I haven't been paying much attention to the news lately (it's at least 90% depressing political crap), but I just saw that there were more strikes going on over in France.

Everything all right in your neck of the woods?
I'm safe and unharmed! I'm less invested in this whole mess to be honest, so at protests I stayed away from cops and all that. This reform is going to pass despite protests, and I need to have functioning lungs and face for the job interviews I'm doing these days.

It's super inconvenient (no trains, etc), but at least it's good for my health with all the walking and cycling ;) I've been going through job interviews lately, and having no public transport is a pain for us Paris-people who never got a "useless" driving license.

I'm actually completing a Master's degree this December, and the strikes led to the university leadership preemptively shutting down the buildings to avoid a student-led shutdown.
I know, it's stupid. Welcome to French administration.
But this means that all my finals were sent to us by e-mail to do at home today and tomorrow, which is a mixed blessing. Means I have little time for Scholarium sheet accounting adjustments (Braavos will wait, sorry @egoo) but it also means that in five days I will finally have free time and a holiday!
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While the Steam Cannon batteries hit harder and further, they're strictly single target weapons
I like the other bit on adding explosives, but I just wanted to point out that the energy siege shot enchantment provides an AoE effect for most energy types outside of the damage conversion. Mostly 15-30 ft burst effects, but cold does provide a longer lasting zone of entanglement and damage over time.
Are we really not meeting Bu Gai until we conquer Westeros, or it's just Crake's opinion?

I was really looking forward to that ever since we launched the fleet and snippets from Yi Ti started trickling in. Feels like a waste if we delay that meeting because we just want to wave a bigger territory.

[X] Goldfish
Was just my opinion, though TBH I see nothing we can do with him at the moment that our agents couldn't, yet his position compels him to treat us as anything but an equal unless we manage the narrative the right way.
Was just my opinion, though TBH I see nothing we can do with him at the moment that our agents couldn't, yet his position compels him to treat us as anything but an equal unless we manage the narrative the right way.
I'll admit I mostly care about getting a personal read of the guy and coordinating against the Golden Company. With luck we'll be poised to put an end to them within the month.
And... we just really don't need to meet him to do the latter, and the former is also not really important until we intend to do more stuff over there. Other than dealing with Tiamat's minions, Yi Ti just doesn't have priority over Westeros and Western Essos, and dealing with both of those allows us to just do the usual steam rolling that players so love whenever delicate political situations arise.

Truthfully? If it falls to me to think of a way to have cake plus eat cake, I would much rather not put Mah Boi in a position where he has to treat us as an unwashed barbarian king just because his court cant handle the idea of implied power and geopolitical positioning. Even if he's prescient enough to realize the strategic implications of our own position.

I'd rather just show up and have the first person to challenge our "affront" to Imperial dignity get the dry response of "I rule over three times the landmass of Yi Ti across three continents, the Son of Heaven gazes upon his counterpart and yet you are less than a gnat".
You will know his name. This thread, will rememeber him!

I did, and this was the fruit of it. I only managed to salvage quotes from the time I was still saving chapters offline. Now that more people are aware of what we have lost, I have but a snippet of what our dear mad cousin was. Behold the results of my travels into the depths of my mememory (card). Behold what DP may have wiped, but never forgotten!

The Best of Daeron Brightflame

Let's start with when we have first met him, surviving all alone in Lys in the middle of the infested Gilded Quarter. When his witty fatalism started worming it's way to our hearts.

His annoying sarcasm.

Not even gods are safe from him.

His talent that endeared him to us.

Of course, we would never have loote- rescued him from Lys if he didn't have magic.

We also loved him for his self depreciating callousness.

What endeared him to most is of course, his hatred of slavery.

Certainly because of his fascinating stunning performances battle competence.

Alas that is all the things I was able to save, whicb sadly includes some of the best fights. But if I could just imagine how it read before...

His one liners.

His awesome performances with epic songs.

Which are sometimes bittersweet. More so with DP's decision due to the thread's uproar about IRL songs being a great suspension of disbelief.

And of course his last words...

Notes: Sorry for the quote blast, DP. This omake was sitting unfinished for a while, until this latest thread discussion inspired me, so....
RIP Daeron Brightflame, who may or may not have existed.
@Crake, HOW DARE YOU FORGET HIS NAME?!? :cry::cry::cry:

@Tman2033 Daeron was the best character that DP never created, and if not for @Takesis' brave archiving work we would have lost all trace of his existence when DP and the SV mods ran a bot that scrubbed all mentions of him from the thread after the Void Dragon got him.
@Tman2033 Daeron was the best character that DP never created, and if not for @Takesis' brave archiving work we would have lost all trace of his existence when DP and the SV mods ran a bot that scrubbed all mentions of him from the thread after the Void Dragon got him.
I see, I see. Well, I'm sure we'll get him back one day. One question though. Who were we talking about again?
Interlude DCLXXIII: The Secondborn of Sarnor Addendum
The Secondborn of Sarnor Addendum

By Anu of Sallosh​

With the unexpected but wholly welcome blessing of Kirem's forging I found myself far less hesitant in attempting to forge arcane metals, even briefly considering such esoteric materials as singing steel or sun silver though they had never passed through the hands of Sarnori smiths. Yet my art is one wrought of patience and my responsibility a solemn one, not forging weapons but bringing into being new life.

