Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
@yrsillar is Yu Nuan the person Ling Qi had her sect dual with in terms of the mouse vs..winter, Imbued value Vs endings?

The one where the observers had one take on her opponent's song, but she had a different perception?
If you're speaking of the duel at Turn 2, then yes, she is that person. Our former music rival who almost became irrelevant till Hanyi arc came and brought her back again.

Her title of "music rival" has been replaced by Bardbarian though (the barbarian leader we encountered last arc)
>my love for sister and positive family relationships
>my love for Meizhen and Suyin
i can't chOoS—
>vote tally
oh wow that's lopsided

[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)
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*Sometime Later*
Yu Nuan's friend: So how did the hunting trip go? Did she help you find a good one?
Yu Nuan: Yeah...(remembers being hoisted through the air)she really...(seeing a golden dragon)it wasn't what I...(meeting a Leigong).
*deep breath* You know those stories people tell about Lucky Ling Qi?
Yu Nuan's friend: *nods*
Yu Nuan: *reveals new spirit* They're all true. Every goddamn one of em.
Yu Nuan's friend: *shooketh*
[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)
"...That's what people mean when they talk about your luck huh," Yu Nuan said dully.

Yrs, do you have a particular dog breed in mind for this? I'm imagining a St Bernard until contradicted.
Seconding. Its the right location seeing as we're in the not-quite-tibet mountains too.
Speaking of arts, has it been mentioned how we'll acquire arts and techniques for our eventual clan? I assume that they'd either be provided by the Cai or the Sect lets us keep copies of what we've learned. Has anyone confirmed this one way or another?
Partly. As mentioned above, we already got a lot of arts from Cai, most of them were Red and Yellow, they weren't meant for Ling Qi, but to establish initial library for her nascent clan. But that is more or less common arts, the ones that Cai and Bai can share with us. More specialized, core 'Ling' arts we need to create on our own.
Also Sect banned teaching Argent arts to outsiders, but any not-Argent arts that we find in archive is fair game to add to 'Ling' library.
Yep, also noting the library includes things like red arts for your cultivator vassals for farming, guard, crafts, etc.
[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)

I'm in the mood for serious talk with Meizhen
My love for our best friend can allow me to do nothing less.

[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)
You know, Yu Nuan is putting a fair bit of trust into Ling Qi Here. I imagine the drop would be fatal if you didn't have an art to protect you from fall damage and not everyone would.
Not really. She is third realm. If humans can survive falling out of planes then she could likely make a 3 point landing.

I guess it is possible that she might break a leg, but dieing doesn't feel in the cards.
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Yep, also noting the library includes things like red arts for your cultivator vassals for farming, guard, crafts, etc.
Yeah, I've been looking into what kind of things Ling Qi would need to actually train guards in whatever territory she ends up managing, and the moment I went beyond looking at likely platoons, it went from 5 arts (cultivation, melee attack, ranged attack, defense, buff), to almost 30 (successor arts, as well as all the missing arts for filling out a high red's art portfolio, successors for those, and then the specialized shit) and then the pill recipes and talisman plans to support those arts. And I was only considering soldiery, not any of the arts a non-combatant might use.

The ultimate result of that work was we should make sure the arts Ling Qi teaches have as many keywords in common as possible (though I expect going beyond 3 will be untenable) so that she needs only a few pill recipes and talisman plans to support her guards; Biyu and any ascendant talents should probably get sent to a sect, even if that's more costly, because the median quality of arts is likely to be higher than the things Ling Qi makes for her first few arts.
Yeah, I've been looking into what kind of things Ling Qi would need to actually train guards in whatever territory she ends up managing, and the moment I went beyond looking at likely platoons, it went from 5 arts (cultivation, melee attack, ranged attack, defense, buff), to almost 30 (successor arts, as well as all the missing arts for filling out a high red's art portfolio, successors for those, and then the specialized shit) and then the pill recipes and talisman plans to support those arts. And I was only considering soldiery, not any of the arts a non-combatant might use.

The ultimate result of that work was we should make sure the arts Ling Qi teaches have as many keywords in common as possible (though I expect going beyond 3 will be untenable) so that she needs only a few pill recipes and talisman plans to support her guards; Biyu and any ascendant talents should probably get sent to a sect, even if that's more costly, because the median quality of arts is likely to be higher than the things Ling Qi makes for her first few arts.
Presumably the Cai archivist has it curated properly
Presumably the Cai archivist has it curated properly
Yes, the reveal of what the Cai art cache actually was made a lot of my work obsolete, and why I said "teach", and not "make", but I also don't expect it to have information on pills or talismans, and our experience with cultivation is that drugs are super important for progression. Recipes for three or so pills that each affect a keyword shared by 90% of the arts she teaches her guards will significantly improve the rate at which those guards advance and thus their utility to the fief, even if they are bad pills compared to what an early red could make while experimenting.
[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)

I really want more Li Suyin! been too long since we seen her.
Also, better to get ready for the war footing, before meeting family.

That strike of Ling Qi luck, though... was hilarious. How big is the difference between the spirit Yu Nuan was hoping to catch when the little ice spirit interrupted, and the one Ling Qi helped her get just now?
I kind of want to touch base in narrative with Xiao Fen before meeting up with Bai Meizhen. If Meizhen gives us relevant business stuff to do with her, it can happen in the background unless it's really important, in which case it'll happen anyway.

Also, I wonder if we're going to share some arts with Su Ling. The archive exists, and I'd be surprised if the selection for outer sect Greens didn't get expanded, true. However, we got em just laying around. Any time we save her having to earn access means time she's actually cultivating instead.