Oh, wow. That's a really nice profit. Running a magic shop is surprisingly lucrative.
That said, we can't reasonably report too much profit or that will seem suspicious, even if we're willing to pay more in taxes.
@Duesal, we probably should tone down what we buy. Better safe than sorry.![]()
We aren't cutting the kitties up, if we want graft of their abilities, we will get them by studying them in the Fungus Forge, and doing a research action to make artificial grafts with their abilities.[X] Duesal
Wow, those kittens have amazing abilities. We desperately need to cut them up and graft their organs into the Seeker !
It's not like we have to harvest the grafts directly, we can send them to the Fungus Forge for research, learn how to make plant creatures with those antimagic abilities, and then grow mindless plant creatures to harvest grafts from(if we can't just straight-up grow the graft.)
As far as I understand we can automatically unlock templates, by throwing enough corpses with said templates in it, or we can unlock a template, by studying a creature that has it.Two problems there. One : They are cubs so they don't have that ability, although if the forge could decide to use the fully grown version. Two: The forge usually needs to, for lack of better word, digest a creature to grow it I think. I don't think we can use Dweomar cat claws and teeth to unlock that species.
Is this right @DragonParadox?
Two problems there. One : They are cubs so they don't have that ability, although if the forge could decide to use the fully grown version. Two: The forge usually needs to, for lack of better word, digest a creature to grow it I think. I don't think we can use Dweomar cat claws and teeth to unlock that species or its grafts.
Is this right @DragonParadox?
You can also study creatures to gain access to their abilities. It's just that tossing corpses in is automatic
My internet only now came back from a brief crash. Hopefully I have time for that Breath Taker interlude (I'll do the discussion from Hermetia's PoV in the morning).
The pages for dweomar cats implies it has something to do with a connection to their home plane and ley lines. It also specifically says they grow by direct exposure to fey power; we could have them hang out with the fey (blink pups + dweomer kittens = memetic weapons research project?), or just offer to pay the Old Gods to baste them in ley line juice via the former land warden of Lys until they evolve. These guys have suffered powerlessness enough that this sort of offer could net us some incredibly loyal minions.Two problems there. One : They are cubs so they don't have that ability, although if the forge could decide to use the fully grown version. Two: The forge usually needs to, for lack of better word, digest a creature to grow it I think. I don't think we can use Dweomar cat claws and teeth to unlock that species or its grafts.
Is this right @DragonParadox?
Would studying the abilities of a Dweomarcat cub get us their adult form abilities or would that be too much?
Maybe start out slow? "Please step into my lab, I totally won't vivisect you, then reanimate you so I can do it again" is probably the only thing these guys will get out of anything we say on the topic fresh from the efreeti.Alright then.
If you could add this
[] Study the Dweomarcat cubs physiology in order to grow their adult forms in the forge
that would be greatly appreciated. In essence I want to grow Dweomarcats (and their anti-magic grafts) in the forge.
Maybe start out slow? "Please step into my lab, I totally won't vivisect you, then reanimate you so I can do it again" is probably the only thing these guys will get out of anything we say on the topic fresh from the efreeti.
And we lose those class levels when they die?Everyone is undoubtedly very sick of "you are inserted into ASWAH" challenges. Now for another type, inspired by this quest's character generation!
You can pick a single non-adult canon ASOIaF character. You can give them a single level in any non Tier 1 class. They get it around the time Viserys gets his first Sorcerer level (this all happens in ASWAH, of course). As a reward for their choice, you get the same powers as them for as long as they remain alive (ie, as their souls don't pass on into the afterlife). They control their build from then on, and you will never be able to communicate with them or go to their universe.
Their personality is unchanged, but it is entirely possible that just like for Viserys, their personality changes as a result of obtaining these powers.
And by the way @DragonParadox, if we'd chosen another character at character generation (say, Myrcella) would Viserys still have become a huge threat to the Kingdom?
