I mean yeah, but I don't think @Azel likes to get it thrown into his face. Like, imagine you had really bad acne, as an adult and it would not go away. Would you like people to keep pointing it out?

@tarrangar I gotta say, up untill your last post about making the multiverse better, I was growing activity concerned.

Anyway, with regard to Bahamut, I'm not in any hurry due to, so, so much tread salt, but I will request justifications as to why we would like to talk to Big Red before chatting to him if anyone ever makes the Big Red chat proposal in a serious manner rather than just as floating an idea.

Also, I'm pretty sure there's magic to keep one on the cusp of life while they don't have a heart available and then implant a replacement from like a cow or grown from a fungus or something. Still a stupid way to get in touch with someone, cutting out a heart to make as phone call.
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I'm feeling sad because of this

Everyone, watch this video. It will make you sadder!

(Actually no, it is educational, but reading the last chapter made me remember of this video)
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As far as looting heaven goes...

Currently the thing we are least strapped for is cash.

Which simply means offering bounties on magic items, lore, and captured daemons, demons, or other spawn would be most efficient.

If that's even legal. Or there is still stuff left to find.

To say nothing of the fact most people in heaven probably don't have much use for coin.
I feel like it would be better to establish contact, with the Fortress cities of the other Upper Planes, Heaven's Shore is allied with devils, which mean that Illithids Daemon's and evil artifacts is valuable for them, as they can use it for any tax payment to Baator, the Fortress cities while weaker sound more independent, so they probably have less use for such things, which should mean we can get a more lucrative trade going.

With the constant siege those cities are under, we can also trade them Fungus Forge creatures for corpses, they must constantly be killing Illithids and Daemons, and they probably don't have any use for the corpses, that has as good a payoff per HD as making Fungus creatures.

So all in all, I'm more excited, about making contact with the remnants of Nirvana and Elysium.

Especially Nirvana, just look at this description, of the eternal battlefields around the Fortress cities.
"Nirvana is no more. Those few cities who are left standing turned to fortresses and the fields and hills around them to battlefields locked in eternal struggle.
Every moment of every day, Fiends, Celestials and Farspawns, are clashing and dying there, if we can make a fast moving corpse stealer template in the Fungus Forge, we could get hundreds of HD from those battlefields each day, and if we pair it, with using a percentage of that HD, to make more defenders for the city it's happening around, then we can get the Celestials to treat said corpse stealers as allies.

So I really want to make contact with one of the last cities of Nirvana, for now to just help hold the line and reap the spoils from that, and then once we have gathered sufficient resources, we can use that city to begin reclaiming a sliver of Nirvana.
@tarrangar I gotta say, up untill your last post about making the multiverse better, I was growing activity concerned.
I guess yet again, I prove I'm bad at communicating what I want to say.
Unless we figure out positive energy undead, undead celestials is another desecration and so I wont vote for it, better to put the corpses in the Fungus Forge, and make new defenders out of them.
Mind, with but few successful Research Actions we can get access to sentient Undead that don't constantly take in NE (which is, as established, "distilled horrible") to keep existing.
Nor would they keep polluting the world with said NE.

And to boot, we can clad them in full lead armor and get them effectively Mindblanked.

Worst fear of Illithid, don't you think?
Undead, Mindblanked Celestials, with most abilities of theirs kept?

No need to discount that out of hand.
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@Azel would commune with nature work here? As far as convincing the Old God's shits fucked.

Also damn. I can now see how Bloodraven has had luck convincing the Old God's to make peace with the seven.

Because fuck me if that feud is not borderline suicidal stupidity with this getting ready to happen again.
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Mind, with but few successful Research Actions we can get access to sentient Undead that don't constantly take in NE (which is, as established, "distilled horrible") to keep existing.
Nor would they keep polluting the world with said NE.

And to boot, we can clad them in full lead armor and get them effectively Mindblanked.

Worst fear of Illithid, don't you think?
Undead, Mindblanked Celestials, with most abilities of theirs kept?

