[X] Get Inquisitorial report on Devils met in Gogossos and Ghiscary people, based off the captured men, the captured
Pleasure DevilSpellcaster, the diabolical ledgers and questioning skulls and bodies (1
Harvester Devil's Corpse, 1
Mythic Horned Devil's Corpse, 1
Advanced Chimeric Wizard Bone Devil's Corpse, 1
Cleric of Asmodeus' Corpse).
-[X] Goals:
--[] Learn true names of
all Outsiders they know - and resolve to summon them all as soon as possible, in order to lessen the risk of their bretheren spreading even more through Garden.
--[] Learn the structure of their operation - both on Planetos, and off it - as well as any other cults they are aware of, or infiltrators serving Devils (while not directly being diabloical themselves).
--[] What was their plan in Gogossos in detail, what sort of effects they wrought upon the Forge and/or the lands nearby - and what have they done in Plane Material before Gogoss in general.
--[] What they know of the lands around Gogossos, and Sothoryos in general.
--[] What they know of the disposition, numbers, and magical/martial presense of Ghiscari that summoned them - learn more of Ghiscari political situation, as well as major figures of the state.
--[] Learn of any important persons they know either on Plane of Balance, or off-plane - includes targets of opportunity, persons of note, and generally beings of high power (personal, political, or else).
--[] Learn
any secret plans/intrigues of Devils they may be privy to.
--[] Learn of any places of power on Garden/off-plane they know, be it magical in nature, mundane treasures, or depositories of lore.
--[] Try to learn what made the spell of the Horned Devil impossible to stop - and what could replicate such.