I will say this much, it is an equivalent gift to those ten swords combined and then some.

So basically a subtle way to reward us ('gifts' which are a sop to Imperial honor, and obviously a way to save face so he has something more substantial than words and promises to reward Tyene and Garin and Waymar with since obviously the expediences of state might impede their fulfillment to one degree or another, and repaying a debt of honor immediately is important).

And I doubt that's the last of their rewards anyway, if they're invited to return.
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Okay, it's time to start planning for the upcoming battle.

We need to assault the Asura and Efreeti mage simultaneously, if we can manage that. Allowing them to fight in concert would be sub-optimal.

For the Asurendra, I'm thinking Viserys, Richard, Dany, Xor, and Siduri.

For the Efreeti mage, Lya, Malarys, Zherys, Melisandre, and Yrten.

Vee, Rina, Teana, Wyla, Lady Saenena + Dragon, Amrelath, Relath, and our other heavy hitters should help the Djinni Cryo Archmage, Shaitan Frigates, and our auxiliary forces to suppress and destroy the other five ships.

So basically a subtle way to reward us ('gfits' which are a sop to Imperial honor, and obviously a way to save face so he has something more substantial than words and promises to reward Tyene and Garin and Waymar with since obviously the expediences of state might impede their fulfillment to one degree or another, and repaying a debt of honor immediately is important).

And I doubt that's the last of their rewards anyway, if they're invited to return.
But do we escalate? Because I was hyped for those dinosaurs, all jokes aside.

*Sounds of drums and bells in the distance*

Maaakeeee waaayyyy, for Prince Viserys!
Saaaayyyyy heeeyyyy, it's Prince Viserys!
But do we escalate? Because I was hyped for those dinosaurs, all jokes aside.

*Sounds of drums and bells in the distance*

Maaakeeee waaayyyy, for Prince Viserys!
Saaaayyyyy heeeyyyy, it's Prince Viserys!

We are already going to be paying the Azure Court heavy tribute with the trade fleet (and reaping hand-over-fist profits from it anyway).

We might consider giving more gifts on each visit though because A) it's another chance to flaunt our fuck-off wealth and prestige and B) we fucking feel like it, and literally no other reason than coming up with more and more outlandish and lavish gifts to see who blinks first.
We are already going to be paying the Azure Court heavy tribute with the trade fleet (and reaping hand-over-fist profits from it anyway).

We might consider giving more gifts on each visit though because A) it's another chance to flaunt our fuck-off wealth and prestige and B) we fucking feel like it, and literally no other reason than coming up with more and more outlandish and lavish gifts to see who blinks first.
Oh yeah, the fleet is not here yet! I keep forgetting it's still trailing behind.
Dinosaur parade hell yeah! :lol:
Okay, it's time to start planning for the upcoming battle.

We need to assault the Asura and Efreeti mage simultaneously, if we can manage that. Allowing them to fight in concert would be sub-optimal.

For the Asurendra, I'm thinking Viserys, Richard, Dany, Xor, and Siduri.

For the Efreeti mage, Lya, Malarys, Zherys, Melisandre, and Yrten.

Vee, Rina, Teana, Wyla, Lady Saenena + Dragon, Amrelath, Relath, and our other heavy hitters should help the Djinni Cryo Archmage, Shaitan Frigates, and our auxiliary forces to suppress and destroy the other five ships.

I'm new at this, but I had some ideas that may or may not be helpful for targeting the lead ship.

We need to cut the big bosses off from minion support as much as each other. Fighting dozens of slaves would give them space for all kinds of shit.

So, what if we start by casting Flash flood through one of the doors to the inside of the ship.These things probably aren't water tight by design, but they do have a substantial amount of armor welded into place that should make it less leaky.

We didn't get an exact depth on these, but assuming they are perfect rectangles with nothing in them, they need to be around 27.77 feet deep to contain the 100,000 cubic feet of water the spell leaves behind (assuming the 120X30 given is the entire top of the ship).

They could be that large, but they also have stuff in them. Even if they were 60 feet deep that would still be approaching half their empty internal volume.

"Everyone make drowning saves" seems like a good opener, especially if we follow up with Water to acid on the area immediately around the door(s). Anyone trying to get out in the next 20 rounds would have to move through 20 cubic feet of acid or find another exit before they run out of air.

Teleporting out would work, assuming they can get through their own wards, but not many minions can cast that while struggling to breathe. If we have our escort prepare some AoE effects to drop on the first responders we could really hurt some of the stronger mini bosses, and maybe even the big fiend.

Is any of this worth pursuing in the actual plan, or is it a waste to open with crowd control?
Sorry for the delay, was fixing my grandmother's Amazon account.

Thoughts and suggestions?

As I noted in the plan, there are too many moving parts and people involved to dictate the entire course of this fight, so I've given a few specific actions and some roundabout goals that we should be able to accomplish before the fog of war and enemy action throws everything into disarray.

