The pirates are the ones who raided us. Deter them, buy back our citizens, and we can have a decade of peace.
We don't want a decade of peace. They might realize we're an actual threat in that time period and actually work on something to fight us with. We want to hit them so fast they only know we're not a joke after all when we're killing them by job lots.

They're mainlining hubris right now, and that's exactly how we want them to be. If we kill the pirates first they might actually engage their brains.
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[X] Pay Any Cost
We can't possibly be looking for another war right guys? Guys? We've gone from fighting Sombra to fighting the monsters that infest our nation in what, a year? And now we want to pick a fight with an equal sized polity?

The pirates are the ones who raided us. Deter them, buy back our citizens, and we can have a decade of peace.

Very unlikely, and sets a very bad precedent to our allies and pony citizens, whom we have just freed from a evil Shadow monster slaver.


Who ever said we would fight them conventionally?
[X] Pay Any Cost
We can't possibly be looking for another war right guys? Guys? We've gone from fighting Sombra to fighting the monsters that infest our nation in what, a year? And now we want to pick a fight with an equal sized polity?

The pirates are the ones who raided us. Deter them, buy back our citizens, and we can have a decade of peace.
It's really a matter of cost.

Pay 5000, get our people back, still get raided by pirates, defeat pirates, and then were still on rocky grounds with maretonia. And now they are desperate since they dont have a middleman to go through

Dont pay, still get raided, attack pirate den, have a rocky relationship with maretonia. Again, no middle man to go through, so now theyll strike out. Problem with this route is we wont have our people back, but it's also kind of a bonus since we have our people in the empire to help the movement.

Either way, theres going to be conflict. I'd prefer to use the money to fund efforts against them and not give em the satisfaction were playing by their standard. Itll require our people be under them even longer, which is honestly terrible, but I trust our spies.
[X] Bear Any Burden

time to bring forth the flames of war....we need cannons, we need more anti-magic shit, and then we need to burn out the pirates...and finish off the nation. Of course we will allow the queen to be in control...if she is amendable to NOT HAVING SLAVES.

the nobles? they get their day in court, then we see them stripped of their possessions and sent off. A mercy despite the anger I feel right now.

The sentencing is forty years hard labor
The Pirates are the ones who took our people. They ALREADY GOT PAID. They will continue to get paid. That's a completely different issue.
The pirates took them, and they'll pay with their lives for that. It will probably be soon, maybe even next turn.

Maretonians nobles and officers refused to give them back, and their emissary was blatantly disrespectful too. Unless they come back to their senses they'll soon regret it as well.

Our army was scheduled for expansion anyway

We do need to speak with Koryu though, they have his people too after all.
[X] Bear Any Burden

I don't like the idea of another war, but if we pay the slaveowners they'll just string this out as long as possible. And given what we've seen, maybe 'acquire' some more of our people as slaves to sell back to us. We should take it slow, help the abolitionists and build up before we have Justice.

And for those calling for appeasement? This is not just about the slaves. We took in the diamond dogs when they were seen as nothing but scavengers, we freed the crystal empire from Sombra's yoke. Should we sit back and twiddle our thumbs as the atrocities we've already fought to prevent are carried out upon our own people and countless innocents simply because the problem isn't beating down our door?

This was the path we chose. To do otherwise would be the worst act of hypocrisy we could possibly commit. It is not our role to let the rot fester and grow because it is easy, it is our purpose to carve it out with fire and steel so that those who come after us might inheirit a brighter tomorrow. For the sake of everyone who has placed their trust in us, who have placed their lives in our hands, there is no other option.
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The pirates took them, and they'll pay with their lives for that. It will probably be soon, maybe even next turn.

Maretonians nobles and officers refused to give them back, and their emissary was blatantly disrespectful too. Unless they come back to their senses they'll soon regret it as well.

Our army was scheduled for expansion anyway

We do need to speak with Koryu though, they have his people too after all.
Right, but the Queen was willing to. And their slaves are clearly not our enemies. Going to war against Maretonia will hurt the slaves and the queen way more. Right up until we actually win, and at that point chances are the slaves will have been killed.
The sentencing is forty years hard labor

Your thinking too small, the punishment must be more brutal and humiliating. These nobles are thieves and corrupt, who have robbed entire generation of ponies of their natural rights. Two punishments come to mind: Cut the tail off of every other slaver noble, and have it hung around their necks with a sign saying I Am A Slaver, or.... Give them to the slaves.

Edit: Also, for people worried about fighting a conventional war:

Who ever said we would be fighting them in a conventional war?
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Right, but the Queen was willing to. And their slaves are clearly not our enemies. Going to war against Maretonia will hurt the slaves and the queen way more. Right up until we actually win, and at that point chances are the slaves will have been killed.
Alas, that willingness counts for very little. Not that we know whether she actually cares or just has enough brains not to want war, but either way she clearly can't handle this, and we don't have the decades she needs to build her cred among the nobles the slow way.

