We just need to get Meizhen drunk/high enough to be too mellow to scare anyone first!Be glad she isn't inviting Meizhen to meet her family, that might lead to actual heart attacks.
Ling Qi stared, her eyes wide as the spirit let out a shrill whistle, despite lacking the anatomy for it and a great shaggy Thunder Beast bounded out of the churning clouds, and padded up to them with a booming bark. She only blinked when the spirit beast licked Yu Nuan's face with a tongue of crackling lightning, making the girls hair frizz outwards with static.
She spluttered, not harmed by the electricity but just as stunned as Ling Qi. "I… uh, just like that?" she asked incredulously.
"Hoho, call it an old man's whim," the spirit chuckled. When the King no longer hangs in the sky seek out the Thunder Palace, too long has it been since new talent warmed my hall."
Then he was gone, taking the pack and the herd of lesser spirits with him in a single flash of lightning and they were left floating in the clouds, kept company only by the massive Thunder Beast. It let out a cheerful wuff that sounded like a gale wind and regarded them with panting dog-like grin.
"...That's what people mean when they talk about your luck huh," Yu Nuan said dully.
I think that'd just make her more likely to lose control of her natural FEAR domain thoWe just need to get Meizhen drunk/high enough to be too mellow to scare anyone first!
Tibetan Mastiff.Yrs, do you have a particular dog breed in mind for this? I'm imagining a St Bernard until contradicted.
She trailed off as she looked south over the slow moving field of dark clouds, and saw a vast golden arch rising from them, then beyond it, another and another. They were vast, tens of meters across and hundreds long, and for a moment, Ling Qi mistook them for some kind of structure, but she had never seen such a thing above Argent peak, the core of the Sect. Then it dawned on her, the glittering golden scales, the weblike ridges waving lazily from the back of the arches, and there, the contours of a titanic leg…
She knew, clinically speaking that there was a reason that their Sect Head Yuan he was so well respected, and their Sect so prestigious. However, it was a different thing entirely to see his spirit companion, the Celestial Dragon King of the South in the flesh. She had not felt his presence, but the great beast was not concealing it. No, looking south, seeing the source with her own eyes, she understood. She had felt the dragons qi, because it was the storm. It seemed Sect Head Yuan was not restraining himself.
Man, I think that Kang Zihao just lost the best pupper competition.The storm rolling out from the Wall spread over a vast distance, and dense knots of thunder, lightning and water qi were prevalent. One by one Ling Qi dove down into the Clouds as Yu Nuan's direction and began to wrangle the Thunder Beasts they found. Thunder beasts appeared as great canines the size of horses made from dark cloud rather than flesh, lightning crackled beneath their cloud flesh like veins and bones, giving them shape, and their barks were the boom of thunder.