[X] State Influence
[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult

Religion strongly impacts the normal citizens life and we the state should reserve some ability to make sure that no unsavory ritualistic behaviour, no sectarian violence, NO CHURCH TAXES and no unsanctioned teachings happen that we can't at least bend to our favor.

Also new game mechanics, yay.

My first thought with the imperial cult would be to try and get just how they see our divinity.

Are we THE Gryphon God who descended from on high to save and unite the empire? Because that is nonsense.

Buuut, if they can be persuaded to enfold into the "main religion" of ancestor worship and venerate us as "One who holds the wisdom and strength of all Ancestor Kings before him" (kinda like dwarves in the Dragon Age games) then that wouldn't be bad per se.

This isn't really an aim, not discouraging the cult now simply leaves the option open but it would most likely depend on rolls to see if this cult gains traction.

Main reason why I don't want to discourage this now is because people will believe what they want. If Christianity proves anything it is that a Messiah is a very powerful symbol. The cult may pull a Logar Aurelian and say that it merely confirms our magnanimous divine nature.

If the rolls make this take off and the cult gains popularity I REALLY want to be able to steer it away from the worst case scenarios such cults can reach.
[ ] State Control

[X] State Influence

Both to deal with the inevitable Discord cultists, plus this is a chance to prevent or at least criminalize con-artists from robbing so many people's livelihoods as they do in real life by pretending to be miracle workers.

[ ] Encourage the Imperial Cult

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult

The Emperor Protects. And why waste resources damaging a source of power? We, as the Emperors won't abuse it...

Changed my votes to get through a compromise.
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[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.
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[X] State Influence
[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult.

While freedom of religion is good, perhaps putting some order in religion would be substantial. In a diverse empire such as this there's bound to be a lot of conflict to happen regarding differences of our people. And as Emperor, we need to at least have some influence and power on the churches. The last thing we would want is for tensions to rise between worshipers.

As for the Imperial Cult... well...

Take it away, Decius!
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

A little bit of control to prevent bloodshed and crazies.

[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult: You find the idea of being worshipped as a god...unsettling. Whether you object on moral or practical grounds, you just aren't comfortable with the idea of an entire religion revolving solely around you. That being said, you don't really have it in you to just outlaw this new faith, and not just because that would go against everything you've been saying at this very conference. Still, you think you can subtly nudge these worshippers towards a more moderate view of you as a mere mortal, albeit an exceptional one. You think you've earned a little bit of awe and respect for your achievements after all.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.
[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.

As they continued to sing your praises (to your slight embarrassment...some of the other representatives were staring) you realized that the conference gave you a unique opportunity to potentially influence this small but growing faith. You'd have to be subtle of course, but a few carefully spoken words in the correct context should be sufficient for your ends.

"Divine figure or no you're still sleeping on the couch."
-The Empress
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] Total Religious Freedom
[X] Discourage the Imperial Cult:
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] Total Religious Freedom: A person's religious beliefs are no business of the state. The Empire's diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and you see no reason for the Government to try and change that by meddling in people's private affairs. You may advise and offer your opinions upon the different faiths, as is your right, not only as Emperor but as a citizen of the Empire, but you have no intention of telling your subjects what they can and cannot believe.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
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[X] Total Religious Freedom: A person's religious beliefs are no business of the state. The Empire's diversity is one of its greatest strengths, and you see no reason for the Government to try and change that by meddling in people's private affairs. You may advise and offer your opinions upon the different faiths, as is your right, not only as Emperor but as a citizen of the Empire, but you have no intention of telling your subjects what they can and cannot believe.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.

I'm quite happy with how the quest has been going without a piety option, and I think we're powerful enough without it. I find the idea of an imperial cult that randomly pops up every so often and annoys Garrick pretty funny though. Just as long as it doesn't pop up too much.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Encourage the Imperial Cult: Maybe you see an opportunity to further your power and influence over your people. Maybe you genuinely want to be seen as a divine figure. Or maybe you just find the whole thing unbelievably hilarious and want to see what they do next. Whatever the reason, you'll quietly encourage the growth of this small band of fanatics that see your words and deeds as divine acts.

WE did not get this far just to give up a chance at GODHOOD! Well become immortal if its the last thing well ever do!
[X] State Influence: While you don't really like the idea of the government having direct control over religious institutions, it's clear that there needs to be some kind of authority to prevent sectarian conflict between the different faiths that exist within your Empire. As such, while you shan't have full control over the various religious institutions, you will exert some influence and control whenever it becomes necessary to do so, using your authority as Emperor.

[X] Do Nothing about the Imperial Cult: Maybe you're of two minds about your most fanatically loyal subjects. Perhaps you don't want to risk being misunderstood or accused of manipulating such vulnerable people. Or maybe you just want to see how things play out without your influence. Regardless of your motives, you'll leave the Cult to its own devices for now, neither encouraging nor discouraging it.