I'm not saying "would he have become such an OP setting-conquering monstrosity", but "would he have grown powerful enough to make the kingdom's normal army irrelevant, and influential enough to make intrigue a major problem"?
If their soul passes on to their afterlife, yes. If they become a Lich or Bloodraven 2.0, no. If they get Raised, the powers come back. If they die again, you lose them again.
And by the way @DragonParadox, if we'd chosen another character at character generation (say, Myrcella) would Viserys still have become a huge threat to the Kingdom?
I'm not saying "would he have become such an OP setting-conquering monstrosity", but "would he have grown powerful enough to make the kingdom's normal army irrelevant, and influential enough to make intrigue a major problem"?
Let's say that there's a huge difference between "when Myrcella is a Warlock 12, Viserys is a Warlock 12 too" and "Myrcella the level 12 Warlock is plotting and looking for ways to survive as the final boss, Viserys (Sorcerer 14, Half-Dragon Template) and his Companions (a group of level 7-10 spellcasters with good gear) gather allies and sellswords and prepare to invade the realm".Given the nature of the magic system I would say so yes, though I would not never in a million years managed to be as creative with him as you guys were
Let's say that there's a huge difference between "when Myrcella is a Warlock 12, Viserys is a Warlock 12 too" and "Myrcella the level 12 Warlock is plotting and looking for ways to survive as the final boss, Viserys (Sorcerer 14, Half-Dragon Template) and his Companions (a group of level 7-10 spellcasters with good gear) gather allies and sellswords and prepare to invade the realm".
Still, I'm happy we'll never have to see this Viserys. Not only is he a tough opponent, but he would also probably have been insane. Insane Viserys is no longer the first Viserys that I think of when I hear that name, now that I've played this quest![]()
Made some edits to the chapter, DP.Sea-Kin's Passage
Twenty-Sixth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC
To a landwalker, the depths would have been black as pitch and featureless as the void, but to the score of children of the Merling King the depths were alive with the myriad sounds from the faint hiss of fish darting through the water to the complex clicking of their dolphin mounts, and through it all the currents of the Southern Wheel pulled them, gentle this far down, but no less inexorable. One might think we are as old as the cliffs and mountains here, Breath Taker thought, marveling not for the first time at how natural this all felt following the great banks of tuna east to west and back again.
This was home, their true home from which they had been banished long ago. The King of the Depths had sheltered them, but his chill realm was meant more for the dead than the living, and ever had Twenty tribes yearned for the Bounded Seas of the Garden. Alas that 'home' did not mean safe. No matter how much one's soul might yearn to swim free, the enemy lurked here too. It mattered little whether it had followed them as some thought, or if instead they had slept shrouded in alien nightmares deep in the fortresses of black stone. They were here and they hunted the People more for sport than enmity, while the most the hunters could manage were raids on their shark-men thralls or slaying some flesh twisted beast, not realizing that for each one slain two were birthed, a little stronger, a little faster than before.
We are the grindstone on which they test themselves, and as with all grindstones, we will be worn down to dust, Blight's Bane had proclaimed before the assembled Silverfish Tribe after having defeated their champions with arms and armor forged by landwalkers, forged by fire. By the grace of the Depths, that had been a good moment. Most of the tribe had acclaimed them and chosen to follow them north, to see the temple upon the guarded shore where the children of the waves and those of earth could worship together. Hopefully they would stay, if not within Sorcerer's Deep itself, then at least within the safer confines of the Northern Passage, what the landwalkers called the Narrow Sea.
Calling Out To More Tribes Progress: 23/25
Breath Taker turned slightly to see the hundreds of figures following them, most swimming under their own power, though the old, the young, and the sick clung to the flukes of the Great Singers, the pale markings upon their dark flanks like ghosts passing in the night. The old priest shivered slightly and pressed his hands in a circle, a brief but heartfelt prayer to avert any ill omen.
