Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
She trailed off as she looked south over the slow moving field of dark clouds, and saw a vast golden arch rising from them, then beyond it, another and another. They were vast, tens of meters across and hundreds long, and for a moment, Ling Qi mistook them for some kind of structure, but she had never seen such a thing above Argent peak, the core of the Sect. Then it dawned on her, the glittering golden scales, the weblike ridges waving lazily from the back of the arches, and there, the contours of a titanic leg…

She knew, clinically speaking that there was a reason that their Sect Head Yuan he was so well respected, and their Sect so prestigious. However, it was a different thing entirely to see his spirit companion, the Celestial Dragon King of the South in the flesh. She had not felt his presence, but the great beast was not concealing it. No, looking south, seeing the source with her own eyes, she understood. She had felt the dragons qi, because it was the storm. It seemed Sect Head Yuan was not restraining himself.
Yeah, that's a big boy. And I don't even know if the Dragon King of the South is a prism, like the Sect Head Yuan is. The upper echelons of cultivation are just crazy insane.
"...It's not like your that heavy you know. I could just carry you."
They were quick beasts, and bounded away her approach, but she was by faster
she was by far the faster one
she was faster

Some other combination of the words
With her hands occupied, ling Qi instead channeled the mercurial qi
Ling Qi
The spirits chest was that a well muscled man, and was bare to the waist.
that of a well muscled
It is my fault entire, so if amends must be made, allow me to do so
Hoho, call it an old man's whim," the spirit chuckled. When the King no longer hangs in the sky seek out the Thunder Palace, too long has it been since new talent warmed mine hall."
spirit chuckled. "When the King

The spirits chest was that a well muscled man, and was bare to the waist.
Truly this is a sign from the newly departed Muscle Zhou. A remembrance that the power of Muscles live on, even without him as their Avatar in the front lines. Your well muscled message is definitely recieved Muscle Zhou. May you flex your Muscles in the Great Beyond forever more.
She trailed off as she looked south over the slow moving field of dark clouds, and saw a vast golden arch rising from them, then beyond it, another and another. They were vast, tens of meters across and hundreds long, and for a moment, Ling Qi mistook them for some kind of structure, but she had never seen such a thing above Argent peak, the core of the Sect. Then it dawned on her, the glittering golden scales, the weblike ridges waving lazily from the back of the arches, and there, the contours of a titanic leg…

She knew, clinically speaking that there was a reason that their Sect Head Yuan he was so well respected, and their Sect so prestigious. However, it was a different thing entirely to see his spirit companion, the Celestial Dragon King of the South in the flesh. She had not felt his presence, but the great beast was not concealing it. No, looking south, seeing the source with her own eyes, she understood. She had felt the dragons qi, because it was the storm. It seemed Sect Head Yuan was not restraining himself. this where Ji Rong got his dragon?
a great shaggy Thunder Beast bounded out of the churning clouds, and padded up to them with a booming bark. She only blinked when the spirit beast licked Yu Nuan's face with a tongue of crackling lightning, making the girls hair frizz outwards with static.
Yrs, do you have a particular dog breed in mind for this? I'm imagining a St Bernard until contradicted.

Anyway, I want to prioritize seeing our mom and little sister. I think it's the most in-character, and I want to give Best Foxgirl headpats.
Guys, last update it was established that LQ's mom was pretty shaken up by recent events. We should really check up on her and our little sister.
[] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

I want this. I think it would be very interesting to have Su Ling meet Ling Qi's family, especially since she is focused on protecting regular people. Plus we get to see Biyu reacting to Su Ling's tails.

I hope it's a good reaction, I don't want Su Ling to want to maim herself constantly because she associates her tails with her mother.
This is war, or the moment where war has been declared, but before the small fry (like Ling) get their marching orders.

Does Ling Qi seek community now, and the preparation for war after grounding herself in the why she does what she does, or instead seek to try and create a sense of.... retaking control, or at least the feeling that one has done what one can, and then connecting with her family?

I know which I am leaning towards, anyway.

Ling has a good mom.

Edit: Just realised, Su Ling is a better person than Ling Qi. It's nice to play as a... person who isn't bad; but has a better person to contrast player choices against.

And to still... Have the main character be portrayed as.. well, mostly ok as a person in terms of good/bad.

Yraillar makes good art. I hold gratitude to them; who's avatar is a grinning moon.
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Ling Qi gave her a sidelong look. "...It's not like your that heavy you know. I could just carry you."

The other girl shot her a suspicious look. "...What?"

"I can just carry you," Ling Qi replied simply, crossing her arms. She didn't care for such close physical contact, but it really was the best solution. Although she could admit at least that it helped that Yu Nuan was a girl, and had not shown no sign of alternative inclinations. "It might be a little awkward to manage and leave your hands free to play, but it's not hard either."

Yu Nuan stared blankly at her, as if Ling Qi had just suggested something absurd. "And you would be fine with that?" She asked dubiously.