About the slaves, it's rather sad but conquering and freeing them as fast as possible will help all slaves in Maretonia sooner rather than later.
Your thinking too small, the punishment must be more brutal and humiliating. These nobles are thieves and corrupt, who have robbed entire generation of ponies of their natural rights. Two punishments come to mind: Cut the tail off of every other slaver noble, and have it hung around their necks with a sign saying I Am A Slaver, or.... Give them to the slaves.
If only we could do the classic MLP solution and hit them with the magic friendship beam...

Alas, that's off the table.... unless the crystal heart can do that.
[X] Bear Any Burden

While the method in which we get our people back and attack their country is up to debate, we really can't afford to pay them the money. Especially seeing as we have AN ENTIRE NATION full of ponies that went through fates worse than death in THEIR slavery as our protectorate. If we were to BUY them back...
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If only we could do the classic MLP solution and hit them with the magic friendship beam...

Alas, that's off the table.... unless the crystal heart can do that.
The crystal heart probably could do it, but we don't know how to fire it. Ask the crystal ponies?
While the method in which we get our people back and attack their country is up to debate, we really can't afford to pay them the money. Especially seeing as we have AN ENTIRE NATION full of ponies that went through fates worth than death in THEIR slavery as our protectorate. If we were to pay them...
Well that was Sombra, who's way worse than this guys... But let's be real, there's a serious chance they sold or gifted him slaves when he needed more. If only because that's the only reason I can think of for him not attacking them.
Our people are not property, they will not be bought and sold as chattel and we will not be the ones to partake in their slavery. If Maretonia will not return us our people we shall simply need take pur people back. As Maretonia partook of this nonsense we shall take the debts of their crime in the blood of their slavers and those who support them and for the pirates who initiated we shall salt their earth to the last.

Never will we condone our people being anything but free, never will we suffer a slaver to live. Only when the last griff is liberated, when the last seller of person is slain, and when the last head of the last slaver is felled unto the last slave estate or plantation. Only then will the fury most righteous of our people abate. Only then will the swords of our people be made to plowshares. Until then not one of our people will dare rest as their brethren suffer thusly. Until then no farmer may be content with their harvest for there is left blood to reap of slaver body. Until then no merchant may rest for there is death left to deal to slaving scum. Until then no noble may be pleased of their fortune as in absence of freedom gold is but ash in the wind. No soldier nor knight may permit a free moment of rest for every such moment is a moment they are not removing slavers of their heads.

Not one griff may content themselves until all griffs are free, until none of their brethren lies in chains unwillingly.

As it is sworn, freedom or death. May these abominations die.

[X] Bear Any Burden

Oh what fresh hell is this, Maretonia.

So yeah burn the pirate hold to the ground and use is as an FoB and then found a Knight Order or two to watch out for the Maretonian raiding parties.
Your ambassador listened patiently, then nonchalantly unrolled a very long scroll containing the names, titles, places of residence, and daily schedules of every Maretonian Noble and Official that was currently in possession of a Griffonian or Neighponese slave.
Ah, good. This also means we have a list of people to pass judgement on in the future, and/or a hit-list.
But there may be other options available to you. In the course of their intelligence gathering, Ravenburg's agents made contact with a mare by the name of Ambrosia, a leader in a network of abolitionists within Maretonia. From escaped slaves to the exceedingly rare noble worthy of the title, these equines aspire to see a world where no living being can be considered property of another. They are overjoyed to meet a people that despise the institution of slavery as much as they do, and hope to cooperate on freeing their enslaved brethren.
I would just like to point out that we are now Canada, and there is an Underground Railroad just itching to send some escaped slaves somewhere.

[X] Bear Any Burden
You know? you have a very good point. Most likely, these bastards want to start a war, probably they only see Griffonia as an Empire to be enslaved and lands to be claimed

They want to start the war. The real question is, we want to follow their game and submit (temporarily) or show them since the beginning the strenght of The Empire?

the problem is if this is there goal then choosing to pay literally doesn't matter because they will just keep rinsing and repeating till we refuse to pay up. there is very little point in paying if thats the case. conversely if they are trying to discredit us then us not paying plays into their hand. they win either way. so whats best for us? in my opinion not paying, it puts a firm stance on slavery, and makes it clear that our people are not free money. further more it gives us basically carte blance to deal with the pirates/slavers as we see fit outside of mareatonia.

all this being said we need railroads and more antimagic metal asap, the only way we are going to beat a true magic kingdom is with superior logistics and attrition, also real guns for our infantry. having a magic focused army makes them very strong, but it also makes them extremely brittle with limited ways of replacing said battle mages. a defense in depth would be ideal as we bleed them dry, but we might be able to pull of defeating them in detail if we are willing to take the loses needed.
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Demons run, when a good man goes to war
"Good men don't need rules, now is not the time to find out why I have to many"
If we can take down sombra we can take down these slavers and free our people
However we need our people back because if we leave them our people are going to be pretty mad at us and I don't blame them
[X] Pay Any Cost