[X] Plan Dragon Force, Go!
-[X] Launch the attack immediately, unless any last minute intel provided by our allies leads us to believe we shouldn't. The longer we wait, the higher the chance our course of action will be Divined.
-[X] NOTE: For sake of brevity, assume that ALL available buffs have been applied, including Resist Energy (all types), Mass Entropic Shield, Mass Shield of Faith, etc.
--[X] Non-Standard buffs are as follows:
---[X] Lya will use Wild Arcana to cast Battlemagic Perception on herself.
---[X] Malarys will expend eight Rebuke Undead attempts to cast a Reached Chained Nine Lives spell and a Reached Chained True Seeing spell on himself, the Companions present, and our close allies. Viserys will cast Nine Lives on himself.
---[X] Dany will expend six Turn Undead attempts to cast a Reached Chained Energy Immunity (Fire) spell on herself, the Companions, and our close allies. She will then uses 15 Ideas to cast a Reached Chained Greater Spell Immunity spell on herself, Viserys, the Companions, and our close allies, protecting them against Baleful Polymorph, Blasphemy, Avasculate, and Energy Drain spells.
---[X] Viserys will cast Magic Army on the entire raiding force, making sure to include all of the Shaitain frigates and their crews, granting every weapon a minimum Enhancement bonus of +4. He'll cast Nine Lives, Battlemagic Perception, Moment of Prescience, and Energy Immunity (Cold) on himself. Using Wild Arcana to duplicate a Spellbane spell, he will prevent the use of Time Stop, Mage's Disjunction, Maze, and Contingency spells within a 10 foot radius of his position. He'll use the magic bedroll immediately after casting these spells to recover his expended resources.
----[X] Prior to resting on the magic bedroll, Viserys will create 17 Delicate Disks with the following effects and intended uses:

-----[X] Five Flashburst Disks: To be distributed to Erinyes, each one will be used to further harrass the crew of an Efreeti ship after initial bombardment.

-----[X] Five Summon Nature's Ally V Disks (charged by Vee using SNA IV spells): Each will Summon a Thomil-templated Large Earth Elemental under the command of whoever breaks the disk. Each disk will be given to an Erinyes to use as she sees fit to help deal with the Efreeti ships.
-----[X] Two Wall of Force Disks: Malarys and Dany will each have one of these disks, for use in an emergency.
-----[X] Two Greater Blink Disks: Richard and Dany will each have one of these disks, for use in an emergency.
-----[X] Two Heart of Earth Disks: Richard and Malarys will each break this disk upon receiving it to benefit from the effects of a 20th level Heart of Earth spell.

-----[X] One Mirror Image Disk: Dany will break this before the raid starts to benefit from a Mirror Image spell.
-[X] The approach toward the Efreeti fleet will be made at all possible speed while the raiding force is protected, where possible, by a Mass Invisibility spell Miracle'd into place by Viserys.
-[X] NOTE: I think there are too many moving parts and people involved to try to dictate the course of this battle and everyone's actions too closely, so I'm going to try to set up action groups with some starting goals and loose action plan.
--[X] Vee, Rina, Teana, Wyla, Lady Saenena and her Dragon Korzion, Amrelath, Relath, Yrael, the Erinyes led by Mereth, the Djinni Cryomage, the Shaitan frigates, and the three Wyvern Fighters will act to suppress the five Efreeti ships not occupied by the leaders of the fleet.
---[X] Vee, via Summon Nature's Ally spells, will use three 8th level spell slots to Summon 3d4+6 Greater Orglash-templated Air Elementals and three 7th level spell slots to Summon 3d3+3 Greater Orglash-templated Air Elementals. The Summoning will be properly timed so that all of the Elementals are ready to attack when the raid commences. She will send at least three Greater Elementals to target each of the six ships, harrying them with their Cone of Cold spell-like abilities while avoiding her allies. From among the five ships not transporting the fleet leaders, she will choose the one which seems to be fairing the best at defending itself from our raiders (and which hasn't yet been boarded) and drop a 54,000 pound Greater Thomil-templated Earth Elemental on it from the best height she can manage using a Summon Nature's Ally VII spell. She won't drop an Earth Elemental on a ship if there are none which have not yet been boarded.
---[X] Lya will target the ship nearest to the command ship with her Greater Black Tentacles spell prior to our boarding the command ship.
---[X] Lady Saenena and Korzion, protected by a Blood Wished Greater Invisibility spell, will begin her part of the raid by casting a trio of Extended Bloodwished Wall of Force spells, first to block the path of the fleet then to hem them in to prevent easy maneuvering. She will then immediately heal her Charisma damage using her Orb of Mental Renewal before moving to join in with the attack, first by Summoning a Monadic Deva by expending an 8th level spell slot.
---[X] Each Wyvern fighter pilot will use their Beetle Bomb payloads (four Explosives and four Liquid Ice per fighter) to target the Efreeti ships from no closer than 2,000 feet. Each Wyvern's first salvo will be to target the Efreeti command ship with an Explosive Beetle Bomb, then move on to harassing the rest of the fleet. They're to carefully avoid our allies while placing emphasis on suppressing the enemy ship crews and destroying their weapon systems. Once their Beetle Bombs are expended, they will remain in the vicinity to lend fire support using their standard weapons.