"I would not have suggested it otherwise," Ling Qi replied archly.

Qi's previous Stoic Noble Face, combined with her rocketing up in rank and prestige, has left Nuan feeling very wary of offending the noble significantly more powerful than her in both potential and political backing. Unbeknownst to her, Qi is very serious about paying debts, and is a perennial over-achiever, and isn't actually that strung up on noble propriety at the moment.

Working out the carry was more awkward than she would have liked, even if she was taller than Yu Nuan, having the other girl sit on her back was awkward, and lacking Hanyi's bond and nature, she tended to fall through whenever Ling Qi sped up, maneuvered sharply or crossed distances without moving. Since her hands had to be free, she couldn't keep a hold on Ling Qi's shoulders either. Still, they eventually came to a solution.

"Gods, just make sure you don't slip," Yu Nuan muttered as they soared up toward the belly of the clouds, her legs dangling freely toward the ground so far below. Ling Qi had her arms looped under the other girls. It was an awkward position, and she was sure it would have left her with sore muscles a few months ago, but things should be fine. Her vision was blocked by the other girls head and hair, but that was what her mirror motes were for.

Lol, what an awkward image.

Ling Qi's eyebrows rose, but she supposed she shouldn't have been surprised. "How did you fare?" She asked idly as they entered the cloud layer.

Yu Nuan grimaced at the sudden damp. "Nothing heroic like you," she said, and Ling Qi could not tell if she was being sarcastic or not. "I got rounded up to support the lower nine hundreds, and we drove off the bugs that tried to swarm up the mountain. They were going for the vent's I think. Wasn't glamorous, but I did my job, didn't…" Ling Qi sensed a twinge of bitterness from the other girl. "Didn't let anyone in my group die."

"That's not an accomplishment to spit on," Ling Qi replied absently as they soared up and up through the rain bloated belly of the storm clouds, the light from above growing brighter as they neared the surface.

Feels pretty inferior, it seems like. Doesn't feel like she did much of anything.

"Anyway," Ling Qi began as they broke through into the blue morning sky above. "Which way d'you think…"

She trailed off as she looked south over the slow moving field of dark clouds, and saw a vast golden arch rising from them, then beyond it, another and another. They were vast, tens of meters across and hundreds long, and for a moment, Ling Qi mistook them for some kind of structure, but she had never seen such a thing above Argent peak, the core of the Sect. Then it dawned on her, the glittering golden scales, the weblike ridges waving lazily from the back of the arches, and there, the contours of a titanic leg…

She knew, clinically speaking that there was a reason that their Sect Head Yuan he was so well respected, and their Sect so prestigious. However, it was a different thing entirely to see his spirit companion, the Celestial Dragon King of the South in the flesh. She had not felt his presence, but the great beast was not concealing it. No, looking south, seeing the source with her own eyes, she understood. She had felt the dragons qi, because it was the storm. It seemed Sect Head Yuan was not restraining himself.

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. Powerful imagery of this insanely long eastern dragon. Awesome.

Your roll results:
Your rolls are 97

It was at this point that I turned my phone screen off, set it down, put my head in my hands, and sighed.

"Hoh! That will be enough of distracting my herding dogs," The voice was male, and boomed with the rumble of a storm. A flickering mote of silver turned in the folds of her dress, and she got a good look at her assailant. Three meters tall, the spirit had the outline of a man, but little more. The red eyes like a crow, set in a human-like face stared back at her from above a sharp and pointed beak, and wings like a bat beat against the air. The spirits chest was that a well muscled man, and was bare to the waist. In one hand he held a silver mallet, more like a drummers tool than a weapon. He wore a rough loincloth of animal hides and his legs ended in the talons of a bird.

Leigong, the thought came to her immediately, little gods, shepherds of storms, highly ranked among the spirits of air and heaven. For a second, memories of childhood stories and common legend mixed with memories of study in the archives. Even as she righted her body, she tried to right her thoughts. The Spirit was fourth realm after all, she couldn't afford to give offense.

Ling Qi, what the fuck.

"My apologies, great one. We did not mean to disturb your work," Ling Qi replied hurriedly, dipping her head.

"Yes, absolutely not," Yu Nuan was quick to agree, holding very still in her arms. " We only meant to tame a wild beast."

"My deepest regrets for our error," Ling Qi added. "It is my fault entire, so if amends must be made, allow me to do so." She wasn't going to repay Yu Nuan's courtesy by letting her take blame for this. The other girl shot Ling Qi an incredulous look over her shoulder. Leigong were supposed to be honorable sorts anyway.

As I said, Ling Qi takes repaying a debt very seriously, and will sooner take a hit herself than allow an ally to be struck.

"However, now is not the time. The King's ire threatens to drown the land and mine court must keep order. Now is not the time for revels."

They both dipped their heads, Ling Qi in chagrined apology and Yu Nuan still mostly in fear.