No need to discount that out of hand.
I believe holy undead should be a possibility somewhere. For one thing there's a CR 21 or something Dark Angel.
@Duesal is there any way I could convince you to try and buy a globe of sunlight from the POE or POA?

As far as I am concerned we need to start working on planar shepherds yesterday.
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I too would prefer contacting the cities of Nirvana over Old Celestia, assuming that we can get there safely ofc.
To this day I regret we didn't get her skull. :(

To this day I regret we didn't respond with

"You have threatned to use my friends appearance to cause panic. That would hurt his feelings. We are going to talk in that common inn or not at-fucking-all. So, do you want to get over your culturally enforced superiorty complex so we can talk, or leave, or die* (or worse)?"

*Now we know the answer was "die, and take everyone else with me" but at that point we didn't.
@Duesal is there any way I could convince you to try and buy a globe of sunlight from the POE or POA?

As far as I am concerned we need planar shepherds yesterday.
I've been wanting to buy one for a while now, I've just kept forgetting to bring it up when we had the chance or the budget ended up not allowing for it.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) growing a tree in the Xorn cavern just shot up in priority.
This twist was so worth it :V

@DragonParadox I think the votes as ready as it's going to be if you want to call it.

[X] Duesal

Sorry about freaking out on you guy. This chapter hit me really hard for some reason.

Azel wants to do the introduction of Heaven's Shore so I was thinking of doing a Maergery interlude, though I guess I could also close the vote and do a voting interlude if you guys prefer.Maybe the City of Brass. What do you guys think?
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I just had a new idea, Dany has a dragon-dagger, a living being that count as a weapon, could we study that, and learn how to grow living equipment, we can already up the CR of our forces though equipment, but that's expensive and time consuming, but if we could grow the equipment in the Fungus Forge, then that would by-step both crafting time and material cost.

Of course it shouldn't be unreasonable in how it work, but living armor and weapons would be useful, and it would allow us to push the max CR troops the Fungus Forge can turn out, in the fact that the CR of the equipment and the troop would be separate, which would make what we can offer our allies for corpses more tempting.

I'm not expecting growing equipment to be much cheaper than crafting, but it would allow us to pay in corpses, and be a mean of bypassing crafter scarcity.

We can expect most of our future batches to have a CR18 corpse in them, which allow us to make CR6 creatures, CR6 is a little on the weak side for what the battlefield in Nirvana sound like, but if we make a CR6 troop, with a CR6 living weapon, and a CR6 living armor, then we should be able, to push the CR of the combined being to 8 or 9, and a CR9 being has a much better chance at surviving than a CR6.

I know groups already have a combined CR, but groups of lower CR beings, are more vulnerable to attrition, than smaller groups of higher CR beings, so making living equipment, so 3 Fungus creatures count as 1 stronger Fungus creature, mean attrition is likely to be less.
I've been wanting to buy one for a while now, I've just kept forgetting to bring it up when we had the chance or the budget ended up not allowing for it.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) growing a tree in the Xorn cavern just shot up in priority.
I think Egoo blocked me, can you get him to put it on the minor action list? Or send a lotus leshy I guess.

If we can put one in Celestia too that would be excellent.

Really rub how fucked stuff is in the old gods face.

And start actually rebuilding the land.
I too would prefer contacting the cities of Nirvana over Old Celestia, assuming that we can get there safely ofc.
The Deva has been there, that's why he can tell us about it, he has seen what has become of it, so he should be able to at least direct us to a city, even if we might have to fight some Fiends and Farspawn, before negotiating with the city.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) growing a tree in the Xorn cavern just shot up in priority.
[] Grow some Heart Trees:
-[] Have a Heart Tree grown under your Xorn allies' care on Plane of Earth
-[] A tree for Rizz'neth (location and effects decided at his convinience)

Anything else?
Azel wants to do the introduction of Heaven's Shore so I was thinking of doing a Maergery interlude, though I guess I could also close the vote and do a voting interlude if you guys prefer.Maybe the City of Brass. What do you guys think?

I honestly would prefer a Margery interlude. Especially if it features Brandon and Danelle telling her about Daddy Dearest's plans