Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.

[X] Karag Nar penthouse

[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there.
[X] There's a growing concentration of royalty here. Get to know King Kazador, and this 'Sky-Thane' Prince Gotri.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
@BoneyM, the guys from Tobarro have 70-90 Dwarf Rep or so?

They have proven generational precedent. Some things you can't rack up the fast way, especially when Dwarves are concerned.

@BoneyM, just in case you're truly not aware, but it wasn't for the Runefangs that Alaric was called 'the Mad'. That was earned while working on his next project, the Nemesis Crown.

Madness was a journey to Alaric, not a destination.

How do they imagine this to work? If you teach a group that is part of an organization (and not just a bunch of randos that paid for the instruction) to perform a task better, then it will obviously become institutional knowledge in that organization and it will be taught to next generations of recruits. At most I can see not spreading the knowledge beyond the organization (i.e. I can see Stirland Watch not teaching Averland Watch dwarven knowledge, but I can not see them not teaching their own recruits)

That's the idea. If the Dwarves decide they are happy with the Stirland Watch having dwarf fighty skills, it becoming institutional is expected, and if it fails to become so, that's the Watch's failing. That they'd pass it on to others outside the group wouldn't occur to the Dwarves. Teaching a College and having it end up Ancestor Gods know where would be the careless and foolish.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Karag Nar penthouse
The first possibility that leaps to mind is the uppermost dwelling of Karag Nar, with a beautiful 360-degree view and a commanding position. The Black Orc Warboss' reasons for taking it for his own are obvious, and though it will take some time and effort to clear out the possessions that hadn't been safely stowed in the King's Armoury, it is bursting with potential and would allow you to keep a careful eye on the Undumgi and Death Pass.
[X] There's a growing concentration of royalty here. Get to know King Kazador, and this 'Sky-Thane' Prince Gotri.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks with foreign relations, as a Spymaster focused on threats outside the Karak.
[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to hatch the supposedly Lustrian eggs and study and possibly train whatever hatches.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
This suggests a future in Stirland, whether Roswita likes it or not.
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.
Definitely looking to get a weapon. We have strong stealth and defensive capabilities, the latter covering both physical and esoteric defenses.

A powerful weapon will really round us out and boost the stuff we can do. It increases our survivability as well as the dwarf favors we can gain.
[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.

[X] Karag Nar temple

[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to deal with the spiders in the Chiselwards.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
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I'm thinking that when it comes to Belegar's political victory, the true result that would vindicate him to all the dismal vengancers would be if he secured K8P and black crag to solidify control over the area, and then he founded a new hold from the excess throng members who survived the campaign.

EDIT: I don't think ranald forbids luck altering magics except in the case of gambling; like 90% if his adherents cheat at cards, dice, or any other 'pure chance' game as a matter of course, the thing he doesn't like about magical fortune in gambling specifically, is that it makes fools out of all those hardworking mundane cheaters.
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Ahem. Runes and Runecraft already was an option Mathilde could have studied at the Grey College, next to Alchemy and Power Stones. Clearly they did get that at some point. I'm sure it's nowhere near dwarfcraft, of course. Still, with the combination of Mathilde's rep and Belegar's openness to change, there might be something on the topic that a dwarf is willing to share.

Those likely have nothing at all to do with dwarfs and are instead based on whatever pre-college arcane lore survived combined with high elf style enchanting. The word rune likely entered the ventricular because of how prestigious dwarf runes are seen as, incuding from great artifacts like the runefangs
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Ahem. Runes and Runecraft already was an option Mathilde could have studied at the Grey College, next to Alchemy and Power Stones. Clearly they did get that at some point. I'm sure it's nowhere near dwarfcraft, of course. Still, with the combination of Mathilde's rep and Belegar's openness to change, there might be something on the topic that a dwarf is willing to share.

Most intentional enchanting uses runecraft. Certainly elven style enchantment does. Runes are required to bind magic to a material so it doesn't spill out. Dwarven runecraft is uniquely good, but it's a difference of degree as much as kind. High elves are no slouches at enchanting either, and they taught humanity the basic principles of their work, although they apparently need to compensate for the fact that their runes aren't as good at retaining magic by using power stones in their high end gear, which dwarves don't need and probably would have difficulty making.

The elven world for rune is almost certainly different, and the elves consider runes to be magic as an extension of there being magical languages which resonate with the Aethyr.
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[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Karag Nar penthouse
[X] Claim the site where Ranald mugged Mork and build a shrine to Ranald there.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to hatch the supposedly Lustrian eggs and study and possibly train whatever hatches.