It is perhaps ironic that it was with these thoughts that I assembled from living brass and cold iron, ever willful to the touch of magic, the one who was to call himself Hubur. A skilled and enthusiastic warrior as much as Anbari his gift made itself known from the moment he first touched a weapon. The metal of his hands seemed to flow over the blade, remaking it in his own image. Though this metamorphosis did not last once he had released the hilt neither did it seem to disturb any enchantment that may have been laid upon any weapon he held. A useful skill, though I would be lying if I did not say that I worry for him should he ever face a foe against which it will prove useful.

Fey-bane and smith's riddle, drawn from the depths magic to un-kindle.
-The Gift of Eldest Iron

Abilities: Con +2, Dex -2, Str+2

  1. Cold Iron Tracery as bonus Feat
  2. Any weapon held also counts as Cold Iron for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance

So it was that mere days before embarking upon the journey back to Old Sarnor that I set about my final self-imposed task, a new worry gnawing at the back of my mind. Did I have a right to make so many when I might soon perish, leaving them to seek out their place in the world with neither aid nor guidance? I wanted these children of mine to discover what brought them joy and fulfillment, of course, but not alone. I banished the thought, this was a fair a realm as any for them to find themselves in and if I did not return they would inherit all of my earthly wealth. I am not rich by the standards of Sorcerer's Deep, certainly, but I have enough put away from commissions and consultations both to the crown and privately that my estate split five ways would make for a comfortable life.

Yet perhaps it was some measure of that worry that made me work so assiduously to see that the last of those that I would bring into the world would be as well protected as I could manage. Saguras, as she chose to be named in the tongue of Sarnor, is without a doubt the most physically imposing of us, towering almost a foot above me, but she is also the most thoughtful and introspective of the newly awakened, seeking out the library rather than the training field. I was pleased indeed to see her find a friend in another who shares the nature of adamantine, the young warrior-philosopher Bahro. As great a heart he has as the efreeti have given him a mighty body. I go now to Sarnor content in the legacy I have left behind if I should perish in the tomb-city of the Makers.

Mountain's soul and stone's heart, ever strong through ages passing.
-The Gift of Adamantine

Abilities: Con +2, Dex -4, Str +4, Wis +2

  1. Adamantine Body and Improved Damage Reduction (x2) as bonus feats
  2. Carrying capacity calculated as a Large Creature
  3. LA +1

The Above being a report delivered to Wisdom Teana of the Scholarum on the Seventh Day of the Eleventh Month of the Year 293 After the Westerosi Reckoning

OOC: This is a bit short but I figured it would be best to finish it sooner rather than later so you guys could have all the warforged information in one go.
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The Secondborn of Sarnor Addendum

By Anu of Sallosh​

With the unexpected but wholly welcome blessing of Kirem's forging I found myself far less hesitant in attempting to forge arcane metals, even briefly considering such esoteric materials as singing steel or sun silver though they had never passed though the hands of Sarnori smiths. Yet my art is one wrought of patience and my responsibility a solemn one, not forging weapons but bringing into being new life.

It is perhaps ironic that it was with these thoughts that I assembled from living brass and cold iron ever wilful to the touch of magic the one who was to call himself Hubur. A skilled and enthusiastic warrior as much as Anbari his gift made itself known from the moment he first touched a weapon. The mental of his hands seemed to flow over the blade remaking it in his own image. Though this metamorphosis did not last once he had released the hilt neither did it seem to disturb any enchantment that may have been laid upon any weapon he held. A useful skill, though I would be lying if I did not say that I worry for him should he ever face a foe against which it will prove useful.

Fey-bane and smith's riddle, drawn from the depths magic to un-kindle
-The Gift of Eldest Iron

Abilities: Con +2; Dex -2; Str+2

  1. Cold Iron Tracery as bonus Feat
  2. Any weapon held also counts as Cold Iron for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance

So it was that mere days before embarking upon the journey back to Old Sarnor I set about my final self-imposed task, a new worry gnawing at the back of my mind. Did I have a right to make so many when I might soon perish leaving them to seek out their place in the world with neither aid nor guidance? I wanted these children of mine to discover what brought them joy and fulfillment of course, but not alone. I banished the thought, this was a fair a realm as any for them to find themselves in and if I did not return they would inherit all of my earthly wealth. I am not rich by the standards of Sorcerer's Deep certainly, but I have enough put away from going commissions and consultations both to the crown and privately that my estate split five ways would make for a comfortable life.

Yet perhaps it was some measure of that worry that made me work so assiduously to see that the last of those that would bring into the world would be as well protected as I could manage. Saguras as she chose to be maned in the tongue of Sarnor is without a doubt the most physically imposing of us towering almost a foot above me, but she is also the most thoughtful and introspective of the newly awakened, seeking out the library rather than the training field. I was pleased indeed to see her find a friend in another who shares the nature of adamant, the young warrior-philosopher Bahro. As great a heart has he as the Efreeti have given him a mighty body. I go now to Sarnor content in the legacy I have left behind if I should perish in the tomb-city of the Makers

Mountain's soul and stone's heart, ever strong though age's passing
-The Gift of Adamant

Abilities: Con +2; Dex -4, Str +4, Wis +2

  1. Adamantine Body and Improved Damage Reduction (x2) as bonus feats
  2. Carrying capacity calculated as a Large Creature
  3. LA +1

The Above being a report delivered to Wisdom Teana of the Scholarum on the Seventh Day of the Eleventh Month of the Year 293 After the Westerosi Reckoning

OOC: This is a bit short but I figured it would be best to finish it sooner rather than later so you guys could have all the warforged information in one go. Not yet edited.
So awesome, DP, but also worrying. Anu seems really worried about his continued survival.

All the Warforged are really neat.

So Bahro is the Adamantine Golem's chosen name? I'll add it to his info in the Armory.