = Focuses on exploring areas.
-Infrastructure = Focuses on building infrastructure. -Megaproject = Focuses on building megaprojects.
-Offensive = Takes offensive martial actions.
-Religion = Focuses on religious actions.
-Study = Takes study actions.
-Trade = Focusing on trade and wealth-increasing actions.
[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Caermyr, Merntir, Maradysh, Boarfolk Nomads, Caradysh, Cernn, Forden, Forluc, Zaradysh,
This update is a bit of event filled one. Diplomacy with the Forluc went well, but then they got wrecked in the actual fighting by the Caradysh. The Arthwyd burnt the Raradysh to the ground and they were going to continue the war effort by going into the Cursed Forest, but the players in the discord convinced me that the voters wanted to wait until they could sent a Main War Party into the Cursed Forest. So instead of invading the Cursed Forest, you got internal unrest to deal with as everyone is pissed at Cadlon Blodwyn for not going after the Caradysh proper.
In other news, you got cows and sheep from trading with the Forluc and Caermyr got a couple of other techs from their innovation rolls. Redstar is a fictional plant that I made up for this setting so don't try to go looking for its RL counterpart because it doesn't exist.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Early Ancient Theocratic Elective Monarchy UpperCentralisationLimit: 8 Lower CentralisationLimit: -2 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Subordinates: 1 Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province Special: Free Subordinate Slot for Subordinates that share the same religion per a point of Legitimacy. Special: Monarchs are more likely to be competent.
Early Ancient Palace Economy Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation. Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant. Passive Policies: 1 +1 per 2 Provinces. Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse. Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Subordinates Type/Loyalty/Dependence
Caermyr = Religious Trade Post/High/Low
Maradysh = Vassal/Medium/Very Low
Merntir = Religious Vassal/High/Very Low
Values & Legacies Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions. Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn, Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls. Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive.
Born Equal While the choices of a person and the world around them can make a person greater or lesser, everyone is born equal to each other.
Pros: Decreased social stratification,
Cons: Decreased social stratification,
Charitable Haven The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals, Gain a Value from current or historical neighbour,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,
Communal Mandate As per the words of the goddess, loyalty and kindness to one's people is of the highest importance and even when times are tough or when it is not personally beneficial, one should stick by their community.
Pros: Reduced Internal Discontent, Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People,
Marital Prowess (Linked to Charitable Haven) Your people are renowned for common pregnancies and the resulting large families. Men are encouraged to get women pregnant while women are encouraged to produce plenty of offspring.
Pros: Increased Population Growth, Value familial unit more,
Cons: More mouths to feed,
Sacred Defence The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Completed Megaprojects
The Census (Neolithic) A grand administrative project to give the Cadlon information about the population such as how many people there are, where they are and what they need to get by in life.
Effects: +2 Temp Stats each Main Turn, -1 Temp Econ Damage,
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Also, good on the Merntir for lowering our Legitimacy. Now that Cadlons are no longer seen as divine agents, we can enact political reforms without causing too much sectarian strife.
[X] [MAIN] War Party = Caradysh
[X] [SEC] Explore Lands = Cursed Forest
We more or less have to launch the attack, as for the messengers I just think it is something we should start working on.
Also @Oshha in the future could something like the war decision be put up as some sort of vote on the quest itself? Not a full update obviously but something really quick with a shortish voting period. I might be the odd one out not being on the discord but this was not a small decision and one that I would could see myself voting against if given the choice.
Also, good on the Merntir for lowering our Legitimacy. Now that Cadlons are no longer seen as divine agents, we can enact political reforms without causing too much sectarian strife.
@Oshha shouldn't we have beaten a couple of those quests? We didn't get full retribution on the Caradysh but we did seek it, burning down their vassal state.
Also, how is Urth wearing Carys? We killed him right after the assassination. He couldn't have looted the corpse.
Guys, Cursed Forest isn't a valid war goal. What you want is Caradysh, which is one of the actual options. Also, the Caradysh aren't all in the Cursed Forest anymore.
Guys, Cursed Forest isn't a valid war goal. What you want is Caradysh, which is one of the actual options. Also, the Caradysh aren't all in the Cursed Forest anymore.
I think that exploring the Cursed Forest at this juncture isn't what we should be doing. The Caradysh have a Main Action that they'll be using for war, they have a Heroic Martial, and there are a few elements of the Forluc fighting against us. We need 4 temp martial on this enemy, now while they're in the lowlands and not in their forest homeland. It's the single most opportune time to gain a decisive advantage in this war and it's also the single most likely point where we get doomed to defeat.
In short, we need to commit hard to beat this centuries old Heroic Martial wizard with a full stack army and a few allies, now when they don't have a home ground advantage.
Also @Oshha in the future could something like the war decision be put up as some sort of vote on the quest itself? Not a full update obviously but something really quick with a shortish voting period. I might be the odd one out not being on the discord but this was not a small decision and one that I would could see myself voting against if given the choice.
Not really. It is a small decision in the grand scheme of things so it isn't worth a vote and and only reason I went for it was because the thread discussion indicated that was what the overall thread wanted during the previous vote. Edit: I didn't put up to a vote to the discord or anything like that, I just got some persuasive arguments on the matter in the discord.
@Oshha shouldn't we have beaten a couple of those quests? We didn't get full retribution on the Caradysh but we did seek it, burning down their vassal state.
Due to be a vassal state of a different culture, the Raradysh don't count as Caradysh and you need to attack the Caradysh proper for the Arthwydish desire for retribution to be fulfilled.
We should definitely Explore the Forest, it would give us more info on the state of the Caradysh civilization. We are being hampered by a lack of information.
[X] [MAIN] War Party = Caradysh
[X] [SEC] Explore Lands = Cursed Forest
[X] [MAIN] War Party = Caradysh
[X] [SEC] Study Metal.
[X] [SEC] Study Magic.
[X] [SEC] Train Sacred Warriors
[X] [SEC] More Hunting.
War Parties' chance of losing Temp Martial is what left the Forluc vulnerable to being counter-invaded.
Stick with a single MAIN War Party to satisfy the quests and use the spare SEC to innovate for better warriors. And possibly to replenish our Martial in preparation of a Caradysh counterattack(or the war continuing into the next turn).
Palisade could be useful but I'd rather improve our casualty ratio against the undead via tech. Same with exploration, rather not use our Cateyes to map out an active warzone(do it after the war maybe?).
Having suffered such heavy losses, the Forluc were out of the war for all intentions and purposes. Things were bad for the Forluc beyond the sorry state of their military as their new Farkas was an idiot by all accounts. Farkas Kadden was the cousin of Farke Galdae and had a worst reputation amongst the Forluc than Galdae. Kadden is an insecure fool who flipflops between being certain of his superiority and being envious of others being better than him.
but the players in the discord convinced me that the voters wanted to wait until they could sent a Main War Party into the Cursed Forest. So instead of invading the Cursed Forest, you got internal unrest to deal with as everyone is pissed at Cadlon Blodwyn for not going after the Caradysh proper.