We should probably ask what Ranald would prefer here. Does it serve him best for Mathild to take on the role as local leader of the Cult of Ranald? He has many other priests who could do that. What serve him best is making sure that it's possible to have a community of humans at Karak Eight Peaks at all, and minimising the chance that they'll end up as goblin or skaven gnawed bones is the best way to ensure that happens.
Fundamentally, as long as Karak Eight Peaks is in friendly hands, Mathild will be a VIP. She's well on her way to being personal friends with the dwarven leadership, and she'll be (in)famous amongst the old guard of experienced human settlers who are the heroes of the initial battle. As someone else pointed out, the orc's reaction to her natural 100 dispel looks an awful lot like Shadow battle magic cast on a vast scale, and while very few of the mercenaries that fought here will have seen that in action, one or two probably will, and so the news will spread*. If Mathilde wants to claim the temple of an evil god, even if someone else was foolish enough to occupy it, even a hint should be enough to get it, and not just to curry favour, but when a wizard tells you to move out of a place like that, you don't ask for a second, you move. Adventurers in Warhammer may have their own brand of recklessness, but any surviving ones will be appropriately afraid of the dangers mysterious evil magic.
Althoughter, this ,eans that claiming the temple can be put pretty much at the end of the priority list. We'll probably want to get to it in a couple of years, after a priest of Ranald who can actually run the place and cast the divine ritual required to actually consecrate the place drifts in, but at the moment Mathilde is to busy to establish it,much too busy for the full time job of tending to a congregation, and can't even perform the divine magic required to actually turn it into a real temple. It shouldn't be considered on the same type of list as the options that have actual urgency.
* as a side note, that's a reason to write papers for the College early, to outrun the worst of the gossip.
I mean for all that it's a schism in thought the High King still told his subordinates to support Belegar, their disagreement is in the why. He's still supporting him though.
Yea, the Empire could learn a lot from the example of a fundamental disagreement about basic principles resulting in dispatching a substantial military expedition lead by a prince
in support of the other party.
Assuming a Belegar having fully restored the Queen of the Silver Depths. If Thorgrim die, what are the odds that he could get himself elected High King? Thus cementing a drift of the Empire toward a more, ah, progressive view?
Hmm. That sounds a but risky, even for Mathilde...