Ling Qi has stared down that Dreamed fraction of a White, and confronted a peak Cyan in order to help her. She can maintain her composure in times of pressure.

"Let us cease distracting you then, Lord of Storms," Ling Qi said as eloquently as she was able.

"I thank you for your kind words and forgiveness," Yu Nuan added in a tight voice

She began to withdraw only to stop dead as the spirit threw out his empty hand. "Nay, children, I will not end thy quest in failure. The drums of war beat in mountain and glen, in the sky and below the earth. You desire a hound, and so you will have one, little storm singer, in the hope that you might live and play in happier days."

Aaaaaahhhhhh, Ling Qi what the fuuuuck.

Ling Qi stared, her eyes wide as the spirit let out a shrill whistle, despite lacking the anatomy for it and a great shaggy Thunder Beast bounded out of the churning clouds, and padded up to them with a booming bark. She only blinked when the spirit beast licked Yu Nuan's face with a tongue of crackling lightning, making the girls hair frizz outwards with static.

As it has been said, this is very Ghibli and adorable. She got a Big Strong Thunder Pupper.

She spluttered, not harmed by the electricity but just as stunned as Ling Qi. "I… uh, just like that?" she asked incredulously.

"Hoho, call it an old man's whim," the spirit chuckled. When the King no longer hangs in the sky seek out the Thunder Palace, too long has it been since new talent warmed mine hall."

Welp, have fun on your spiritual patronage quest chain. You can get some amazingly cool shit, but they can be a bit harrowing.

"...That's what people mean when they talk about your luck huh," Yu Nuan said dully.

"Yes," Ling Qi admitted uncomfortably.

It is proper that her absurd good fortune is known in universe. Qi doesn't even try to deny it.

"Any time, Do you want to do the binding here, or down on the ground?" Ling Qi asked.

"Best get it done now, before the world decides to make sense again," Yu Nuan laughed.

Ling Qi nodded as Yu Nuan began the binding ritual. She thought the girl was being a bit over dramatic, but she was glad to see someone else having a bit of good fortune. Still, with her obligations clear, she really should start checking up on everyone.

Yu Nuan Bond Established. Rank 1

Fucking sick, though that's another tiny social link in a pile of them.

[] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)
[] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

Reunions, absolutely. Touch base with our family and our Outer Sect pals (including Su Ling that goddamn hero), and then arm up and prepare for war.
Working out the carry was more awkward than she would have liked, even if she was taller than Yu Nuan, having the other girl sit on her back was awkward, and lacking Hanyi's bond and nature, she tended to fall through whenever Ling Qi sped up, maneuvered sharply or crossed distances without moving. Since her hands had to be free, she couldn't keep a hold on Ling Qi's shoulders either. Still, they eventually came to a solution.
Things Ling Qi doesn't respect: conservation of momentum, continuity of motion, having a solid form. These go a long way to explain why it's so hard to land a hit even for peers who should be good at that.

Also Yu Nuan totally could've ridden LQ like a surfboard, both should have the balance for it.
"Gods, just make sure you don't slip," Yu Nuan muttered as they soared up toward the belly of the clouds, her legs dangling freely toward the ground so far below.

You know, Yu Nuan is putting a fair bit of trust into Ling Qi Here. I imagine the drop would be fatal if you didn't have an art to protect you from fall damage and not everyone would.

She knew, clinically speaking that there was a reason that their Sect Head Yuan he was so well respected, and their Sect so prestigious. However, it was a different thing entirely to see his spirit companion, the Celestial Dragon King of the South in the flesh. She had not felt his presence, but the great beast was not concealing it. No, looking south, seeing the source with her own eyes, she understood. She had felt the dragons qi, because it was the storm. It seemed Sect Head Yuan was not restraining himself.

"Not that way," Yu Nuan said thickly.

"Not that way," Ling Qi agreed, veering north and west. There was plenty of storm, no need to pester their Elders.

I like that even Ling Qi just went nope at the dragon.

So they went for much of the morning, hopping between the most concentrated parts of the storm, one after another, a trail of curious Thunder beasts following along in their wake.

The thunder dogs following them around is actually pretty adorable.

Ling Qi stared, her eyes wide as the spirit let out a shrill whistle, despite lacking the anatomy for it and a great shaggy Thunder Beast bounded out of the churning clouds, and padded up to them with a booming bark. She only blinked when the spirit beast licked Yu Nuan's face with a tongue of crackling lightning, making the girls hair frizz outwards with static.
Then he was gone, taking the pack and the herd of lesser spirits with him in a single flash of lightning and they were left floating in the clouds, kept company only by the massive Thunder Beast. It let out a cheerful wuff that sounded like a gale wind and regarded them with panting dog-like grin.

I bet he's a good boy and just wants ear and belly rubs.
Posted at 5:04, 7:05 now, moratorium over,

[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

Yeah, Mom got scared, Ling Qi got injured, best to lay it out. And Biyu is going to enjoy touching the fluffy tails.