-[X] The main assault force, consisting of Viserys, Balerion, Richard, Dany, Xor, Siduri, Lya, Malarys, Zherys, Melisandre, and Yrten will move to assault the command ship, aiming to quickly suppress any surviving crew before confronting the Asurendra and Efreeti Mage.
--[X] Lya will use a Wild Arcana'd Wall of Force spell to bring the command ship to a halt while Viserys simultaneously casts Dragon's Roar.
---[X] Although the group will assault the ship jointly, they will split up to intercept their selected targets. Should this not be possible for any reason, such as the Asura and Efreeti Mage have already linked up, the group will reprioritize.
----[X] Viserys, Richard, Dany, Xor, and Siduri will seek out the Asurendra Asura. They will stay within range of Viserys' Spellbane ward as much as possible. If he has an opportunity before fighting begins in earnest, Viserys will expend a 9th level spell slot to cast Summon Monster IX in order to Summon an Astral Deva to assist his group.
----[X] Lya, Malarys, Zherys, Melisandre, and Yrten will seek out the Efreeti Mage. Malarys will cast Summon Monster VII to Summon a Movanic Deva to assist his group. He will also have custody of the bottled Seeker to use as necessary.

----[X] Balerion will remain on the ship's upper deck under the telepathic command of Varys, who will remain hidden via Invisibility somewhere comfortable between the base of Balerion's wings.
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Like Prince Ali from Aladdin? Let Xor be the Genie!
Prince Viserys!
Mighty is he!
Viserys Targaryen
Strong as ten regular drakes, definitely!
He faced the demonic hordes
A hundred devils with swords
Who sent those fools to their lords?
Why, Prince Viserys!

He's got fourty-five painted lizards
He's got twenty one
When it comes to exotic-type reptiles
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie
[X] Goldfish

This is the moment we've been waiting for. :)

@Goldfish, it should be a priority for Viserys' group to get to the Asurendra ASAP, because the moment it realizes people are attacking it'll just automatically use its Time Stop.
Like Prince Ali from Aladdin? Let Xor be the Genie!

Hmm, give me six hours returning from school and I'll see what I can do.

Prince Viserys!
Mighty is he!
Viserys Targaryen
Strong as ten regular drakes, definitely!
He faced the demonic hordes
A hundred devils with swords
Who sent those fools to their lords?
Why, Prince Viserys!

He's got fourty-five painted lizards
He's got twenty one
When it comes to exotic-type reptiles
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie

Loved it! :grin::grin::grin:Can I use this as some inspiration?
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He'll use the magic bedroll immediately after casting these spells to recover his expended resources.

He should be creating a bunch of Shalantha's Disks prior to resting.

---[X] Each Wyvern fighter pilot will use their Beetle Bomb payloads (four Explosives and four Liquid Ice per fighter) to target the Efreeti ships from no closer than 2,000 feet. Each Wyvern's first salvo will be to target the Efreeti command ship with an Explosive Beetle Bomb, then move on to harassing the rest of the fleet.

Sultan's Tribute for area denial and ongoing damage. Get one inside the hull and if it encounters further fire it will fill the entire ship from the inside out.

Depending on how an Ash Storm or the Fire Damage from the environment works it may do so by default.
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Prince Viserys!
Mighty is he!
Viserys Targaryen
Strong as ten regular drakes, definitely!
He faced the demonic hordes
A hundred devils with swords
Who sent those fools to their lords?
Why, Prince Viserys!

He's got fourty-five painted lizards
He's got twenty one
When it comes to exotic-type reptiles
Has he got a zoo?
I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie

Yeah, we need something limk that in our propaganda machine.

Xor is a more likeable character than Disney's Mushu, Dory and Boo together
He should be creating a bunch of Shalantha's Disks prior to resting.

Sultan's Tribute for area denial and ongoing damage. Get one inside the hull and if it encounters further fire it will fill the entire ship from the inside out.

Depending on how an Ash Storm or the Fire Damage from the environment works it may do so by default.
There is so much Cold damage being tossed around, I don't think we should use Sultan's Tribute bombs here. The mold is likely to be killed all but instantly.

What would you recommend for the Delicate Disks? Viserys only has so many spell slots to use, and the disks can only hold up to 5th level spells.I

I was thinking about just really simple stuff, like Mirror Image and Heart of Earth for our people to use prior to the raid.