So I think that getting Six back on track as a muse will make them less scared of death, and therefore less touched by the feelings of others, but also more alien and less human. I don't think it will make Six likelier to return to their greater self, because that would be kind of a dick move by @yrsillar to flag it as "higher chance of positive outcome" if so, but I expect that Sixiang will be more... changeable. Less of an enduring personality, and more likely to go through cycles of personality change themself.In Dream Ling Qi was surrounded by kin. Through the currents of thought and great abyss of conciousness, she swam with countless millions of her kin, forming patterns of color and brightness of incomprehensible beauty and complexity. In and out of Dream did her kin swim, individuals breaching briefly into the alien realm of the Real. Each time they carried a hint of Dream's Spark, and returned themselves, enriched by new droplets of thought to add to Dream.
In Dream, Ling Qi was born and died a thousand times. She emerged wriggling from the hide of great leviathan [Grandmother/Emerald Dancer/Sister Brightsong/Dreaming Moon Local Avatar &*^*&%^(&)] to dance and play and sing with her siblings, in the churning wake of the leviathan's passage. To breach the surface and the Real with dreams and hope and creative sparks. Then when she had swum and danced and played, and gathered the hopes, creativity, and desires of the real onto herself until her belly bulged and her eyes sagged with exhaustion, she returned, the shed scale resuming its place, and dying so that a new dream could take its place.
It was beautiful, a system without loss, old ideas and abandoned thoughts falling into Dream to be renewed and returned to the Real, subtly different than before. The people of the Real fed the Sea of Dream, and the Sea of Dream buoyed the Real, urging them to new heights of creation.
Here, Ling Qi knew not fear or sadness. Though she touched thoughts of those kinds in every cycle, never did they cling to her. They were often the seeds of creation, but the feelings themselves could not take root in a being without permanence. Without context, such things were meaningless.
And so Ling Qi experienced a thousand thousand cycles, and never learned a single thing. Each momentary existence, each creative spark, each muse passing and fading like a waking dream. With each passing cycle, Ling Qi felt her own mind diverging from the experience she was following, until at last she felt like an observer, rather than a participant.
I agree.I think thinking about either as a "trap" is the wrong way to manage it.
Ultimately, if the choice was just between "option with bad chance" "option with better chance" then it would be kinda pointless.
The thing I think we have to think about here is what the long term outcomes are likely to be, and whether or not they're something we want. And to examine the trade-offs there.
And the Moon option, as I detailed above, I think makes Sixiang less human, more detached from people, and fundamentally more alien. Which is fine by me. We've got one Ling Qi; I don't need another. I want her to have an alien-minded partner, because I think that's interesting."Heh, looks like you were paying attention to the art stuff after all," Sixiang chuckled. "But, yes Ling Qi, I understand people, I can feel what they feel. Do you understand?"
Ling Qi had difficulty imagining it, she had trouble enough with her own emotions, the thought of having the feelings of others flooding her head at all times was… unpleasant. She knew intuitively that Sixiang was not just speaking of their allies, and it fed certain threads of unease that had wound through her thoughts since the day when she had killed the Bai traitor and the bandits. She lowered her eyes as the dirge rose higher. "I stand by what I said earlier. You should save your understanding for the people you care about. You have to choose what to value more and less."
We don't have enough information to examine the trade-offs.I think thinking about either as a "trap" is the wrong way to manage it.
Ultimately, if the choice was just between "option with bad chance" "option with better chance" then it would be kinda pointless.
The thing I think we have to think about here is what the long term outcomes are likely to be, and whether or not they're something we want. And to examine the trade-offs there.
Do they want to be more than they are?[X] Melodies of the Spirit Seekers (Lean in to the problem of empathy and how to solve it. Improves Sixiang's Wind affinity. Lower Chance of Positive result)
Maybe its the transhumanist in me, but I want to try and help her become more then she is.
I don't see why I'd say it just means Six likely grows to understand the "there are things that you care about more than the possibility of death" mentality that humans have that Six is so confused by because they can't comprehend why we aren't fretting about our deaths every moment we live.I agree.
My belief is that the Wind option is going to make Sixiang more... well, more like Ling Qi. She's got a set of people she cares about and has strong empathy for, and mostly ignores the rest. It's an option that helps Sixiang limit their empathy from the all-encompassing nature of the muse and become closer to human:
And the Moon option, as I detailed above, I think makes Sixiang less human, more detached from people, and fundamentally more alien. Which is fine by me. We've got one Ling Qi; I don't need another. I want her to have an alien-minded partner, because I think that's interesting.