No, that'd be more an arc of its own.

I want this arc! Seems like a good reason to head back to the empire and politic a bit.
- If there are other significant and publicly known achievements I've missed, let me know.
Would recruiting everyone by riding on the shadowsteed count? It's very well known, as you were the one to tell everyone about the campaign, but it might not be considered a deed, as you are recruiting others.
I'm still not seeing any real reason for why claiming a tempel site is a critically urgent priority compared to things that actually do need to be done now?

In the past, we had things that were both arcs (as in multiple actions) and favor-sinks, e.g. Niter Factory. Should we keep some spare favor for such arcs?

I think this is a scenario where we should invest favour now to help earn more later. Both a weapon, and, if possible, a learning acceleration item would make it much easier to gain dwarven favour and preserve Mathilde's reputation with them by avoid faux pas.
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[X] This is Dawongr Weber's money. The funds will largely go projects within the Karaz Ankor - your tower for one, but also investing in the Undumgi or Ulrikadrin, or purchasing goods made by Dwarven artisans or sold in the markets of Barak Varr.

[X] Karag Nar penthouse

[X] Convince Esbern and Seija to stay long enough to deal with the spiders in the Chiselwards.

[X] King Belegar is allowing you to use the King's Armoury. Recover your extant study materials from Stirland and tuck them away safely in there

[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
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High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer
You know that comic that goes around the internet of a person saying "If you press the button, bad thing A will happen but-" and the other person just starts hammering the button and the first person says "DUDE!"

The button is labelled 'if you press this button 1% of the Dwarven race will die but a Grudge will be avenged' and Thorgrim Grudgebearer's claim to fame is how fucking good he is at hammering the living shit out of that button.

I found an animated version of the comic and photoshopped in your dialogue and Thorgrim's head. Enjoy. :D

Found something interesting.

Thorek Ironbrow

"And that's not all. There are even a few folk, like myself, who try to follow the old ways. Not many, but enough to give you young 'uns all hope. Take old Ironbrow, f'rinstance. You've all heard of him, haven't you? Thorek's a Dwarf of the old times. Karak Azul's where he lives and where he's...
Like his High King, Thorek too longs to reclaim the Dwarf Empire of old, but he also has a personal quest — he seeks lost relics of the ancient days.
Now, Thorgrim might not want to reclaim the Dwarf Empire in Divided Loyalties, but Thorek still might. If so, Belegar might be able to ask his help in getting Karak Eight Peaks its own Runesmiths, particularly if Kazador, Thorek's king, pushes him to do so.
The Ulricans might well do it. As a sort of fuck you to the orcs and as a way trying to show ulric as ascendant to the orc gods, which is why id prefer to do it ourselves first.
So @BoneyM I have to ask what was your favorite part of the Expedition arc?

The getting-to-know-them parts on the way to the Karak, Mork getting mugged, the mercenaries redeeming themselves, Johann paranoia, that one Citadel Orc figuring out wot da stunties was doin, the Ulricans coming together, fleshing out the Young Hold / Old Hold divide, Belegar's unexpected throwdown with Thorgrim (seriously I didn't know that was going to happen until they were literally in that room), the reception when the hiatus ended, Titus, the Chiselwards, the utterly needless ingot weight research I did, the Karak Azul snippet, Kragg finally getting a chance to strut his stuff and instantly fracturing his anvil, that utter rockstar Gunnars who kept me from having to write Belegar and Kragg tying you up and flying you to Karaz-a-Karak for Dwarven soul examination...

And basically every part of every update.

I found an animated version of the comic and photoshopped in your dialogue and Thorgrim's head. Enjoy. :D

No wait, this is my favourite.
Cannot we learn dwarven lore from dwarfs?
I'm also against that. I'd try for something like fifteen favours on a weapon, and fifteen favours on something to make Mathilde learn better, and see what happened. In some ways, the most amusing result of that might be if Thorek made one and Kragg the other, and tried to outdo each other...

Sounds hilarious, but I would rather spend 15 on weapon and 15 on tower.
I imagine wizard tower with 15 favors of dwarf help in making it nice would be a pretty good spot to conduct research...although riskier experiments will still necessitate something far removed like Grand Abyss or other spell testing polygon nobody would miss.
So here is one thing I am wondering, if Deathfire mountain is where the Anvils of Doom were forged. Does that mean if it is reclaimed the Dwarves can begin to make more of them?