Round 1
Atttacks (3+): 2 3 5 3 6 3: 5 hits
Wounding (3+): 3 2 1 4 2: 2 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) 5 2: 1 wound saved, horse alive
Righteous Retribution (S8, 2+ to Wound): 4: 1 wound
Daemon ward save (5+): 4: failed (daemon at 4)
Atttacks (5+): 6 1 4: 1 hit
Wounding (4+): 2: 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 2hits of S4
Wounding (6+): 3 4: 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Combat resolution: draw! neither rolls break tests
Round 2
Atttacks (3+): 5 1 4 6 2 2: 3 hits
Wounding (3+): 4 4 6: 3 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) 6 1 3: 1 wound saved, horse alive, Mathilde dead
Righteous Retribution (S8, 2+ to Wound): 2 3: 2 wounds
Daemon ward save (5+): 1, 3: both failed (at 2)
Seed activates! 3 charges remaining! Daemon is surprised by this event!
Atttacks (5+):2 3 4: 0 hits
Wounding (4+): 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 1hit of S1 (this is not Mathilde's day...)
Wounding (6+): 6: 1 wound
Ward save (5+): 6: wound saved
Combat resolution:
Mathilde loses this round, takes break test. She is stubborn, so this is unmodded LD.
Break: 2d6=4, passed
Actually, it is a draw now
Round 3
Atttacks (3+): 6 5 5 2 6 6 : 5 hits
Wounding (3+): 6 1 2 4 6: 3 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) 3 5 3: 1 wound saved, horse alive, Mathilde at 1 wound
Righteous Retribution (S8, 2+ to Wound): 3 6: 2 wounds
Daemon ward save (5+): 2 5: 1 failed, 1 saved (at 1)
Atttacks (5+):6 3 3 : 1 hit
Wounding (4+): 3: 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 3hits of S2
Wounding (6+): 1 3 6: 1 wound
Ward save (5+): 3: failed (Dead!)
Mathilde: did my shadow just kill a Bloodthirster?
4 wounds from belt, 1 from shadow tendrils. Sword didn't actually do anything.
Everything below that line didn't actually happen. I misread Daemon's wounds (9 instead of 5) and used wrong S for Belt's hits. That made initial variant of the fight much longer.
Combat resolution: draw! neither rolls break tests
Round 4
Atttacks (3+): 6 5 4 1 2 4 : 4 hits
Wounding (3+): 1 5 3 2: 2 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) 3 3: Mathilde dies to first hit, second is wasted, belt activates only once
Righteous Retribution (S6, 4+ to Wound): 1: 0 wounds
Daemon ward save (5+): not required
Seed activates! 2 charges remaining! Daemon is annoyed by this event!
Atttacks (5+):6 2 1: 1 hit
Wounding (4+): 4: 1 wound
Ward save (5+): 2: failed (at 5)
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 1hit of S3
Wounding (6+): 2: 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Combat resolution: draw? (daemon technically dealt 2 unsaved wounds, but 1 was overkill)
Round 5
Atttacks (3+): 2 1 2 2 2 2 : 0 hits (Ranald, is that you?)
Wounding (3+): : 0 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) : not required
Righteous Retribution (S6, 4+ to Wound): :
Daemon ward save (5+): not required
Atttacks (5+):5 5 1: 2 hits
Wounding (4+): 5 4: 2 wounds
Ward save (5+): 3 3: failed (at 3) (Ranald...)
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 2hits of S2
Wounding (6+): 1 3: 0 wounds
Ward save (5+): not required
Combat resolution: Ranald Mathilde wins by 2! Daemon takes instability test!
2d6: 3+2=5. That's lower than 9-2=7, so Ranald didn't manage to smite him
Round 6
Atttacks (3+): 5 3 4 3 6 6 : 6 hits (Luck ran out)
Wounding (3+): 2 6 2 5 2 1: 2 wounds (or not)
Horse Ward (4+) : 6 6: 2 wounds saved, horse is dead (we will remember you!)
Righteous Retribution (S6, 4+ to Wound): :
Daemon ward save (5+): not required
Atttacks (5+):1 6 1: 1 hit
Wounding (4+): 4: 1 wound
Ward save (5+): 5: wound saved
Shadow tendrils (1d3#, 1d6S): 2hits of S1
Wounding (6+): 6 1: 1 wound
Ward save (5+): 4: failed (at 2)
Combat resolution: Mathilde wins by 1! Daemon takes instability test!
2d6: 5+4=9. Failure by 1, Daemon takes 1 wound without saves! (he is at 1 wound!)
Round 7
Atttacks (3+): 1 3 1 2 3 6 : 3 hits
Wounding (3+): 3 5 6: 3 wounds
Horse Ward (4+) : horse is already dead
Righteous Retribution (S6, 4+ to Wound):5 1 3: 1 wound
Daemon ward save (5+): 2: failed, Daemon dead
Seed activates! 1 charge remaining!