They had not suffered anything worse than ulat-kini raids so far, but with so many gathered so close, the threat of a leviathan attack was never far from anyone's mind. Blight's Bane was a mighty champion and he had done all he could to train warriors wherever he passed, but there was only so much he could do. Some skills could not be taught, only mastered when the red currents flowed. Let the face of of the Spear Bearer turn away from us, Lord, Breath Taker prayed in the stillness of his heart, knowing that his god was ever listening, not only in the flow of the ocean, but in the very blood that gave them all life and the will to keep it.
OOC: Did my best to capture the shift in perspective of an under-sea people, but in case things are too confusing, the Great Singers are orcas, the southern tribes use them instead of dolphins. They have fewer of them of course but they are much more fierce in battle.
Sea-Kin's Passage
Twenty-Sixth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC
To a landwalker the depths would have been black as pitch and featureless as the void but to the score of children of the Merling King the depths were alive with the myriad sounds from the faint hiss of fish darting through the water to the complex clicking of their dolphin mounts and through it all the currents of the Southern Wheel pulled them, gentle this far down, but no less inexorable. One might think we are as old as the cliffs and mountains here, Breath Taker thought marveling not for the first time at how natural this all felt following the great banks of tuna east to west and back again.
This was home, their true home from which they had been banished long ago. The King of the Depths had sheltered them but his chill realm was meant more for the dead than the living and ever had Twenty tribes yearned for the Bounded Seas of the Garden. Alas that 'home' did not mean safe. however much one's soul might yearn to swim free, the enemy lurked here too, whether it had followed them as some thought or if instead they had slept shrouded in alien nightmares deep in the fortresses of black stone mattered little, they were here and they hunted the People more for sport than enmity, the most the hunters could manage were raids on their shark-men thralls or slaying some flesh twisted beast not realizing that for each one slain tow were birthed, a little stronger, a little faster than before.
We are the grindstone on which they test themselves and as all grindstones we will be worn down to dust, Blight's Bane had proclaimed before the assembled Silverfish Tribe after having defeated their champions with arms and armor forged by landwalkers, forged by fire. By the grace of the Depths that had been a good moment, most of the tribe had acclaimed them and chosen to follow them north, to see the temple upon the guarded shore where the children of the waves and those of earth could worship together, hopefully to stay if not within Sorcerer's Deep itself than at least within the saver confines of the Northern Passage, what the landwalkers called the Narrow Sea.
Calling Out To More Tribes Progress: 23/25
Breath Taker turned slightly to see the hundreds of figures following them most swimming under their own power, though the old, the young and the sick clung to the flukes of the Great Singers, the pale markings upon their dark flanks like ghosts passing in the night. The old priest shivered slightly and pressed his hands in a circle, a brief but heartfelt prayer to avert any ill omen.
They had not suffered anything worse than ulat-kini raids so far but with so many gathered so close the thread of a leviathan attack was never far from anyone's mind. Blight's bane was a mighty champion and he had done call he could to train warriors wherever he passed but there was only so much he could do. Some skills could not be taught only mastered when the red currents flowed. Let the face of of the Spear Bearer turn away from us Lord, Breath Taker prayed in the stillness of his heart knowing that his god was ever listening not only in the flow of the ocean, but in the very blood that gave them all life and the will to keep it.
OOC: Did my best to capture the shift in perspective of an under-sea people, but in case things are too confusing, the Great Singers are orcas, the southern tribes use them instead of dolphins. They have fewer of them of course but they are much more fierce in battle.
Made some edits to the chapter, DP.
Good to see Breath Taker's POV again. How are he and Blight's Bane doing? Any levels gained?
@DragonParadox If that action extends toward reaching for all twenty tribes, or even just organizing an expedition to reach their nearest contacts, I would extend the action's progress and double down on it in following turns.
I wonder if that implies that most of the Tritons in Water who live safely are for the most part tributaries to the Marid, with the only "free" and traditionalist Triton tribes having been safeguarded by the Ferryman in his domain?As I said above it does not cover all twenty tribes, just the three off the Southern coast of Essos to add to the four already around SD.