It turns people into crystals if they touch it.
Like... valuable crystals?
We know what Death Battle Magic Gretel has her eye fixed on, then.
Hmm, shiny, if rather morbid.
Wonder how that works.
Uh, given the explicit knowledge we have so far of the black gem using it as the capstone of our staff is indeed going to be maximum Wizard Chic - immensely frustrating, unproductive, and leading to a lack of magic being performed.
Are you instead thinking of powerstones?
Staff-carving is a subset of enchantment by Word of Boney, so if we want the best staff possible/best odds of not ruining our materials, we want the highest enchanting skill possible.
Powerstones are unrelated to staves (unless you do something weird like Adela did), but we're probably going to want a class on powerstones anyway, because that's a research path on AV. Which reminds me of a question I have kept meaning to ask:
@BoneyM, is the creation of powerstones sufficiently inherently dangerous that Mathilde would do it inside the Room of Oh Dear if she had that Room, or is it just difficult and fiddly? I'm trying to get a sense of what potential activities Mathilde would prefer to do in Tower rooms that make the activity
easier (Dawn and Dusk or Neutrality, depending on the activity) vs making it
safer (Oh Dear).
Just based on what we know so far it seems very unlikely to be usable in a Mega Magic staff, since we want such a thing to attract and channel the Winds and not repel them. So while I think we should study it so it doesn't linger and we can decide what to do with it besides have it sit, it being a staff component would be surprising to me.
Weren't we told that staff making is the drudgework of enchanting, requiring more patience than skill? Does a higher skill level than what we have meaningfully change the result of the completed product much?
As Pickle said, skill should also have to do with not bungling the resources we use which can be quite rare.
There's also basically two options we have when making a staff.
-Go bog standard and just turn one. Hard to find materials that fit with Ulgu aspecting, but straightforward otherwise and we have money to solve any issues.
-Go for a bitchin mega staff with more perks. Requires the best materials like dragonbone, powerstones, and other rarities.
The second is less drudgework and more "let's make a bitchin artifact staff".
As I understand it, for staves we basically have:
-Bog Standard Staff. +1 Magic when we're at Magic 8 isn't worth anything, not even worth the AP until we pick up another +Magic trait.
-Fancy Staff. It gives +1 Magic and has additional features, depending on the fancy construction.
Furthermore, generic staves attune to an owner's style of magic over time and that likely means if you make staves for other people you're basically going to make something as generic as possible, otherwise the staff probably attunes to the maker unless you had the would-be user sit in for study the whole time.
So lets see about the staff materials and reagents(note ALL speculation only):
-Wood - Vanilla option, pretty sure to work without complications. Just don't go using it to hit things.
-Metal - Barring some magical metal it'd just provide a staff that's also sturdy enough to use as a weapon if need be. Downside being a R&D project of its own to figure out what metal even works.
-Dragonbone - PRETTY strong(as bone goes anyway), adaptable to any Wind because dragons are Eevees, but on the same basis, whatever special effects comes out probably comes down to what techniques you use to craft it, unless you have other rare materials then maybe it'd amplify those.
-Windstone(Complete) - We know Windstones act as magic capacitors/batteries, they also channel their Wind quite efficiently, being solidified Wind, though I'm not sure how volatile the windstone is to damage. This should probably reflect as stored wind charges giving favorable casting environment.
-Windstone(Incomplete) - Adela uses the gaseous condensation state as an Aqshy channel and it apparently works well enough. We know theres some flawed Windstones that can only attract Ulgu but not actually store it. So assume a complete windstone minus one or more functions.
-Null Magic Gem - Now, remember, a stave is also used to ground magical energies on a miscast, not just channel magic when you cast. Something magically non-reactive may be one of the better ways to ground the rampaging magic, or allows us to well...poke the magic with a stick without exploding the stick.
--Alternatively, if you have a magic attractor on one end and a magic repeller on the other, you have basically a Wind Pump. That might have uses for casting range amplification?
-Aethyric Vitae - Its a huge mystery box, but we know for a fact that we don't want to use raw vitae as a structural component, because it becomes an expanding cloud of all the winds explosively when you run any Wind through it, and worse, if you miscast the whole thing curdles into Dhar, but we could probably include a receptacle to consume vials of the stuff for power boosts like ammunition. We have no idea how it'd work if we could condense it into a solid state, so this is guesswork past that.
Boon of Hysh isn't any better equipped to deal with this "exotic hax bullshit" than Ill-bane. One spell handles poison and disease, the other handles poison, disease, and wounds. Neither handle this mysterious theoretical substance that's neither poison nor disease.
I'm going off the threadmarked spellbook description which says it fixes all maladies.
If we wanted to make a super staff that seems like it's likely to be quite a ways off, at least two tiers of enchanting to raise. Potentially investigating materials to attune them, etc. I'm not sure it's worth holding out for however many years that might take as opposed to just making a fine basic one that does the job now and potentially upgrading in the future if time allows.
We don't have a use for a basic staff is kind of the thing. Until we hit Magic 9 without a staff(where our main likely cause is hitting an Arcane Mark gacha jackpot instead of the FML items) we'd rather use the Grounding Rod.
I mean it's not like women just appeared out of holes in the ground during colonial settlement or in the mid-west during those periods. For the most part it was like how it is now. The female population mostly consisting of "camp followers" (aka women of the night) and it wasn't until different economical possibilities (and some penal sentencing or just actively putting women on boats) really changed that.
After a generation the issue will mostly solve itself but that'll still leave a lot of single lonely older men with no families to support them. Not sure what the Dwarven opinion on pensions is though.
Actually, I suspect Belegar simply doesn't quite realize that "if you build it they will come" has some difficulties when it comes to moving large groups of human civilians across the Border Princes/Badlands. Dwarf culture has everyone theoretically willing and able to fight. A dwarf prospective migrant just needs to join a caravan moving in the right direction and be considered an asset to the team.
A human civilian migrant has to pay their way.
Easily solved by actually sponsoring caravans of migrants.
Though Edda's weavers are likely going to have a sizable number of women at least.
It would give where it came from. Chaos Dwarf Runework is going to carry the taint of chaos. Breach the Unknown detects magical properties which includes said chaos taint.
But we can't inform the dwarves of that unless we validate it separately instead of claiming magical divination on objects
Hmm. We probably couldn't do much ourself, but in the distant future it might be worthwhile to hire some Amber Wizards and see if we can't make domesticated bats to farm for guano. Try and make niter mass producible.
Otherwise, maybe get Jade involvement in setting up a nitrary given the use of organic matter and how earth is nominally under the domain of Ghyran.
I'm pretty sure the problem isn't insufficient nitrates here, it sounds a lot like the soil is just depleted of biomass, so it can't hold water well, and we'd find it difficult to import significant quantities of raw manure.