Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)

Reunions is probably the better narrative choice but I'm gonna vote for the one I want to see more.
[x] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

It's time. We've got to introduce floofy fox friend to Mom and Sis. Did we not confide with Su Ling about our past with our mom? I don't recall how many people we've shared this ourselves, but I could swear Su Ling was one of them. Either way, this is also good for Fenfen bulli
[X] Requisitions (Bai Meizhen, Bao Qingling, Li Suyin)

Being prepared and having the answers to the inevitable questions our family is going to ask us will be better for both our and their confidence and sense of safety. I don't want to have them overly anxious or afraid because we either don't have an answer or say the wrong thing.

Those three we could see for a requisition style meeting are definitely going to be the kind of people able to help us ensure that our family and home will be safe, and coming back with all the answers to questions we ask and those they won't even know to ask would be preferable to me.
[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

@yrsillar It's not huge deal, but.. can we please have a scene where doggo is petted by Ling or Hyani (if in character)?

Friendly storm doggo good boi
I would vote for

[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

even if my avatar didn't make me contractually obligated to go for Su Ling. There is just too much good in that route.
[X] Reunions(Ling Qingge & Biyu, Su Ling, Xiao Fen)

Going with this, requisitions sounds like its just fully of mad science

Also RIP loot dagger, its totally gonna be confiscated for research purposes