He went from comatose to awake but unable to remember past 2004 and unable to create new memories.
That transition wasn't him getting better over time, but rather the impact of a specific Healer cape brought in by Alexandria as a bribe/gift for Calamity (and also because he did get hurt at an EB fight).
What I don't remember without looking more is whether she's either visited herself a second time since seeing his amnesia, or if we've been told in-chapter that
Kurt and Lacey have visited him and seen no progress.
I don't see us spending an entire social vote with the TSAB just to ask about their mind-healing magitech capabilities, and it hasn't been told to us OOC if that'd produce results (to vote for Taylor asking and proceeding to request it) or anything. So I'm really not seeing how healing him is anything more than a hope with no plans, leaving... staring through a window at a stranger.
I will point out though that if the goal is XP, just training, even against dinos, won't cut it. Needs to be a real fight against people.
Welp, I did try to think of a decent training opportunity. Makes sense game-wise that its no better than just a simulator... though on the other hand it could've counted as a Patrol with hope for fight (and did we or Missy get XP from taking on that one cult off-world? For closest comparison).
All the more reason to shift I suppose, in my head anyway this will be a cool-down after the Fallen
slaughter raid as team-bonding seems off for school friends.
And hey, if we do opt to slap our gauntlet on the table with Ragnarok , Taylor might be in the mood for a visit to a certain theme of museum to reassure herself and everyone else she won't use this frivolously

Because the voters want emotional scenes it seems.
[X] Bone of the Father, part 2 – Maybe it's just because it's one you grew up hearing about, but the idea of an Empire off-shoot running around Philly fills you with dread. Plus the fact that the real Empire was turned into Ziz-bombs. Check their territory for any known Empire capes calling the shots.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 2 – You have the information about the Fallen you wanted, specifically about the Simurgh family. Track them down. Burn them out. Leave no survivors.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] Explore another world. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
- [X] Weekend trip to Aleph's Japan with Missy, Kayleigh and Laura. As newly-forged anime characters they need to see their true homeland, and honestly all four of you need a vacation from your vacation.
Somewhat related to fears of vote-split with my own dino idea....
@Silently Watches I'm curious what you'll do with that generic "Group Training with the Girls" vote, since it doesn't specify an activity and leaves the details to you while Japan and Gimel are both a certain specific take on social/training with the same people. Not bundle it, because those people opted to not vote specific?? Or you have your own idea in mind for what they'd do together instead?